Saturday, July 27, 2024

Emery insists Arsenal had a good season last year, says he feels no pressure

Unai Emery says he does not feel pressure, having received assurances from the Arsenal board, and that based on that he tries to transmit an air of calm to his players.

The Spaniard is under serious scrutiny at Arsenal, having won just two of the last nine Premier League games, and the Gunners are in danger of falling nine points behind Leicester when the two sides meet at the King Power later this afternoon.

In a lengthy interview with Sky Sports ahead of the game, Emery insisted that fans reacting to poor results is something that has happened at every club he’s managed, and that it’s part and parcel of the job of head coach.

He also suggested that his first season in charge was reason for optimism as he continues to try and build a team in his image.

“When I speak to the club, they always transmit calm to me, which I try to transmit to the players and to the fans, knowing that we have an important objective this season,” he said.

“I have explained many times that I don’t feel pressure. Pressure is just what people talk about.

“Last year we had a good season, reaching the final of the Europa League and getting to the final weeks of the season with a chance of finishing in the top four, which is the objective, to get into the Champions League.

“This year is another step. We are there in the Europa League, but in the Premier League we are a few points behind where we want to be.

“Of course, we have to make progress. It’s our job to rebuild our confidence, to get the wins we need to make the fans happy and to see the Arsenal that we all want.

“I am confident that we will do that.”

As a reminder, not that anybody needs it, last season ended with Emery’s Arsenal taking just 7 points from our last 7 games and blowing a glorious chance to finish in the four, before getting battered 4-1 by Chelsea in the Europa League final.

The Spaniard appears also to contradict himself when talking about the recent performance against Wolves. In the immediate aftermath of the game, he said, “The result is a bad result, but tactically I think we worked how we wanted.”

However, in this interview his position changes, saying, “Against Wolves, the team did not play to the idea I had in my head … the team did not give the answer that I wanted in that game.”

At the same time, he suggests it was a success because we stopped them counter-attacking, but the visitors last week had 25 shots to Arsenal’s 10 … at the Emirates.

Which is it? If he’s confused, no wonder the players look that way too. The entire interview is well worth a read, his view of Lucas Torreira as an attacking midfielder remains baffling, and he sounds more and more desperate as the pressure grows.

He needs nothing less than a win today at Leicester.

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SB Still

Maybe Emery is the kind that in a plan that’s crashing says, “we are still alive, we’ll for the best” – no panic.

Bob's Mexican Cousin

How can such a stupid person make his way here? Curious about the interview, it was probably in German…


If Arsenal are not going to replace him with a more competent manager, can they at least prevent him from giving any more interviews? These are unbearable and embarrassing to read (especially the parts in the other post about Pepe not adapting). I really want Emery to be successful at Arsenal (for the reasons Blogs mentions this morning), but this all feels to be me now like the hiring committee failed to take into account the crucial factor of fit: yes, good resume and great cover letter, super job interview hitting all the right notes, sounds like the hard-working guy… Read more »


Maybe he comes with a money back guarantee.

Reality check

Emery is just not helping himself at all. He cites the first half of the Watford game as our best performance in the league. But then he completely sidelines one of the main architects of the said performance – Ozil. His quality on the ball provides control, if not a goal or assist every game. Singling him out or any other player for our defensive frailties is unfair. The absence of Mustafi and even Xhaka recently hasn’t changed the situation, proving it’s Emery who needs to look at himself.


He’s just taking a piss now. Can’t imagine he’ll win over any fans by saying such dribble.

Bob's Mexican Cousin

Have you seen his Twitter account? He has calculus formulas in the backdrop of his profile.


Ironic given the fixture but thats a little David Brent


The way the team plays is as confused as his interviews

Eric Blair

Sounds as if he’s trying to convince himself, or the board.

If those at the top think last season is acceptable then we are in trouble, and there will be no manager change until we have definitively failed in achieving CL qualification. By then it will be too late of course.


As he just said, it’s no problem if we don’t quaify for the CL again. We can still have a good season nevertheless. CL is just the objective but if we fail to achieve the objective it’s still good.
Oh lord, please let us get rid of this clown as soon as possible!

Gutbukkit Deffrolla

I suspect his idea of a successful season begins and ends with him getting to keep the job. If he has to sacrifice a few players reputations to avoid being let go then he may well be OK with that.

Bodie CI5

Also if the board can’t see and feel what us fans are seeing then they need to sack them selves

Ya gooner

The board said champo leaguo qualification is the objective. So if he fails he’s out. I don’t see raul as someone who tolerates failure, especially since he’s a barcelona man


Dear Lord…


I too find myself wondering more often; “What would Lord Bentner do?”


I don’t know what is more worrying, that he feels this way, or that even if (optimistic I know ) we get beaten heavily today, I have no faith or realistic hope that he will be sacked. Actually, I’m much more worried about the latter.

Man Manny

I am afraid the board is not keen to part with Emery at the moment.
His soundbites are those of a man whose job seems secure.
“A toad does not run in the daytime for nothing.”


This has to end… Like, now…


The “boss” now throwing players under the bus. Interesting times ahead.


His definition of a good season is really Scary. What is a Bad season in his mind. Relegation!!?

Gutbukkit Deffrolla

Of course not. Relegation is simply a great opportunity to play some less dangerous teams and get his win ration up.


Maybe his meaning has been lost in translation.


Sounds like a true midtable manager….pathetic….Emery out


And isn’t it frightening to see what Lampard is producing with an absurdly young and unproven Chelsea right now? Flashy, effective, incisive football, developing young talent into an exciting Premier League side — they’ll struggle at time this year, but they’re stylish handling of Palace is something we’ll never see under Emery. A shame.


If we lose today as is expected and he is not sacked then there needs to be protests until he is gone. Why blow the rest of this season and next waiting for this halfwit to sort it out.?!

Iron Ljung

This is so disheartening in so many ways

Joel Sanchz

Leave our team Emery


Seriously doesn’t this guy have a PR team or advisors? Someone really needs to tell him to shut up already he is just stirring up the pot and it could explode on his face


I wish he would stop talking. In fact I wish the board would just send him on his way. Freddie in. Take Bergkamp up on his very public declaration (Ian Wright meet up) that he wants to coach at Arsenal. Bring someone in to balance the creative thinking behind Freddie and Bergkamp and look at our defence. I’d love it to be a former player, but I cant imagine Adams would only want to come in as a coach? Get the team playing the Arsenal way, creative flyid football with a backbone. Take that fear of playing away from them… Read more »

Kentish Gooner

If we get battered today and he doesn’t get sacked, I’m done with Arsenal until he’s got nothing to do with it. We’re the running joke of football at the moment and he’s the one man punchline.

Des Lynam

He doesn’t even talk a good game. The confused ramblings of a madman, and he’s OUR manager. Fucking scary.


I am genuinely concerned for Emery.

The club needs to call a psychiatrist to check Emery for schizophrenia quickly!


This is pure torture and hart aching to read. Can the board please boot this man out for the club’s sake, before the fans on the ground looses it and anarchy begins to prevail. What an embarrassing statements from him. He should move back to mid table teams where he actually belongs and spare us this kind of hogwash. Damn! We are seriously being left behind by most top six premiership clubs, and by the time man shit and the touts fully recovers, we will be looking disastrously ludicrous.. to say the least.


That’s if he continue to be in charge of the team.


I am watching the Chelsea vs Palace Game, man it is so refreshing seeing a team that is actually coached Palace didn’t register a single shot on target, to think that we gave up two goals lead against this side couple of weeks ago gets me very angry, at UE.


Was half way watching that game (wile doing other things). I usually turn the TV off when the team i like to drop points takes the lead. This time i kept watching and was struck by the difference. Instead of sitting back, the home team kept on attacking and won the game quite comfortably. We would let the opponent take over and try to absorb the pressure if we should get a goal, and eventually loose the game. Hate Chelsea but they now show great form and has a club legend at the helm. We are stuck with the Basque… Read more »


I know they have a transfer ban, but Lampard has chosen to play youngsters over the likes of Giroud & Pedro etc. At this rate they & Leicester are going to be everyone’s second favourite team.


Last season sitting in third with a few games to go, I agree with Emery that we were punching above our weight.

This season, I don’t think any manager would do better than competing to get into the top4 with our current set of players.

Really hope we win today, otherwise this international break is going to be unbearable, I’d be really surprised if the Kroenke’s made a move, it’s just not the way they function.

Apparently it’s going to cost us as much as £15-£20mill to sack Emery + staff, which suggests to me we’ll definitely stick.


I know it was time for him to go, but I find myself missing Arsene more and more every day.


Last season was acceptable, in terms of a team needing extensive rebuilding. However, this season we needed to improve on the last and show signs of progress. That hasn’t happened and that’s why fans are questioning whether Emery has a future at the club.


“fans reacting to poor results is something that has happened at every club he’s managed”

Man really needs to take the hint.


What is this halfwit hallucinating?

Bodie CI5

What bugs me so much is seeing Brendan Rodgers and Frank lampard come in and improve the team not just a little bit a lot, and yet we still got this twat that still doesn’t no his best team and somehow managed to make our team worse than before,, surely the board must see this aswell, please get rid of him before I have a nervous breakdown


“Emery insisted that fans reacting to poor results is something that has happened at every club he’s managed” Should we go to Defcon1? 🙂


The sooner this guy fucks off the better, absolutely embarrassing man


Christ. What a nightmare overall. But I dont understand our board actions nor the fact that they keep on allowing this to happen. Winning mentality, top4 challenge etc but no one comes out saying:”THIS IS NOT ENOUGH FOR US”. Well fine. Then keep it as it is and in couple of years the team where Kroenke invesred 900M£ has melted to non-existent. Take it that way board. If you let this happen your business is gone in few years. Congrats for that then. All the way for the past decade we’ve seen gutless speach about glory, but no real intention… Read more »


I admire his trolling skills, if nothing else.

Peter Story Teller

The man is deluded… Simples!


Think we need to change the song……
Oh oh
Oh oh
Emery thinks he’s a number 10
I give up!”

Make Arsenal Great Again

This man is the best thing that could have happened to Wenger’s legacy at Arsenal. Can’t even imagine this dribble coming out of Wenger’s mouth

Trash Blaster

Delusional at best.


That’s right Dick, and for Christmas I’ll get you a hover board, you loon.


Just gone behind 1-0
Bye Bye Emery.
You will go down as the worst manager for decades.
But to the Arsenal fans you are and will always be a joke…


Taxi for Emery !
And most of all useless.
The only question that remains is just how long does Kroenke wait to get off his lazy ass and get shot of this bumbling idiot.
2-0 outfought, outclassed and outfired…


No wenger, still problems. No Mustafi still leaky defense. no Granit still no control in midfield. we got Ozil and they still walk pass him as if he weren’t there. We got Pepe for 72m and he still hasn’t fired. No urgency for 10 minutes he was on. We got Auba as captain and still zero leadership. Can’t retain the ball to save his life. Change the gaffer is the call (never mind he leaves in the summer anyway) We will probably still be where we are bc fans prefer to ignore the problems we really have. They prefer to… Read more »


That he said last season was a good season shows he is not the right man for Arsenal. He doesn’t understand what we ate and what we expect.

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