Saturday, July 27, 2024

Report: Arsenal 1 – 1 Wolves (inc. goals)

Result: Arsenal 1 – 1 Wolves
Competition: Premier League
Date: 2 Nov 2019
Venue: Emirates Stadium

Arsenal: Leno, Chambers, Sokratis, Luiz, Tierney, Guendouzi, Torreira, Ozil, Ceballos, Aubameyang, Lacazette

Subs: Martinez, Bellerin, Kolasinac, Willock, Martinelli, Saka, Pepe

Arsenal dropped 2 points at home against Wolves as they lacked the quality to finish off their opponents while dominating possession for large parts of the game.

Aubameyang scored the first goal in the second half but it was Ceballos who was culpable for the equalizer, allowing Moutinho to run past him and cross for Jiminez to head home for Wolves.

First Half

Mesut Ozil makes his return to the team for a Premier League game following his stellar display in the Carabao Cup. Without Pepe in the team, Arsenal seem to line up in a 4-4-2 formation with a diamond shape in the midfield an Ozil in a free role.

The narrow formation meant that Wolves dominated the opening minutes, taking advantage of the space vacated down the flanks to build up play while Arsenal struggled to make the simplest of passes stick – Guendouzi being the biggest culprit in giving the ball away cheaply.

The Gunners eventually got to settle into a rhythm by the 10th minute with Ozil and Lacazette dropping back to help build up play and Luiz exploiting any space in the Wolves defence by pinging his signature long raking passes. It was all Arsenal now as Wolves retreated to their shell once the men in red got going.

It wasn’t long until Arsenal got their first shot on target with Aubameyang shooting tamely at the keeper. Moments later, Torreira found space in the box to shoot just wide. The signs were there and it was Aubemeyang who made the dominance count on the 20th minute.

Luiz received the ball high up the right flank as he made an enterprising foray forward and fizzed it low into the feet of Lacazette. The Frenchman calmly controlled the ball and squared it to Aubameyang who couldn’t miss with the entire goal in front of him. 1-0

Arsenal continued by moving the ball confidently and probing against the deep Wolves line. At the heart of it all was Ozil who, though not spectacular, has been lively and dependable in the first half by being involved in most of the build up play and showed a great range of mobility to be a passing option for the team.

Ozil’s performance was representative of Arsenal’s comfortable first half – solid and a cruise in third gear. However, there were warning signs as Wolves came close to an equalizer twice in the final few minutes if not for a save by Leno and a block by Sokratis.

Emery’s team surely had to prepare his team for pressure by Wolves while looking to kill off the game with a second goal.

Second Half

Wolves attempted to press higher up the field at the start of the half in search for their goal. That push almost resulted in a goal 3 minutes in as Ruben Neves whipped in a curling strike from outside the box which Leno had to palm away to safety.

While there were not many more chances created by both sides after 15 minutes, the pace of the game continued to increase as Wolves chased a goal and Arsenal striking back with rapid counters. It was at that point when Emery leaned into the notion of pace by taking off Lacazette, who had an indifferent game, for the high intensity play of Martinelli.

And it was Martinelli’s quick counter that brought the game’s first yellow card for Wolves’ Saiss as he hacked down the Brazilian down the right wing – the only way to stop the dangerous break.

Emery was clearly keen to win all three points as he rolled the dice on bringing on Saka for a midfield body in Torreira just after the 70th minute, and put his faith in pace and youth.

The move backfired as Wolves equalized almost immediately. Ceballos did not track Moutinho’s run from midfield and allowed the midfielder to cross. Jiminez rose high above Chambers to head the ball down and leave the game wide open. 1-1

Chances for an Arsenal winner were scarce with the best one being a well-threaded cut back from Ozil for Martinelli that was blocked by a packed Wolves defence. The game ended with a draw in a performance that wasn’t awful but was lacked a killer instinct to put the game to bed when the team was dominant.

A missed opportunity to stake a claim for top 4 as Manchester United dropped points while rivals were playing much later.

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Too Drunk To Be Offside

I know you guys keep hating it, but Mourinho is still avaible. I would take Mourinho over this clusterfuck of a clown any day. 2 UCLs and League wins all around Europe is nothing to laugh at.


Mourinho would be expensive and represents anti-football. No thanks.

Too Drunk To Be Offside

I have no great love for Mourinho and would happily prefer any good manager over him.

But how many available managers have his record? Who measures up and who would realistically be a target RIGHT NOW.

I say go for it. He would be an improvement on Emery for sure.


Mourinho would break the bank and leave us a mess, ruin our youth, alienate the fanbase, and make this all about him, which is not what the club need at the moment. We’re lacking cohesion and consistency, two things which an attention craving lunatic like Mourinho cannot possibly bring.


Mmmmm…the fan base is alienated , bank already broken and the rest is history


and hes just a total arsehole

Rectum Spectrum

just stop.

Guns Up

What record? His last two clubs were near the relegation zone when got sacked, and in complete disarray. Anything he achieved before that is irrelevant today – if you’re gonna go by historical results, might as well have just left Wenger in place.


He would be an improvement on Emery. But within 18 months there would be a spectacular fall out and we would be back to square one, having paid Mourinho – and Emery – off with a combined fortune. It is not going to happen. The – short term – problem is that we limp on to the end of this season before activating the break clause in Emery’s contract and he leaves accordingly, with no pay off. The downside, is that this writes the season off and we are starting next season in the same position as this one. At… Read more »

Bob's Mexican Cousin

What has nationality got to do with anything? When was the last time a British manager won the league (other than Ferguson)?


If the Manager is British based with Prem’ experience he needs no introduction to the League and is well versed in its particular difficulties.

You site Ferguson but I was thinking of another Scot – GG. Because our main problems are lack of defensive nous and absence of character. Both were issues Graham dealt with when he came to us.

It may be a little naive to hope for history to repeat itself. But a clear part of Emery’s problem was and is, that this League is tougher than he thought and his failure to master the language doesn’t help.


Fat Frank is doing ok right now last time I looked. A fuck sight better than Emery.

Kanu Believe It

Howard Wilkinson with Leeds. I think.


Other than the nationality comment, you words are well said. Unless we start flirting with the relegation zone, I think the Arsenal values intrinsic in owner leadership structure will leave Emery in place until the end of the season. I don’t necessarily agree with that approach but I thinks it’s what will happen. I was supportive of his appointment in the beginning and felt he should be given a season+ to transition from Wenger. In some ways he’s actually been successful in transitioning but he is clearly not the coach we need right now and is taking us backwards. We… Read more »


I would take Mourinho over Emery. Getting fed up with this dross now …

We have some serious talent in the team. I’d wager he could make better use of it.

Bob's Mexican Cousin

It’s like choosing between pneumonia and ghonorrea. No thanks, Mourinho would be the death of us.


Better than having both i suppose


Seems pretty clear from the fan base on here that a large majority wants nothing to do with that fucker. Quite right.


I’d rather give Freddie the keys for the rest of the season. And there is available candidates around, Allegri for a starter.


I watched the Bournemouth / United game earlier. Eddie Howe for season after season has pioneered a team with good to average players who attack dynamically, defend as a unit and generally over perform given their budget and quality.

Now I’m not saying he’s our man – although I would swap him tomorrow with Unai – but it really baffles me that there are teams in this division with way worse teams that play far better football than we do.


Good Post. We are much less than the sum of our component parts. All good or great teams are much more. Howe would indeed be one option and Dyche at Burnley another. The obvious outside appointment would be Allegri. And he might be excellent. Equally he might want something more than Arsenal. And that is the danger, as we stagnate and go no where. Like it or not Utd are a bigger pull than us. But since Ferguson left they have tried all manner of options that aren’t working. That’s one more reason to take a chance on an upcoming… Read more »


97 upvotes to zero downvotes right now. There’s an endorsement for you!!


Just go away with your obsession with Mourinho. He’s toxic, nobody wants him, he spent years belittling and insulting our club and our manager. Have you no prde at all?


Mourinho is not the solution. We need someone who the fans can get behind and can repair a fractious fan base. Mourinho would do the opposite and give us dire football to watch in the meantime. No no no no no and no!


There are at least 3-5 better options, too drunk. Track record means nothing if it was in a different time and you recent 5 years or so show some serious problems. Mourinho is the opposite of everything we stand for and saying he would be better than Emery – he might be – is saying like he is the only one that exists. There is Arteta, Ten Haag, Jardim, even Allegri although for me he would be 4th or 5th option. Ralf Rangnick also, Tuchel maybe, if he is done with PSG and Neymar galactico wannabe club paid by petrodollars.… Read more »

Thierry Bergkamp

Even Neil Warnock would be an improvement but still, Fuck Mourinho

Obama Young

LOL, the guy who ran off Salah and Debruyne and buried ManU to the point where they are still trying to recover? Why would anyone want that guy anywhere near Arsenal?
Mourinho and Emery are not the only 2 managers on earth. We don’t need either.


Devils advocate but at least he wins things and gets results


Last thing he won was EFL, Community Shield and the Europa League in 16/17. One nothing cup, one for turning up and the European cup for mediocre teams with a chance at qualifying for the CL. That was his last gasp before Man U having had enough of his bullshit kicked him out.

Everyone knows he produces boring football and leaves a trail of destruction and ruined players in his wake. Why do you want this at Arsenal?


And yet Emery did fuck all of that

jatinder kumar

And this isn’t anti football


Actually not, we have no defensive plan or cohesion which I think is essential for anti football and we don’t purposely try to sabotage the play, we just don’t seem to figure out how to play well and make improvement.


Like Emery is the personification of quality football


Mourinho is toxic, Emery is only inadequate for this job.


The Emery project has failed. That doesn’t mean we’re handing the keys to a toxic piece of shit who has disrespected our club for over a decade. One with a record for bullying players and setting fire to everything he comes into contact with before he walks away. Fuck that!

Whoever next will not be fucking Mourinho!


Just because you’re in hell, you don’t give the devil a handjob.

Not John

HelderHughes wins. That was outstanding.

Ordnance Dave

I have to much love for Wenger for that thunderc**t to be Arsenal coach. And John Terry’s still a c**t as well.


You’ve cracked it. Let’s get Jose in, JT in as assistant, and play in blue


Emery is damaging the club, Mourinho would destroy it. Just stick to drinking, please.

Too Drunk To Be Offside

How? He would improve the team defensively, make the XI tought to break down. Okay the side would play less attractive football, but he would get the team results. Isn’t that what matters above all.

How is that destroying the club exactly?


Just STFU, please. Thanks!

Paul Roberts

Our defence wasn’t bad today.


Difficult to see how he could make the football less attractive.

Right now we are playing shit football and not winning.


If someone regularly came into your house and insulted your family and went around town being rude to other people….but was good at accountancy….would you ask him to look after your finances

Have some self-pride

Ray Staunton

Because he’s despicable


If you need it explained to you, you’re incapable of understanding the answer.

SB Still

Emery out.

I don’t understand anyone ask for Mourinho to replace him!


Man U aside he has put together some really good teams. And everybody else has failed at man u.

He usually falls out with his players after three years and gets sacked but you cant really argue with his record.

He isn’t somebody I want but we badly need somebody better at this point

Too Drunk To Be Offside

Mourinho would improve the squad defensively, and able to hold on to leads for once.

Today I thought the lads were being smart not scoring the 2nd, but clearly, it is not only 2 goal leads that the team throws away.


Hard pass. Don’t welcome satan just because the chips are down.


Maybe you forgot the name of the team you support.


Yeah, let’s make things even worse by employing the most classless motormouth in football. Let’s pay him millions for parking the bus and bullying players who already struggle for direction and confidence. Let’s just set fire to the whole thing whole we’re at it.


Geez, to even be contemplating it just shows how dreadful we are. An unbearable thought having Moroniho in charge.


Dude just… shut the fuck up. I would rather never win another competition ever than have that absolute human shit stain in charge of Arsenal.


I honestly agree. Mourinho would bring stability. Or go for Rodgers.


Let me guess, you wouldn’t mind Allardyce and Pulis either?.


He is cynical, dishonest, immoral and narcissistic. Not the values of The Arsenal. The world has enough leaders like that. Let’s not speak of this again.

Crash Fistfight

Disagree on Mourinho, and it’s not because he’s an almighty cunt. I think he’s done in modern football. His football just doesn’t work any more, because everyone else is high-pressing the fuck out of the low block.

For those saying he’d improve our defence, did you see Man U’s defence under his management? He relies on his teams sitting back to defend, so without defenders who are good at that kind of game he has no joy.


Without Drogba carrying his teams he struggled mightily.


too drunk – what you said would hold value some 10 years ago. Yes he has results but that was an ugly time for football as his antifootball was getting some serious results and it changed many other managers’ perception on how to play football. Today, he is poisonous and a has-been, even when he went to Manure he was done and his appointment showed that they have at least the same level of incompetence on a board level. He made a shitshow at Chelski and Manure and even with Real he started to lose it. We need someone on… Read more »


“but Mourinho is still avaible”

Hey guys. Now when this democracy stuff is proving a bit wobbly under Boris Johnson, let’s give it to Hitler. I know his track record is a bit iffy but he really got Germany back on track for a while.




It will take us 2 years to adjust with the idea of Mourinho being our coach and in his third year he will then remind you why we should have never chosen him as our coach. So no Mourinho.


Too Drunk To Be Offside.

Now you’re drunk, and well offside.


you should be called Too Drunk To Be An Arsenal supporter after that comment

Ordnance Dave

Let’s draw the next one lads! COYG!

Dave M

So (1) emery plays torreira as a forward player (seems he wants an avenue for xhaka to return rather than actually setting the team up properly. (2) we allow wolves to play the ball out as they like even open outlets up field… We have zero pressing or marking off goal kicks. Illogical. (3) we still have no means of getting the ball out from the back, pressed into mistakes when it comes short, never win long clearances… (4) we’re set up to play Conservatively and yet still concede so many good chances. XG will show this… They dominated good… Read more »

Runcorn Gooner

Stats don’t lie. Leno is the busiest keeper in the EPL. Emery hasn’t got a clue how to change that stat.

Reality check

Yep, the player he should’ve taken off instead of Torriera then switches off for their goal.. Ceballos is a loan player, if he doesn’t offer anything then bench him. Why leave our own on the bench and develop another clubs player. He needs time to settle down, still not PL ready..

Ordnance Dave

The fact is games are so much on a knife edge all the time, if it isn’t one player costing us points, it’s another. Winning games with a better coach would stop this. I think these players are capable of much better, just not coached well enough.

Cultured Determination

yup. how the hell did pepe stay on the bench and saka came on is beyond me

Damo Dinkum

More than that… we’re chasing a winner in the 87th minute and he uses his last sub to SWITCH THE LEFT BACKS? I don’t care how tired Tierney is, bring on your 72m pound winger who’s in good form, and chase the bloody winner!

Eternal Titi Berg Pat Nostalgia

(5) Come on, how many goals has Pepe scored in the PL so far?

Dave M

I guess he’s already lost his swag too eh!? £72M Europa and domestic cup player then… right!


Yay !!!


I’d snap your arm off for a draw in our next league game, Leicester away…..


#EmeryIn. There’s a lot of artistry in drawing.

Bob's Mexican Cousin

Where is our record signing? This guy clearly has no idea what he is doing. Curious as to who he is going to blame today. The rain maybe?

Dave M

It’s because he couldn’t play xhaka


Emery can’t even lean on garbage VAR decisions as an excuse today… his team selection, his tactics, his substitutions.


Why are the margins always so fine? Every game we could win, lose or draw and that’s been the case from day one with Unai.

Game management poor as usual. Substitutions brought off experience for youth which isn’t a great idea when you’re hanging on a bit. Having Ozil back in the team is light relief though. At least there’s a link between midfield and attack.

#EmeryOut etc etc etc


“Every game we could win, lose or draw…” seems to me we tend to accomplish the latter two. Sure, we might grab a few wins here and there as we settle comfortably in the middle of the table. As you suggest, only one solution at this point, like it or not…


Emery seems to think we can grab a lead, and then control the game by not defending or playing positions in midfield.


On the BBC text I read at 75 minutes in, someone said that they could see Arsenal giving up their lead and liverpool and man city going on to win. City and liverpool were losing at this point and we were winning and I thought to myself I bet you that happens and it did. We are a complete shambles, we are such a weak and predictable team. Get someone in who knows what they are doing.

Bob's Mexican Cousin

I get the feeling Guendoozy might need a break. Thoughts?


He’s doing fine as he is. What he needs is a manager with a better direction. But that goes for the entire team.


Well, look at our stats during the periods he is/was a starter. Not so good. Not trying to blame him of course but maybe his effort and likability do make us overlook his weakness (which are only natural at his young age).


Dont start finding a scapegoat.


Unless it’s Granit, right? Or Mustaphi.
But just to reassure you, the “Not trying to blame him of course” in my comment was meant precisely to say that no, I don’t and never would put the blame on him or any single player.


That’s why I said don’t start Tim. Clearly Guendouzi was lost in midfield playing in a weird formation. Torreira played as a number 10. Ozil and Ceballos wide. The fuck do you expect Guendouzi to do? Become Zidane and Edgar Davids all at once? He tried hard, was far from his best game. At 20 yrs you want to single out his performance? Fuck off. It’s clearly Emery’s fault.


Another thing I don’t do is telling people I don’t know to fuck off. Also I actually agree with you, it’s Emery’s fault. I was just pointing out that his insistence on starting Guendouzi has not led to good result, and to the fact that a 20 yrs old player cannot be asked to be perfect. How in hell you interpreted that as me singling him is beyond me. Learn to be polite mate; that’s rule number one.


Agree. He looked lost today trying to play DM all by himself (I think our formation was 4-1-1-2-2 today?).

Reality check

Guendouzi plays his own game in his own universe.. definitely not suited to DM, ill disciplined, doesn’t do quick short passes, has to carry it for a few yards or taking a few touches, Torriera moves the ball quickly, but somehow is played upfield.. Xhaka and Guendouzi are both ball hoggers, it’s useless if you can’t do something productive and instead let the opponents reorganise. Both require a DM with them but Emery is doing some personal experimenting..


HH – doesn’t every team, not just the Emery team, have the opportunity to win, lose or draw every game?


Not with 10 mins to go…


Yet again Unai improves the team we’re playing against.


If we don’t move on from emery ASAP it might not really matter as we’re just falling further and further behind

Don Cazorleone

At this point we’re just waiting for the announcement


Come on Raul. Pull the trigger.

Bob's Mexican Cousin

If we were only so lucky. I think they’d rather save the money and see him off in the summer, hopefully carefully picking a top tier successor.

Not John

Was it Gazidis that appointed Emery? Seems like every other decision we’ve made back room has been positive except this one. I like to think it was Gazidis. The bald bollox.


This is exactly how I feel. On a train
home from the game and I’m wondering if the hierarchy are seeing what the rest of us are. This can’t go on.


Does anyone who follows Kroenke teams in the US know if they’ve ever sacked a manager mid-season? I honestly wonder if they just look at the bottom line if a payoff for Emery and say “nah, wait until summer.” The club’s been muddling through for years now, why is that going to change all of the sudden?


Bringing on Saka for Torreira was an awful decision. Then again I didn’t agree with the formation Emery started with in the first place. Terrible terrible decision making

Greg in Seattle

This was baffling in a situation where it was looking like you’d need to buckle down and see the game out. As was having three attackers on the bench in the first place when we are struggling to finish games. You had plenty of firepower on the field. In that situation you consider bringing on Hector at 75 and sliding Chambers into the CDM slot. Close up shop, and maybe you still nick a second with the talent you have when they invariably start throwing numbers forward. This is basic shit. Ozil made us better. We actually looked like Arsenal… Read more »


With us needing a goal and Emery deciding it makes sense to switch a LB with another LB, I wish we could sub him as well with Freddie.

This shit is getting worse. Outplayed by every team in the EPL that we have met this season. Mid table teams are having more shots than us at home. It’s fucking embarrassing.

We play Leceister next. And heaven knows I don’t see us getting anything put of that.

The gap between us and the top 4 is widening. And the one between us and the “rest of the pack” is shrinking


How much more evidence (and lost points) do the board need?
The midfield was transparent again.
Sleeping during their goal.
Points tally between the ending of last season and the beginning of this one is nothing short of embarrassing.
Weak performances, away and at home.
Not to mention all the stuff happening off the pitch.
Is hoping that the other teams mess up worse than us the new Arsenal way? (They are more than likely not going to, by the way)

Obama Young

Since April 21, Arsenal have played 16 league games, winning 5, losing 5 and drawing 6.
21 points from 48.
In that time, we’ve dropped points at home to Crystal Palace, Brighton, Crystal Palace again, and Wolves, among others.
We’ve dropped points away at Wolves, Leicester, Watford, and Sheffield United, among others.


I have no idea what to say today. We are so shit man ?.We dont play through middle at all.Chambers is all i saw today.


Andre Santos' car keys

Chambers is a bit clumsy going forward but a fine player. Pleased with his input since coming back.


Emery is clueless. Time to change.


We should rename ourselves to Da Vinci FC. Because all we know how to do is draw


Hmm, well until you remember that da Vinci was also a painter an architect, inventor, writer, musician, Mathematican, sculptor, engineer, worked for the military, cartographer, biologist, philosopher and a teacher.


but could he hold on to a lead?!


A lead pencil, I’d wager..


also, you must be fun at parties


Worst joke I’ve ever heard, thanks


Unfair comparison, as Leonardo was quite good at other things besides drawing.


I bet he was a shit footballer


Considering he was dead for centuries before its invention… probably.

Bob's Mexican Cousin

? Thanks guys, I needed that laugh.


I’d prefer R Crumb FC. That guy can really draw!


How many more points do we need to drop before Emery is sacked? If it continues down this path another manager might not have the time to get us into top four.


I’m hoping getting battered by Leicester will be enough for the Board to take the necessary action.


If they have any decisiveness, the board will sack him tomorrow, give Freddie the reins for Leicester, because with Emery we are losing that one for sure and he will try to convince us (i.e.) that losing to Leicester 2-0 was good result because they spanked S’hampton 9-0.

Canuck Gunner

I’d like to thumb this up and down. I certainly don’t want to get battered by anyone, but desparately want Emery gone.


Methinks the top 4 are sorted out, even at this stage, unless Leicester implode.


Emery has the tactical prowess of a potato. Liverpool and City both showing today the effect of good coaching. Character and belief win points.


Hard to disagree with view. But I think you’re being a bit harsh on the potato there.


*that view. FFS. Sentences as coherent as Emery’s tactical plans.


I mean, not to state the bloody obvious but the potato would at least have a placebo effect on the players where as Emery is just poison at this point.


Results arent good enough considering the investment of the club (and the fans!)


Can the club please get rid of this hapless and hopeless coach now?

Senor Ding dong

Our goal kicks are terrifying. How have we made it that our own goals kicks make me anxious?


With/without Ozil/Xhaka, nothing will change. Unless we have Mr. Emry in charge, we will see these results every week


leicester game: A farewell for emery!


hopefully they sack him before with Emery we have no chance with their current form. He will see them as mighty Barca and setup the team that way…


This was an instance of emery completely losing his mind in terms of team setup. Why on earth is torreira constantly higher up than ozil and ceballos. And the substitution decisions could become the subject of an entire podcast. Delusional


Raul and co have a big decision to make because this cannot continue.


“I Love to play at home with our supporters helping us”

We can’t even win our home games anymore, we’re a mid table team.

Guns Up

Was hoping to hold onto a point at the end. At home. Against Wolves. Says it all, really. Time to act, Raul.


I was hoping we lost so we can get rid of this clown


Piss poor defending for the equaliser again. 11 games in and already 14 points behind the leaders. How many times are we going to concede a lead, we just dont ever seem to learn.
Ozil was a positive but he will be dropped again soon enough as is the managers way.


Emery out! Not end of the season, not January, not next interlull, not even tomorrow. Get out now !


Saka is gradually fading. Stop throwing this boy to the LIONS. And Kolasinac when you needed a winner????? Geez, coaching is really not a big deal after all. Emery is a MESS

Nicolas Pepe

I know Saka was bad today but I’ve seen much better but putting him on in such a tough game not good. Taking off Laca not good aswell as he can hold the ball up when need to slow tempo down. Emery we need to let go. Why can they not give him his 6Million or would they rather lose 45Million in the summer?

Viva La Prof

Isn’t it, you genuinely feel you’d get better results if you chucked on a tracksuit,’ and said go ahead boys, have at it!. It’s almost like a sabotage with Emery. I mean for real Emery show us on the teddy where Arsenal hurt you. Thanks for nothing hasta la vista or whatever.

Obama Young

Our last 2 subs might have been the most nonsensical I’ve ever seen. Up 1-0 with 20 minutes left, and take off our defensive midfielder for an 18-year-old winger? Then replace our best defender with Kolasinac?

If we had let Wolves choose our subs for us, they probably would have chosen the same exact ones.


Yet another game where the opposition have almost twice as many shots as us. No surprise at all that we have dropped more points.

Defence is as bad as the bleak days under Wenger. Absolutely no improvement under Emery, needs sacking preferably before next week or Leicester will give us a spanking.


I have tried to be patient with uni but it’s just done now. A year and a half and the guy is still clueless. Why on earth is he taking off our only DM with us holding a tight lead with 15minutes to go! Baffling. I trust don Raul to do the right thing at the right time. They must be looking!


Well, I guess from what I saw, Torreira was basically being played as a forward today, which was really weird, and Guendouzi was operating in that DM role, which he seemed to struggled with all game.


How long do we wait before Don Raul realizes this clown can’t take us higher than we are presently?

Our midfield is virtually non existent, our defense is permanently half asleep while our attack is always THAT one pass away from the perfect goal.

I’m tired of these results.

Jeanette KLIGER

I thought Edu and Raul were supposed to be tough guys. What the hell are they playing at? Letting this clown destroy a potentially very good team. PLEASE KICK HIM OUT!




Regardless of the shit result, we actually had some cohesion in midfield today with Ozil and Torreira. Shows what a shit coach Emery is, along with his useless substitutions, Torreira inexplicably playing as a CF and not using Pepe. Josh, sack him now please before we end up 10 points behind top 4. Otherwise this is pure negligence and the board are culpable.


Okay, I thought I was going crazy because I couldn’t figure out why Torreira was so far forward, and that explains it he was basically playing as a forward. Completely nonsensical.


Going forward, maybe (thanks to Mes and to the weird Torreira role). Other than that, get real: that is no midfield. They walked through it whenever they wanted.


Emery leads, makes defensive subs, we sit deep, draw.
Emery leads, makes offensive subs, defence in disarray, draw.

Obama Young

In the last 7 days, we’ve blown 2-goal leads 3 times, and single-goal leads 2 other times. It’s comical at this point.


You know what, if the other teams in the top 4 had managed to drop points today, I probably wouldn’t have even minded this result so much. That’s how much my aspirations for this team have fallen. But no, the fucking Mugsmashers had to go on to win yet another game and we managed to ship a lead, at home, again. Apparently asking that Liverpool lose one game is too much. If they go unbeaten this season, I’m just done with football.


Don’t worry, we will beat them at home as we climb to seventh place thanks to an impressive run of three draws and one win.

Jean Ralphio

Spurs are having a shit season and if they win tomorrow they will only be two points behind. Ceballos is shockingly overrated.


There are times when I think he looks pretty decent and then he just looks like he can never sort his feet out and needs like five extra moves to get himself in a good position, which by that time he’s lost possession. Really not consistent enough.


Might as well have handed him a pillow so he could have a more comfortable nap durning their goal.


Is Pepe the new Ozil?


F*ck Emery and f*ck any of you who make excuses for him. This is disgusting. I’ve never seen such an inept POS “coach” in my 30+ years of watching football.

Senor Ding dong

Potty mouth



Paul Roberts

Giggled at that thanks.


Fuck asterisks. We’re all grown ups here


Are we?

Not John

You have to get past Obelix first.


Why don’t you tell us how you really feel?


Not sure how long my family going to put it with me any longer , am sad most weekends now????

My Arse-nal

Not even got VAR as an excuse this time. I thought Emery said we were an offensive team? Then why, yet again, are we being outshot by our opposition? We are at home to a supposedly inferior team for f**k sake. Nothing is changing and it’s so predictable. Other than cup games this isn’t fun and I’m so tired of it.


Fellas, we have a psychopath as a manager.

Paul Roberts



Ozil was good today, really showed what we’ve been missing, however no matter how good individual performances are in this team we are way less than the sum of our parts and that is sadly just down to the coaching.


Tired of this. I want entertaing football. The result isn’t to woorying, but the form we’re in is deeply worrying.

Didn’t understand why Torreira was subbed on 1-0, that’s the time to solidify not to throw on youngsters.


Meh, not even upset anymore. My expectation is too low. Something has to give. Sigh……..


We’ve all seen this game before, several times this season. His negative tactics and inability to play to the strengths of the squad are hindering our progress.
I’m done watching matches until Emery is out.


It’s beyond time he was wished a very good ebening and moved on.


Get this bastard out, right now


With all the money and stars he had at PSG, he couldn’t even win the Ligue 1 in his first season

Rectum Spectrum

ahh ok very well played arsenal boardroom. a lot of anxiety over the lack of experience of arteta at the time.

now we welcome him with open arms. especially with the inside info on city.

very well played. we are ready now. do it.


Do you think Arteta still fancy a move?

Rectum Spectrum

maybe actually. he’s not a manager anywhere else. realistically it would be his highest profile option for a first go.

but I think we’re rapidly declining to the level of Brendan Rodges type in terms of who would take us on.


Could be. But reports suggesting Arteta will succeed Guardiola at Ethiad. And he can’t be to impressed of the way we ditched him last summer.

Paul Roberts

We have good players who are trying very hard and the youngsters are getting better every week. Time for a new manager to take us onwards…COYG!

Rectum Spectrum

its not going to be emery Christmas at this rate.

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