Saturday, February 8, 2025

Video: Mikel Arteta’s first Arsenal press conference

Mikel Arteta was announced today as the manager of Arsenal. At 37 years of age he becomes our second youngest boss of all time.

He held a very impressive press conference this afternoon, in which he laid out his plans for the job that lies ahead.

Watch it below via HaytersTV

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Immensely convincing. What a mix of charisma and discipline, ambition and pragmatism.


I was hugely impressed with this interview, and the one he did for the Arsenal Player. My favourite bit was where he cited using his experience with Guardiola to construct a winning enviroment and mentality, and to drive a culture change by being ruthless. That is something we have need for such a long time. We’ve all heard the rumours for years that London Colney is far too comfortable, and that its just like a spa enviroment. I really hope Arteta is able to do that first and foremost. We have too many players just living the highligh life with… Read more »


Can’t wait to see what the future holds!!! I’m excited again ???? COYG


Makes lots of sense. Unlike the previous manager.


It helps that he can speak the language lol. I’m sure unai had more going on upstairs than good ebening but like arteta said you have to be able to deliver your vision and I think unai wasn’t able to mostly bc of the language gap


Arteta speaks better English than a lot English managers!

Reality check

Happy to be looking forward to the pressers again..


It will be nice to be able to understand them again


He seems confident in his abilities, very clear in what he wants to do, and very assertive in how he speaks. Very great first impression as the man in charge.


Good words

Daniel Hayle

Well I’m sold


Talks the talk, can he walk the walk? I think he just might. Good luck Mikel. I’m in!!


But can he walk and talk?


How weird to feel emotional about a simple interview. I was getting goose bumps and I’m as jaded a gooner as they come. If his game is half as good as his banter, this is gonna be good. God I’m excited.


Yeah, it’s been about ten years since I was this optimistic about our club. I reckon we’re in for a few rocky months but going forward I think arteta will turn us right round. A young hungry coach who loves the club is exactly what we need.

Paul Roberts

Hopefully this change of direction will turn the mics up of the journalists? 🙂

Pépé Le Pew

Fuck I like him! I like the spark he has in his eye. Despite moaning for the past few days I am feeling excited!


Nice to have you aboard! He’s going to be awesome!


Need to be ruthless. Music in my ears. I felt inspired watching him today, I begin top look forward to the upcomimg games.

Dave cee

You.ll look forward to them until you see the shitshow of a defence he has to select. Really, really need to bring in some quality in January or he will have no chance. Pep himself couldn’t coach a decent performance out of those defenders. But yes, he sounds great. COYG


I have a good feeling about this.


i love this guy already
haven’t felt this excited about Arsenal since we signed Alexis


Never seen that: 19 comments on this article, yet 0 downvote!!… ENTHUSIASM, it seems.
Hoping for the best tomorrow, would like to be a spy in the dressing room before that game to feel the atmosphere…


hope the players looking at this support for our new coach


That was a fantastic opening salvo from Mikel. From the way he delivered his speech, to his posture and even his hand gestures, I haven’t seen a manager communicate this effectively since our very own Arsene.

I loved the conviction in his voice and the strength of his delivery. Good start Mikel, I believe the players will follow him. Let’s see now if he has the tactical nous to compete with managers much more experienced than him, with ring craft that they’ve learnt over many years.

Good luck Mikel, time to remind everyone that London is red!

Dave cee

Yeah, he looks and sounds like a guy who means business. Nice


Just wow. Talks very intelligently. You can hear and see the desire.


This is really good stuff! I am excited again. And what about answers like: ” i have impressions but need to be corroborated……..” it feels we are back to Wenger era!


His attitude and enthusiasm is infectious and that presser put a smile on my face. COYG!


I’m sold!
Always liked him but this first interview shows a man driven by analysis and determination and still comes across warm and charismatic!


Very very smart guy from what I can see. Finally I can understand what arsene and pep saw in him

Frank Bascombe

Keyword there, being ‘finally.’

Flavoured Rice

I also was very impressed with the interview. Arteta has a distinct glint in his eye. I have no doubt he is extremely driven to take Arsenal back to the top. I wish him all the best and he will have my support.

For the first time in what must be 15 months, I am excited to be an Arsenal fan. Let’s unite and get behind him. First thing to do is identify the rotten apples and sell them the idea of change. If they don’t cooperate then they can all go.


Wow! Didn’t think of him as such a passionte and engaging speaker! He might as well be in the selfhelp buisness!!!. Also the way he talks of the process of leaving Man City, (and all the gold over there) his path and the reasons behind his descision to take the job, man that is the stuff of fairytales!! I have a very good feeling about this! He’s the one.


I’m excited. Really hope he can do a great job. I’ve always been a bit cold about him based on the nonsense that was written on here about him when he played for us (I.e. he was a good player but seriously ‘Arsenal legend’ was just utter nonsense) but none of that was his fault……so time to put that aside & get behind him hoping that he will become a legendary manager. Gokd luck to you Mikel.


That’s exactly what I would have expected of him, having seen him as a player for us.

Very exciting times ahead.

Dave cee

Very impressive! Articulate, motivated, charming. Really hope this goes well. Good initial impressions


I’m holding reservations about Arteta but…positives… 1) They came knocking at my door…read desperate. BUT good on Arteta to answer the call. You could see he felt a bit hurt by how low we’ve fallen. 2)Timing…a good thing again he did not come to us last season and had the chance to put another winning season with City under the belt and absorb more. 3) Ruthless…but hear out the players. Psychological work but don’t give the players too much wiggle room. he mentioned he wants to dispel the excuses which is a good thing. 4) Immediate Impact. Its going to… Read more »

Frank Bascombe

Wenger didn’t ‘turn him into a ‘holding playmaker’. Arteta reverted to it at Arsenal… FFS.

Frank Bascombe

… He real.

Kirk Canary

If you saw Arteta during the ManCity game, you would have seen a person disturbed about what has happened to a club he loves. His decision was made last weekend. He felt a calling last Weekend. This young man will make a difference to Arsenal. I felt his pain as he watched that game from opposition dugout. Welcome home. He and the team must be supported to realise the vision.


I am confident Mikel will be a training ground coach not one who has the squad in a room for hours on end watching videos on the opposition.Big fault of the previous manager was worrying about our opponents instead of concentrating on our game and getting some sort of system in place.


God, I wish he was my manager! Sounds really inspirational


I know it’s a bit too early. But.
Class. Is. Back!

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