Saturday, July 27, 2024

Sokratis: If I don’t play, I’m not happy … it’s not about money

Having scored a belter in last night’s 2-0 win over Portsmouth in the FA Cup, Sokratis Papastathopoulos has opened up on his potential future with Arsenal.

The Greek international has lost his place at centre-half in recent weeks to Shkodran Mustafi, and played at right-back against Pompey at Fratton Park.

It’s not his favourite position, with Mikel Arteta praising his commitment despite having a ‘little moan’ about being played there. The question of his future is one which hangs over him and the club, as he has just one more year left on his current deal.

It’s one of the many contractual situations Arsenal have to deal with this summer, and unlike players in the past, Sokratis has made it fairly clear he’s not interested in just sitting around and picking up the money, he wants to play.

“I have one more year here but me, I never sit on my contract,” he said, via Football 365.

“I don’t care. If I’m not happy, I don’t play enough or the coach doesn’t like me, I don’t care about the contract.

“For me the money is not important, it is important I feel good, I feel happy and the team is happy with me. If not, I take the road and I finish.

“I don’t think about it, I think every day to be happy and help the team and in the end we will see but what I say is that I am not a player who sits on a contract – I don’t need it.”

The 31 year old has made 26 appearances in all competitions this season, but if he doesn’t play in his favoured position, it seems obvious he’ll look to find pastures new this summer.

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We should get a few million in for him, I’ll miss his celebrations when he makes a great tackle!

High gooner

Yea you could never fault his commitment!


We can afford to lose him with all the possibilities at CB next season eg including Mari and Saliba.

I like his fight and spirit though, so it would be a shame.


Can’t fault his attitude.

A player who wants to play, above all else.

Unlike Ozil, who’s agent has made clear he likes where he lives, he likes the size of his pay cheque, and because he has such high commercial value, he’ll quite happily wait for a bosman, even if that means no playing time.

We’re overstocked with centre half’s.

Mustafi, Sokratis, Luiz, Holding, Chambers, Saliba, Mavropanos and Mari on loan.

its not quantity we lack, it’s quality.

With Mustafi, Sokratis, Luiz all with just a year remaining, they’re the prime candidates to be shown the door.


But I think keeping luiz is a good idea because his on the ball qualities, experience and especially premier league experience is valuable.
Moving on mustafi and maybe one or two from chambers, holding and mavronopos would be best.
But, of course, knowing arsenal…


Rich, how about instead of having a go at a guy for no reason in an unrelated post, you sit down and shut the fuck up for while? Support your team, the whole team. Its “fans” like you that give us a bad name and bring toxicity to our club.


Why do people think they have a right to shut down opinions of people they disagree with?

I think the Ozil analogy is a good one.

Sokratis wants to play, Ozil likes where he lives and the size of his pay cheque.


The Ozil analogy is nonsense. I believe that Ozil wishes to play just as much as he has shown in recent weeks.

Dr. kNOw

Özil has shown he’s quite happy to sit in the stands than relinquish his fat contract.
His agent said so just a few days ago, making the comparison with Sokratis more pertinent.

Everybody wants to play; even Mustafi, Xhaka, Stepanovs, and Cygan in their darkest days wanted game time. That is a weak moot point.


I think Rich’s analogy is ridiculous for the following reasons: firstly, Sokratis the player is speaking as opposed to Ozil’s agent (it’s not Ozil stood beside Big Papa and said, “yeah, me, I don’t care about playing, I just care about the money”); secondly, Sokratis is a moderately paid centreback whose starting status is well under threat as he has fallen down the pecking order and is now playing out of position, whereas Ozil is a handsomely paid #10 who is playing almost every game and is central to his team’s attacking philosophy under their new coach (i.e., one has… Read more »


Ozil’s agent works for him, not the other way around. Sokratis has never thrown his gloves around, throwing a temper tantrum the most bratty 6 yr old child would sit in awe of. Sokratis has never sent out social media posts that are designed to cause division. Sokratis has never come down with multiple mysterious sickness hours after finding out he wasn’t starting, after training perfectly fine. Sokratis’s attitude and work ethic have never been called into question by Freddie, Emery, Arsene, Per and Rambo. Sokratis doesn’t throw his hands around pointing the finger at team mates, when he’s been… Read more »


Wow, clearly you missed the point of my comment and really confirmed the worry of a deep-seated prejudice against one of our players. It’s too bad.


Plus, Ozil knew Emery was a shit coach well before any of us did.


I agree with you. The question is not really who wants to play. I certainly believe that everybody does. The real question is: Who cares if he doesn’t play and really wants to change that? Who is really angry if they are not chosen and wants to prove that they are better than the colleague who plays instead?


He’s shown fck all in recent weeks just like he’s shown fck all in 4 seasons.


And you can fuck off to wherever Emery will fuck off to.


He’s not the one telling someone to “sit down and shut the fuck up” is he? How’s that for toxicity?


If i may say something, then it’d be of great kindness and delicacy to forbid also “fans” to call players name too. Like the “F*** Mustafi” or “F*** off Xhaka” i often read here.

Naked Cygan

Do you want us to take a vitamine C, wash our hands, and wear a tie, and sit up starit too when make a comment? Cursing players is wrong, but it goes with the culture of football. We all love every arsenal player, and we wish them the best, but having a go at them is just part of the game. The next day we still love them and hope the best.

David C

Who down voted this? Keep it civil, learn to disagree with people without belittling them. It’s a great life skill we seem to be lacking in our society.

Teryima Adi

Thanks, Bro?


Talk about the pot calling the kettle black!

Teryima Adi

The Oracle has spoken.?


Please admin can you kindly look into this.. this is the first time that I’m reading this post and the follow up comments but noticed that I have already liked some of the comments before now (and it’s not the first time it’s happened). Can you kindly advice on what’s likely to be the cause of that cause I’m not finding it funny at all. Thanks


Thanks, at least it eases my mind to know that it’s a general issue and not peculiar to me. Been very busy and just read your reply. Appreciated


Yeah happening for me too, sometimes it’s auto upvoted, sometimes downvoted


Ok. Sorry to everyone I offended. Sorry Rich. We’re all Arsenal fans.


Greetings back to North Korea!


I think Mustafi is a better player than the player we became accustomed to seeing before Arteta. I think we have been through a period where the team tactics made most players appear worse than they really are.


Admirable attitude. A certain big eyed team mate could take some advice in that regard.


I bloody love big Papa. I think he adds some bite to us that we’d miss if we sold him


If I was supporting another club, I’d hate him!


I guess that’s the best thing one could say about a player of your own team. Thumbs up.

Public Elneny

Same. I think as a pure defender, he’s still our best.

But he’s kind of an oaf on the ball, is running out of contract and is growing old, so it would probably make sense to move him on.

Based on current info, Luiz, Saliba, Chambers and Mari would be my pick for CBs to keep next year. But it may be best to hold onto Sok as there are question marks against Saliba, Chambers and Mari for different reasons. Holding badly needs game time, probably from a loan.


“He’s still our best pure defender…” let me fix that for you…”he’s still our best pure shite defender”…

if we get any money for this donkey we’ll be laughing.


I can imagine moaning when finding out Mari was getting the start at CB and him shunted to RB. I thought he was ok though, better than Mustafi at RB.


This is a natural situation for all clubs. The only thing we can hope for is that players in this position don’t disrupt the club too much on their way out. I must say that Mustafi appears to have behaved like a professional throughout his problems.

Changing topic … the reason we signed Auba was because he got into trouble at Dortmund. It’s interesting that we’ve had absolutely no trouble with him.


For Auba, don’t worry, they’ll come once he’ll wish to leave.


I agree. Try to tell him in summer that you wish him to see out his contract and play another year in the EL (or in no european competition) and you will quickly learn what trouble is.

A Different George

No, he got into trouble at Dortmund because he wanted to leave, not the other way around. He wanted to force the club to sell despite their desire to keep him, and he succeeded. Aubameyang has had no history of trouble before or since.


Anyone wearing the No. 10 shirt got the hint?

Flavoured Rice

Off you go then. It’s time for the Arteta revolution and we don’t need dead wood around


How would we know when he’s not happy? It’s not like he plays with a smile on his face. The man has a resting ‘meh’ face. 🙂

Lord Bendnter

On top of all that, there were a couple of fans who said “Good game” and “Well done” after the Everton game, while he was driving back home.

He didn’t play in the Everton game….


We have 8 options at the moment so some culling needs to be done. I would think we would keep one of 3 senior players – Sokratis, Luiz and yes, Mustafi. Sokratis may leave given one year left on contract and lack of CL Luiz was always a stop gap panic buy. May or may not be kept one more season. Mustafi if the offer is good enough will be sold. Otherwise depends on if he continues to show good application (albeit now curtailed by the injury) Then thereafter – Saliba will likely come in even if he has been… Read more »

Joey Deacon

I love this:

wank off on him like he is the second coming”

Public Elneny

I just can’t comprehend it that people think Chambers is best at right back

And the concept of a natural position is false

Teryima Adi

No holds barred ???


Mari on his debut, noticed his passing, especially long passing was useful.


I can see the benefit of a left footer playing down the line. And also passing across the box it naturally curves away from opposition, so give a bit better time for the right sided centre halfnto launch their own attack. I.e. Luiz.

Overall I like the balance. But it is only one game


Good he won’t be missed their are much better centre backs out there.

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