Saturday, July 27, 2024

Arteta explains why he’s optimistic about Aubameyang stay

Mikel Arteta has explained he’s optimistic about Arsenal’s chances of keeping Pierre-Emerick Aubameyang but stressed, it’s just a feeling, nothing concrete.

The Spaniard has repeatedly gone on record stating his desire to extend the Gabon international’s stay at the club.

The striker, who this week became the fastest player in Arsenal’s history to hit 50 Premier League goals, entered the final year of his contract two days ago and is still deliberating over whether his last big contract should be at the Emirates or not.

Facing the press ahead of Saturday’s trip to Wolves, the boss was asked why he’s so positive on a situation that has dragged on for a long time.

“I don’t know,” said Arteta. “It’s the way I feel, the way I communicate with him, the conversations that I have with him, the people around him and it’s the energy that I sense.

“It’s just my opinion. Things change in football very quickly but when you ask me in that moment how I feel about Auba’s future, in this moment, I feel that he wants to continue with us and keep developing and helping us to be a better team.

He added: “He needs to feel like he’s somewhere that he believes that we can achieve the goals that he has individual and collectively for a long time.

“He’s very settled in the city, his family are really happy here and he’s loved, respected and admired by his teammates which is a huge thing to have in any football club.

“That’s why he gives me positivity, as well I see the enjoyment he’s having, the work rate that he puts in all the time and the decision that he makes to do that every time. That’s where my feelings are coming from.”

Having played alongside Robin van Persie and coached Sergio Aguero, Arteta knows about the importance of having such a prolific talisman at your disposal.

He feels Aubameyang is definitely of the same calibre as the Argentine, who currently sits fourth in the Premier League’s all-time scoring table.

“They have completely different qualities overall but a very common thing which is that they have an incredible ability to put the ball in the back of the net, for sure.

“They are very different characters and players; both ruthless and train to keep scoring goals, both are annoyed if they don’t do so and they are both incredible talents at doing the most difficult thing in football which is scoring goals.”

On comparison with Van Persie, he went on: “When we played with Robin he used to be the difference for us every week.

“I always said that he was probably the striker that I have enjoyed the most playing with because of his intelligence and the overall quality to play around in any position and in any area of the field, as well the quality of his finishing and movement.

“Now we have the luck of having Auba and a player that can do that in any moment of the game and we have to fit him in the right position in the game as much as possible to help as win as many.”

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Charles MMM

“and we have to fit him in the right position in the game as much as possible to help us win as many.”
That is very key Boss.


Keep Auba, keep Laca, get in a midfield anchor. This is a big club, the cost of not making the CL should be picked up by the owners – if nothing else, for their lack of investment when we were in the CL.

If there was any cost-cutting to be done, it should’ve been done by not giving a 7th choice CB a bumper retirement payday.

Chippy Brady

I agree. I don’t understand why we can’t keep Auba and add two world class signings and try challenge for the league. Surely this would protect stans asset more than letting the club rot away?

Naked Cygan

We cant keep Abu, because we dont have enough money. But,,,,but,, , we just have enough to keep paying Ozil to sit at home/warm the bench, and pay David Luiz for another year.


Stan’s asset is fan interest.

If he considers that fans will watch and write about and agonise over even a mediocre team, he is very willing to assemble a mediocre team.


2 signings? we are a long long way from challenging for the league.


Without any shadow of a doubt, our best striker. We should move heaven and earth to keep him. I dread to think where we’d be now without his goals.


Mikel remembers a different RVP to me. I just recall a lot of the first 7 years were on the treatment table. Then one amazing season followed by defection to our rivals.


Yeah think Mikel’s being a bit harsh on Big Dunc at Everton there


it’s quite a conundrum. on one hand, it could be his last big contract and he wants/deserves champions league football. on the other hand, he really does seem quite settled here and if he buys into what Arteta is selling, it’s possible we could get back there, but I don’t see that happening for two years at least. he’d be 33 by then. I don’t know what I would do in his position. the grass isn’t always greener. I just hope it doesn’t drag on.


Think its more a question of which title challenging team wants him. I think he’ll stay next season and if none of these big guns come calling, he’ll sign the extension


I think hes on his way and dont blame him. At least 2 or 3 big clubs will be in for him and i dont think his price tag will be that huge considering he only has a year left. Arsenal really should set a deadline for him to decide if hes going to sign or not.


fingers crossed. obv every team wants a striker like auba but which club is a realistic target for him and the clubs? is there any proven link to real madrid and their desire to sign him up or in other words: what did orny say bout that!? he said thats his club(of his grandad) numberous times but i dont think the circumstances are right atm for a move there(i just want to believe that tbh). that said i dont think atletico nor barca is in his intrest. i don’t think he will leave for another pl club. no, he fucking… Read more »

Wilshere's Middle Finger

I’d throw the kitchen sink at him to keep him at the club. You just know his attitude won’t wane like a certain other someone when he gets his last big payday. Auba’s attitude and work rate on the pitch is nothing but an example for any top level football player.

Tony Whiteson

I wish people would stop saying Auba is the fastest to 50 in Arsenal’s history; that was Joe Baker, who got there in 62 games. Auba is the fastest in Arsenal’s Premier League history


Cmon Tony we all know football was invented in 1992.

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