Saturday, July 27, 2024

Report: Torreira to join Fiorentina on loan with mandatory purchase agreement

From Italy comes a story detailing an agreement between Arsenal, Fiorentina and Lucas Torreira which would see the midfielder join the Serie A side on loan this season, with an obligation for them to purchase him at the end of the campaign.

It comes on the back of well placed reports from ESPN Uruguay yesterday that La Viola had reached an agreement with Torreira’s representatives about his return to Italy.

Labaro Viola say that Fiorentina will pay €8m as a loan fee for this season, with a €16m purchase clause to make the deal permanent.

However, the snag appears to be a lack of midfield options at Mikel Arteta’s disposal, and until that is sorted, Arsenal won’t green light the deal.

Granit Xhaka, Mohamed Elneny and Joe Willock are available, and although Dani Ceballos is set to re-join on loan, Covid-19 protocols mean he’ll have to self isolate for 14 days and won’t be considered for the Premier League opener against Fulham on September 12th. Bukayo Saka is a midfield option too, depending on formation.

There’s also the Matteo Guendouzi situation to consider, with the Frenchman still not back in the fold after his end of season fall from grace. Valencia are said to be interested in him.

If Arteta feels like he has enough cover to start the season, then we may let this one happen, knowing the loan fee + the payment at the end of next season will allow us to juggle our own finances to help bring in a midfield recruit.

Let’s see what happens, and when, but it looks as if Lucas is heading back to Italy soon.

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Scott P

The quarantine regulations mean it’s more important than ever to get deals done quickly for all parties. I have no doubt Torreira would be professional if asked to play for us, but there are always question marks about commitment if the performance isn’t up to scratch when a player is about to depart. Hopefully we can get the ins sorted out soon so that the outs can occur.


… or is it the other way around?

Johnny 4 Hats

I quite like the fact that 2 seasons ago Torreira was considered good enough for where we were and now Arteta thinks we need better. As much as I’ve genuinely loved some of his performances and he’s had a tough time with injuries and the general state of the club, I do believe there is a more technical, more disciplined and more talented DCM out there for a club like Arsenal. Thank you so much Lucas! You’ve given us much needed cheers due to your trademark crunching challenges and that goal against Sp*rs was so special. But I think both… Read more »

SB Still

Yes agree with you.

The money seems to be decent as well. Ofcourse some more would always be better.

Given we are not ready go ahead with this deal yet, looks like we are far away from a deal, despite our interest for Partey or Aouar.


What?.. How on earth is this decent money?
It says in black and white they will buy him next summer. That is next to useless.
We need cash right now to fund this midfield rebuild. Getting €8 million for a 24yo established international midfielder is a fucking joke to put it mildly


If you know your getting the money, you can spend on margin. Though I think the price is still low.


I feel your pain brother! We are so, so bad at selling it’s incredible. Both Torreira and Guendouzi’s stock has fallen off a cliff in just 12 months. This time last year we were talking about our two most valuable prospects, now it seems we are struggling to even give them away. That’s what being injured and benched gets you, one minute your flavour of the month, the next you’re on a loan move to the 16th placed Serie A side. I wouldn’t be surprised if we’ve missed out on half a billion £ sales income in the last five… Read more »


Transfers are almost always paid in installments.

SB Still

That’s the post pandemic world. There are a few exceptions like Chelsea. However even without Covid, football was becoming too expensive for the supports i.e. the transfer prices of £100M+ were going to be unsustainable.

A huge Chinese contract has been cancelled couple of days ago. Club will be further hit by loss of revenue like reduced match day revenue, merchandise, sponsorship, etc because most countries are suffering from loss of jobs.

Johnny 4 Hats

Thank you. I agree with me too.


When a player spent more time getting himself up the floor than he had the ball at his feet says two things other clubs managed to suss him out with their players instructed to lean on him without giving a free kick away and him not being Santi, talented but too lightweight for PL, Gendousi the same, the pair never going to make it in our league, to fast to physical, Dani I get, apart from his effectiveness and ball control skills he seems to have Spanish fire in his belly or aggression to want to succeed.

Scott P

Fair enough, we need the money as well. But if we have the agreement essentially in place like we seem to here, we can just push the button to sell Torreira as soon as we get the replacement in.


Labaro Viola say that Fiorentina will pay €8m as a loan fee for this season, with a €16m purchase clause to make the deal permanent.

However, the snag appears to be a lack of midfield options at Mikel Arteta’s disposal, and until that is sorted, Arsenal won’t green light the deal.

What kind of snag is that? Arteta barely uses him. Bite their f*ing hands off!


It’s lunacy…


Only an injury or two away though from needing to call upon him.

Yes we could bring a youngster in, but it would be better it it was not in a reactive manner.

We need a solid start to the season, for too many years have we begin a campaign with a loss or two which ultimately sets doubt amongst the supporters and players alike.

Makes sense to keep him around for contingency just incase other deals do not come until later or not at all.


Fully agreed. Also considering the pile up of fixtures expected this season, expect quite a few injuries along the way. I’d rather keep him around and find someone willing to bite the bullet on Guendouzi


Maybe we are waiting for Ceballos to be confirmed?


Shame we can’t extract more, but it will do. How are we going to get rid of Guendouzi?

Kolasinac, Sokratis and Torreira seem to be on their way out which is good, and I’m sorry but I won’t tolerate the sale of Bellerin, that’s unacceptable.


OK, Bellerin’s sale is a no-no … you’ve said it. Nobody is likely to pay more for Torreria – assuming that the deal goes though of course – so if offered, go for it I say. The Guendouzi situation is interesting/infuriating. He appears to have a “reputation” that’s widespread across Europe now. From possible Golden Boy to probable Barrow Boy in a little over two years. Wow. According to reports, he cost “only” around £7 million (plus add-ons, if any have been paid), so it seems we can’t even get that back on him. Oh dear.


Yeah it’s very puzzling this “reputation” Guendouzi seems to have acquired….

I mean, it’s not like the club went public a few times about it and the whole thing was plastered in every newspaper …oh wait!

Next they’ll be telling us that publicly reprimanding and repudating a player will bring his value down… who would have thought it, eh?


Come on, plenty of players have spats with clubs but it doesn’t necessarily affect them in the way it has Guendouzi.


Is it just that Guendouzi is not as good as maybe Matteo thinks he is?


It’s not the players. It’s Arsenal. They pay top dollar and sell on the cheap. Notice the trend. Henry, Hleb, Fabregas and Song Barca for 15m each on average or free. Clichy, Adebayor, Nasri, Sagna to Man City for less than 20m each or free. RVP to ManU for 24m only while not even having the competence to ask for Berbatov as part exchange. Ramsey to Juventus for free. Mkhitayan to Roma for free. Now speaking about cancelling Socrates’ contract so Napoli can sign him for free – while Napoli themselves ask for 72m to 110m for the play Socrates… Read more »


Top post. Couldn’t agree more.

We are absolutely clueless with money.


Adebayo and Nasri were over 20 mil each my friend… ?


Adebayor was in package with Toure and the 2 went for 40+ M pounds

I like lego

He’s done himself no favours at all throughout this fiasco, Arteta did not throw him under the bus like some other managers would have, instead he left the door ajar (at least publicly) for him to turn things around, instead all we get from Guendouzi is radio silence on his socials in regard to anything Arsenal. If you were a potential buyer the behaviour stinks to high heaven, why would you risk any money on a player who clearly has some major discipline issues? Shame for him but bigger shame for us and our ambitions in the transfer market.


But Ozil wasn’t silence on his social and no news about him too.

Eternal Titi Berg Pat Nostalgia

What Guendouzi put on his social media or not is his business.


If we can get 40m+ for Bellerin we should bite their hands off


Absolutely, but I don’t think you’ll be doing much biting. The reported figure of around £30 million or so, give or take, seems more likely in the current financial climate. It would be great to get a much higher price, of course, but don’t hold your breath.


That initial bid can go up by £5m and the bonus fees up by £5-10m we get £40m


Yes, of course we can get to a higher figure by racking up the elements of a possible deal, I just don’t think that we’ll be able to do that. If so the overall amount will be pretty well where it is reported. It would help, of course, if another club was also interested then we may get a small bidding war going – but is there another club? If it’s one on one, as so many “possible” transfers in this window appear to be, then there’s little incentive to up the price as far as I can see.


If Chilwell(who is of a similar age with lesser European pedigree) can cost Chelsea 50 fuckin million just because he’s English, expecting 40 for Hector from the biggest moneybags in Europe shouldn’t be way off to be honest.

And Smalling, who is being offered 11 million by Roma for his services, didn’t pay a penny to get Micki. The Arsenal negotiators need to be booted, not the Fran Caggigios of this world.


My apologies, Fran.


Absolutely, we need to find out who exactly are sanctioning these sales that have been truly catastrophic for us recently.

Thierry Bergkamp (non negotiable)

To be fair, getting Mkhi’s wages off the bill could be as good as getting a transfer fee, all things considered


True, but I can’t imagine we ever intended on keeping him when Roma offered 10 million for him during the winter. Perhaps we wanted to try and sell him for more later, but it was a good offer (considering his wages) that should’ve been accepted.


You’re right. But it’s far too often “all things considered” at Arsenal, isn’t it. “Considering the pile of crap we’ve dived headfirst into, this isn’t a bad deal!”. Well – and I hope we’ve turned a corner – but we’ve been diving headfirst into crap for 10 years. We’ve made some absolutely horrific sales (or “giveaways”) – and I can’t really remember a single one where we all went “nice, we really got a good deal here”.


That’s a shame as I think there’s a potentially good player in there, but he doesn’t seem to be part of Mikel’s plans. Overall price is not bad in this market, but I wish we could get more of the cash now as his departure means our need to recruit in midfield is now more pressing than ever. Hopefully Guendouzi will bring some quid too.


Ainsley can play in midfield for a match or two, see how he does there.


Think that’s a proper solution. Don’t allow progress to halt on the transfer front– because Fulham looms.

Rafa El

Plus we have Emile Smith Rowe this time


Chambers as well can play DCM, RB, CB


Only arsenal could sell him for a loss. Everyone knows we need money but it doesn’t mean you let them all walk over us. I am in favour of selling him but we seriously need to look into our negotiators!


We got him for £26m. We would get £24m back in this deal. For a player that hardly plays and is on a comparatively high wage for Serie A, I’d say this is pretty good negotiating.

I like lego

euros not pounds. That would make it 21.4m not 24m


As mentioned, it’s 24million euros, not pounds so about £21million. If you think that’s good negotiating for a 24year old international, then I worry. Do you remember the last 3 players we sold for a profit? I might be wrong but Walcott and Ox I can remember!? It’s fine if we are winning the prem and being in the champions league each year as it will balance it out, but that isn’t happening. We can’t say we will buy at Covid prices, Partey is at his buyout price anyway


It’s the Covid price, the market is down. The good news is that purchase prices are cheaper too, so if we sell cheap, we can probably also buy cheap. Aouar would normally be more expensive.


…and Partey?


You’re right, no way Aouar could be that cheap in a normal market. (It’s also the fact that because of the ligue 1 early stoppage, Lyon failed to qualify for a european tournament and everybordy knows that they have to sail.)

Thierry Bergkamp (non negotiable)

Can’t we just sell some players to Chelsea?


Yeah, give them Mustafi – that would make my day. Watching Lampard tearing his hair out, as Chelsea concede yet another and there’s old ginger beard blaming everyone and everything around him.

Blue is the colour.
Fuck-Ups is the game.

Bergkamp 3:16

Aouar the new number 11? ?


If Edu and Arteta can successfully rob a bank, then yes.

Selling players like Bellerin and Torreira for an amount of money normally found down the back of a sofa, backed, of course, with Stan Kroenke’s gracious additional contribution of £0.00, then no.


This is a solid deal and we should get on with it and green light it. If it collapse because he gets injured or something that would be stupid. Start moving on players. we have AMN, Douzi, Willock, ESR, Elneny, Xhaka and Luiz who can all play roles in the middle of the park. Move on, let the player move on and get on with the next transfer so we can all Partey on!


Footballing reality… if you are not selling a player to ManU, City, Chelsea, PSG, Real, Barca, Juve, Bayern than no club has any cash and no value is possible to get. Maybe clubs from who former mentioned have bought smth have coin to spend, but that’s it. It is so so bad summer for us to have wholesale of players to rebuild our spine. Only player in our squad who those clubs could possibly want is Hector. For rest it seems like loans with buy clauses and pennies are reality and our wagestructure isn’t helping also.


Bayern don’t pay for players


Except Sane and Hernandez?


Yes they do sometimes … but they fleeced us on Gnabry. They’ve had some of Dortmund’s best players for nothing. It how they operate, they’re pretty shifty.


Yeah it’s pretty sad how they rob bundesliga of every top talent…


Didn’t they buy Gnabry from Bremen?


you are correct sir. Bremen bought him from us in ’16 or ’17 (for 5 million I think?) and then Bayern bought him from Bremen, for 8 million I think, But I’m Not 100% sure of that? They got a great deal whatever it was. Pretty sure it was under 10 million


Looks like we may need to get someone in before saying !Adios” to Torreira. We’ve come up against problems there though. Snakes and ladders…


‘Kroenkes and Artetas.’ Move your counter as determined by the dice. For every Arteta square, your club’s aspirations move up. For every Kroenke square, they plummet down…..


Could someone explain to me why the players need to self isolate for 14 days and can`t just get tested (even twice) and if it is negative they can end the quarantine early?


Because incubation is 14 days. Player may show a negative test but be in incubation status


So can it still appear 14 days after? Or could they be tested 3-4 days after any potential exposure?


I don’t believe this is completely correct. The incubation period is indeed 3-14 days, but that is the time between your initial exposure and when you begin developing symptoms. Your contagious period isn’t the same as your symptomatic period though; according to Harvard Medical School, test results are an accurate indication of your contagious status.

Search for: “For how long after I am infected will I continue to be contagious?”

Salibaba and the Forty Thieves

It’s because your infection can still appear days after you’ve been exposed to virus. So for example Dani, could be exposed to COVID on a Sunday, had his 1st test done on a Monday and his 2nd test done on a Thursday.

The 1st swab sample might come back negative but the 2nd might come back positive. If Dani doesn’t isolate before he is confirmed as clinically infected, he risks spreading it to those he meets.

The current tests can’t tell if a person has been exposed.


100% this.

No good can come of rushing the isolation period. It’s inconvenient, but then so is a global pandemic.


If we’re really interested in Partey and Aouar then we need to get very creative with these outgoing transfer fees.


“However, the snag appears to be a lack of midfield options at Mikel Arteta’s disposal, and until that is sorted, Arsenal won’t green light the deal.”

So we need to sell to buy, but we can’t buy until we’ve sold???


Definitely not what it says there.

Disposable heroes of Homer's Hypocrisy

Yes Homer, your comment was trollish…..but you are supposed to let other people point that out to you, not advertise it…….



It’s all about contingency. Arteta does not want to be left short in position by sanctioning the move earlier than we have a deal planned.

It’s not about the money in the bank, it’s about not shooting yourself in the foot and then wondering why your foot hurts.

Sounds like planning to me. Makes a change


This would make more sense if not for the fact that we have a lot of options in midfield, even without Ceballos on the first day. Xhaka, Elneny, Willock, Guendouzi and then Saka, AMN and Luiz as well if we need them.

So unless we’re selling some of those before the season starts, it’s very unlikely we’re going to be short of numbers in that position. Our chances of success against Fulham don’t hinge on Torreira whatsoever so let’s stop faffing around and make a decision.


We have bodies on midfield, not quality options. Xhaka we all know, he’d be a liability to the team but Arteta’s figured out how to use him to a positive effect. That said, we need a better player there. Elneny is a reliable passer, but nothing more than a solid mediocre player. He’d be a solid starter for most teams, but not the top ones. Willock is a youngster who’s produced in flashes and his best position is more in an attacking role. Guendouzi is a little brat and is unlikely to play for us again. Ainsley hasn’t played as… Read more »

Hail Gus!

Ramsey’s weekly wage ?


I don’t think he’s wages will be a problem, what’s been reported in the press is his wage plus his amortised Bosman signing on fee.

The potential problem with Ramsey is his injury record which does seem to have gotten worse. It may just be because the injuries have been mismanaged at Juve, but it’s still a gamble. Otherwise I’d love to have him back.

Dave cee

Wages or amortised signing on fee, it still has to be paid. Are Juve going to give Ramsey away for free and continue to pay him his signing on fee for the next 3 years? That would be madness


I’d certainly take Ramsey back, but he’d have to accept a lower wage and even a less important role.


Position to Position, the only players from your list that realistically play in front of the defence are Xhaka, Elneny and at a push Luiz. Willock is untried there for any sustained period, Saka and Maitland-Niles are wingers. Xhaka already plays and needs a mobile partner with a desire to move the play forward at his feet (Ceballos or Torreira). Guendouzi is likely to never play for Arsenal again. Smith Rowe is possibly an option, but really untried in the EPL. So, no, I refer to my original view point. It’s contingency. If the Ceballos loan is delayed, deal for… Read more »


While I get where you’re coming from, do we really need a contingency plan for one position, against a team that finished 4th in the Championship? Especially when Ceballos will only miss that one game? As for our options, Willock may be untried there for any sustained period but (a) he won’t need to play there for a sustained period, if at all and (b) realistically box-to-box is his best position anyway. AMN has played there before and looked very good, Saka could play in a rejigged midfield, and Arteta has nominally left the door open for Guendouzi. I do… Read more »


Maybe I’m reading too much into how Arteta is setting the team up, but it strikes me that he isn’t going to throw a player into a position (in this case Willock) whether it’s for 1 game or 10, without planning for it. Often it goes badly, knocking the confidence of the player, and then you have a different problem, rebuilding the confidence of a player – Mustafi being a good example of how shattered confidence can really compound a string of poor performances. Mikel has done a fantastic job building the confidence of the team, so much so that… Read more »

Dave cee

Those might be options but Christ they aren’t good ones! Luiz is never a CM, he simply doesn’t have the legs now. Has Saka ever played there? Guen is gone whether he stays or not. Willock, I don’t see it. So IMO, only Xhaka, the up for sale Elneny and AMN to chose from in reality and 2 of them are on international duty and could come back injured or needing to quarantine. I.d say letting Lucas leave today would be very risky




He’s back in training with the rest of the squad. And he’s STILL the best creative/attacking midfielder we have.


Its nowhere near enough what we should be getting for him. He might not fit our first eleven if ceballos is going to play, but considering that theres probably no buy option on the ceballos deal, this deal is not very good for us. What will we do once weve lost both Ceballos and Torreira? We simply shouldnt be selling a player of Torreiras quality to a team like Fiorentina, and as much as Torreira would like to go to Italy, we must stand firm and tell him that bids are accepted from every country, and that Fiorentina doesnt meet… Read more »



Your logic is that Arsenal dictate to whom they will sell players, presumabley for what price as well, yeah?

Yes, well, back in the real world: NOTHING works like that.

Kai Fai Chung

He is a decent player bit no way will he fetch 3 or 4 times to amount. Maybe double if he peaks in a good market, not a depressed market like now, but a big if. We already seen the strengths and weaknesses of him. He has the tenacity but lacks the physical and arial pressence for our league. As for selling him where we like, he is a person with family concerns, not just an asset. If he and his family are more adapted to a country, who are we to decide he go somewhere unfamiliar?


Oga, Torreira is not just good enough for arsenal going forward
He can’t progress play, forward passing and creativity is limited not forgetting lack of physical presence
Sorry to hurt you, he can’t even start in an Everton or wolves first 11


I won’t say who else Lucas would or would not start for, but he isn’t a starter for Arsenal, or a guy you’d sub in needing a winning or tying goal. For a late game defensive replacement and “rest the starters” cup player, 24M euros is a very fair price. He’ll start for Fiorentina, and he deserves that role. I hope it happens and good luck to him. Fans raised expectations for him, as fans will do, and we celebrated his defensive tenacity as just what we needed, while hoping that his link play would improve. He’s a fine player,… Read more »


Sorry but Torreira isn’t worth 3-4 times what they are offering €25mil. If he was worth €100mil he would be starting every week and would be wanted by the big clubs.
Bruno Fernandes was €55mil and Riyad Mahrez was €70mil and they are better players.
Think €25 is good deal for a player that hasn’t convinced

David Dein

€16m ?? That’s about £14m!!! If it’s the other way round, do you think we will get him for this low amount?? Come on guys, we need more $$$ to fund new players! For his quality and commitment, he worth more!

Drogheda Gunner

It 24 million euro about 21.5 million sterling


Feel sorry for him. Emery trying to play him in the Banega playmaker role really exposed his weaknesses.


Who’s? Emery’s?


Emery never hid his weaknesses to actually expose.


Good call


I shall be sorry to see this lad go. When we signed him, his terrier-like pace, low centre of gravity, ball winning and distribution skills appeared to be the perfect answer to the void left by Franny Coquelin (another player shipped out too soon). Then Emery came along and more or less ruined him, playing him forward in a role completely unsuitable to the lad’s talents or his wishes. He became confused with Emery’s coaching chaos (didn’t we all) and his form dipped. A shame, but there you go. His goal against the Lily White Crap in that glorious 4-2… Read more »

Tito Long

seems too cheap


I agree.

Whilst it’s usual to go in with a low-key first bid, it’s a testament to this club’s hitherto cluelessness in the transfer market that buying clubs are now seemingly taking the piss.

Hopefully Edu and Arteta can stamp this sort of thing out, early doors.

Buying clubs need to start getting it into their heads that they can either put in a reasonable bid or they can simply fuck off


Valencia don’t have a pot to piss in so I have no idea how any deal between us and them over Guendouzi would look like.


* My bad.

Was getting the Sp*rs 4-2 game mixed up with the Leicester 3-1 game. (Ozil didn’t play in that particular NLD)


Are you sure players have to self issolate? If that is the case then we will be without ad many as 10 players for the start of the season as most are on international duty overseas as full international and under 21


Not all countries are on a quarantine lust


Players leaving for sporting activities are allowed to not quarantine. But leaving to change clubs isn’t covered as wouldn’t be in a “bubble”

Kanu Believe It

So, we need to sell before we can buy anyone else, but we can’t sell until we’ve bought more? ?


Hate to lose him, would rather see Guendouzi head out, but to bring players in he is one that can get a fair amount money in return on loan (and get his salary off of the books) and eventually a sale.


A bit of a duff deal seeing as we need funds, but it didn’t seem to work for him over a full season in the Premier League. Good luck to Lucas back in Italy.


I’ll echo my post from the Sokratis story here. Why are we expected to sell so low for a player in demand? I know he’s not played as much in the last season, but has he really devalued so much? I can’t understand selling him for anything less than what we payed for him.


Market has changed, we will not be making a big loss,

Kent Wagenschutz

What cut-rate deals are happening? Clubs seem to either be not selling or holding out for their asking price. Of course, this may change as we get closer to the window shutting. My larger point is that, according to Transfermarkt, 19/20 we were -$117.42 million in transfers. 18/19, -$79.48 million. 17/18, +$5.66 million. 16/17, -$112.95 million. 15/16, -$26.4 million. In five years, wherein we’ve seen almost the entire squad turn over, Arsenal are down -$330.59 million. No wonder there are money issues.

Drogheda Gunner

I agree, I heard on sky sports news that socratis and Napoli president wanted arsenal to rip up his contract and let him go for free as he is in his last year of contract. Talk about deluded

Dave cee

Is it deluded though? I mean Arsenal don’t have to agree to it. But it is pretty clear to all concerned that Sokratis has no place at Arsenal next season and is essentially dead wages now. You can’t blame then for trying

Pepe The Frog

In my opinion, two things. First, barring AMN and Bellerin, none of the players we’re eager to push out are top notch quality or have a high ceiling. Second, the club and the players’ reputations based on the shit show in the past years. Take Emerson for example, Chelsea is quoting 18-22m and they’ll probably get that much for him because people will remember him having a hand in their Europa League win. Now, take a look at Guendouzi, Torreira, Sokratis, Kolasinac and it’s hard not to see decent, but limited, players who contributed to our worst season in recent… Read more »

Kent Wagenschutz

I take your point, but if history is something to rely on shouldn’t Torreira and Kolasinac trade on that? Torreira had a good time at Sampdoria, a Uruguay international, heralded as a player in the Kanté mold, and Kolasinac was Bundesliga 16/17 Best Left Back. I’m not saying these are 100m players, but I don’t think we should be giving them away.

Pepe The Frog

There’s no doubt the price being quoted for Torreira is underwhelming, but you just have to look at his level now and the level he was at when we bought. I don’t think he’s progressed. Some would say he’s regressed. I guess if we were selling players to other PL clubs we would be fetching better prices.


Also everyone knows we have to sell, so are low balling us in hope we are desperate enough

Dave cee

Rakitic went to Seville for an initial €1.5M
Different circumstances perhaps, but that really is selling a good player for peanuts.
Torreira for a variety of reasons hasn’t really worked out. If this is the best being offered then might as well take it and let him and the Club move on.


Niles and Smith Rowe can play in midfield.

Arsenal can manage for 14 days until Ceballos is ready. First game of the season is against Fullham.

Will Florientina pay Torrera wages?


You’re asking to be in the shits again….

Just saying United’s midfield has Pogba, De Beek and Bruno Fernandez…you are proposing Maitland Niles and Smith-Rowe….


Another indictment of how inexperience we are in market. We should be selling Torreira, Sokratis, Mustafi, Kolasinac, HOlding for 10-15m bracket. Elneny I can see for pittance say 5m No way should Torreira fetch such low pricing. And this has co-relation to our purchasing. We are struggling to buy right now bc we cannot generate the sales we need. Worse we are now risking progress in squad trying to sell off more important assets. I have no issue selling Bellerin but I would prefer to see AMN and Ceric show a year’s fulfilled capability before that happens. Unfortunately the club… Read more »

SLC Gooner

Seems like we should jump at this. Torreira hasn’t been playing, and with Xhaka, Elneny, Luiz, etc, I’d think we have enough cover for the time being, even if both Torreira and Guend go.

Merlin’s Panini

It’s a shame. I had high hopes for Torreira. I feel he can still get better but perhaps it’s not to be with us.
I really thought he’d be one we might sell for a profit but it looks like we’ll make a loss on what we paid for him.


I don’t think profit is the main factor here. Arsenal need to free up non-homegrown slots to bring in new players.


Torriera, Hector and Leno are players I really like and rate, but if their sale could make available funds for us to go get Aoure, Partey, a backup LB and backup GK, I’d be very very happy with that.

Happy with the Holding loan move to Newcastle rumours as well.

Guendouzi, kolasinac, sokratis should go and AMN and Laca should stay in my opinion.

If Arteta and Edu manage to get all this done this transfer window, I’ll be really buzzing for next season!


I think we are ok for GK (we have two top class goalkeepers in Leno and Martinez). We are also fine for LB (even if Kolasinac is sold, we have AMN and Saka who van deputise for Tierney if needed, and we can call up Bola from the academy).

Midfield is the priority now. Partey and Aouar would be fantastic.


Wish the guy nothing but the very best and enjoyed with him playing with the passion and energy he showed


He will always have that goal against the Spuds to be remembered for!


I think we should absolutely sell one of our goalkeepers. I’m glad I’m not the one having to chose which one, but we have too many holes in the team to afford keeping two world class players, especially in a position with almost no turnover. In my opinion, the players we can sell without weakening the team are : One of the keepers (the one staying will do the job just fine) Guendouzi and Sokratis (not playing anyway) Torreira (Promising, but looks like he needs a new challenge. Mustafi (might be impossible to sell with the injury) In a perfect… Read more »


So long as we get 22m for him it’s good. Staggered deal seems to be the way to go. Meanwhile we need to reconstruct midfield which is in dire need of both strength and creativity. One rumour yesterday was on Felipe Anderson at West Ham. ….he’s desperate for out. At 27yrs not a bad age and a real dribbler with some pace about him. 5m Loan is the chat maybe with obligation to buy (another sort of staggered deal, not sure what was?if there was an eventual price) BUT could be again another potential option for us instead of a… Read more »

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