Saturday, July 27, 2024

Report: Arsenal 0-1 Burnley (inc goal and red card video)

Arsenal: Leno, Bellerin, Holding, Gabriel, Tierney, Xhaka, Elneny, Saka, Willian, Lacazette, Aubameyang

Subs: Runarsson, Ceballos, Maitland-Niles, Mustafi, Willock, Nketiah, Smith Rowe

Arsenal slumped to a fourth consecutive home defeat after a Granit Xhaka red card and a Pierre-Emerick Aubameyang own goal saw us go down 1-0 to Burnley at the Emirates this evening.

The starting XI had a familiar look, and although Mohamed Elneny was recalled in midfield, there was only one change from the side which lost the North London derby.

The game started slowly enough, neither side had a sight of goal in the opening ten minutes. Arsenal forced a bit of a scramble in the Burnley box, and there was a huge let off when Chris Wood headed wide with the goal at his mercy in the 14th minute.

Rob Holding fizzed a header over in the 21st minute after an excellent ball in from Bukayo Saka, and the Gunners best passage of play saw Pope save well from Lacazette. Gabriel then headed a Willian cross wide when he probably should have hit the target, it was more or less the position he scored from against Wolves.

After that, nothing of note happened before half-time, and the teams went in level at the break.

Kieran Tierney started and ended a good move down the left, linking with Aubameyang but Pope was equal to his right-footed shot. The captain then put a header on target from a Bellerin cross, but without the sufficient power to trouble the Burnley keeper, and moments later Saka tested the stopper with a right-footed shot from a Willian cross.

Aubameyang’s deflected shot drifted not far wide, and it was looking better for the Gunners, until Granit Xhaka’s stupidity reduced us to ten men. He picked up a yellow card for a cynical foul, then a straight red after a VAR check showed him grab his opponent by the throat after a melee in midfield. Red card incident.

Dani Ceballos came on to replace Lacazette, Aubameyang saw another shot saved by Pope, and Mee fired one from distance which Leno saved easily. Auba was sent through, again Pope saved but the offside flag went up.

The captain’s night went from bad to worse, when from a Burnley corner he headed into his own net to put the visitors 1-0 up. 0-1.

Previously Elneny was lucky to get away with a yellow card in the box for raising his hands to the face of an opponent.

Ainsley Maitland-Niles came on to replace Bellerin, Nketiah was brought on for Willian with 8 minutes of normal time remaining, and Saka – our genuine bright spark on the night – saw a good shot headed over by Tarkowski.

The game went into five added minutes, Arteta’s men desperate for a goal. A Rob Holding shot hit Nketiah and bounced into the arms of the keeper, Gabriel saw a tame header easily saved, and that was that.

Utterly shit.

Next up Southampton on Wednesday.

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Johnny 4 Hats

There will be a lot of doom and gloom on here, but come on guys, a bit of positivity please. Xhaka’s out for three games and Aubameyang is back amongst the goals. But in all seriousness, Arteta Out. Not because I dislike him or because I think he’s a bad coach. But because this is a results business – not a “project” business or a “he’s an impressive guy” business or “he’s an ex player” business or even a “we’ve put all our eggs in his basket” business. He’s made too many mistakes. He’s put his faith in the wrong… Read more »


You had three defeats before this match, the squad you picked has failed to deliver previously, still you change nothing. The players need not need a kick in their arse at half time for them to spark into life in second half, they ought to have that from the first minute. Arteta is really looking stubborn now , if you pick players who have known to make stupid decisions before and think you can transform them, they might for a moment but they are always bound to repeat it again. And fck Xhaka.


When Arteta said non-negotiable he meant Xhaka and Willian will start every single game.

It’s all starting to look like lip service now. Reiss or AMN may still be a bit raw but on merit they deserve every right to start over any of Bellerin, Xhaka or Willian.


And why do not we give a try to ESR instead of Cebalos or even start him.


ESR ahead of Ceballos?
Ceballos has played 11 times in the Spanish national team and 56 times in Real Madrid.

ESR has 19 in the highest level altogether…

Heavenly Chapecoense

So what?


And are Burnley really that much better than some of those teams we played in the Europa League? So why does Arteta stick with these sub-par senior players when some of our hungry youngsters have shown they want to impress, want to attack? Unbelievable that he started with Xhaka and Willian today. The whole set up smacks of caution. No adventurousness in this team. No threat. No sodding goals!

The Arsenal

Not even joking he should be brought up on charges for starting Willian and Xhaxa.

David Hilliers Arm Cast

You forget Arteta was HAPPY with those performances. We played perfect, exactly how he wanted. That’s the issue.

Wayne Jacobi

Arteta out! Get someone else in before were in the relegation zone. Then it’ll take a miracle to get out of it. Especially with the players we’ve got🤔
Come Kronke do something useful and get rid of Arteta very it’s too late


Dead man walking.  Four straight home losses makes his position untenable.  At least he can’t pick Xhaka now.  Mo should have seen red too, his offence was worse.  Team has poor discipline.  The wheels are off the wagon.  Dire diabolical situation.  We are relegation candidates.  Tim Howard is right: we have no leaders.  At least Auba scored… we are bollixed.


I know our players are shit but still we need to get rid of our di matteo. He’ll kill our academy and the best crop of hale enders we have around.


I do not agree, these players are not shit. An FA Cup is never an accident. The team with the manager and Co is in deep trouble.

Artetas Assistant

Already sold Emi


It’s still a project business friend. We all say rebuilding takes time and comes with painful results. In isolation, we were playing ok until Xhaka Xhaka’ed. As someone here said, it’s just that when it rains it pours.




Xhaka’ed. Hah. Even our red cards are as stupid as they come. You wanna floor your opponent you might as well have a proper go, not some half hearted sissy-ass neck grabs or head butts. The only time a red card is ever logical is when protecting a 1-0 lead and you’re the last man chasing an attacker with little chance of catching up. But when this happens I’m pretty sure our players will shy away from the opportunity. The players look like clueless idiots at times and at this rate I’m not sure whether it’s the coaching, lack of… Read more »


Playing okay against a relegation candidate. You must see that’s not good enough.


Of course, no one is saying that it is – just recognizing that we’re in a funk and we need to remain committed to the manager as they work through it. Free from criticism? No way. Arteta got it wrong, again; thankfully, Xhaka is out now for 3. That will only make us better.


Buddy, committed to him working through it ran out a few games ago. We’ve since gone through “hoping against hope” and into “its past time.”


We’re 12 games in mate. Which position/points tally would be ok for you during a transition year?


Do you think the first 12 games is preseason? I’d like not to be 12 points off top weeks before Christmas in a year with no clear front runner. I’d like to be scoring at least a goal per game on average. I’d like a positive goal difference. I’d like not to be the worst of 6 London clubs, save Fulham. I even would’ve taken weak results with signs of life. But we’re dead in the water, and a manager we hired for his *ideas* about management – not his experience – has by now proven either that his ideas… Read more »


I don’t think these 12 games have been in preseason. My point is that 12 represents less than a third of the season (i’m really good at maths). Say you were on the board assessing his season, you’d need a bigger sample size. Also he has mitigating factors, injury to our best player, stupid red cards, fixtures.

We’d all like those things btw, but with our squad there’s no way we’re anywhere close. It’s not like people are happy, we recognize this is how an inexperienced manager finding his feet with a mismatched squad will look like.


How long are you prepared to give him to save the season, given that he’s shown no indication he knows how to solve the problems and only slight indication he even knows what the problems are?


If we’re 15th at 19 games, I think I’d pull the plug.


So to you it’s more about position at a point in time than any sort of trajectory?


I do, because too many subjective factors go into ‘trajectory’. Like today honestly, don’t you think we played well before the red? We created very good chances. If you then argue it’s just about results, then the only way to assess those is to allow a bigger sample size.


I don’t really. And I’d argue that while “position after games” is an objective criterion, its based on just as many subjective factors. We created more chances than in previous games, since we’d created none, but they also missed a sitter early that would’ve put us truly behind the eight ball. So I’m not arguing it’s just about the results, but he’s picking deeply conservative lineups of underperforming players, has thrown his non-negotiables (which appear to have been nothing more than a tool to push players he doesn’t like out of the squad) in the bin, and is getting beaten… Read more »


I disagree. I say we at least let Arteta go through January, see what he can do and who he offloads. If he does nothing, he is basically saying that he is ok with the things we are doing right now, and then he deserves the boot. But I think he should get a chance to make his imprint on the squad. Also, who are we going to bring in that makes a huge difference? Henry? Ljungberg? Pochettino?!? I don’t think any of these lads would do anything that warrants booting someone who is only a season in. However, if… Read more »


You don’t we had signs of life today, prior to Xhaka’s second death rattles as an Arsenal player? I thought we were by far the better team, and had we been playing with confidence and not struggling to get out of a slump, we’d have bagged a few before Xhaka went boom and self-combusted.


Again, we should’ve gone down early when we fell asleep on defense, and our best chances still aren’t going in. You can’t predict we would’ve “bagged a few” when we haven’t scored since the clocks changed.


Ok, so you see no signs of life in the team at all. I do.

Johnny 4 Hats

Stagnation is ok during a project. But we are in a relegation battle right now.

Also, if it’s a project, why don’t we invest in the future instead of the past? A “project” would be an environment when you take risks on youth.

Arteta’s project narrative is just a way to buy more time to do the same thing.


It’s trying to straddle both sides, give the youth a chance and blend with experience. Then when the results get bad you don’t want to chuck in the kids at that time. The cycle becomes vicious. Every youth project still has experience in the squad, even Dortmund or Leipzig whichever vaunted model you like.


But we will have experience in Tierney, Auba, Partey (when he’s fit), Leno, Gabriel and Laca (if he’s on) – but we need to drop players like Willian and Xhaka who bring nothing, bring in youth for them and we still have a healthy mix of experience and youth.


Agreed, if Pepe was available we wouldn’t be seeing Willian. If Partey was fit, Xhaka would be dropped. bringing the kids into this team might not help them.


You think Arteta is gonna pick Pepe over Willian?


What would possibly make you confident in that first assertion? Anyone can see Arteta dislikes Pepe.


Yea you’re both right. I’m hopeful I guess, that if the option was available he’d take it at least in 1/3 matches. We’ll see soon enough. I think he’ll start vs Southampton with Willian on the bench.


And then it just might. I have to be cold hearted here and say I don’t give a shit if being thrown into the team gives youngsters some issues, because I don’t really believe it. These kids want to play, yes? That’s why they’re working for AFC and on the payroll. As long as they can handle it physically then they should be given a chance. They can’t do worse than some of the current crop and at least we might see some more effort. And most important, we might see a decent player or two develop rather than once… Read more »

Artetas Assistant

You didn’t see the game

Wayne Jacobi

No words for it 💩


Elneny was just fending off a 6,2″ bloke who was charging into him from a corner. Xhaka shouldn’t have even been there…


Surely losing a relegation six pointer hurts. We can’t afford to hand points to our direct rivals because it might turn out to be costly at the end of the season red card or not.


Was coming on to say it’s still too early for “out” calls but then i read your comment. I agree. Big clubs act.


Dortmund just sacked their manager who lost 3 home games. And we stick with Arteta


Apples v. Oranges. Favre’s been there for 2.5 years. Complaints about Dortmund’s tendency to drop at critical times have dogged him for a while.

Timorous Me

The one thing I’ll say in favor of keeping Arteta is that the difference with a club like Dortmund is that they have a system in place, an organizational structure, you might say, that allows the manager/head coach to be sort of disposable, because cutting him isn’t going to create the level of chaos at the club that firing Arteta would.

Unless, of course, Edu and management have a cohesive, well-planned approach to how they want to move this club forward in the future. But I’m not exactly hopeful about that being the situation here.

Mikel Arteta

Tick tock! Tick tock! Hey I am ticking time bomb! Tick tock


You can get new manager, but the squad remains the same….most are just so eased up and comfortable , that they wouldnt bother performing. Arteta non negotiables looks to be forgotten when he is still player non peforming players. What have the last three coaches seen in Xhaka inhave zero clue. The cnut can fuck off

Obama Young

The manager needs to reward players who play well with more playing time and reduce playing time for those who play poorly.
He is not doing that. That should be a non-negotiable for him as manager. Instead, Willian strolls into the starting lineup every single week no matter what.


Apparently he chooses those who do well “in training”.

Bleeding gums murphy

Arteta seems lost. The treatment of saliba and Ozil has been terrible and in persisting with Xhaka Willian Bellerin, Lacazette in as a 10, it’s just embarrassing. The club is rotten top to bottom.

Wayne Jacobi

No Ozil no Saliba, Arteta has no idea of management and lacks interpersonal skills. The proof is in the results. They got rid of Emery for less.🤔🥴🥴


Too many contracts given to ageing players. Willian has proved a disaster and Luiz shouldn’t have had a contract extension. What was that about?? Saliba was meant to be an exciting young player, highly rated in Europe and now he’s stuck in our reserves.
Our recruitment has been generally very poor. Thank God for Saka and Tierney at least.


Spot on.

Reality check

Arteta is going nowhere, sooner we accept it the better. The club has invested a lot in his project. Pepe, Saliba, Guendouzi, Torriera – the club have gambled with 140mil worth of talent over his style of man management. That is on top of the players he’s bought which is another 80mil or so.. so its not that simple..

Elgon Views

The signing of those players you mention predate Arteta, his signing are Gabriel, Willian and Partey. So, we have not invested a lot into his style and can get rid of him.

Reality check

With gambling I meant the way Arteta has handled all of them.. not Torriera but Saliba was given Guendouzi treatment, he said it on insta..


What did saliba say on Instagram?

Reality check

Willie Saliba said this on Guendouzi’s latest instagram post: 😬

Saliba: “🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥”
Pepe:”This is your problem, you comment on everything 😂”
Saliba:”Hahaha, I’m sending well wishes to the brother that was locked up like me 😂”
Guendouzi: “We are together bro ❤”.


And 2 of those have looked like excellent signings! He has not brought in all the deadwood. He wants most out but they refuse to budge.

Jimbo Jones

It’s a very good point. The recent exchange beteeen Pepe, Guendouzi, Saliba on social media is telling about how Arteta is viewed and whatever you think of those players the manager can’t be getting that much talent off side. My reckoning is the Arteta bounce was based on insights he had learned from Pep but now he has run out of ideas, doesn’t have any idea which way to turn and clearly has no man management skills to motivate the team. Way out of his depth. Actually sacking Arteta may be a good way to unlocking lots of talent. Ozil… Read more »


Its cathartic after a loss to say – sack the clown. I disagree, but TBH, I’m of two minds here. First, sacking a manager on the edge of a Rel. fight rarely works. What, you want sam fucking allerdychi in the Emirates dugout? IF MA can get a result or a win against Soton and Everton (longshots) then he should get more time. He’s showed he can win tough games with this crap lot of players, he just needs to go back to counterattacking “system”. The protagonist nonsense he’s trying now is a massive failure. Surely he can see that.… Read more »


We might get someone who has a known footballing style and/or a Plan B. Like the Arteta fanboys say, the top of the table is ‘just’ 12 points away. If we wait till January, we might need the Allardyce relegation-battle experience anyway.


Most clubs on the edge of a relegation fight don’t have £200m worth of strikers, £100m worth of midfielders and who knows how much in defense with this many defenders. I think it’ll be fine.

Bob's Mexican Cousin

Make new mistakes is my mantra

SB Still

Let’s try a hypothetical scenario – If Arteta were to be replaced, who would you like it to be?


Pochetino is being handled about. Not sure he’d touch us with s bargepole but what a manager he was for the Spuds. If Arteta went I’d be happy with Pochetino as a replacement.


Southampton coach


In an ideal world it would be Pochettino but I don’t think he would be too keen to sort this mess.

Hasenhuttl please. His Shoestring Southampton are playing with intensity that you can probably only associate with Klopp. I have watched him since the Leipzig days and he’s good, very good. We gotta stop this rot at any cost and as much as I love Arteta and want him to succeed, this is getting worse every passing week.

Timorous Me

Of course, the irony here is that a year ago Hassenhüttl was in a similar situation to Arteta a year ago. On the wrong end of a 9-0 defeat, in the relegation zone, yet he was given more time and has really turned things around there. I’ve always liked him, so I’m not trying to demean him, but I think this does speak to where patience can be beneficial for a manager. Also, I would presume he wouldn’t leave Southampton midseason to join us, same as we likely couldn’t get Wolves’ Nuno Espirito Santo right now. He’s another strong choice.… Read more »


Exactly and only a few months ago he won the FA cup. He is in a rut now but he will get out of it given time. A big squad clearout is needed and can’t come soon enough imho

Johnny 4 Hats

There’s only one Arsene Wenger! 😜

I’d be having informal chats with Allegri, Poch and Valverde to see where they are at right now.

Heavenly Chapecoense

Valverde? Couldn’t achieve much with Messi, Griezmann and others.


Allegri and Poch are still available, I believe. So is Sarri, but if we are picking a former Londoner, Poch is a better bet.

Zidane and Conte might become available soon. I can’t think why BRogers or Hasenhüttl would even consider it, nevermind Maureen or Ancelotti.


If that cunt Maureen was appointed manager I’d stop watching Arsenal until he’s gone.


Pochettino (I don’t buy into his Spurs only vouch, money talks at the end of the day) and Allegri are appealing. If we can tempt Hasenhüttl as well, but unlikely to happen mid-season. And let’s be honest it’s not just the manager. Our recruitment, and contract management has also been absolutely abysmal. Where’s our Wijnaldum, Mane, Salah, Jota, Harvey Barnes, James Maddison, Ndidi, all bought for between £30m – £45m. Not to mention our bloated wage structure and not being able to offload players for the right fees – next in line being Özil, who we spent £42m and is… Read more »


We have martinelli Tierney and Saka as a good young base. I think Gabriel and partey are good signings by Arteta. I think he wants to build the team from there. Auba should bounce back the rest apart from some kids and squad players is up for grabs think Arteta knows he prob needs 5 or 6 in
and 10 or more more out the door for squad balance. Having too many players is a problem right now and can cause harmony issues. Not every signing will work out but he can’t be really judged until that happens.


Rangnick would be very interesting. Might help swipe some players from RB as well.

Artetas Assistant

Man it’s bad on a spiritual level, which is really bad. Today perhaps for the first time in my life I turned off Arsenal around the 80th minute. In Emerys years I wasn’t seeing games at all and I think it’s at that point for me again because I was watching the boys be juvenile and express Juvenile shows of giving a fuck but I wasn’t really buying it. I believe that as a leader you’re the God of that organization and any energy seen in your universe is from you. Well Mikel has brought a very Juvenile, imbalanced, immature… Read more »


We are a fickle bunch. I posed the question .. if we lose to Burnley should Arteta go .. and it was 3 to 1 in favour of him staying. I know emotions are running high but it’s now spun round to about 6 to 1 for him going.


I reckon a lot of people hadn’t actually countenanced the possibility of actually losing when they initially answered.


If he had tried something different and lost…but starting Xhaka and Willian again , he has nobody to blame but himself

Dave cee

This, I said on le Grove that if Xhaka starts I would start to have real doubts about Mikel, well…
Sad really


Oh do wake up and smell the coffee.

Most people, myself included, have given the manager more backing than a lot of other clubs support would have done.

But it’s clear to anyone who knows anything at all about the game, that the man has to go.

That’s not being fickle. This is a results driven game -and he quite clearly has made way too many blunders and practically shot himself in the foot.

A lovely guy, a good servant to the club but ultimately not good enough to manage it .


I agree. The point was that the majority thought he should stay if we lost, then when we lost, the majority thought he should go.

Wayne Jacobi

I totally agree. Arteta is out of his depth. The players are also to blame. Not good enough, end of!!

Paul Roberts

Xhaka’s out for three games and Aubameyang is back amongst the goals.” Arteat has engineered this give him a few more weeks? 🙂


Arteta, thanks for the memories. Wenger please come home.

Kentish Gooner

Hoping Mikel gets the dreaded vote of confidence. Thing is, after the S’ton match, we’ve some big old fixtures on our hands. Doubt he’s going to be binned before them? In which case, another serving of zero points please.


I’ve seen enough, get rid of him. He clearly doesn’t know what he’s doing and barely seems to understand the problem.


Agreed the mark of a manager is not when the team are doing well but when they are not and how he gets the team out of the rut.

He doesn’t seem to know how to get out of this mess and keeps relying on the same old faces. Them faces have let us down time and again this season and he must pay the price.

Not going to kick off about Xhaka as he should have been sold and certainly not selected. Arteta trusted him and he let him down.

What a mess.


Thinks the same players week in and out are adequate, clearly. They’ve proven not to be enough times that it falls on him now.


He’s tried to change things, we were much better today- xG ≈ 1.85 to Burnley 0.8 for burnley. Can’t legislate for Xhaka getting a red. Ok, maybe you can actually. But y’know, you get my point.


He’s moved the exact same players around the pitch.


Those are things still. He has also changed personnel, Elneny came in today. Willock started vs. Wolves, Partey vs Spurs. Willian criticism, is but I think most people are overstating Reiss Nelson, Pepe coming back will help.


El neny came in because he got Partey injured last week!

Artetas Assistant

By not playing him with Elneny


He didn’t get Partey injured. The medical staff passed him fit. No need to invent narratives. I agree he should have been partnered with elneny tho.


I wasn’t the one who published the narrative that Partey declared himself ready, and they conceded. A manager in control would think long term.

Artetas Assistant

I put it to you you haven’t been watching Arsenal


We were better than the previous few weeks but if we can’t muster a goal against BURNLEY at home with the handful of fans back, we really are setting our standards and expectations low. Like real low. We were supposed to be challenging for Top-4 after we signed Partey and we would do well to not get relegated at this rate. If there’s an easier way to stop this rut than sack Arteta, then every fucking fan is all ears. Or else, we are definitely edging towards the inevitable. Lose at home to Southampton and I think we can say… Read more »

Artetas Assistant

And he is never the problem


Xhaka is an inspiration; all I want for my own career is to also out earn my competence by a significant margin

No foot Norbert

Whatever happens r.e manager he can never play for this club again and any game he starts in I won’t watch. Getting sent off like that and then walking off with your head up… unbelievable


Enough is enough. You can’t just keep doing the same thing, knowing fully that it DOES NOT WORK, and expect different results. Arteta out.


Wolves hadn’t won at our ground in decades… same with Leicester. Before today, Burnley had never won at the Emirates.

Yet, we have fell before all of them consecutively.

At least, we still know how to break records.

David Hilliers Arm Cast

Well it can’t get any worse when we set a new precedent in awfulness.


How many managers can make this team a d this players fly?


I do not have any sympathy for Arteta on this one – Xhaka should’ve been nowhere near the starting line up and that’s the reward for starting him so persistently when he’s so clearly bringing nothing to the team


Sorry, but it’s just cowardice. They need to sack him before this gets worse, and it’s on its way to worse.

SB Still

Lets look at the positives

– Auba has scored (sorry for the sarcasm)

– Xhaka can’t be picked up for next game

– For the 2nd time playing with a man down, we played better than with 11

– We had lots of attempts on target

Now for the hopes

– Maybe Arteta will finally drop Willian

– This is rock bottom


I’m sorry but this isn’t rock bottom yet, it’ll get worse than this, you’ll see.

SB Still

I fully agree, infact I’ve seen nothing other than Xhaka’s red card to suggest any change.

However, as a fan one can only hope. I can’t fly a plane.


Imagine Spuds winning the league and us dropping to the champinship…


As we say in my hood, “god forbid”


Remember we thought last weekend was rock bottom. Things can always get worse.

Obama Young

Southampton are a solid team that is playing well. We are a team in total freefall. It might get worse in just a few days from now.


They needed a 9-0 rinsing last year to get their house in order. Maybe it’s not a bad thing, but it’s only not a bad thing if the right actors reach the right conclusions.


Willian is a Arteta singning. He won’t get dropped.

Reality check

Bellerin is also suspended for the next game.. everyone wanted Xhaka and Bellerin out of the team but believe me, its not gonna make much of a difference. Its the system thats the problem as much as the players are..


Who’s in? AMN and ESR!?

Reality check

You wish

Merlin’s Panini

Nope. It can get worse…


Where is the progress? Time to go Mikel!
A new manager who will give the kids a chance is urgently needed.

At least he can’t pick Xhaka next time, if there comes one.


And it’s not all about the kids. Don’t let the lack of dances between Auba and Laca at the moment fool you, these are players who were ripping teams apart in attack recently.

It’s just the coach and nobody wants to call it because we all love him

Ray's ice cream Parlour

….but who would you have to replace him? Poch, Viera, Allegri, Howe


You don’t know this:

A new manager who will give the kids a chance is urgently needed.”

You hope this.

A new manager is for SURE gonna start the expensive, nationally capped winger and look to manage him better. Sadly, it was MA who apparently insisted we buy this awful player.


If a new manager has faith in the same expensive players as Arteta he won’t do much better. Some not good enough or past their best and there won’t be a lot of money to strengthen. Who will pay for this lot. We could end up with 5 new Özils who run their contract down. So youth may become a necessity. Top four will be a long way up.


Well, at least betting against Arsenal in PL has become a constant source of income for me, I’d encourage everybody to start doing that if you haven’t tried it yet, relieves the pain and stress a bit.

On a more serious note, it can only end one way now, there is no point in delaying the inevitable anymore, this team seems to be beyond saving with the current setup.
Hopefully Arteta will resign right now and won’t wait til he gets fired, also please make him take Xhaka with himself.

Reality check

I made my friend put money on Arsenal for the title, thinking we might turn out to be the dark horses. Didn’t know it was gonna go down hill so soon..

Artetas Assistant

Fair enough on the first point

On the last point, Mikel is an underdog, I’ll make you a bet of a 100 he’ll never resign


I am of the opinion that our current woes are rooted with the decision makers of the club (The Kroenkes).
The owners need help from somebody who knows how to run a football club and who understands what the club stands for.
I think it is time to bring Wenger in as Director of ‘anything’.
We also need to give Arteta enough time


Nope not on current display. After 3-0 against Villa and 0-0 Leeds I said he’d turn things around. But he clearly kept at the same thing and the same exact players. Time’s running out for him and rightly so. And that exact same thing he’s persisting on is a huge gap between the defense and offense (both during buildup or when we press). The pressing is the stupidest shit I don’t get, our 3 front players press really well but nobody presses behind them, why waste your energy at all then? Might as well keep a low block and conserve… Read more »


I respect your point of view but humbly disagree. Josh and Stan do not coach the team but they have no clue how to run a football club in England. They need the right people around them to make sure we do not pay 72 million for Pepe or give a 32 years old a lofty 3 years contract. The list of bad decisions the club has made under the Kroenkes is proof enough that we need an adult in the room. While I am extremely disappointed with Arteta and at the time of his appointment, I was one of… Read more »


Can Kroenke play number 8 or 10?

Does Josh know what the hell a 451 is? They have played their part and not sat on the transfer funds. We need to redirect the fingers to the real problem not the easy targets.

It’s not hard for this team to go down if you have been following our performances this season. How soon the issue is sorted is the question.


I know many people disagree with focusing on the owners now – look at the down votes – but Bishop is not wrong. Arsenal has been a poorly run club for the last decade, which intensified after the Wenger structure came crumbling down. Look at the signings of the last years, not only player-wise, but the staff-related stuff. We had a footballing director who most likely robbed the club of a grand 20m quid, ffs. There is no one qualified to actually run a football club amongst the staff today. There is no running away from the Kroenkes since they… Read more »

Artetas Assistant

Nahh. Football is about having 11 happy guys feeling on top of the world and completely confident in their unique strengths as animals.

Eric Blair

A fish rots from the head down. It is a lack of competency, authority, and ambition that has got us here, and that won’t change simply by switching managers.


I’m delighted that Bellerin and Xhaka will miss the next game. Two garbage players who we have had to watch week in week out for the last 4 years. Cedric is a meme and while I hate the deal, he’s a better footballer than Bellerin. People overlook Bellerin’s total lack of ability because he’s a trendy cosmopolitan libtard with the correct opinions. There’s nothing more to say about the low IQ fool Xhaka, other than I never want to see him again. Just give the games to Azeez or AMN, this season is over anyway. By the way, remember Guendouzi..?… Read more »




Last season i was very sure, we wouldnt concede in the last few minutes of the game under Arteta but never knew there will come a time when i am sure we would not score. Knew we will not score and the game was over after burnley got their goal.


Today I learned the non-negotiable actually means Willian and Xhaka starting every game when fit.

AMN and Nelson might not be world beaters but they’re surely playing better than Xhaka and Willian. AMN did a whole lot more today in the short time he was on that’s for sure.

Mick Malthouse

Last straw.


I’m not currently sure there are 3 teams in this league to save us from ourselves. And I’m also not sure we can save ourselves the way it’s going.


At what point do we stop trusting the process? No sympathy for Arteta on this one, Xhaka should never have been in the team to begin with, not just on form but you also have to have a more adventurous midfield than that against struggling Burnleyat home. Only silver lining is he now cant be picked for the next few games.


Same shit, different game.


can we at least win an award for most realistic supporter cutouts?


Outstanding sir!


The Xhaka sending off turns out to be the positive from this match. It forces Arteta to not pick him next time.

Baichung Bhutia

Yes, but watch Ceballos and Elneny start in midfield with Willian Laca and Auba up front. Only replacement being Cedric for Bellerin.

Gunner Thesaurus

I saw Xhaka a tiny bit at Gladbach and he was good for them. However, his technique, talent and temperament is not suitable for a place like Arsenal. We can abuse him all that we want but doesn’t change a thing. But that brings me to bad recruitment. We shouldn’t have signed him. How can your backup for missing out on Kanté be Xhaka just by the way they play? And why do we still have to play him? Why did we ship out two very talented players on Loan in Guendouzi and Torreira? I don’t want Arteta for much… Read more »


Arteta’s lucky that stadium didn’t have 60k fans today! Sack the overrated idiot now!!! End this horror pls


Arteta is no idiot, let’s get anger out of this. I seriously think he needs to go, I thought so a month ago but I will always love him for what he did for us as a player and manager.


What he did as a player, yes. But he’s way out of his depth as a manager. Nothing can be more obvious.


So that calls for throwing the term idiot at him?


Burnley are shit and we allow them to come to our place an turn us over.


Baichung Bhutia

This is what is scary. Burnley were so bad and struggled to create a good chance with a man advantage. We still managed to lose. Our next three fixtures are Southampton, Everton and Chelsea – we aren’t moving from 15th place for now.



Glen Helders left foot

We are 16th,17th or 18th


We can’t stay at 15th much longer at this rate, we’ll go lower trust me.

Zuhair Ul Haq

We now seem relentless.

Relentlessly terrible. We seem beyond repair at the moment. Trying the same thing over and over again. I have forgot how to English.

Kill me.

Zuhair Ul Haq

Oh, and Granit Xhaka is shit. He was average during his peak but now he is just shit.

No foot Norbert

I said this during his ‘resurgence’ and got down voted with one person claiming he was better than gundogan lol.


On the bright side, auba scored, bellerin has learnt how to take throw ins, xhaka misses 3 game. So all in all a good day.
Oh and another week gone on willians 3 year contract.

Fireman Sam

The 3 year contract is utterly shameful.


Don’t worry lads, 22 new players in January and a new manger and we *might* stay up!


Absolutely dire, dross football, so very predictable. We can’t score goals unless it’s against ourselves. WE HAVE NO MIDFIELD. Get Poch in!


Arsenal Red-necks


Willian first name on the team sheet again.


That should be it

Mikel Arteta

And the bombarding begins!

David Hilliers Arm Cast

Read the first few comments and will just reiterate. I think MA is done. He’s trying something these players cannot do and he isn’t adjusting.


Short, sweet, and to the point. Comment of the day.


ABC: As easy as ABC, Always Beaten Club or Arsenal Brain-Fart Club, take your poison. Coach brain-farts, players brain farting, Owners brain fart. I am sick n tired of this shit!


I only read your shit once and I am sick of it.

Woe is me

They are definitely frustrated. Red cards are a good indicator. What Arteta is asking for isn’t working = frustrated players = losses and red cards.

Honestly I don’t understand. We were on the up. Not spectacular but solid again. Making sense, players who had seemed terrible were OK again. We won the FA Cup and the Emery rubbish seemed to be over. I didn’t expect much but I thought we would compete in every game again. And now we aren’t.

I actually wonder if our players are over coached?



Did someone put a curse on Arsenal or something? Not blaming Ozil of course…


I’ve had enough, see you all next season probably playing Championship football. At this rate, it’s a possibility.


Well at least we don’t have to see him for three matches…


honestly dont know what it’s gonna take for xhaka to fuck off


I’m sorry, but this is how I feel now: Arteta, Xhaka, Willian out!

Hank Scorpio

Time to fall on your Lego sword Emmett. Disagree? Feel free to humour me by completing this sentence. Mikel Arteta deserves to keep his job because…

Jeremy DG

This isn’t even Arteta being stubborn, I actually think he’s being a bit thick. Xhaka is utterly vacant between the ears and should never pull on an arsenal shirt again.


I actually think it’s a third thing – desperation. It’s why he started an injured Partey. But desperation is a lack of ideas. Next time maybe hire someone who knows what they’re doing instead of trying to script a sports film.


I might start eating my own Faeces… Surely it can’t be any more unpleasant than watching Ardenal right now!!



I hope Arteta realises that “his” players have already zoned out and aren’t going to listen to whatever instructions he’s giving them. His project is failing. It would take a miracle to get it back on track .

I am waiting to see if he’ll give Xhaka the same treatment he gave Pepe in his post match interview.


Best avie name.


Remind me why people Having been saying the culture is changing.


We might be able to sack Arteta, but he will leave us stuck with a lot of older players on huge wages that can’t run.


Then we should sack club chairman Kia Joorabchian too.


Doing the same thing yet expecting a different result. Arteta is a clown. His good looks mask his incompetence.
Freddie would have given the kids a run out instead of these losers.


I say drop every one apart from Leno, Gabriel tienny and Saka and replace them with the euro team…asi have had enough of watching the same team play the same way crossing in to the ghost of Giroud….

Cannon Heart

Dortmund, who finished top of their champions league group and are 5th in the Bundesliga 6 points behind league leaders Bayer Leverkusen just fired their coach. Meanwhile we have lost at home to Leicester, Wolves, Aston Villa and now Burnley in a row. Thats now 6 defeats in the league out of 8 but apparently its too early to even consider a change of manager. This club man.

Timorous Me

Our hopes of operating like Dortmund disappeared the moment Mislintat walked out the door and the Kroenkes gave Raul the chance to reign over our club with his corrupt hands.

Unless there’s a plan in place to really move forward operating in a structure like Dortmund’s, then we can fire Edu and Arteta and all that’s going to change is that this team will become an even more mismanaged monster of players brought in as short-term solutions to help the new guy keep his job.


Enough of this. There’s no Arteta can digg himself out of the mess he has created. The job is just to big for him and it would be for any new manager. Arteta will learn and be brilliant in the future but the Arsenal are really on the way to relegation. If you get beaten by Burnley at home you are in for a dogfight and our players, or the manager, have the mentality to cope with that. We need a manager who can get these guys working and believing in themselves. Arteta is not the man to do that.… Read more »

Artetas Assistant

If you got a First time Pep or a first time Klopp you’ll still have a better deal than a first time Ronaldo or a first time Mourinho

Tony Hall

Lost for words after that horror-show!
I like Mikael but I don’t think he is the man to get us out of this mess anymore.


I’m sure one day Mikel will be a great coach, but perhaps it was too early for him. He hasn’t even coached an u-18/23 team.

I Like him, and I really was hoping he was the one, but losing faith a bit after each game

Sir John King

Owners, executives, club hierarchy, whatever. Arteta is clearly not right for this job and has to go. It was an exciting choice and we believed in it. But it has failed. Rip it up. Get someone in who can save us from relegation. And start over.


Wish Sean Dyche was our coach tonight.


Wash your mouth out. That gravel voiced scrotum headed cunt? God help you.

Artetas Assistant



Yep, well said.

Fuck having that fat laryngitis-voiced dickhead.

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