Saturday, July 27, 2024

Arsenal 2-0 Newcastle – player ratings

Arsenal are through to the 4th round of the FA Cup after a 2-0 extra-time win over Newcastle.

It was hard work against the Magpies, and despite being on top the Gunners had Bernd Leno to thank for keeping them in it at the end of 90 minutes with a brilliant save to deny Andy Carroll.

Emile Smith Rowe had a red card overturned by VAR to go on and open the scoring, and brilliant work from Kieran Tierney set up Pierre-Emerick Aubameyang to seal the win in the dying minutes.

Read the Arsenal 2-0 Newcastle match report and see the goals here

Arsenal 2-0 Newcastle – Player Ratings

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Laca is looking really sharp. 15 minute cameo but he looks really up for it and fantastic headed assist for ESR. You can tell his confidence is back. He should start against Palace 100%


Laca has been suffering from lack of quality players that can link up around him. Now he’s showing why Wenger bought him. Wenger always buys forwards who are great at linkup with their back to goal. Auba was a rare occasion also he has similar attributes to Henry but in general wenegr strikers are good with their back to goal and good at link up. Henry Kanu Eduardo Adebayor Chamakh RVP Giroud and they were always surrounded by quality CAM’s sometimes 2 or 3 CAM’s at a time who can link up. These days we barely play with 1 CAM… Read more »


Agreed, and Tierney makes Andy Robertson look like a loaf of bread.

David Hilliers Arm Cast

Initially I thought it was just a deflection off of the defender, but on the replay Laca is just straight fighting to win that header. Magnificent.


Willian needs be as far away from the first team as physically possible!


Arteta’s favourite… bit hard for that


Guess, Arteta was protecting ESR for palace. It is good that Willian didn’t took his chance. But he is really aweful.


Nah…Football Critic had him at 6.2…would go along with that. No way was he a 3.

B jack

Nah definitely a 3. Football critic forgot the critical piece of their analysis


I agree he’s not a 3. I gave him a 2 myself.

I wish we could get rid of this useless lump.

Petit's Handbag

I don’t know what football critic is but they need to focus on their critic side. Awful

Charlie George

Are you his agent?
(If so, please find him a new club)


6.2 out of 100 is no good.

Diaby's Left Peg

Let him social distance from Dubai


Mari was excellent.


Thought the same. Really happy with the way defenders are coming back from injuries. For the first time in maybe a decade, we may have 4 at least good PL central defenders in the squad (Chambers, Holding, Mari, Gabriel). Hope the first one gets fit. All of those, coupled with the younger ones developing well – Rekik, Saliba, Dinzeyi, the couple ones at loan -, might mean that finally, for a looooong time, Arsenal is well covered there (not to mention the players that can makeshift there, as Tierney, maybe AMN). I hate a lot of players in this squad.… Read more »

Frank Bascombe

David Luiz, despite winning a sackful of trophies and captaining Brasil isn’t worthy of a mention but Chambers is, are you mad?


They put Carroll out there to intimidate our defenders. That didn’t work because the MariLuiz axis was so strong that Carroll did more work as a defender himself.


I’ve never seen Luiz’s trophies get on the field and play. What I have seen though – as a brazilian, might I add – is how inconsistent and prone to moments of absolute stupidity he is. It’s not that hes utter shit, dont get me wrong. But he’s not getting any better, so I don’t even consider him for the medium term of the club. Chambers, on the other hand, has a plentiful of years ahead of him and has done decent enough when fit. Does he have a ceiling as high as has been historically possible for Luiz? No.… Read more »


He may not be a great passer, which if I remember correctly was one of his advertised attributes when we signed him. Beyond that, he has far and away exceeded my expectations. Strong mentality, and here we must give credit to Arteta’s coaching and system for our defending with such confidence.
Being an arsenal fan who remembers Wenger’s high defensive lines and and lack of midfield support that really found out all but the most skilled of defenders, I feel Arteta may be doing the opposite. Its no coincidence that all of our centrebacks look like good players.

Johnny 4 Hats

The battle between David Luiz and Carroll was fascinating. In the same way that watching two hippopotamuses have sex is fascinating.


Nailed the joke there Johnny. Didn’t shy away from the full spelling of hippo and doubled down on using the correct plural. A solid performance worthy of the thumbs up.

Johnny 4 Hats

Aw. I wish you were my dad. Been waiting a lifetime for that sort of affirmation. 😊

Paul Roberts

He’d have spelled check the whole thing as he is in marketing,

Artetas Assistant

Copywriting *

Charlie George

Hoping for “hippopotami” here

Booomer Goooner

I don’t know, there’s a lot of fascination going on here!


I’m struggling to understand why Willian is so poor. There is a good player in there, but for whatever reason he’s been atrocious. No effort, no drive, nothing. Disaster so far, but we have another 2 and half years of him, unless we can somehow either get him to perform or find a way to sell him, even for nothing.


What’s starting to frustrate me more than his terrible play is the way he reacts – always sulking, frowning, looking at the ground. Quite a downer to the team’s energy.


Can we not get Tone Adams in, just to give him a proper slap across the back of the head?


he has someone’s nudes for sure


He does have my nudes, but I don’t really have much influence on the starting 11.


Don’t worry. He might most likely pass it back to you alone.

Artetas Assistant

No threat heh ?


With how traumatised he looks on the football pitch they must be Stan Kroenkes

Matt P

It’s a good point. We know he has been a good player. He *could* be a good player again. So the underlying problem needs to be diagnosed and addressed. Rather than just consigning him.


He’s never been consistently good and he’s stinking the place out at Arsenal. Even when he’s not being lazy he’s just not very good, he only came so he could stay in London. His wife was on social media in an Arsenal shirt saying “needs must”, surely it must be clear to Mikel and Edu that he’s past it and a very expensive mistake.


So what is it then? Wifey won’t accept anywhere else but London? Does he have kids with three years left of some posh school? There must be a reason why he turned down Chelsea’s two year offer while managing to drive a bargain hard enough to squeeze us for three long and painful years.


we have him pretty similar terms to what chelsea was asking… though we gave him 3 years not 2.

A Different George

I thought he was actually trying very hard and showed a lot of energy in the first half and was still crap. Which, I guess, is even more disturbing. If this were his only bad game, you could chalk it up to playing a position he is not suited for (the 10 or false 10 or something). But he looked terrible when he switched positions after Smith Rowe came in and, of course, he has looked terrible in every match bar his first.

Big Dave

Yes, I thought he was doing the “Headless Chicken” routine in the first half. But in the second half he was worse than that.

Public Elneny

He was actually an important player for a half decent Chelsea team last year. They did try to keep him

It’s partly because his legs and his desire have gone. He’s no longer playing for a contract

Also partly because we try to use him as a playmaker. He’s only ever been a fairly 2 dimensional traditional winger. Stays wide, does the odd skill move, and gets the ball in the box – that’s pretty much it. Just because he’s Brazilian and has big hair, doesn’t mean he was ever some kind of freewheeling magician


Yes this ^^


I totally agree but I think the effort was the first part of the game. He was closing down players and running but he fizzled out. Somethings just not clicking.

I’d be happy if we found him a new home, the States would probably suit him down to the ground.


I think its a fitness thing, he looks knackered after 10mins. It’s reminds me of when you have that one unfit guy (usually me) at 5 a side who spends the whole game running around just thinking about how much pain he is in rather than being able to think about actually playing.

Hank Scorpio

Perhaps given his age and short turn around between seasons his fitness isn’t there. I didn’t want him and thought at face value it was a bad deal but even so, I can’t believe how completely shit he’s been thus far.


He’s being played out of position, and asked to do something he was never asked to do at Chelsea. He started through the middle in the no.10 role. He’s a winger!

Mikels Arteta

Hopefully some far eastern club comes in with an offer for him

He’s just so bad. Just here for the pay check


The legs have gone, or are going.

Ali Kamal

How soon can we unload Willian


As soon as we tell Edu to take a hike?


Bit difficult for that.. Arteta’s favourite he is Let’s not forget the dubai trip than he comes back that weekend in the first 11… Than our poor run happens… Trust the process I suppose


There’s literally no point keeping him, his wages are far too high for 4th choice winger. I’d give him til summer and if there’s no improvement send him packing to China or the US.


Who the hell would ever go to the US right now? Willingly or not. This coming from an American in the US

Hank Scorpio

We can’t send him anywhere

AMN's cheeky grin

June 2023


Unofrtunately I think it’s going to be almost impossible

No foot Norbert

Didn’t look like a pen to me. Didn’t need it in the end. Good win for the lads and auba got his goal! Lovely stuff

The Far Post

Look again. First time I saw a Rabona trip. 😀


It’s amazing how dependent we are on two very young players (and thank fuck we have them!). So many in this squad are simply incapable of playing positive, dynamic football.


Really? I’m going to assume you mean Tierney and Saka so you’re discounting Martinelli and ESR?!! Fair enough mate, fair enough.


Unfortunately Willock is not at ESRs level and without that creative brilliance in the middle we could only create from the flanks.
With ESR in the team Laca is involved and scoring and Saka has someone equally brilliant to play with.


I still harbour some faint hope that Joe will come good from a consistency PoV. But that said, am beginning to chew the nails.


I like his ability to carry the ball but I’m a bit worried about his positioning. In the buildup there was a massive empty sapce because insted of showing for the ball he ran upfield next to auba and pepe. And off the ball he doesn’t seem to be good at either blocking passing lanes nor pressing players.


Yeah carrying is good but his vision is dreadful, I’ve never seen a player miss so many opportunities to release a teammate, or hold onto the ball that bit too long so often


He reminds me of the former AMN in being so lackadaisical, let’s hope Joe can turn it round too.

Hank Scorpio

Willock didn’t play the 10 if that’s what you’re assuming? That was Willian. But today was a rare start in his best position and not the best performance


Woeful Willian should never pull on an arsenal shirt again. I love the youthful endeavour of Saka, Tierney and ESR shame that Nelson and Wilock couldn’t raise their game. Time to sell them and maybe Eddie too now that Laca has found some form. Not sure Auba look comfortable up front in the centre, much better off the left.


Kieran Tierney. wow. what a player we have.


How much drive and compoussure does he have at 23?!?! With Martinelli as inside leftforward..holy Gabirel Jsus!!! Left side bias returns!!! Left side Ind.Fc.Inc.


And to think the transfer almost didn’t happen!

Really pleased he signed, even if he signed with an injury.


Cedric’s image looks like a 1940’s philanderer. Can you add a cigarette to it?


Also Willian’s image has a beaming smile. Please change it to the trademark frown of his. Expecting high standards from blogs


Willian in numbers: 0 shots on target 0 chances created 2 turnovers in 2 minutes 1 nutmeg by Almiron 12km/h max speed 2 shots on target since joining the club Arteta tonight: “I think he was improving and improving. He’s been out as well because he was ill. He missed two weeks of training and football. He had some good moments and other moments where he needed more help. We’re going to keep trying with him.” Arteta needs to realize he’s making a mistake playing Willian through a prolonged slump. He’s only hardening fan opinion against him and generating ill-will… Read more »


“12km/h max speed” 😆 that destroys


Pretty sure Arteta won’t come out and say William’s shit and we should have not signed him


Tbh, I don’t see what else Arteta can say short of “He’s shit and Edu is buying his agents players”?


I wouldnt be surprised if his contract had some sort of a number of matches he must be played in, since he came looking not only for 3 years of contract, but also for guaranteed first team place. Which, if true, makes the whole situation much more embarrassing for Edu and Arteta.

Goodly morning

One does hear of such contractual stipulations in the modern game. I really hope it’s not true.

CDN Gooner

Willian and Pepe were dreadful.

Fireman Sam

One of them maybe.


Pepe was not great.. but not much is expected of him anyway.. expectations from him are on same level as willock, nelson


Willian is a liability to us on the pitch. Anytime the ball goes to him attacks either slow completely and go backwards or break down completely.

Man Manny

I sincerely hope, for the sake of Arsenal this season, that Willian finds some kind of form. We have a lot of football ahead of us and Saka will need a rest at some point.
A broken Willian serves us no good.
Time for fans to get off his back.

Aleksander Włodarz

That was a definite penalty!

Der Kaiser

Did Marri make worrying passes? I thought he passed well. Left footed, stays on his feet and reads the game well. Great sub for Gabriel


Agree. I think he is a very reassuring presence up back and uses the ball well.

No foot Norbert

Yeah I thought Mari was classy today


Up against the pace and trickery of Zaha + Eze, I can see why we might’ve tempted to put the pace of Gabriel back in.

But also, if it’s not broken…..

1 goal conceded in 400 minutes in our last 4 games with Mari on the pitch.

Obama Young

He’s definitely playing well, but that 1 goal/400 minutes stat got a little help today from Leno and Andy Carroll.


but then you can say that about every stat, helped by x or y.

our past 4 wins were helped by the fact a meteor didnt come down and smash the emirates to bits!


Yeah but Blogs likes crispy driven pass with pace and confidence


Don’t we all?


You would thinkso, but some want secure and pattern obidiant passes first and foremoast.


He did missed a few passes, but nothing detrimental. And he did well in defense.

Obama Young

I love Tierney but he made a bad pass today that led to a scoring chance. It happens to every defender. Hopefully rarely.

Fireman Sam

If we’re talking worrying passes, it was David Luiz long range cross field brain fart of a pass to a Newcastle player that tops the chart for this game surely

Neál Martin

Harsh on Pepe. I thought he showed desire and bravery in his play, even if it didn’t always come off. I gave him a 7 and I think I’d start him on Wednesday too.


Was nodding my head vigorously in agreement until “I think I’d start him on Wednesday too”

Goodly morning

Peep with ESR and Laca would be interesting. At least there are options and different configurations which might unlock defenses. All seem to require ESR though.


There are other configurations without ESR, shame they are devoid of any creativity and desire…


Hopefully the dismal Willian signing will trigger a change in policy at Arsenal: no more good money frittered away on unmotivated, apathetic Chelsea rejects over 30 yrs old. Under any circumstances. Buy young and hungry; invest in potential.


Funny how we start all of our experiences attackers and turn to the youngsters in our hour of need. Saka and Smith Rowe excellent again, a little disappointed for Nelson and Willock, was hoping they might take their chances.

Genuinely gutted for AMN, wonder what he has to do to get a start

Dr. kNOw

AMN needs to sort out his passing. It’s the main reason he’s not trusted at CM. If he does, he’s Partey’s partner. Simple as. Willock and Nelson need loans. Nelson needs his fire lit, so that (similarly with Pepe) he can work on being on it for 90 mins before we can talk of consistency. Willock… I don’t know. I see why they persevere, as there’s a player in there somewhere, but… his issue is more fundamental. I can’t quite put my finger on it. He was rightly substituted and his exit (and Xhaka’s introduction) made a big difference to… Read more »


I think possibly Willock and Nelson won’t make it at Arsenal now, and if we can move them on in the next year for some decent money then it will be a good return, and good luck to them.


I thought Mari’s dribbling was impressive today. He made their press look foolish on more than one occasion. At the very least, hes proven to be good cover for Gabriel on the left.

Tierney is loudly stating his case as the best LB in the world.

There are some clear bright spots and the attacking is improving – but we clearly need to bin Willian and find someone to cover for ESR occasionally. COYG


I think Alphonso Davies might have a better claim for best LB in the world, but Tierney is certainly in the discussion.

In fact, besides those two, I can’t think of any others. We are truly blessed to have Tierney in our ranks.

A Different George

I’m not sure Alphonso Davies is the best left back at Bayern, let alone the world. I really like Tierney but this “best left back in the world” stuff is crazy after a dozen good games.


What sweet little player ESR!! Arteta better not pull him up on the missed passes!!!! It’s a byproduct of a player playing one touch aggressive front foot football.. the kind that makes you unconfortable as a defender. Don’t change him please, he plays the game the way it’s meant to be

Karol Chren

Oxford dictionary synonyms for Performance: (to Tierney something), (Kieranisation), (that scottisch guy)


Pepe is utter crap, he is way out of his depth playing for Arsenal


His first touch can be surprisingly off at times


I understand that Willian wanted to stay in London, family life, whatever. But I mean, there’s West Ham… wtf.


Or Charlton. Or Leyton Orient. Or Spurs.

Karol Chren

or Madame Tussauds 🙂

Give youth a chance

What have Orient ever done to you?

Public Elneny

Tierney and Mari were excellent. Luiz also very good Willock very very poor. When your midfield partner is Elneny and you’re the lightweight and ineffective one, there’s a problem. Thought he’d be more suited to a deeper midfield position too. Nelson also disappointing but I still think he’s worth persisting with Don’t want to talk about Willian Thought Auba put in a good performance irrespective of the late goal. Movement was excellent and likely would have had a couple more if the final ball was right or Willock didn’t get in the way of an easy header. Ok he’s not… Read more »



Public Elneny

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Please please please do not play the Chelski conspirators, Luiz and Willian against Crystal Palace.


I might get some stick for this, I honestly don’t like Pepe. I think he’s rubbish. He only shows a moment of quality every 5 games. When I see his name on the team sheet I just meh, another dead show. He reminds me of the ringer player your mate brings to footy, pre game he looks good with the touches and tricks. But once the game starts you think to yourself why the F is he playing. Saying that, I really hope he comes good. He’s got the skills and technicality to make it, but he’s too much of… Read more »


Gutted for martinelli looks like another spell on the sidelines. Fans who continue to call for Nelson and Willock to be given more minutes will hopefully pipe down as their performances really confirmed they are not good enough.They should leave Arsenal and go and reinvent themselves at a championship club which is about the level they are at.


If you’r not on long enough to rate you usually don’t get a rating.

So how on earth is Willian geting a 3?


Watching Willian play for Arsenal week after week is like the footballing equivalent of long covid.

James P Butterworth

I have just sat and watched Arsenal for 2 hours and until extra time I was embarrassed for them …. Willian and Pepe are just a waste of time .. Likewise Joe Willock was only just better … it’s these 3 that Arsenal should get rid of .. Luckily Kieran Tierney .. Lacazette .. Saka and Smith- Rowe all made up for it and turned the tide in the second period of extra time … Well done you Gunners !


What to do with willock, never seems to grasp the opportunity, nelson also, although the latter seen less playing time, willocks brain and feet seem unconnected, as for willian, Jesus he is crap.


Why do I like the player ratings after each game so much?

Fred Merz

Leno gets a 7.5? Can’t recall him doing anything wrong and he kept us in it in regular time.

Off topic here but Kolasinac made his (second) debut for Schalke today – and they won 4-0 – their first win in the league since 17th January 2020 – 51 weeks ago.
I don’t believe in coincidences.

Sammy Nelsons Arse

I just love KT he is awesome and laid Auba’s goal on a plate for him. hoping Auba kicks on now.


Can we put Willian on the same flight as Ozil? I liked Sylvester and Squilacci signings more than Willian’s, at least they did something while on the pitch

Joe Webb

KT best player on the field. ESR and Saka share that same mentality. Mari was quietly confident and solid. Pepe tracked back more and better than usual. Leno saved us from our early wastefulness

Joe Webb

Aside from his goal Auba was average. He’s better on the the wing. Reiss should get another chance. Willian is barely worthy of cup play. Shouldn’t be on the bench for league play

Tierneys tescobag

Willian we know is shit. However i’m concerned for the future of Nelson, Willock, AMN and even Nketiah who looks to be halfway out the door. Granted Nelson has been injured recently but still – where is his impact? He has never really been able to prove his quality in premier leauge level and this was the guy rated higher than Sancho. I do think there’s a good player there, but his lack of performance is just gonna move him further down in the pecking order behind other not-performing wingers.. Great talent like Saka, ESR and Martinelli have really stepped… Read more »


Time to change ESM’s number, he deserves it

Charlie Nicholas

Leno was excellent- surely that’s the ideal scenario- not too much to do but excellent when he is called on. The young talent is inspiring but I have to admit Nelson doesn’t convince me – if there’s a eight figure offer we should take it.

Exit the Lemming

ESR was, by his recent standards, poor until he scored but still gives us bags of energy and the opposition problems even when not at his best. Tierney is an indefatigable Scottish terminator. Willian is a Brazilian termite. Willock should go out on loan (Ditto Nelson) Pablo Mari is growing into this team but please don’t let him pass further than his own shadow. Luiz’s experience was needed today to deal with Andy Carroll (who played well and didn’t have his fragile elbows injured by anyone’s stray face for once) Sell Soares, Elneny and Pepe (we would be lucky to… Read more »


So let me get this straight. We just keep Tierney?

Exit the Lemming

Of those that started against Newcastle, we keep Leno, Luiz, Pablo Mari, Tierney, Saka, Xhaka, Laca, Auba, Smith-Rowe and Maitland-Niles


I love the player rating but I don’t know what it is but I can’t scroll down past Auba!! COUG

The Arsenal

Willians face after he attempted to shift the ball from his right to his left and proceed to shank it out of the emirates was hilarious. and even the other players couldnt hide their disgust.. He looks like one of those characters from Space Jam that got their talent stolen. Guy is a shell.


Mikel simply needs to pull an Ozil with Willian. Just don’t register him for the Prem or Europa squads

Hank Scorpio

For 2 and a half years? Let’s not forget how eager Arteta was to sign him.


Pepe tried really hard today. But, I don’t know if he’s the guy for us. He’s clearly very gifted technically. He has raw talent. But, his decision making is terrible, poor vision and honestly he seems to lack the football IQ which he needs to succeed at this level.

Booomer Goooner

Nelson needs to only play on the right (or centrally). When he came in for Gabby, it was obvious that he didn’t know the positioning expected of him or where his teammates were. When he’s on the right, he rarely finds himself out of sorts with his teammates. I think any real harsh view on him today is not reflective of the talent he has.

Artetas Assistant

Hi thanks for the alleged hippo porn earlier. Didn’t see shii go down though


Well done Smith


Laca, Saka, Rowe ,Mari, Tierney; The Best in Arsenal


This must mean the end of the road for Ainsley maitland miles at arsenal does it??
A shame.
Something we may regret

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