Saturday, July 27, 2024

Report: Monaco leading the race for Torreira

According to AS, Monaco are leading the chase to ‘rescue’ Lucas Torreira from Atletico Madrid.

The Uruguay international signed a season-long loan deal with the Spanish club in the summer but he’s only played a total of 469 minutes so far.

It’s a situation that doesn’t really suit Torreira, who is keen for game time, or Arsenal, who feel the 24-year-old’s is depreciating in value on Atletico’s watch.

Having worked so hard to slim the squad to make room for new faces this month, the Gunners aren’t particularly keen on Torreira returning to the Emirates so Edu has been left in charge of finding a solution. It’s a situation Arteta touched on a while back. 

It’s been suggested that we’ve invited approaches from suitors and the likes of Fiorentina, Lazio and Valencia have all tentatively made approaches.

The latest reports claim it’s Monaco – who have traded many players with Atletico in the past – that are getting serious about the player.

Strangely, AS claim that Atletico are worried about the player leaving given the busy schedule.

The transfer window closes in less than a week so if a deal is going to get done, things will start to accelerate from here on in.

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Monaco could turn out to be another tough experience. Italy would probably be best to showcase and retain his value as he knows the league. So even if the offer isn’t as good as Monaco’s that should be first option for the long term transfer value imo.

Kelvin Kingsley

You’re very right

Cultured Determination

Bunch of lefties downvoted you.

Johnny 4 Hats

I feel like his value is just haemorrhaging the longer this goes on. Realistically, if we’d got rid at the right time, we could’ve at least got our money back.

Now Lucas is sadly looking like another one we bin off for peanuts. Man, we suck at this. Seriously? Athletico Madrid? Where was the game time coming for a deeply flawed player in one of the best teams in Europe?


What a load of bollocks. Talk sense Johnny. You ain’t got a clue 👎

Johnny 4 Hats

Ok. Fair enough. Which bit do you find so irritating and / or untrue?

Dave Cee

Nah Johnny is correct. He should have just been sold this summer, not loaned to a team where there is serious competition for CM places. Never made a lot of sense

Apangu Iddi Amin

But was there a club that was ready to by? When Arsenal was looking to offload even up to now.


This is it, no one wanted [slash could afford] to buy him over the summer, all the offers were loan offers. Atleti was Torreira’s choice. I agree with @Lord Bendtner below though, why would he want to leave? He is a part of what could be a historic La Liga title run. Their fixture list is chock full now until the end of the season. If he wants it and works hard he will get games. This is a bad look on Torreira, he wants the easy option. Kind of been a bit of his character since joining Arsenal. Was… Read more »


Let’s not forget, we did him the favour of freeing up a place in Athletico’s middle ;-p


We are where we are with him and we need to get players out. That’s why we’ve been paying a fair few to leave recently.The transfer market is certainly nowhere near “normal” currently and if/when there’s interest in someone like Torreira we’ll probably have to go with it. What’s the alternative? The club is buckling under debt – £120 million added only in the last few weeks thanks to the Covid loan. It’s cheaper to pay players off or sell them for a “reduced” fee than keep them on the books.

Johnny 4 Hats

Totally agree. My main grievance is that in order to put him in the shop window and maximise value, we sent him to one of the best clubs in Europe as apposed to the litany of interested clubs in Italy. People assumed that Simeone would play him because Torreira is a bit… like mental and Simeone is a bit… like mental. Are people aware that Simeone doesn’t just put out eleven convicted killers and hope for the best? I did say this at the time and if I could be bothered I would go find the relevant article. But I… Read more »


I believe Simone managed to successfully convinced LT to reject other deals on the table and joined AM instead. He was probably told that they believed in his qualities and he would slot in Partey’s spot straight away in the first team. It made sense for AM to make this LT move, because we after all, did snag Partey the way we did on-the-Last-Day of the last window…therefore, leaving them pretty desperate for a stop-gap replacement ‘killer”. (btw, glad we managed to snatch one of Simone’s top “convicted killers”:)), but not the way we did it). Anyway, I don’t know… Read more »


The club took the covid loan because it will never get finance at a lower rate. Not because it’s buckling under debt.
As arseblogs self appointed expert on arsenals finances I would expect you to mention this


Yes – and then why do we go and spend 2m and 40k a week on improving other teams talent? What it is Odegaard going to do bump us up to 7th? Why aren’y we giving our own youngsters more faith. Why do they have to make extraordinary quick progress like Saka and ESR to be given a decent two/three game run?

Safe Hands

I completely agree with you in terms of losing out on value, but not on him being a deeply flawed player. He’s arguably not really been given an opportunity at our club since Emery made the inexplicable decision of moving him out of the deep lying role he did well in during his first season. It’s a shame Arteta isn’t keen because I actually think he would strengthen us if he came back. Partey is about as perfect a midfield partner for Torriera as it gets. We would also be hugely combative with them both in the same side and… Read more »

GeoffRey Hurstmaker

I really love that little dude. He had me at knocking Christiano on his ass. I just don’t know if he can cover quite enough ground to make it in a top half side in the Prem. It would be interesting to see him paired with Partey and I do think he’s better than Elneny, but probably better to off-load him if wwe can.

Johnny 4 Hats

I think in British football we value someone “who puts themselves about” as an important quality.

I don’t think many modern managers do though. Simeone certainly doesn’t, neither does Arteta or Emery.

Maybe deeply flawed was a little harsh. But no one wants to play him as a DM. Partly because of his size and partly because of his lack of technical ability. To me that’s not great for a DM.


Dont see why we dont bring him back surley a better player than elneny or xhaka


You’re not still peddling that line about Xhaka being shite are you? That’d bandwagon’s finished mate

Dy Gunner

Xhaka is trash!!!


He’s been good for like, a month. Before that (this season) he got a red card and was a dick about it, slowed us down with conservative passes and played pedestrian football in the entirely insipid middle.

I’m so glad he’s finally turning in some good performances, but we’ve been watching him for four years. He didn’t just become world class, that’s for sure.

Public Elneny

Right. He has had spells like this before, and they usually happen just when it’s looking like we’re finally about to give up with him But he’s never been able to maintain them for more than 2 or 3 months. And when not in a purple patch his slow tempo of play and lack of dexterity on the ball kill us. It’s a pattern at this point. He always tries defensively, but on the ball he just phones it in when he doesn’t have a fire lit under him I would rather keep him around as a squad player than… Read more »


But he’s better than Elneny he’d be good to have if Thomas or Xhaka got injured. How does nobody see that. If he comes back, if Arteta would to be smarter, he’d put him as a CDM where he had his better games for us in the beginning. Just because he’s a midfielder & we take him back doesn’t mean he has to be a box to box or a creative midfielder. We can still use him in games if we’re under the kosh & we don’t have Thomas or Xhaka.


Sometimes I wonder how comes we never challenge for the title or make the top 4 because according to some on here all our players are brilliant.
Xhaka has show over 4 or 5 seasons that he is a very average limited player that we need to improve on.

Bossman Bill

Xhaka’s still not good enough.

And anyway you don’t finish a bandwagon, you jump on or off it.


We can’t just bring him back our squad is now full, with the addition of Olegaard, unless we leave someone out like Mustafi.


I think he’d be good next to Partey.

AMN's cheeky grin

So did Atletico!


Simeone thought that too.

Lord Bendnter

Why doesn’t he want to stay? He has the opportunity of being involved in a potential LaLiga trophy. Why would he want to leave Atletico rather than be a part of that? Even if he is a bit-part player


I think it’s less about lady Atletico not being attractive to the suitor and more about her not being attracted to him. In other words, he’s accepted that boom boom is plentier elsewhere.


I fully agree. Atleti might win the title and being a part of that would be huge. And they have a massive fixture list coming up. If he wants to fight he will get games. That’s on him. Seems he’s happy to run off to a lesser club to try and walk into a starting line-up, but the same may happen again whereever he goes. It’s turning into a bit of a trend with him.


I’d have him back at arsenal


I’m sure i read when we signed Partey that Simoné wanted Torriera to partner him.
I’d be quite keen to see that.
I think the way Xhaka drops in on the left side gives us a nice balance but Torriera and Partey could be very solid and when Mari or Gabriel get back we negate the need for Xhaka’s left foot dropping deep.
Come home Torriera! 🤞


0 out of 3, seriously?


Monaco? Hey let’s swap him for Cesc!


Just what we need; another ex=Chelsea player over 30 and in decline.


We need to generate some money. Garlick prob brought in to help Edu approach things with a bit more pragmatism, the Brazilian having failed to resolve many of the out of favour players futures last summer. We’ve released Ozil and Sokratis early. I’m guessing we will try and get something from Torreira permanently if poss and also Mustafi. Also some rumours abound about us fishing Guendouzi to PSG for Draxler in return.(If this half comes to pass, I don’t mind shoving off Willian to say China to make room for the German but very long shot at moment) Chambers is… Read more »


I hate to break it to you, but there’s no way we’re getting rid of Willian. It’s Ozil-light. No-one will pay those wages. China is our one forlorn hope, but I can’t see it, personally.


Bringing him on during the last 20-30 minutes when we’re winning to rest the weary legs of our good players then that’s about the best we can get out of him for the time being. Hardly worth the 200+ k a week but at least better than the gardening leave we granted Özil in the last two years.


Decent idea in theory, but those 20-30 min would be much more valuable to Willock or Eddie, or even Balogun in a probably futile attempt to get him to sign. Or what about others in U23s, this Cirjan kid supposed to be good? Let’s see a bit of him before Willian

Pastor Simon

I pray the deal goes through…

I care less how Atletico is feeling


This lad should be in the squad as back up for Thomas Partey.

He’s certainly a better player than Elneny and Xhaka.

Another Arteta mess.


We need to get him off the books but how much we’ll get is debatable. Anyway, let’s hope a deal is some sort goes through. Arsenal have done well in moving players out in the last few weeks, but at not an inconsiderable financial cost (in current circumstances) to the club I fear. Getting something in for Torreira would be at least a move in the other direction.

SB Still


Some good results for us tonight.

ManU losing to United was enjoyable. If we beat ManU this weekend we would be only 7 points behind them.

Everton, Leicester drawing (net gain for our opposition is 2 points against a win for 1 would have been 3).

Chelsea dropped 2 points, although all 3 would have been better.

Certainly not the title race but the European places are slowly coming into to view. A long 2nd half of the season ahead.


This season is mad


Many teams have upto 2 games in hand, e.g. Everton


Yeah, I always hate the “only 7 pts off 4th!” when teams have several games in hand. If that team in 4th has 2 games in hand then I’m going to assume they’re 13 pts ahead, not 7. Expect the worst and hope for the best.

SB Still

Valid point. However, ManU have played the same num of games as us and 10 points ahead and we play them, next, this weekend.

Once, twice, three times el neny

We know a guy who used to be their boss. I’m sure he can put in a good word for us


If you could have one next to Partey who would you take back? Guendouzi or Torreira? Any chance there is one of the old internal solutions…

Billy bob

Torreira over Guendouzi as the latter seems to be trouble wherever he goes


Neither really. Torreira looks to have issues with settling and fighting for his place. Douzi is clearly the more talented, but comes with massive baggage. Without the baggage it’s Douzi hands down. If he can pull his head in he will be an immense midfielder. But, it’s a big if.

Timorous Me

I feel like the correct answer is probably Guendouzi; I’ve watched a handful of his games with Hertha and he’s been one of their better players (Matheus Cunha is 🔥) in a pretty terrible season. That said, he still annoys me and I’d rather sell him. He’s still the same immature, hot-headed young man we remember. But he’s looked pretty good, very active, pretty effective at helping build-up play and even joining the attack more than I ever remember for us. So I think there’s a more versatile player there who could probably be pretty useful next to Partey. I… Read more »


You don’t really know anything about the lad yet he annoys you and is a negative influence. Load of waffle


Good news

Apangu Iddi Amin

First of all, Athletico are not happy bcz of Arsenal grabing Partey late and taking him away so they can not groom a player that will come and help Arsenal when they are not happy with us.


I think this is the easy narrative. If Torreira was good enough at Atleti for what Simeone wants, he’d ABSOLUTELY be playing. But he isn’t. I think we all might have overrated Lucas a bit. Seems to lack a little determination in his character.

Thierry Bergkamp (non negotiable)

That old school style Atletico shirt looks nice and it suits Lucas


Will they being paying us £2million quid for him?

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