Tuesday, October 22, 2024

Arsenal 0-1 Everton – player ratings

A Bernd Leno howler gifted Everton the only goal of the game as Arsenal went down 1-0 at the Emirates this evening.

I literally can’t be arsed to write anything else.

Here’s how the players rated.

Read the Arsenal 0-1 Everton match report and see the goals here

Arsenal 0-1 Everton – Player Ratings

The ratings are hidden by default until you vote, but if you just want to view the ratings and the comments, flick the switch at the top above Bernd Leno. Also, please give the ratings a few seconds to load.

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The Goon

I like Arteta but he’s out of his depth. As are the majority of our squad. He needs to be shown the door alongside at least 10 players. Keep Saka, ESR, Martinelli and Tierney. The rest can go. Partey proving yet again that the players around him at Atletico made him shine. How low can we go? I never imagined us flailing in mid table…

Mick Malthouse

Lost me at I like Arteta. Didnt read the rest.


You’re wrong on Partey, but I don’t understand how anyone who thought Emery needed to be sacked can think Arteta has been any improvement on that. At least with Emery we thought we might win the Europa League. Who’d be dumb enough to believe we will this time around?


Partey has done nothing, apart from a great game against United. People should stop pretending they watched him in La Liga and take the L on this one.


Partey has been one of the better players this season. He’s forward thinking, calm under pressure and possesses better technical skills than most of the team. I saw a few negative tweets about him on Saturday when he tried a few long range shots, which I find unfair. He is an absolute class player with potential to get better.

Anders Limpar

Also Emery’s excuses were more creatively entertaining. Or perhaps it’s just that Mikel’s grasp of English takes away even that tiny joy.


Our record with Emery in cups? 0 trophies. Arteta? FA Cup and Community Shield double. Arteta may suck in the league big time, but he’s proved in his short career to be able to eke out results in cup competitions and win when it matters most. Remember we wouldn’t even be in the Europa League if it wasn’t for winning rhe Cup final vs Chelsea.


Yep the only manager I think I would fear in the europa league for Mikel is coming up next, followed closely by *ole, who we would face in the final.

*I don’t think he’s great, but he has united, united(Heh) and we haven’t fared well against English opponents anywhere this year let alone in Europe.


So you fear both managers he’ll have to face next in Europe’s 2nd team competition. What does that tell you about his standard?


Pretty fine margin, and adding in the Community Shield shows how you’re stretching. Arteta certainly won an FA Cup and then was uncompetitive in it the year after. He’s also stumbled through Europe two years in a row. Emery took us to a Europa League final while Arteta got us knocked out against Olympiakos. If the Emery and Arteta cup finals were reversed, would you be happy to have Emery still? Me neither. Because outside of cup runs, and at points inside them, they both proved themselves to be poor managers. One was rightly fired, the other should be at… Read more »


Emery set his team up like scared little boys against the big 6 and let Watford get like 40 shots against us. At least with Arteta we do well against the big team and don’t allow that many shots per game. And I do think its relevant hes never had a preseason like Emery

Wengers Coat

I think the play has improved somewhat compared to Emery, with him I didn’t see any style or tactics at all, but now with Arteta we’re to slow. Never use the counterattack possibilities. That’s the thing I miss most of the early Wenger period. We were good with the ball, but also one of the best counterattacking teams in the world. Now everything goes backwards, even when winning the ball high up. It goes backwards… But I also see that the current crop of players are not the best around, so I’m willing to see another window pass and give… Read more »


I can see why Partey is so highly rate. He dominates the midfield like very few others. But every single time he plays he switches off for 10-15 mins and make some awful howlers. He had a period in the game today when he needlessly gave the ball away in a very dangerous situation, immediately gave a dangerous free away right on edge of the box. then two minutes later he gives away another dangerous free after another bad fould that could have seen him sent off by another ref. in this period he also had two wild shots at… Read more »

The Arsenal

That 10-15 is Partey time.




You never know with a cup. I wasn’t really expecting to win FA Cup or community shield. Times have changed but the romantic in me still believes.
The realist thinks if we get past Emery, we’ll get beaten by Utd in the final and that will really hurt.
But maybe Ole being given a little time to find some consistency is a lesson worth following? Personally I’m still of a mind to give Arteta more time.

Once a gunner

One more season


Yes Arteta needs to fall on his sword. We’ve regressed since Emery and it’s not getting any better. The players aren’t responding to whatever he’s telling them. It’s over.

Greg in Seattle

I don’t think you remember the football we played under Emery.

I don’t like the current results – who would – but this team is infinitely more promising re future glory than the crapfest of reactive tactics and confused players and goals-allowed that Emery was trying to joystick around the park. At least I enjoy seeing the future emerging and some actual creativity.

My summary: We dominated this game, couldn’t break through, and should’ve kept Emi.


Great comment.
The emi part is wrong w/o doubt, however. He asked to leave. He had no history of consistent performances.

Folks whove followed the club for years know this.

A Different George

Emi is a good keeper. He looked terrible the last time I watched Villa, but very good at other times. Okay.

We had two keepers under contract. One wanted to leave (unless he was assured first team football) and one didn’t. We sold the one who was willing to be sold, and got a good price. Arsenal have done so many things wrong recently. This was not one of them.


Emi is a better keeper than Leno. Were his performances following Leno’s injury, including winning the FA Cup, not proof enough of consistency? The decision to buy Leno in the first place, then sell the wrong one, is on the management and their consistently poor judgement.


I would say no, not enough proof. Small sample size, strange conditions with lockdown. I liked him more because I prefer taller keepers and he’s less flappy. But I get their thinking, the safer decision for the club was to stick with Leno. Stop with the recency bias, Leno has been very good for us

Jean Ralphio

We lost this game after having dominated it and so I count us unlucky. it took a howler to beat us. Fine margins and we have lost many games this way including because of players needlessly getting sent off: Xhaka, Gabriel, Pepe. With better players and more discipline, we could turn the tide. In fact, if our key players were fit, we’d have done much better. See our wins against Spurs and Leicester. Though he has made mistakes, Arteta is not the problem. He’s a rookie manager and he was going to make mistakes or did people actually think he… Read more »


We have absolutely not regressed. That team tonight didn’t have Aubameyang or Lacazette but we held our own vs a full strength Everton side.


Yeah Leno mistake aside we were on top.
Lenos mistake really killed us.
We didn’t have leaders in attack who can take that mistake on the chin and get revenge, saka is almost there but is young.

everton then sat deeper and closed off even more space limiting our attacks.

I hope he is resting chambers for Thursday because our attacks faltered after he went off.


We’ve gone from getting outshot by relegated teams under Emery to just shooting ourselves in the foot under Arteta. The results aren’t much better, but its easy to see a future when you’re at least playing ok for most of the match vs Emery when that just wasn’t the case.


Yes thankyou, results are not good right now but the football passes the eye test much more than Emery’s did. I honestly think without all the weird VAR calls and shit reffing (think Wolves, Burnley) we’d deservedly be 6-8 pts better off this year. These are the level headed responses I was hoping to see. Sick of all the reactive negativity on Arsenal socials where everyone thinks it’s simple to be firing Arteta and magically spending 200M this summer under the second coming of early Wenger

Minden Raider

Yeah but didn’t UE go 21 unbeaten and get to EL final


we didn’t just hold out own. we completely dominated. didn’t create enough chances sure but everton did nothing the whole game. even the goal was a poor quality chance that would never have normally gone in.

this team is better than what emery left behind. it’s in transition. the league was over for us 3 or 4 weeks ago. all we have now is europa league but these guys seem to like a big game so i am quietly confident we are going to do the business.


We? You mean the Kroenkes? They’re not going to shell out the £s needed to rebuild the squad. All their wealth is tied up in money-losing sports franchises and real estate.

Stefan Woroglian

Potentially unpopular opinion here: Arteta is just the manager we need; he’s young, creative and has plenty of room for growth – just like our squad. He has given our academy prospect the chance to develop in to bright young stars, opened the door for Odegaard, he has a clear plan and we get to see its potential in flashes. He’s not a right now answer but he strikes me as a potential long term fix. Nothing is guaranteed, but the man has been forged by fire this year and I am ompitmistic about our development if we back Arteta.… Read more »


well said Stefan. i am on board with project arteta. he has show me at least that he has got the chops for this job. will be a big summer ahead and i expect next season we will see much more consistency and numbers improving. will likely take another season before we can think about threatening top four, but i am ok with that as long as we see steady progress.

Bleeding gums murphy

Arsenal 0 Leicester 1
Arsenal 0 Villa 3
Arsenal 0 Burnley 1
Arsenal 1 wolves 2
Arsenal 1 Southampton 1
Arsenal 0 Palace 0
Arsenal 0 United 0
Arsenal 0 City 1
Arsenal 0 Liverpool 3
Arsenal 1 Fulham 1
Arsenal 0 Everton 1

This season, it’s mental.

Johnny 2 Bad

It’s shameful.

The Arsenal

Well Fuck..Look how many times we didnt even score.


So many dumb points dropped there. Forgive me if my memory is hazy but Villa, city and Liverpool aside (poor performances no doubt) I think we could have taken more from all of those if we had been a bit more efficient/lucky, and we hadn’t shot ourselves in the foot.

I feel a bit that our position isn’t 100% representative of performances.


Arteta is not the problem

Anders Limpar

Arteta is a separate problem.


No, but he is a problem.


You’re missing the point


yes, like this is football manager and you can rotate 16 members of a squad in a single window. if you didn’t imagine us flailing in mid-table then you haven’t been paying attention to what is going on at the club for a long time now. arteta is doing ok and we have the core of a good squad there. he needs more time. who would do better given the circumstances and the fact arteta actually cares about the club and wants to put something long term in place?


I appreciate your view and would love MA to turn it round. The obvious comparison is Chelski though; Tuchel took the same squad which Lampard had and made them a far better team (with odd glaring exception in results) and far more tactically aware.


Have you seen the players Chelski has though? The money they spent? Tuchel turned them around by getting them to play at their level. I’d argue aside from the kids most of our players are bang average mid-table players. The Chelski players would walk into our team for the most part


That’s true, my point though was that Tuchel had the same squad as Lampard, no additional transfers, and improved results. Would he have done same with us? Could someone else?


that’s a ridiculous comparison GraeB. tuchel inherited one of the best squads in the league. one that has been carefully put together over multiple seasons.

lampard was in way over his head at chelski and had alienated most of the squad. chelski will be challenging for the title next season. they are way ahead of us.


Again, I think you’re missing the point. A change of manager with no change in the squad has brought about improvement. I’m not comparing squads, merely comparative results brought about by change.

The cost/ability of the teams may well be different but is MA also in over his head and alienating the squad?

Should MA be replaced with experience us the key question.


Chelski has been way ahead of us since the Russian bought the club. Money matters.


A squad worth 10x ours, you neglect to mention in your neat little summary.


Relevant how to change in performancs following new manager?


Really?? OK – I’ll spell it out for you: Lampard’s inability to to coax performances from a platinum squad and blank-cheque transfer fund, only means he’s a far worse manager than Arteta – who has managed to shore up Emery’s back 4 shambles and at least get some sort of playing structure (whether you like that structure or not), with many mid-table also-rans who wouldn’t make most of the other top 10 PL squads. Mik has a sow’s ear… Frankie-boy had a Louis Vuitton! Your argument is upside down and actually flatters Arteta in what he has managed to do… Read more »

A Different George

I think I read that Chelsea had more than forty players out on loan. Seriously.


Arteta may be out of his depth but I am pretty sure any manager would be in the current circumstances Arteta finds himself. He inherits a broken squad full of all sorts of deadweight and a former teammate that is the most highly paid and the most active on social media but least active on the field. He has nothing but instability above him in the organization with a corrupt boss that came from your childhood club and other key people coming and going right and left and, in the end, the one person that is consistent is Edu, who… Read more »


well said. arteta is not the problem here. he has performed amazingly well i think. i’ve yet to see anyone suggest a better option for the situation we are in.

Salibaba and the Forty Thieves

Max Allegri? Erik ten Haag? One was consistent in the league (even before he joined Juventus) and the other has a demonstrated history of getting the most out of youth players.

Just my two pence👀


you would have to give allegri 500m to spend and trust him to spend it wisely, despite having no experience of EPL. and that would be debt on the clubs books straight away. his style of football is also very pragmatic and more suited for a big club full of top quality players. ten haag has a good record at ajax but that is not saying a huge amount. he has no connection with arsenal. we would just be a stepping stone for him. arteta played for the club. he loves the club. he wants to build something sustainable. him… Read more »


He’s performed amazingly well…..he’s going to finish mid table. Knocked out of the FA cup. & has made some pretty questionable decisions in terms of squad construction (Willian/Auba). The whole point of an experienced manager is to get the best out of the squad. Compare us to other teams who brought in new managers – Everton/west ham/Chelsea. Even Leicester. Arteta has been awful. The only hope is he learns and gets better


95% of the fans were jubilant when Auba signed in the summer. People just forget easy and always are in search of scapegoats


I have zero issue with us resigning him. It’s the fact that we pay him massive money and then don’t play to his strengths.


i was one of the 5%. we should have kept giroud and never signed auba or laca. or given ozil that stupid contract. that season in particular has been hugely damaging. we wasted a ton of money and took on huge wages for players with little resale value chasing one last day in the sun for wenger.

if you want to blame KSE for something, blame them for spending too much money chasing short term success and having the wrong people in charge of spending that money.


Yep – the age of instant gratification. A young, inexperienced manager being demanded to reverse 4-5 years of creeping decline in a season – hamstrung by a corrupt top structure, disinterested/disingenuous owners and an equally inexperienced Tech Director.


Jubilant? Happy to see a rudderless team keep the bird in the hand.


the squad had to be completely gutted and rebuilt. that takes time. there is no other coach near arteta’s potential that would have taken that job on. i have to say, i admire the guy for sticking to his guns and staying true to his philosophy despite the poor results and the increasing stick from our “fans”, a large proportion of whom seem to be massive cry babies who just want immediate success and trophies all the time.


Couldn’t agree more – the instant gratification hounds on this forum conveniently ignore anything that interferes with the ‘make us Top 4 NOW!’ narrative. Klopp took years… Thierry took almost half a season to settle as a player – and these same voices were crucifying Pepe over his price tag. We have to have faith and patience – this reactionary vitriol is the worst possible poison for our club. Just take a moment to really reflect on the upheaval that Arteta has had to contend with: it is unprecedented in both Arsenal’s and world football’s history. And that I feel… Read more »


These ratings are the best thing about this shit show of a season

The Arsenal

The Willian half pic…

SB Still

There was much more heart and effort outside the stadium than inside!

Kroenke’s Wicked Mustache

why would anyone dislike this video? wtf is wrong with you?


Those were the days my friend, we thought they’d never end, we danced forever and a day.

Billy bob

Fast flowing, one touch football, we need to go back to this – felt sorry for Pepe last night as more than once he wanted the ball released quicker!!!


How long has it been since we have seen midfield runners and through balls like that?


The rater and the ratings are shit.


Go mope about the game somewhere else instead of blaming the rater

Anders Limpar

I think the ratings just need another x amount of transfer windows and x amount of time and x amount of money….

Johnny 2 Bad

Let’s give him some love and let him go at the end of the season.


I get no joy out of watching this anymore.

SB Still

I can’t even get angry!


Its the feeling of inevitability for me. You just knew VAR would overturn the penalty decision, and you just knew Everton would score


No joy, just a rather hopeless feeling of torment.


Agreed… football is not fun anymore… even if we were winning


The ridiculous price of a ticket, the crazy wages that are paid, the same cliched post game match interviews, VAR, fucking super European leagues, Gary fucking Neville, £7 shitty burgers, 7pm Sunday games…. where did it all go wrong


Pr£mi£r L£agu£
Kro£nk£ K$£
$k¥ $po£ts
Far ¥ast b£tt¥ng

Public Elneny

Another fabulous evening of soccer based entertainment content for the consumer base to enjoy!

Sean Juba

I just wish I paid £15 PPV to watch it and had someone waving pom-poms at half time. Soccerball kicks ass!

Merlin’s Panini

Don’t forget those ads we all love watching!


I can’t remember the last time we started with 5 English players in starting 11, it turns out to be shit as usual

The only sp*rs i like is san antonio

Back in late 90 probably when adams, keown, bould, Dixon, winterburn, and seaman still here. And they are way better than the players we have now


Xhaka – out of position, slow + poor tackle for the goal. I don’t really blame him, because it was inevitable if you play him at left back. We got away with it for 2 games and we should’ve quit while we were ahead. Incredibly frustrating evening. We were decent to start with and occasionally after that. Everton didn’t really deserve it, but we didn’t deserve it more. Still believe we could win Europa League.


There was a time we had the formidabke british core of Theo, Ox, Jenks, Ramsey and Gibbo! Good ol’ times.


I can’t even tell If this is sarcasm


What a LOL!!


Honestly Leno deserved a 0. One of the worst goalie mistakes I’ve seen as an Arsenal fan. Start matty Ryan on Thursday?


We’re fans, remember? Build him up, never push him down. He is a very good goalie. He also makes mistakes.


Emi would’ve been better


a lot of arsenal fans enjoy shitting on their own players. always the same players too. happens in the stadium too. all the time.

Fred Merz

That Fabianski one (against Porto?) was worse. Also Szczęsny in the league cup final. These mistakes will happen to every keeper no matter their quality. We need to score goals…


Agreed. Keeper makes one mistake, goal against. Forwards miss chances, no criticism? Midfielders misplace passes, Willian to blame. Defenders give away penalties, blame VAR.
This is life online.


Runarsson too against… whoever it was. Can’t be bothered to look it up.


I put Leon’s poor form down to a lack of internal competition

He went from having Martinez breathing down his neck in training, to seeing Runarsson as his only threat, and now Ryan who was Brighton’s second choice keeper

I don’t think it’s deliberate, it’s just the human nature

David Hillier's luggage

Bit harsh on Ryan, he was Brighton’s No1, considered one of the better keepers the the league last season, and didn’t appear to be dropped from their matchday squads due to a lack of form (he was effectively their frozen out 3rd choice keeper). He’s more than capable of challenging Leno, you could even argue Leno’s form has actually been worse since Ryan arrived. Perhaps its having actual internal competition with Ryan instead of Runarsson that’s contributing to the poor form?


Fuck it, the league’s been done for us for a while. Put everything into Europe. If we don’t win the Europa League then Arteta should go.


Smith-Rowe was the only bright spark for us, he’s a very good footballer

Partey is beyond clumsy, some of his passing is diabolical, and it’s not a one off

If Unai knocks us out, then the logical explanation is that an Arsenal fan slept with the new script writers wife, and this season is payback


Smith Rowe? Didn’t even see him on the pitch. Quiet as a mouse.


Agree with Joel, he was really quiet with 1 or 2 good moments… Just like everyone else.


I don’t feel Partey’s passing is bad “naturally”, I get the impression he’s somewhere between tired and insecure. He missed some passes today that are clearly in his league, but it’s like his body can’t follow his mind. But I agree he needs to become more consistent.


Why would Partey be tired?

He’s hardly played all season, and only got a cameo off the bench last Sunday

He does some really good things, but there’s definitely concentration issues there, he seems to make difficult things looks easy, and easy things look difficult

This observation isn’t just based off one performance, it’s an ongoing theme with him


Not the player that so many on here told us we needed. Certainly not Vieira.
Lack of concentration, caught in possession, too many stray passes, shooting poor.
Maybe a sign of dressing room concerns.

Baichung Bhutia

When everyone gets a 6 and Willian still gets a zero :). Any other owner/board and Arteta would be out – in fact I dont think he would have even been recruited. Its all on Thursday, but I have a feeling even if we lose to Villareal, Arteta wont be sacked.

Anders Limpar

Rightly or wrongly I think the ESL debacle will mean that KSE won’t want to rock the boat again for a few weeks and Arteta will still be in charge at the end of the season regardless.


In my view he will get a proper season, with summer plans in place, whatever happens, happens next season. As of now there is too much stability and things have to calm down before rational review against season’s objectives set out at the beginning by the board.


This team feels too ragtag to me, when Partey isn´t on his game the midfield doesn´t look right and today his performance was mixed bag, if I was in his situation I would practise shooting day and night. Xhaka should play in midfield, with Saka at LB, he is more suited for the position and we have players to step in for Saka in attack. It doesn´t take a lot to see Xhaka´s deficiences to come out at any moment and prove costly. Players like Elneny and Willian shouldn´t be anywhere near the matchday squads based on their performances, even… Read more »


Partey had several good passes in the beginning of the match. He also deflects pressure well. His weakness is that he is not playable often enough.


And he was booked quite early and I think that negates his game massively.


Blogs I worry about your mental health. Hope you’re ok!


Being a legacy fan isn’t getting any easier


Sold the wrong keeper…

Martinez has been a man possesed this season. This transfer has certainly helped his confidence a great deal. Hopefully he can cement the no.1 jersey for Argentina

I noticed that his weakness at Arsenal was that hostile crowds at away matches seemed to really affect him psychologically. He was in between the sticks for some crazy scorelines:

5:7 at Reading
5:5 (6-5 pens) at Liverpool
3:0 at Crystal Palace
3:0 at Stoke City etc.

He’s one of a number of players who have benefited from no crowds this season.


That Reading match was in 2012, he’d just turned 20 years old. He was excellent in the Europa League last season in some pretty hostile stadiums, we only lost to Olympiakos when he was dropped for Leno.

sore eyes

even game, but count the individual mistakes this season and I think there will be a hat full of points that should be in the bag, niketiah is so lightweight and offered nothing, Martinelli should of played, that was a mistake by Arteta, but that’s the only thing I can really blame him for.


Agree, we had too many narrow misses mainly due to individual mistakes and brain fats. I wonder how can people blame Arteta for the goal.conceded while it was pretty even game with Arsenal dominating till conceding the goal.


Bit too generous on the Stan and Josh rating.


Atleast your ratings put a smile on my face, ohh this is so depressing, if we don’t laugh we will cry. I hope to have seen a fight especially after the protests. Also this is life without Alexandre Lacazette, if we don’t get a very good striker in, I hope that people begin to realise what he gives to the team. Yes, he was in the starting lineup in the 1-1 but he created a big chance for Martinelli, he does a lot, score goals, he creates for others, plays for the badge. We just did not look like we… Read more »


Laca was still busy showing his fist to Slavia…


If only he was here to show his fist to Everton, we need our 2 strikers back if we are to win the Europa league.


Laca is busy resting & preparing to score his Europe League winning goal in the final for us. Let him be.


Buddy we don’t scare when he’s in the team either. Have you seen our league results this year?


Our good performances come with him in the team more often than not. Besides that statement applies to any player, we have had games where we were terrible with Tierney, with Aubameyang, Saka and our other quality players


Since December Alex Lacazette has had 18 starts, and he has scored 14 goals and made 3 assists, he has been very good for us.


I give everyone a 1.

Anders Limpar

Willian’s highest rating this season! He’ll be well chuffed!


Yeah, we were flying before he came on


You’re obessed with sex, if you want to give everyone 1.


Protest the only important thing today. Thanks to everyone who went amid a pandemic. They were immense.

Whatever happens on the pitch is irrelevant to me until Kroenke goes. In fact I would welcome relegation if it meant KSE fucked off.

The Arsenal

Leno has been shite since the day we sold Martinez and handed him the Number 1 back after he lost it while injured. That decision in itself shows how Arsenal operate. Lets not award the Kid who has waited patiently for his chance and has been here for over 10 years.
6 wins from 17 at the Emirates.


Partey has been slowing the game soooooooo much. There were at least 3 times where there were clear chances to speed up the game to the wingers and instead of playing it on the first touch, quickly, he just dwells on it. I don’t know if that’s a lack of confidence or instructions, but this is hurting us.

Don’t even care anymore about the league. You can’t ask fans to care when you lose matches by own goals multiple times a season .

Highlight of the game was the fired up protesters outside the stadium (Nice one guys👍). A very good turnout.

Maybe the negative media coverage the club usually gets in sports media will finally work in our favour

10/10 rating for the ambulance and paramedic services treating the Gooner who landed on his head after falling. Player of the match for me


Under MA Özil was creating more than 3 chances per game. With him on the pitch Arsenal never lost. He was starting all these games (10) then paycut happened and picky MA ‘s ego got hurt.


Dude, let it go.

Tony 2

No I think he/we shouldn’t let it go. Why play our main creator our top earner, the main man b4 lockdown 1 where we do not lose a game then after LD1 drop him? Arteta is a pussy a yes man an arse licker to his paymasters. Coat me off all you want. I have been a supporter for over 50 yrs and what I’m seeing now is total BULSHIT. Fuck kronke, fuck kse and fuck arteta. We are being played as mugs. To revert to the 1st point. MA takes charge. MO becomes our main man, plays very well… Read more »

Tasmanian Jesus

He’s been excellent in Turkey too, from what i hear…
No assists and no goals, and more drama. He’s finished as a top player.


Thanks Stan. Thanks Josh. I’m excited.


How the club be so loyal to you then you talk about a new adventure. Leno is kind of a prick and cocky. That interview showed how much distracted he is. Get rid of Leno. Matt Ryan is doing a good job already, at least he cares.

Johnny 2 Bad

Best ratings ever


Change the RED background at the Emirates. It is a distraction for teams that wear RED already.


Bit harsh on Eddie though.

Joe Odinga

Eddie is simply not at the level required. Nothing wrong with that; now we sell him and see what Balogun/Martinelli can do.


We are just a very, very bad team. Badly managed, badly coached badly run, badly owned. Sadly I don’t think we’ve hit rock bottom yet.

Tony 2

Simply bad


Who fucking cares


Bore off with your Arteta is the problem nonsense. Until we have new owners this is out lot. And even then who knows. Corporate bullshit. FUCK OFF.

Joe Odinga

My ratings; Leno: Unacceptable howler for a keeper of any level. 1/10 Chambers: Did well enough, made some good crosses and was solid if unspectacular. 6/10 Holding: Fine. 6/10 Mari: Unambitious passing, ponderous and looked like a rabbit caught in headlights. Should have covered Xhaka’s mistake. 4/10 Xhaka: +1 point for being competent in a position he’s unfamiliar with. Roasted by Richarlison which directly lead to Everton’s goal. 5/10 Partey: Our best player by miles. Gave the ball away a handful of times but at least looked to speed things up and move the ball forwards. 6/10 Ceballos: Takes far… Read more »


Mari did what he should’ve done after Xhaka’s mistake, push him to the baseline and watch for the cutback. The angle was so tight, Leno could’ve and should’ve managed it himself.


I thought the defense were fine, Xhaka not as good as recently but nothing shocking. Ceballos I thought had a good game, the rest average at best.


6/10 for me watching this on a Friday at work instead of ruining my Saturday


Thanks Arsenal for fucking up the start to this weekend at 5am on Saturday morning after staying up all night to see, literally, a pointless game.


It is what it is. These are mostly ‘academic’ We have not shown ability to push higher for a while now and did not have much chance to make europe from league. europa is the only way in and even that, I would not bet on it. Team is poor but remember Accelotti inherited far humbler assets (as did west Ham, Leicester also above us this season) The wya the team play is epitome of Arteta. Technically he has improved the team and we got out of trouble with some good neat passes, retained the ball and turned it over… Read more »

Norfolk Gooner

I ended up switching the game off and watched the new Mortal Kombat film, more entertaining. This whole season has been a fatality. Finish him!


Brief note on players then … 1) Leno. Great safe to deny Richarlison first half. But big Mistake with goal. Doesn’t mean I think he needs to be replaced on Ryan is a better option. These things happen. If its when they repeat themselves that you start to get worried. Move on. but also a question whether we should have been rotating keepers out last game in the first place. There is some reason to keep players in the rigour of games and retain their sharpness. 2) Chambers – He’s been good. Like the way he has architecture to his… Read more »

Dylan G

Shouldn’t have lost the game. Again. No threat in front of goal. Late subs, pulling off our only threatening player. Poor management, week in, week out. Players all afraid to screw up, so they do. Do any of us believe that West Ham, Leicester, Villa, Leeds have better players than Arsenal right now? They are definitely better managed.


As I have been saying, we need : 1) No Josh Korenke. Get us fan shares. 2) No Venkatashem. Get us O’Leary of the ilk who will act as a Custodian to our tradition and identity but also provide better clarity of vision going forward. 3) No Edu. Again we should be showing more ambition getting people with experience in trenches like Campos at Lille or Overmaars. Particularly with very poor financial position and no europe likely, we cannot afford to make further mis-stseps or turn Arsenal into a Brazilian retirement house. 4) Arteta maybe. Jury still out bc he… Read more »


Any decent coach would start martinelli but we don’t have a decent coach. Nketiah should have a3/10 rating


If we somehow managed to win the EL, the best thing we could do is replace Arteta with a Champions League worthy manager. More than the players we could attract, it should be about the calibre of manager we could attract.

Merlin’s Panini

Dog shit again. We are showing signs of being a good team but the results aren’t coming and that’s the most important thing. Arteta needs the Europa League win, otherwise I’m afraid it’s probably time to call the project a failure. Although I’m worried about where the club is headed next given I don’t know what decent manager would want to touch this club at the moment.


I saw two pretty evenly-matched teams that clogged up the midfield and made things difficult for everyone, so it was always going to come down to a mistake for the winning goal. Unfortunately it was our mistake, once again. Very frustrating, but we were missing our top 2 strikers and left back against a full strength Everton side and still should’ve won. This type of game is what happens when we rely on youth so much & don’t have a natural leader in the attack.


You were generous with straight 6’s. I had to go with 4’s. Whatever, at this point.


If anyone thought the shit heap Wenger left would get turned around in a couple of seasons they were very naive. This team right now is so frustrating, but we need to chill and give Arteta one more year. We have highs and good performances, we just need to eliminate or significantly reduce, the shit ones. No silver bullet answer I’m afraid folks.

Exit the Lemming

The ‘shit heap’ is now clearly a highly desirable property well outside our price range: 21 consecutive seasons of European qualification (19 of which were in the Champions league)


Even if Arteta wins the UEL – we should get manager who will push these players to the next level. Right now Arteta is having them play in strait-jackets and obviously doesn’t trust them. So he keeps tinkering every single game especially the defense even when we have no injuries. No wonder our perfomances are erratic. There are managers who would do miracles with this team.

malaysian gunner

I aint a coach but Arteta shd play a settled defence . He shd have started with Martinelli from the start. Anyway its all over.
I believe if he cant get to the europa league final and win ,he will be out. That is assuming he can beat the Spanish side in the sf.


Incredible mistake by Leno…or was it? Could he be leading Villareal players into a trap? Knowing of the way Emery does analitics for each match providing his players info..just saying maybe.


Can this season just STOP, like now!

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