Tuesday, October 22, 2024

Super League plans in tatters as clubs withdraw

Plans for a European Super League are on the verge of collapse after three of the 12 founding members started to back away from the plans following immense pressure from supporters, governing bodies, governments and their own players.

Manchester City are the first club to confirm that they have “formally enacted the procedures to withdraw from the group developing plans”. According to various reports, Chelsea are set to follow suit.

Elsewhere, Manchester United have released a statement confirming that CEO Ed Woodward will step down at the end of the season; an indication that the hierarchy at Old Trafford have also been spooked.

The rats are fleeing the sinking ship.

We’re keeping an eye out for one that looks like Stan Kroenke.

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Embarrassing when Chelsea and City show more class and integrity than us (though even that is pretty minimal). Also sad to have heard nothing from the players unlike other clubs. Regardless of what happens Kronke and Co need hounding out of this club!

Johnny 4 Hats

I agree and have been thinking about this a lot.

But who replaces him?

An ex KGB from Ukraine? Oil family with a penchant for human rights violations? Or another group of soccer enthusiasts?

I dunno. My only massively optimistic hope would be a fan consortium. But I think that’s very unlikely.

Mikels Arteta

Gooners worldwide would chip in!
Now more than ever will be the time to run the kroenkes out of the club. It’s time we the fans take back ownership of the club!


All of these club’s leaders made pathetic fools of themselves…

AMN's cheeky grin

Bellerin has impliedly criticised the Super League in a tweet, by quoting an Arsene comment on values:


But it’s hardly dealing with it head on, like Liverpool players did.

Xhaka's House Keys

I genuinely hope all clubs involved, including us, are punished – suspensions from European football, points deductions in domestic leagues. I feel like a fog has been lifted – the obsession with getting back to the top has been replaced by a much stronger desire for fair play and justice. These owners need to face serious repercussions. Even if we were to go down for a while, the club would be fine, because it would still be Arsenal. The prospect of this Super League offered a soul crushing insight into where the real danger to the club lies, and it’s… Read more »


Punished for what exactly? Freely planning to play in a self-determined tournament? Surely you can see the irony in calling the super league a closed shop when some football clubs aren’t allowed to agree to play each other.

Jamal Nsimbe

The moment any of those teams is punished with suspensions from Europe is pushing the super league agenda.

Xhaka’s House Keys

I genuinely hope all clubs involved, including us, are punished – suspensions from European football, points deductions in domestic leagues. I feel like a fog has been lifted – the obsession with getting back to the top has been replaced by a much stronger desire for fair play and justice. These owners need to face serious repercussions. Even if we were to go down for a while, the club would be fine, because it would still be Arsenal. The prospect of this Super League offered a soul crushing insight into where the real danger to the club lies, and it’s… Read more »


Relegation is fine? We have been relegated from the CL (only) and flirted with the relegation zone just a few months back, and I can assure you that everything is not fine!

Go ride your moral high horse somewhere else.

The Arsenal

Exposes our lack of leaders and guys who really actually care about football.

Yorkshire Gooner

Class from Liverpool players. Still waiting for some class from someone at Arsenal.

Yorkshire Gooner

Not when I posted. Glad to see Hector stand up

A gorilla

If they go, they will leave us in financial ruin and unable to pay our extortionate wages. That said, I might then be able to afford a season ticket, if only to watch us play Leyton Orient.


The club will find its way back to the top no matter what state the leech leaves us in. As long as proper care is taken to ensure Arsenal supporters have a say in how Arsenal is run. Personally, I don’t care if we play in the lowest division, as long as I can recognize Arsenal as the club I started to support almost 40 years ago.

John C

It’s more likely he shut it down and build some flats and a shopping centre. Most of Arsenal’s value is in the land

On the right path?

We are the true value of this club!


Integrity and class???

Those same clubs that will spend more than 300M on transfers this summer?
Club owned by oligarch who’s accused for money laundering and club owned by sheik who’s exploiting children and poor people from Asia?
Clubs that literally destroyed FFP and football?

I hope everyone will clap again and support them when they’ll spend 100’s of millions on transfers and we’ll spend some 50-70M 🙂


This is the point I’m making. When these guys are making you look bad it’s time to take a long hard look in the mirror


Good post. The ESL was a brazen and disgusting show of greed that has shamed us.

But now the spotlight needs to fall on the corruption and greed that led these 12 clubs to believing it was ok to try in the first place.

Fuck UEFA and FIFA who’s corrupt and morally bankrupt management of the game has placed money and the needs of the few over integrity for too long.

Tracy Roberts


Heavenly Chapecoense

Fans have the Ozil syndrome. It is not wanting to know where the money will come from.
These owners will now refuse to invest their own money in the clubs. We fans should be ready to accept average players.

Tanned arse

honestly it came down to abramovich and mansoor actually caring about something other than increasing their wealth (which to be fair has never been their motivation). Those clubs bought all their trophhies through these guys which to me takes away any value in their achievements but the fact is they at least care about their clubs from a sporting aspect and we should be hugely relieved for that. As for all the American owners, theyve screwed up. I think ultimately they planned to own the entire world game as thats where it was heading. Local fan support would’ve done nothing… Read more »

A Different George

The owners of City are in football so that everyone, especially in England, comes to have a favourable opinion of them, not to make money. The same is true, in a slightly different way, of Abramovitch at Chelsea. But “sportswashing” doesn’t work when you infuriate all your fans and the entire population.

That two of the most despicable owners have the greatest interest in satisfying public opinion is ironic, but true nonetheless.


Kroenke out, or Arsenal Football Club is dead.

John C

Footballs dead, the finances are in tatters. The collapse will start in the next few months


No mate, football and true football supporters are very much alive, as Chelsea and City have proved this evening.

It’s your beloved Super League that’s already DEAD.

John C

I’m afraid to say but most people aren’t independently wealthy like you whereby they don’t need to earn a living.

Please tell me what a TV deal looks like without the clubs people actually pay to watch?

Heavenly Chapecoense

You guys got fooled by people defending their own interests. Neville and Carragher defending Skysports. Average players know they will have to change clubs and earn less. Politicians want to be popular. FIFA and UEFA defending their budget and relevance.

John C

It’s beggars belief how easily lead people are


😜 How does it feel to be in the minority?

Bye bye Super League👋


👋 Bye bye Super League


Football is not dead, this proves the opposite. As for the financial perspective its not as if a huge amount of money is not still there, these clubs are still making hundreds of millions in revenue they just need to get the costs back in line. Maybe this will finally bring about a reset of player prices and wages etc for clubs to run within their means rather than spiralling out of control

John C

At the Premier League level if players are willing to renegotiate their contracts downwards perhaps, and apart from Arsenal none of them have shown any desire to do so.

But Championship downwards they’re all fucked, they are reliant on gate receipts and for the Premier League to bail them out.

No one is coming up with a solution of how to fix that problem

The Kolkata Gooner

Did you know Bayern Munich’s season ticket is as expensive as one Arsenal matchday ticket? Did Bayern think that they had to join an elitist Super League to save football? And guess what, if they did, they would be beating us 10-2 over two legs with their B-side.

John C

9 consecutive titles in Germany with a turnover €160m larger than Dortmund. Germany is a one team league

The Kolkata Gooner

If you compare their league to ours, they have a constantly changing top 4 as compared to the PL. Far more exciting. And Bayern and Dortmund have consistently been two of the best teams in Europe. All you have is excuses to sell out.

The Kolkata Gooner

Also the rivalry between Bayern and Dortmund is different from those in the PL. Bayern have always come out on top because they have attracted the best players, often from Dortmund. In spite of that Dortmund have remained competitive, and under a good manager like Klopp, they gave them a run for their money. Can’t say the same for Arsenal under the Kroenke’s.

John C

If you compare the leagues we’ve had 5 different champions in the same time they’ve had 1, end of story

The Kolkata Gooner

Bayern have been so dominant in their league because they have been managed better, we’ve seen the same in Italy with Juventus, or in Ligue 1 with PSG, because of their oil money. Bayern holds a strong hold, culturally, in footballing terms, all aspiring German footballers want to play there. The main marker of a vibrant league is how many clubs have played in the champions league. And the bundesliga have always had constantly changing teams in the UCL.

The Kolkata Gooner

Also by your logic, it would seem you are all for more clubs challenging for titles. One of the champions you refer to from the PL is Leicester. Pray tell how something like the Super League would have produced a winner like Leicester.

John C

Well 5 teams join every year that’s how.

Don’t get me wrong, I’m against the idea that those 15 teams get automatic qualification however i think that could have been negotiated out eventually because the wider benefits to the rest of the clubs greatly out weighed the negative, but hysterics prevailed so we’ll get bankrupted teams instead

Heavenly Chapecoense

Exactly, people say Kroenke does not invest in the club after each game we lose. Is there any law that forces him to spend the money he earned from his wife and other investments on Arsenal?


Who fucking cares anymore?

The overwhelming majority of us want that toupee wearing cunt out. End of.


And may I the first to offer him a lift to his Private jet


As if our owner was actually ever in London. Stan chills on his ranch (which he forced people off) in the USA


I’d love the fans to kick the cunt all the way from the Emirates to Heathrow.


Do you always make up statements that you would not follow up with?


Maybe…just maybe this is our chance to oust this weasel and his family from our club

Peter Bellamy

yes but we need to organise mass protests hound there every movement make life so unpleasant for them that they will want to sell


Absolutely…mustn’t stop here. We have achieved a huge amount in 2 days. Really energised by the overwhelming response from all fan groups. Power to the people!

Tanned arse

Their end goal is in ruins. They mistimed it and probably wont get another chance as like minded business guys wont be allowed to grab ownership from now on. If they cant set up these guaranteed £200m+ season profits which they clearly intended all along then im guessing theyll sell.


That would be the dream. But this cancer will be hard to cut out.

At least there can be no more doubts about the silence behind Stan. He wants his pound of flesh.


Only way is to drive the share price down by mass protests and force them to sell before they lose money. Nothing is impossible

Tomaury Bischfeld

Weasels everywhere in uproar at being compared to the Kroenkes.


Hahaha..love it



AMN's cheeky grin

Arsenal are also pulling out! According to latest rumours.

As well as being greedy and cynical, it’s all just so incompetent. Did they seriously not expect this level of backlash? How could it be a surprise?!


Three days from now: “Arsenal football club are happy to announce that we have pulled out from the Super League, which consisted only of ourselves because everybody else had already left. We hope the fans will appreciate this show of leadership and demonstration of our values.”


Hope our players follow suit to Liverpool and speak their mind. Hector is a player who isn’t afraid of speaking up. Disappointed with Mikel now.


Maybe ease off MA there.
He’s in a very different place than Bellerin, Klopp, or Pep.

Be disappointed with the results in the league this season so far; that, at least, makes sense.

Everyone is trying to figure out WTF is happening, including him, surely.

Tomaury Bischfeld

I don’t know if anyone shares the feeling of being underwhelmed and disappointed by the lack of any reaction from our players other than Hector. For the others there have been De Bruyne for City, all the Liverpool players, Rashford and Shaw and Bruno Fernandes with a cheeky wee endorsement. I know that it isn’t the players’ fault, but on the day that we needed leadership Auba was found wanting. He apparently posted something about Fortnite, got upset when someone challenged about the super league, then had a hissy fit and quit twitter. You can’t help compare that to a… Read more »

Tomaury Bischfeld

I’m sorry, I want to change that. You shouldn’t believe what you read on twitter. I don’t actually know what provoked his outrage, social media is a hole, I still think his reaction was poor.


Just seen, I should have read the whole thread first. Fair play Tomaury


Maybe he looked at the PL standings and that caused his outrage? Ah no, maybe not.


This is really harsh.

As much as we want to believe the players all love the club as much as we do, the reality is for most of them it’s just a really well paid job.

Slagging the guy off for not commenting exactly how you want him too, the language you’re using and the assumptions your making are really unfair.

Chippy Brady

Come on someone show an ounce of balls, come out and denounce this absolutely capitalist greedy shitfest! Xhaka? Arteta? Mertesacker? Someone show me that Arsenal is not dead.


Tbh. Making a statement now with Super league already in shambles, is quite hollow really.. Its so easy to say “we dont want it to happen” (especially after super league falling apart)- it does not really entail any real responsability. Making a statement before the downfall, saying “i wont be a part of it” would be something else entirely.


Impressed that Liverpool players stated their opposition collectively today. I was hoping to see the same from our lot as well.


You`re confusing capitalism with corporatism. True capitalism is the creation of a market where small business is free to compete with large ones. This is the exact opposite, this is/was a closed shop only available to a select few.


Ozil is no longer with Arsenal.


I was as anti Özil as it gets while at Arsenal, but I must admit that his excellent social media team would have surely put something out about that topic.


Podolski did! Miss him great lad, great left peg


I am glad if the Super League dies, but this will only embolden UEFA to be even shittier. The fact that these clubs could each guarantee themselves three times the prize money of the CL winner speaks volumes about how fucking awful this organization is; according to the Athletic they pocket over 20% of CL turnover for themselves. That is objectively nuts. That money belongs to the clubs, who really fucking need it to compete with two others that are being fed cash by corrupt governments for political ends.


Thanks for a moment of clarity Zack. I’m amazed how little consideration there has been.

Where the clubs have been stupid was I’m not making a bold, unified statement to fight for the moral high ground before any of this started


Exactly this, as abhorrent as this idea was I do wish people would go public in a similar manor with how UEFA and FIFA have been destroying the game too. As if they care about the fans either. For them, as it is for the owners of our clubs, it’s 100% about the money. This is the inevitable backlash from greedy owners against another greedy organisation. Sadly the greedy organisation has had decades to embed themselves into the game with corruption and ways to exploit fans for their own gains. “The creatures outside looked from pig to man; and from… Read more »

Chippy Brady

I’d love to see Kroenke slide down a wooden bannister on his bare bollocks, and hit every splinter on the way down. The greedy American cancer on this club.

John C



Oh dear. Losing your Yankee Doodle Super League and now you’re throwing your toys out of your pram.

John C

I’m not invested in it but when people like you lament the redundancies and collapse of teams in the next few months remember that it was you who reject, an admittedly flawed, but not negotiable solution.

John C

Not un-negotiable*


No, you got it right first time. Not negotiable.

Chippy Brady

It’s people like you who make it harder to deal with real racism because of false claims such as this.

John C

If you exchanged the word American for Black would you consider it racist?

Chippy Brady

I’m Irish. If a rich Irish man such as JP McManus was in the same position I’d refer to him as a greedy Irish cancer on our club. Pseudo offence taking is not an attractive trait my friend.

John C

If you say so but i don’t believe you

Bossman Bill

I mean he is American though. That’s factually in evidence.


American isn’t a race, mate.


Lose one argument, start another. What a sad individual you are.


Yes I would see a huge difference, and if you can’t see it too then you are totally blinkered.

The Kolkata Gooner

I’d say the same if our owner was a greedy Indian businessmen, and there are a few of those here in India ruining our country.


Got to say, I think Pep spoke very well. ‘It isn’t sport if success is guaranteed, or if losing doesn’t matter’


It’s muddled thinking based on history though. If I start a small league with 5 local amateur teams and there are no leagues to get promoted to or relegated down to, it IS still fucking sport. I still care about winning the PL despite the fact we haven’t been winners or relegated for almost 20 years. I have plenty of issues with what has happened but I’m fascinated with how much bollocks has been spouted. There is obviously genuine love for what we have now and I respect that and understand it too. But the narrative has been wrong on… Read more »


The same guy who spent over 1B on transfers and bought his own success?

very well spoken man :)))


The world is fast becoming communistic


It’s actually quite the opposite of you think about it.


piss off


Why?is it just because you won’t tolerate the truth?


Thankfully, you’re wrong or we’d all be fucked


Some people disagree with you


This was the logical conclusion of a transformation in football over the last 30 years. The formation of the premier league, the introduction of sky sports, the champions league formats, the tolerance of impossibly wealthy owners, foreign and domestic. It’s all led to this, so any resistance to this needs to recognise that we can’t go back to the status quo, that will just mean being here again in 10 years time.

John C

The loses the football pyramid has taken during Covid will ensure the football landscape will change dramatically. Expect lots of clubs in the lower league to start folding


Oh… and having a elitist Super League would have saved these lower League clubs…? 😂

John C

Yes, they were offering €10bn in solidarity payments to do just that

The Kolkata Gooner

Did you know Bayern Munich’s season ticket is as expensive as one Arsenal matchday ticket? Did Bayern think that they had to join an elitist Super League to save football? And guess what, if they did, they would be beating us 10-2 over two legs with their B-side.

John C

9 consecutive titles in Germany with a turnover €160m larger than Dortmund. Germany is a one team league

The Kolkata Gooner

If you compare their league to ours, they have a constantly changing top 4 as compared to the PL. Far more exciting. And Bayern and Dortmund have consistently been two of the best teams in Europe. All you have is excuses to sell out.

The Kolkata Gooner

Also the rivalry between Bayern and Dortmund is different from those in the PL. Bayern have always come out on top because they have attracted the best players, often from Dortmund. In spite of that Dortmund have remained competitive, and under a good manager like Klopp, they gave them a run for their money. Can’t say the same for Arsenal under the Kroenke’s.

Guns Up

That’s 10 bn across 23 years, which works out to about €435 million a year. Now spread that across thousands of clubs – who’s it really gonna help/save? Particularly 23 years from now, when that amount of money means so much less. That was a bullshit token gesture these arrogant pricks figure would lure in the most gullible among us. Guess they at least caught a couple fish.

Xhaka's House Keys

Don’t be fooled into believing the status quo is infallible. Every hegemonic system in history has crumbled under the weight of its own decadence. This one is next.


I agree, but I’m just saying that if we want true change, we have to recognise how we got to this point.


These are businesses. There are literally people in all of our businesses, whose job it is to talk about how to sell more. That’s growth, not just greed (I am not excluding greed) and it’s what creates inflation.

This will never go away


Absolutely nail on head loose_cannon, well said.


I hope we are next. We desperately need government action to regulate the ownership structure of football clubs in the league, so we return to some kind of normality.


Well that was quick 😀

John C

I think we’ll start to see lots of clubs start to go out of business now, who knows how the loses will be paid for

Yorkshire Gooner

This move will help most clubs, outside of the 12, survive.

John C

No it won’t, all the money is generated by those clubs.

Let’s war game this out.

Let’s say Arsenal, United & Liverpool fan’s cancel there TV subscriptions, that’ll half the premier league tv deal value in one go. That’s a £50m reduction in income in one hit for every club, how does that help them?

That’ll make every club in the league a massive loss maker, game over. But don’t worry those 12 will have taken their £350m, formed a new league and they’ll be fine


They intended to stay in the PL, John.

You’re not even fighting the right war.

John C

Yes they did, but all the value is in the big clubs and the TV companies want to negotiate downwards. The Super league was intended to leverage the popularity of the biggest clubs to make up the short fall and bail out the rest of the football pyramid from their Covid loses.

What we’re going to end up with is a smaller TV deal and no way to bail out the rest.

Bossman Bill

So American to want to war game something out.

Yorkshire Gooner

Ok so if those 12 had succeeded in keeping most of the money for themselves that helps the rest how? Also, frankly, you are missing the point of the objections. This is about the soul of football and for me the integrity of the club I’ve loved for 50 years. Not feeling much love today for them.

John C

The €10bn in solidarity payments keeps them in business, there is no soul if the clubs aren’t there.

Again, no one is explaining an alternative solution?

The Kolkata Gooner

The German model would be a good alternative. Also, your solutions are not solutions, they are changing the system so much that it is something else, not the game I love. No wonder these capitalist apologists come up with the shittiest ideas that ruin everything. The most creative idea they can come up with is war bombing.

John C

The German model where Bayern are about to win their 9th consecutive title? is that the competitive model we want?

Our capitalist model has brought 5 different champions in that time.

There Socialist model has cemented in Bayerns dominance.

The Kolkata Gooner

Did you know Bayern Munich’s season ticket is as expensive as one Arsenal matchday ticket? Did Bayern think that they had to join an elitist Super League to save football? And guess what, if they did, they would be beating us 10-2 over two legs with their B-side.

John C

9 consecutive titles in Germany with a turnover €160m larger than Dortmund. Germany is a one team league


The first thing to take a hit will be player wages. That’s how lesser clubs will survive.

John C

How long will that take to play out? We’ve seen, with the exception of our own team no group of players willing to take a pay cut. So were going to have to wait until players are out of contract and that might be too late. How much money it’s there going to be for transfers? Teams won’t even be able to trade their way out of trouble and off load high earners. The Super League, even with it’s major flaw, brought €3.5bn in liquidity to European football this summer which could have been used to kick start the transfer… Read more »

The Kolkata Gooner

Did you know Bayern Munich’s season ticket is as expensive as one Arsenal matchday ticket? Did Bayern think that they had to join an elitist Super League to save football? And guess what, if they did, they would be beating us 10-2 over two legs with their B-side.

John C

9 consecutive titles in Germany with a turnover €160m larger than Dortmund. Germany is a one team league


What world are you living in? The aim of ESL was to make the already rich clubs richer. You make it sound like ESL was going to save the small clubs from ruin. A gross misunderstanding. Yes they lose income due to the corona-situation. So lets say this means the big clubs wont be able to pay big player’s salary or buy them for a 100 million. How is that an end to football? Its not like all the big players just vanishes from the face of the earth? They will simply find other clubs or agree to lower salaries..… Read more »

John C

The biggest loses in terms of revenue is in the lower leagues where gate receipts make up a larger share of their income.

Championship clubs in England spend on average 107% of their revenue, they are literally dependant Premier league to bail them out from Covid.

Instead of abusing me can someone please explain how their loses will be covered?


You’re confused mate. First of all. No one is abusing you, you are rather getting contradicted. Second: The big clubs have most valuable players in terms of sales- as the coronasituation leads to a PERCENTAGE drop in player value- the big clubs with big players stand to lose MORE money compared to the smaller clubs with less valuable players. Hence the coronasituation is actually decreasing the financial gap between the big, rich clubs and the smaller, poorer clubs. Yes the coronasituation threatens the existance of many small clubs- so they too can respond by cutting wages. Third: The premise that… Read more »

Xhaka's House Keys

So much failure to read the room…


KSE has a voicemail box if you call +1 303 405 8548
Ballarena is the name they go by.

Its public information but thought I would make it handy.


Something tells me these celebrations are premature. They surely anticipated this backlash. What stage of grief is the hope phase?


Rats escaping the greedy c*** ship
a short story by Ratz

2 or 3 rats jump out a hole with water pissing all over the place and then a big silent one with stupid black sunglasses comes out… that’s Silent Stan for sure…

What a scene they have painted. A gun is heard going off moments later, that must have been Florentino. He was a c*** too.

The End


Man I love acid


If we can just hang on on there a bit longer we will win it……

Me from Here

The ESL is a product of the failure of FIFA and UEFA and they should take the responsibility for it. Their greed allows clubs to be bought by oligarchs brought this problem. It was a long way coming. The way money is being allowed to control the game is atrocious. I also hope to see more of this anger from everyone, especially people at the helm of affairs when people are racially abused in the game. Football belongs to the people of all income and race, not the select few.


The sooner we get Arsene into a top position in FIFA or UEFA the better.

Integrity rare these days.

The Arsenal

The silence from our Club as a whole has been the biggest embarrassment in all this.


It’s probably because Kroenke was the chief instigator of this retarded crap.

The toupee wearing cunt.


Kroenke Out.

John C

As you’re so rich that the mere concept that people have bills to pay is alien to you, maybe you should buy the club?

Tomaury Bischfeld

Stan, billionaire and husband to a Wal-mart heiress, is that you?

John C

No, i think it might be Qwaliteee though

The Kolkata Gooner

Yes, please, make the shares available to the fans like with the German clubs John C.


The top management at the club needs to be sacked. But who will sack them? I mean, after the ESL is torn to shreds, what moral ground would they have to keep running the club in the PL? Bring Wenger back to get some virtue back in the club!

Public Elneny

We already knew they were soulless, inhuman mollusks, but it’s incredible how thick these billionaires and their little Levys/Woodwards/Gazidies etc are. How did they not anticipate and plan for the backlash?


They can’t see further than their own little worlds. They have absolutely no connection to the real world around them, let alone ordinary football supporters who outnumber them in the millions. They know no limits and use their power to create ways for them to get their hands on (not earn) more money.

Bill Hall

They need to put a cap on wages and stop paying eye-watering sums of money to the players as well!


Wholeheartedly agreed. Teams don’t have to own superstars in every position, paid unbelievable sums to function well. Clubs need to live within their means and more would remain for survival further down the ladder, youth products would be valued.

Hulahoops Baptista

Hope we can push on from this and somehow reclaim our club. The owners have once again shown how out of tune with the fans they are. I’m not going to be buying any club merch and have cancelled my subscriptions until something fundamentally changes.


I honestly believe it’s too far gone for that. We are now a PLC remember.

Mascarpone Masquerade

Thinking beyond the atrocity of an uncompetitive monarchic meritless nepotistic league. The business model is unsustainable on the long term basis. You would have to pay ever more players transfers and wages to ensure you have all the poster boys bringing audiences, sponsors and broadcasters. #kroenkeout


We will be the last, I’m embarrassed to be an arsenal fan. Hate what we stand for now. I was at Anfield in 89, the wins at white Hart Lane. The massive disappointment of losing in Brussels and Paris. Fantastic aways days at Brighton, in the 80’s.. all the semi replays against Liverpool at filbert St. Smoke bombs in the North Bank. 17000 against Leicester in freezing cold weather in the clock end. Hated the move to the Emirates. Arsenal to me is now memories with great friends having great away days all over the UK and Europe. We had… Read more »


We have to fight for the club, don’t give up 💪


No American owner for Arsenal.Keep Arsenal English. What next? Move the “franchise” to a US City? Disgraceful that Chelsea and City withdrew before us. Just shocking the hubris in the club hierarchy to even contemplate this move. Woodward at United rightfully stood down. We need better accountable leadership. Venkatashem, Edu etc pliable and useless. We have none and are left to dictate of the owners alone. We need some people with stature and who understand the club properly to be in that board room at very least but also a proper CEO that won’t be using an inexperienced football director… Read more »


This whole thing has made me sick to my stomach and I feel like it will be a long time before I feel right again with any of this.

Gary Neville acting as the saviour of football ramming Sky’s agenda down my throat with Jamie Carragher (remember – he spat in the face of a 12 year old girl) has been zero comfort.

There is no integrity on either side and I’m empty inside.

John C

Of course we’ve also had the moral leadership of Gary Linekar whose today tweeted that he’ll never work on a Super League, which of course he’s been able to say after years feeding from the Premier League trough getting paid £1.7m a year to host it’s highlights programme on TV.

He made no such declaration after it was reported that 6500 people have died building infrastructure for the next World Cup.

He and all these other ex-player/pundits are moral bankrupt


Disappointed by every passing minute that we don’t hear from our club. We’ve always prided ourselves on doing things right, with class, but this is a shambles and we’ll find ourselves on the wrong side of its history. Kroenke has ruined the legacy passed to him. The silence from the club is deafening


Maybe there will be a silver lining and these parasite will LEAVE OUR CLUB


Let’s hope that we can avoid ridiculous nonsense like this by the Government actually doing something (rather than just using the issue as a useful distraction from their own sleaze and incompetence). A good start would be having something like the Bundesliga’s “50+1 Law”.


The people who sold their shares to kroenke are as much to be blamed for this crap! Their greed gave this man control of our club. The disconnect between The owners and fans at AFC is probably the worst in world football. Shameful, greedy and do not give a .. .


Now can Kroenke go out pls?


Kroenke, Venkatashem, Edu the lot.


Given the huge, almost universal, adverse reaction, I guess it’s not that much of a surprise that ESL clubs would have second thoughts at some stage.

The obvious question is what happens to the remaining ESL clubs, particularly the English ones? Do they stick together and press on regardless of potential challenges from the Govt. and/or the courts, or climb down like Chelsea and City – which will only get more humiliating the longer it’s delayed. Watch this space.


It won’t go forward. Cracks now with United, Chelsea, City not much for the rest to stand on. They will risk action. They can start a mini league on their own if they like.

Yorkshire Gooner

Looks like the other 4 EPL clubs are backing out too. Good news but this has left a very bitter taste


German clubs take a bow and PSG had some principle. Arsenal of all teams (considering the nature of which we joined the league back in the day) should have known not to court controversy. BUT the moral standards went out with Wenger. Florentinio Perez whose brainchild this ESL is is a wanker. And Mas Que whatever club Barca bollocks. Hope there will be penalties for this nonsense. and I hope we truly rid ourselves of the American twat. This club has been poorly run for a while now squandering whatever advantages Wenger bought for us. Venkatashem is out of his… Read more »


We should not stop until we have driven Kroenke out and taken back control of our club. There is no quick fix for what this c*nt has done.


Top post.

Time for Arsenal fans to unite and drive this utter cunt out of our club once and for all.

Kroenke Out.


They’ve hollowed out the structure deliberately got rid of people so Josh Kroenke could hold reign.

We ahave no leadership, no spine, no CEO no Football Director just pliable people with little experience.

This has been coming for some time now.

Merlin’s Panini

Given that within a couple of days this looks like falling on its arse this is even more of an embarrassment. Three of the teams who are actually doing well this season pulling out leaves three who have been mediocre. Not so fucking Super now is it. If we now carry on with this charade the club looks even more cynical and money grabbing than before. They must pull the plug but the damage is done.


The club is exposed for the fraud it is.

Wenger held it together, since it has become a money vehicle for the Kroenkes just one of their many holdings.

Fan sahre ala german style, get someone-else in as owner(s). Korenke out.

David C

Would you have watched it? I hate to say it but I would have. I’m happy it’s over, but I know a lot more of you would have watched it. That’s how you know they own us as fans. We can’t quit the club.


Coplain about insipid performances by Arsenal now, zero relegation threat, you think they will put in better performances/

Hell no.

Morally reprehensible. Would not have watched a single minute.


When you are in a terrible relationship how much abuse do you take before you walk away?
I love you, but fuck this shit!

David C

Haha, great comment.

Do you remember the outrage when the premier league started and changes to CL? The difference this time is no relegation. I’m so glad fans united like this and for once it seems the owners are listening.

Doing it during a pandemic too feels extra sleazy.


And when the dust has settled time for a change in the law to ensure majority shareholding by fans to stop this happening again.

Jeremy DG

I’ve thought long and hard about the madness which unravelled in the last 72 hours. Let me say this…what has just happened is the best possible thing to have happened to arsenal football club. Kroenke’s position is now untenable. He, like others, will now look to sell. He’s lost and his investment will not exceed its current value (only decrease with current form/lack of European football). Everything he did was geared towards this move. Wenger warned us years ago and he saw the opportunity with the pandemic and got fucked. He’s done. He’s dragged our reputation through the mud, sure.… Read more »


“Kroenke’s position is now untenable.”

Oh, really? And who’s gonna get rid of him? Arsenal fans have been a bunch of pussies for years and have let him take the piss without any major protests. His hopeless mismanagement of the club should have seen him driven out by the fans years ago.

Kroenke has no credibility but he’ll hang around like bad smell for years. He’s a parasite and the worst thing that has ever happened to Arsenal Football Club. But he’ll be here next year and beyond.

Shame about the Superleague: watching it fail would have been delicious.

Jeremy DG

The thing is, I don’t think the fans need to do anything this time. He doesn’t give a shit what we think anyway. What matters is that this move was clearly in the works for a long time and it was squashed in 2 days. Without significant investment from Kroenke himself (and success/European football), his asset will only depreciate in value. It’s in his interest to sell now. his asset has peaked under his stewardship and that’s all he cares about.

John C

Nah, close the club, knock down the stadium and build flats, that’ll maximise his return


Arsenal is a cash cow for Kroenke and he’s not going anywhere. Once this covid crisis is over and the stadium fills up he’ll be quids in again. He needs to be driven out by fan protests and boycotts. If not he’ll just keep leeching from the club.


Let me be the two-millionth to say: Fuck Stan Kroenke. The stench of the shite he’s piled upon this club is not going to fade until we send him packing.

Daniel Hayle

Don’t compare these cunts to rats

Public Elneny

Yeah, rats make wonderful pets. Intelligent, affectionate creatures


Don’t compare those shits to cunts! Some of my favourite people have cunts!


If every club involved gets hit with relegation for next season then I’m 100% behind it, Arsenal included.


James is reporting in The Athletic that Arsenal have withdrawn! Better if we were first, or better yet have never joined, but something at least

Medium Mozart

Never forget.

Never forgive.



Its official we are out.

With a mealy mouth load of bullshit about listening to the fans

Yorkshire Gooner

Arsenal are out and have apologised! Least they can do…


It could never have worked.

Rats and snakes don’t mix.

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