Saturday, July 27, 2024

Arteta: Jesus is what we need

Mikel Arteta is delighted by the instant impact made by Gabriel Jesus at Arsenal.

After netting a brace against Nurnberg a week ago, the Brazil international helped himself to another goal, and produced an assist, as the Gunners ran out 2-0 winners over Everton in Baltimore on Sunday.

“He creates chaos, he creates uncertainty and he’s always on your shoulder,” said Arteta afterwards.

“He’s always there to nick the ball off you, he’s always in front of the goal. He’s a real threat and this is what we need.

“The moment we give the ball away he is straight away active and putting pressure and getting his team behind him.

“He has a lot of leadership skills, I can see straight away what he’s doing with the boys and he’s the type of guy that we want.

“He looks really sharp, really dynamic. (He’s got) a really good understanding with his teammates straight away.

“They are looking for him, he’s generating chances, good connections around specific spaces we want to exploit with him especially, and yeah, we’re really happy.”

Prior to the match, Arteta also praised the way his new players – four in total – had been integrated into the squad.

“I really like the energy around the group, the players that we have brought in, how they have settled in and to maintain a lot of positive things we did last season and to encourage them to keep developing as a team and always play to win, which is the reason why we are here.

“As I said many times, they are a fantastic group of people. They welcome everybody in the right way, it’s a really easy group to handle, some really good characters. From what I’ve seen so far they already feel like they’ve been here for a long time.”

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I wish him a fruitful career here at Arsenal. 20+ should not be out of his reach.


Out of topic, did you guys know that Willy’s name also has a “Gabriel” somewhere in between?!
“William Alain André Gabriel Saliba”


Pound for pound with other top 6 teams, we still feel like the weakest. We still need another body in the midfield with physical attributes and high tackling ratio. In all, good window but will it be good enough, only time will tell. Praying for a better season than last.


I don’t know about this.

Man U and Chelsea have undertaken big rebuilds this summer so a lot will depend how quickly they can gel a new system and integrate new players.

Unfortunately, Sp*rz look to have bought well to augment Son and Kane.

Liverpool and City will surely be out of sight again.

I think it’ll be a 4 way fight for 2 places with the spuds slight favourite


Weren’t the Spuds “favorites” for the title itself the season they blew the Bale money on half a dozen donkeys?

Johnny 4 Hats

I respectfully disagree. United are doing what they always do. Flinging money at their problems with no real guarantee that it will work. £130m for Martinez and de Jong? Nuts. I really don’t believe that, bar the CL win, Tuchel knows how to get anything decent out of his Chelsea squad. They were really poor last season by their standards but I think it was overshadowed by the owner drama. You heard it here first, but I don’t think Tuchel is in charge of Chelsea come this time next year. Sp*rs have no plan B and a manager that plays… Read more »


I agree with your fair and reasonable summary Johnny 4, we have got ourselves well placed with the signings, Zinchenko would be a good final addition in my view. I would go as far as saying that Tuchel would have been sacked by Abramovich during last season had it been business as usual there, they seemed to pick up a lot of points through reputation rather than performance. We should still respect them all of course, West Ham will be up there again and I think Leicester will come back into contention, plus Brighton as a dark horse threat in… Read more »

Emi Rates

These are the three teams I sincerely hope we leave behind once and for all this season. Man U deserves another ten years in the doldrums at least and Chelsea needs to join them.

As for Spuds, may the entire club, its fans, its cunty toilet stadium and anyone ever associated with it get sucked into the void that is Kane’s perpetually open mouth and disappear for all eternity.

It Is What It Is

In Jesus’ name.




“…bar the CL win…”
That’s quite the qualifier.

Johnny 4 Hats

Not a bad one, is it?! And has rightly earned him some grace.

But finishing 20 points off City. That’s scandalous for a Chelsea side who many thought would win the league.


Di Matteo won the CL for them, sacked and not really heard of as a high level Manager since. Add in no trophies despite two Cup Finals, including a second successive FA Cup Final loss for him, there was also the small matter of £100M for Lukaku that clearly didn’t work out. Lampard had already played a part in the eventual CL win as well to be fair.

Johnny 4 Hats

Wow, you’re right about Di Matteo. I totally forgot he existed so had to look him up. Since Chelsea…

Sacked after a year at Schalke. Sacked after a year at Villa. Hasn’t managed a club since 2016.

The Chelsea effect. Good luck Omari.

A Different George

There’s one overwhelming factor that is most responsible for Chelsea’s success in the past 15 years, and that factor has disappeared.The new American owners may be ambitious and smart. But they do not share Abramovich’s willingness to invest incredible amounts of money for reasons entirely separate from the prospect of making a profit. We used to hear about how smart Chelsea was, how their “net spend” was really quite reasonable. Bullshit. Abramovich “loaned” the club a billion and a half pounds. Chelsea may be moderately successful for a while (because their squad strength doesn’t disappear overnight), but they will become… Read more »


That is all they ever were & will always be


Spot on Johnny.

Finding your form again mate. 👍🍺

Jesus of Sao Paulo

I see him as a modern version of Eduardo Da Silva. Sleek, quick feet and highly efficient in front of goal. Just what the doctor ordered for the Arsenal! 💯👌


As long as he doesn’t suffer the same fate from defenders who can’t handle him fairly!


Do NOT even give words to that horrific thought!!!


Looking forward to a season of Jesus leading the line. He’s the ideal signing in many ways: a winner’s mentality, young enough to be the right age profile yet experienced at international level, a proven goalscorer and energetic presser, Brazilian and named Gabriel etc.


Read the headline and for a second there I thought my mother had joined the legendary Arseblog News team.


It’s good news that we have an experienced operator who is willing to help the less experienced guys through.

With no Amazon, overpaid grumblers and adequate cover in every position (maybe another attacker who can play central would be nice, even on loan) the squad will have come through last year and look forward to this one.

Hopefully it is a season where we may see more young players blooded


Off topic, but loving those flame throwers when Jesus scored.

Perhaps we can have a few on standby at the Emirates, ready to send up Gary Neville and Graeme Souness’s nostrils….?


Well spotted Qwalitteee. As a Baltimorean who goes to the Ravens NFL games, I must say those flamethrowers are a nice exclamation mark after a score. Sure they are a bit cheesy, but it’s the NFL after all.If Palace can have the Crystals, Arsenal should be able to have flames shooting skyward!


* A smoking Souness with singed hair, blackened face and blackened shredded suit:

”Aah stull thunk Spaargghz huv the edge”

Pat Fried Rice with Egg

Arteta: Jesus is what we need.
Kanye: Find God.

Yellow Ribbon

Get Zinchenko. Sell Pepe and buy another winger. And dare I say, sell Cedric and get a quality back up for Tomiyasu and we will be up and running.


Amen to that.


“He creates chaos, he creates uncertainty and he’s always on your shoulder,”

Doesn’t sound like Jesus, more like the other guy.


I forsee a loooooooong season of too many of us punning… religiously.

...and really bad eggs...

I can already hear us singing when he scores…

Na Naaa NaNaNaNaaa NaNaNaNaaa Jezuuuuusss! To the tune of Hey Jude, like we did for Giroud!


No Truer words


Of course. Everybody needs Jesus

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