Saturday, July 27, 2024

Report: Jorginho a deadline day option for Arsenal

According to The Athletic’s David Ornstein, Arsenal are one of a number of clubs weighing up a deadline day move for Chelsea midfielder Jorginho.

The Gunners have spent the best part of a week trying to persuade Brighton to part ways with Moises Caicedo but with Seagulls chairman Tony Bloom flat-out refusing to do business it looks as though Mikel Arteta and Edu are weighing up contingency options.

Arsenal feel it’s a matter of urgency that the centre of the park is strengthened with concerns growing that Mohamed Elneny could miss a considerable chunk of the run-in due to a knee injury.

While the rib issue sustained by Thomas Partey at Manchester City on Friday night isn’t thought to be serious, the fact the Ghanaian only has Sambi Lokonga as competition is far from ideal with so many matches on the horizon.

This is not the first time that Jorginho has been linked with Arsenal. We were heavily linked with the Italy international in September 2020 before Partey was recruited from Atletico Madrid. Then, as now, many Gooners were snooty about the prospect of signing the midfielder.

On that occasion the Brazil-born player ended the season winning the Champions League with Chelsea and European Championships with Italy; he was selected in the team of the tournament on both occasions.

The 31-year-old moved to Stamford Bridge from Napoli for €57 million in 2018 and has six months left on his contract; in theory, he should be available for a fraction of the price we’ve been looking to pay for Caicedo.

Having embarked on a wild spending spree, the Blues are open to Jorginho leaving although you suspect Todd Boehly won’t make it easy for us if we decide this is the best option.

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no more old cunts from chelsea

Johnny 4 Hats

I’m so massively a fan of Edu and all his work to date.

But this, as it stands, is a fuck up.

He’s had six months to get us a DM. Chasing Douglas Luiz on the last day of the summer window was embarrassing enough. And now here we are again.

Yes, I know there are injuries. Yes, I know we are top of the league. Yes, I think Edu is doing a really good job.

But what else can you call this but an embarrassment for a club that have ambitions to win the league.

Alan Sunderland

That’s an embarrassing take. jorginho is a very good experienced player, a lot better than elneny or lokonga. edu can’t kidnap caceido, he bid a lot more money than what he’s worth if Brighton don’t want to sell he can’t make them. you’re the same lad that was complaining about jesus when we 1st bid for him.

Johnny 4 Hats

As regards Jesus, I didn’t understand the talent ID because up until then we had gone for big strikers. But well remembered. I’m glad my opinions live long in the minds of other posters on here. Jorginho is a 31 year old who is going to take a place in the squad for the next year and half at least. And the wages will be astronomical. And if it is only a six month deal, then will he really be as hungry as the rest of the squad? Partey is 29 and Xhaka 30. We really don’t need any more… Read more »


I couldn’t care less if he takes up a squad space for a year and a half if he contributes this season and we win the league. Not my first choice but a winner, has premier league experience and cheap.



You all said that about Willian in August 2020.

And I warned you all then that he was an over the hill sack of shit.

History repeats itself……


It’s a different scenario. We have a chance to win the league and seemingly very few other options. That wasn’t the case with Willian. I’m not saying it’s I like the signing, I’m saying if he contributes and we win the league, the fee and contact length become irrelevant and it can be deemed a success, even if it’s not a likable transfer

Alan Sunderland

that makes less sense than the 1st post.

Giuseppe Hovno

I love the idea of Johnny 4 Hats living inside the head of (the real) Alan Sunderland

Alan Sunderland

it was easy to remember he posted it non stop for a month. I also remember the fat man doesn’t rate Eddie, he’s posted it enough times. maybe some people have bigger brains and can retain a lot more information than others.

Johnny 4 Hats

Ah mate. We had a lovely chat back then. Very cordial. Sorry you came away with it with a sour taste in your mouth.

Santi’s Thigh Grab

Fascinating reading those comments about Jesus and then realizing some of you know what your talking about and others haven’t got a clue. J4Hats showed some ability to have an open mind. Alan Sunderland, spot on.

Johnny 4 Hats

Nah, just some guy on here who seems to be broiling with umbrage over something I said about 9 months ago.

Anyway, I’m obviously in the minority here so I’ll shut up and see how everything progresses.

Still feel quietly confident about Caicedo. And if it’s Jorginho then he’ll be a gooner and I’ll support him.

But I’ll be disappointed. Because I believe we needed a really strong January window to sustain our amazing start to the season.

And I don’t think we get it with Jorginho.

Johnny 4 Hats

I would just add, if you want a barometer on how this is playing outside of the arsenal world, just go on twitter and check any Chelsea fan account.

They are laughing their arses off at us.

Jackie's Willy

Fans thought Martinez was a better player than Zinny. Y’all need to rest it.


If Chelsea fans laughing at you makes you think this is a bad signing then you need to grow tf up. Chelsea fans don’t know sh*t. I’d trust Arteta’s judgment for now – given the circumstances I think this is an astute signing. Let’s see how it pans out.

Man Manny

This is not all we’d do, is ìt? Add Trossard and Kiwior and it doesn’t look bad, all things considered.
We already have a very good team: 16W, 2D and 1L, attest to that.
Injuries have been kind so far, and it could well continue till the end. Even if it doesn’t, we now have sufficient cover in attack, midfield and defence.
City has just lost Cancelo to Bayern. Analysts say Pep is left with only 19 outfield players, and that includes two youngsters.
Let the second half battle begin!


We need someone to cover Partey and Xhaka right now, someone ideally with experience at the highest levels and at winning trophies, he 100% fits the bill and we don’t need to break the bank for him. You won’t find much better than that in the January window, that’s just the nature of this window. We do this now, then we get Rice and/or Caicedo in the summer or else we have all the time in the world to find our midfielder of the future at that point when there are tons more available. In the meantime this is a… Read more »

Johnny 4 Hats

But it’s not just a cover position.

We have a lot of games coming up. Whoever we sign will play a lot of football. Important games too.


It’s a shame isn’t it?

You feel like Chief Brody trying to warn the idiots on the beach about the impending shark attacks.

Mindless ignorance abounds.

Guns Up

Barring an injury, which I hate even typing, I don’t really think that’s true. Xhaka and Partey will start every PL game for which they’re available, as long as there’s still a good chance of winning the league. That leaves a maximum of seven EL games, and I imagine the regulars will start those too, from quarterfinals on. The more likely rotation is Trossard and hopefully ESR giving Martinelli and Saka a rest. I see Jorginho as an insurance policy and picture him coming on for 10-15 minutes to keep legs fresh otherwise. If we’re forcing ourselves to compare with… Read more »


I agree Ebo. It’s the right sort of money and he knows how to win. At this stage of the window I think it’s good to recruit someone with know how.


I agree, why are we not in for Tielemans? I’d rather him than the Chelsea bloke.


Probably because he’s not a DM? Then again, would it be crazy to get him and make Xhaka our Partey cover? Now that I’ve said that, I can see the appeal of Jorginho!


Too late pal.

The filthy dirty deed is being done as we speak…..


What’s embarrassing mate is Arsenal scraping the bottom of the barrel for yet another Chelsea Has Been.

What’s even more embarrassing is people like you making apologies for it.

Do us all a favour and see this for what it truly is. A desperate shit show.


This from the guy who moaned about Ozil’s mistreatment for months before he left. Disqualifies you from any discussion about player recruitment in my book.



And what about Ozil’s replacement, the one and only Willian….?

How did that work out then, smart arse….?

Honestly. Some of you on here…


Bring back Ozil! 😂😂


Yeah. Will you still be laughing when Partey picks up an injury and our title challenge ends?



So you do want to bring back Ozil?

Man Manny

Are you making plans to injure him? He’s been largely fit so far; is it out of the realm of possibility for that to go all season? Ironically, that might be why Jorginho is here. 10 minutes here, 15 minutes there, EL football here, second rate EPL team there, and Partey gets his rest.


Um yes we didn’t score from open play for about 7 hours and went down to 15th all with an Ozil sized gap at number 10. Willian was supposed to take Ozils place. No proper reasons given. It was fair to complain.

Mayor McCheese

Or, a stop-gap to cover for the Elneny injury so that we can get Rice in the summer. I never quite believed that Arsenal would be able to finance both Caicedo AND Rice, and for me, anyway, the latter is the better player, and who is also ungettable in Jan. But my word, Chelsea are spending a TON of money this window. Mudryk, Fernandes, and possibly Caicedo? They’re almost at the £300m mark!


If we can’t get Mudryk or Caicedo over the line, you can forget about Declan Rice mate.

We’ve more chance of signing Anneka Rice.


Why the negativity? We’re top of the league mate, and jorginho is a handy squad player. It’s a lot easier to sign players like Rice when you’re flying high like we are. Trust the process.

A Different George

After the Euros, Jorginho was seen as a serious candidate for the Ballon d’Or–that always seemed a stretch to me. But not as much of a stretch as Lokkonga or (as much I like him) Elneny.

Alan Sunderland

he’s a good player on a loan as cover I don’t see how that’s embarrassing. he’s a better player than sambi or elneny.


I know, right? Different owner, same strategy. It’s crazy to think they also spent 100 million on Lukaku, which appears to have been written off. I know as a fan you want to see your team win, but I wouldn’t want it by spending such obscene amounts of money – kinda kills it for me


We are spending obscene amounts of money though.
I’m not really complaining about that fact, it is what it is, though I hope the grotesque English football market implodes one day.
But Arsenal fans acting like their club are paupers (or like Kroenke/Walton money is unproblematic compared to gulf state money – which is a completely bullshit position) when in fact we’re the 10th richest club in the world and throwing huge amounts of money at transfers is kinda surreal.


We’ve substantially reduced our wage bill. We’re letting go of our first targets in multiple cases because we can’t get them (Lisandro M, Vlahovic, Kounde, Raya), which shows a prudent approach, one with limits. Our spending is in line with what the market asks for at a minimum from big English clubs. So no, I wouldn’t say we’re ‘spending obscene amounts’. Yes, I agree we’ve spent/invested significantly, but smartly and within limits, and got an outsized return on that investment as well, as it stands currently.


100% – very well put. I like this model, it feels sensible and sustainable. Think Jan signings have been measured. Elneney injury couldn’t have been forecast which is why Jorginiho isnt the perfect signing but a very capable body which will allow us to push for Rice or whoever we want in the summer



The money is THERE.

Edu can’t negotiate for toffee.

Santi’s Thigh Grab

I liked the positive Q better. At this late stage in the window, this is a cover replacement, break glass if needed. I have questions about our negotiation strategy, identifying targets we can’t land but it’s hard when Chel$ea are always waiting in the wings with more money for the player’s salary. We are first in the league, two big games against City coming up, we need a warm body. Not an exciting signing but neither was Trossard. Club in a difficult position right now. Let’s see what happens at the end of the day.


dude… are you really an arsenal fan? we’re top of the league and you’re here crying about a 10M outlay on a cover player. Jorginho isn’t replacing anyone. He’s providing cover. We need numbers, numbers better than Lokonga. What’s wrong with some of you guys. We’re in with a shout after a decade and here you are spewing hate on Edu of all ppl.


It’s going to be a permanent deal apparently…

Johnny 4 Hats

Thing is, he’s not cover.

Thomas Partey cannot and will not be able to play 3 games a week.

Our CM signing is going to play a lot of football. And an immobile 8 who’s never really played as a true 6 isn’t my idea of a great option.


He is cover. Just as Elneny and Lokonga were. You’re just nitpicking for the sake of argument. If he joins, I hope he does well. From an Arsenal fan of 30 years.


Sambi and an injured Elneny.

That is one extremely low bar.

Santi’s Thigh Grab

Ha, it’s the state of it mate. Old Chelsea players are the worst, but here’s where we are.


I remember when AC Milan let Pirlo go to Juve. He was “old, slow and spent”, how did that turned out to Juventus?


jorginho also costs more than both elneny and lokonga and is over 30.
we’ve been down this road THREE TIMES ALREADY with old cunts from chelsea and none of them were beneficial to us.

Johnny 4 Hats

Exactly this.

We are well and truly in the bargain bin here.

And why? We have a lot of money and are a very desirable destination.

I’m just amazed we didn’t have a better back up plan when Caicedo looked like such a tricky transfer from the get go (which was 4 days before the end of a month long window).


You don’t have any fecking idea what discussions and plans Arteta, Edu have had or will have. They have gotten us to top of the league, playing the best football in the world. And yet you act like you know everything and confidently state they are fools. You are amazed huh? You are also a lot of other things I won’t mention.



Haven’t seen you on here before, partner?

And if Partey picks up an injury and the title bid goes moseying, I’m fairly sure we won’t see ‘round these parts again.

Have a nice day now.


How old are you mate? You get pretty personal with people quite fast…


I’ve been here for a long time. Don’t usually comment, but the things you and 4 hats have been saying about the club regarding this transfer, and the arrogance with which you have said them were uncalled for.

Johnny 4 Hats

I think this sort of response is unnecessarily aggressive and not in keeping with the ethos of this site.

So I’ll politely ignore it.

Have a great day mate.


Politely ignore it by responding that you’re politely ignoring it is not politely ignoring it.


Opinions are one thing, but look at the words Tee is using to describe the club and other fans who disagree with him. Your ok with that? I’m not.

Santi’s Thigh Grab

We could likely get a young unproven prospect but they offer no value to the run in. Hard to get good players in Jan unless they are close to out of contract or have fallen out at their club a la Trossard. I too am disappointed but hard to find PL ready 6’s on the shelf.

djourou's nutmeg

if petr cech or david luiz are old cunts, i wanna be an old cunt mate. they were really comitted to the club and the later got his fair share of stick for defending our badge. im not asking you to build a statue just have some respect for them, its really unnecesary to call them that


Cech wasn’t beneficial to us when he first arrived? Yossi Benayoun neither? Seems like pretty selective memory. He just turned 31 a month ago, not exactly geriatric by footballing standards, he’s probably got at least 1-2 very good years and that’s all we need from him, especially given how little he will cost compared to our other big name targets.


he’s slow, expensive, and doesn’t work hard enough to fit into our existing system. we’d be better off bringing patino back from loan

Alan Sunderland

watch a bit of football mate,he’s a good player. sambi and elneny not so much, they spend more time running away from the ball than looking for it.


Yeah, we get the hard sell bit.

Are you his agent?


Sorry, a permanent 2-year deal is not great by any stretch. We already have two midfielders pushing their 30s… Johnny 4 Hat’s comments is perfectly legitimate even if it’s not in the tone some would prefer.

Alan Sunderland

stop with the think of the children shit, it’s the next 4 months that matter.

Man Manny

Every comment here is legitimate.


Top post J4H.

This situation is utterly embarrassing.

Johnny 4 Hats

People become so binary.

Now the club is doing so well, fans can’t possibly entertain the idea that we have acted poorly or a transfer is underwhelming and short sighted.

We can only have heroes and villains. Edu is a hero. So we must not question anything.

djourou's nutmeg

thing is johnny, you may be unsatisfied with the outcome of the transfer window, but how can you say we acted poorly? do you know anything at all about arsenal’s transfer plans short, mid or long term? have you been in any of the discussions with any of the players we’ve suposedly talked to? or know the team’s needs as deep as those involved? i suspect not, so if we end up having to buy one of the most creative players in the league in trossard and a guy who was one best defensive midfielders last season and captain of… Read more »


It’s Willian 2.0

An over the hill has-been.

Seriously, words fail me.

An injury to Partey and we are fucked.


You’re actually spot on. People are weird.


Not so much weird as ignorant and naive.



I believe he was talking about you qwaliteeeeeeee

Guns Up

While I agree with your point here, I also think you’ve gone a bit far to one side yourself. My uneducated opinion is that management had every intention of seeing out the season with Elneny as backup to Partey (and even possibly using Zinchenko there and Tierney at LB in a pinch). Elneny’s fresh injury forced their hand, they’ve acted accordingly, and all has not gone smoothly in a tough window. These things are fluid and also interconnected between clubs, so decisions have to made on the fly even if you have plans A, B, C, D and E, because… Read more »


If that’s the case Guns Up then that is a really big worry. With Elneny and Partey’s injury records and Lokonga’s showings thus far. Obviously none of us have any idea what goes on behind the scenes. But it does feel like there has been some naivety here on the part of Edu/Vinai. Got bamboozled by the Mudryk thing badly. Lost sight of other important things. And I can give them slack for this. Like the squad they are young in experience in these “games”. Hopefully they have learned hard lessons. The Jorginho thing makes me feel physically sick. I’m… Read more »

A Different George

It’s not that Edu is a hero, it is that he has had great recent success at doing precisely the thing you are worried about, identifying and bringing in players who make Arsenal better. You might be right to be worried but, all else being equal, there is a better chance that Edu is right.


No, it’s the idea that you know better than them, and that you are so arrogantly certain of it, that we can’t entertain.

Santi’s Thigh Grab


Typical tantrums

You need to understand, Jorginho is probably a stop gap solution, we might go for a better solution at end of the season. Right now our priority is to get the team over the line, with a replacement for md Elneny, not Party (worst case scenario, he might cover for him in less intense PL games) he’s already played in the PL, so he’s a known quality, won’t be too bothered if he’s not in starting 11 constantly. Any younger PL experienced player in that position is going to cost us a bomb, as you can see there are only… Read more »


@J4H with respect generally speaking if you find yourself agreeing with Qwaliteee on something it’s a sure sign there is some nuance to the situation you’re not seeing. I would address this to Qwaliteee as well, but Qwaliteee has proven over the years he is immune to nuance and can only view any issue from one very fixed and narrow viewpoint at a time, and while I would love to do so I don’t hold out much hope in swaying him from that so I’m not going to try. But I respect you and enjoy your contributions to this site… Read more »


100% this.


You read it?


Did you really read 100% of that?!


your perfectly right from a business point of view, unfortunately, i’m a fan… ☹️

Viju Jacob

Man, that’s a long waffle with “you are right, he’s also right” namby-pamby fence sitting.


I think “fans” would wait and see how it pans out before saying we’ve acted poorly. What your doing is writing it off before it’s even started. Been plenty of “fans” like you over the last decade or more. Thankfully you’re a bit of a dinosaur now that the emirates is rocking again.


So what do you suggest? Genuinely asking.


That we pay Brighton what they are asking for.


Not £60m. Not £70m.


It’s hardly rocket science…..


Who says Brighton would accept £80m?

Wouldn’t they just move the goalposts again and say actually we want £100m. And so on…


Oh for God’s sake. £80m was their widely reported valuation of the player. They probably wouldn’t accept £80m now, because it’s probably too late in that Chelsea have now reportedly started to put together a bid – days after our first bid, which should have been what Brighton’s evaluation was -£80m. NOT the utterly time wasting futility of our £60m first bid. I can’t understand why so many of you find it so difficult to understand..? Deliberately low opening bids are clearly not the way to do business now with top top players. If you’re Arsenal, you agree a price… Read more »


Errrr £100 million million was also reported as well as “HE’S NOT FOR SALE’ many times.


Errrr Sky and David Ornstein reported £80m.


I recommend less packet and nice cup of chamomile tea. Sometimes slowing down is actually a good thing.




Anyone who calls our club embarrassing right now is embarrassing themselves.


It’s weird isn’t it. I agree with everything you’ve said, and nobody has believed in this process more than me, but here we are looking at a total fuck up that should never have reached this point. Two transfer windows to get a back up to Partey and here we are looking at Chel$ea garbage at the eleventh hour. We let Danilo go to Forest for fuck all and now we’re sniffing around a Chel$ea pensioner, you’d have thought we’d learned that lesson.


Right, right.
Because player deals and injuries are really easy to predict, just like on the football manager video game.

Good grief, people.


Mate, if Thomas Partey picks up an injury, we are fucked.

Jorginho, three yards behind everyone else, chasing shadows and stinking the fucking place out like Willian is not going to win us the Premiership.


Well said


A permanent deal, though?! This is the best the club could muster?


18 months isn’t very permanent is it?

The reason we made a last minute dash for Douglas Luiz was because TP and Elneny both got injured at the same time. Nothing embarrassing about it.


That was at five minutes to midnight in the last transfer window, here we are in exactly the same scenario again. That is a fuck up.

Santi’s Thigh Grab

Are you saying Edu and Arteta should have known Elneny would get injured during the window?


I agree.
Edu has wasted far too much time.
If they are serious about this player, then pay the money they want – stop fucking around because it may cost us a lot more.
I like Edu, but we need someone who is more decisive in the market – you compete, or you just don’t bother at all.


I’ve been saying this for the entirety of the transfer window. With the exception of Trossard and the other new lad, this window has been wasted with pathetic bids. Pathetic in that we all of us know – except Edu – that they are going to be turned down flat. Why the fuck we cannot and will not go the extra mile is beyond me. The best side and the best chance of a title in two decades – and we are STILL fucking around trying to penny pinch. If we can bid £70m, then we can bid £80m. This… Read more »

Mikels Arteta

Is that you Raul?

Frank Bascombe

My man!


#EDUOUT – this fraud is going to cost us the league. If Chelsea can use clever accounting to spend the odd £500m why can’t we? We’re not trying hard enough, he’s had years to fix this gap in the squad and he seems incapable, yet some yank who hasn’t even been in football for 5 minutes is able to get anyone and everyone in? Make it make sense please. Also I can’t believe only J4H and Qwalitee can see that we haven’t moved on from the same mistakes Wenger was making. We’re on a good run but let’s not kid… Read more »

Bill Hall

I don’t know how you can say *some unknown polish guy who looks pretty shit* or lol at Trossard who has looked pretty good so far. And that yank over at Chelsea hasn’t a fucking clue how to run the club, he is like a rich brat in a candy store buying everything no matter the cost. That is not how to run a club, the wages will be astronomical and 8+ year contracts! Fucking crazy! And all to get round FFP before they change the rules. The day Arsenal behave like that is the day I stop supporting the… Read more »


I don’t subscribe to Edu Out, but I’m fucking angry at his naivety in placing time wasting insignificant bids for Mudryk and Caicedo.

I hope he proves me wrong today, wakes the fuck up and places £80 on the table for Caicedo. That said, even that’s probably too late now with Chelsea poking their fucking par on again.

Trossard is a good player but the rest of this pitiful window has played out like a fucking slow motion car crash.

Santi’s Thigh Grab

I have no problem with the club not overpaying. Such a strategy has brought us Zinny and Jesus.

Wrighty’s hats

I agree.


calm down dude. what planet did you just step out from?


* Chelsea poking their oar in

Santi’s Thigh Grab

What a load of shit. Spurs troll.

Thierry Bergkamp (non negotiable)

Bloody hell, you’re at it again


Same reply to Leon


You should be a chelsea fan, they’re more your type of club.They’re bids are less pathetic right?


You can leave Tee. We won’t stop you. “Pathetic” is big word to call our club behind your keyboard. Come to my pub and try it big boy!


Understandable if you were screaming for us to sign this guy before the newspapers gave him an exciting £80m number that makes him seem like a big fish. If Brighton were willing to let him go for £10m you would probably class it as an embarrassing signing. No one knows whether going in with low starting offers is what got us the final prices for Trossard and Kiwor. Mixed bag for me this window. I’m glad we aren’t letting the likes of Shaktar and co pull our trousers down. But at the same time, Jorginho just doesn’t excite me and… Read more »

Alan Sunderland

he can’t force a team to sell, or a player to sign.


Yes he can.

Money talks and the Kroenkes have made the funds available – our bids for Mudryk and now this have proved that.

If we can afford to bid £70m, we can afford to bid £80m.

Paying the asking price promptly = deal.

Wasting everyone’s time with bids that are nailed on to be turned down = no player. And scraping the bottom of the barrel in a last day trolley dash. Embarrassing.


Brighton say he’s not for sale. Not for £70m, not for £80m, not for £1bn. What part of “he’s not for sale” don’t you understand?


Yeah – sitting in front of your keyboard makes you a
knowledgeable transfer guru. You have absolutely no idea on the ins and outs of the business. It is not easy, or predictable. Chill.


And you do know, do you…..?

Come on then – pray tell us all why we fell £5m short of Shakhtar’s asking price of Mudryk and are currently £10m off the pace from Brighton’s valuation of Caicedo?

Hint: It’s definitely not a lack of funding from the Kroenkes. Because if this club can bid £70m, it can bid £80m, no sweat.

Santi’s Thigh Grab

Because Chelsea were willing to pay him more salary and AFC were not.


What u talking about – Brighton don’t want to sell. They want to get in Europe themselves and sell him in the summer to more suitors for more money.
You and Qwalitee would have more hair on your heads if you supported Chel$ea.


If Brighton are adamant about not selling than why have Arsenal pursued the deal right up to the penultimate day of the transfer window? Perish the thought that fans question certain things…


Mate, you’re ruining their blind obedience agenda with little things like a few home truths about the transfer market.

You won’t see them for dust on here if our title bid goes south due to a Partey injury.


“Why don’t you support Chelsea?”

Why don’t YOU support West Ham? Their title bids – or total lack of them – would suit you down to the ground.


Bunch of fecking know it alls. I haven’t seen you in a single meeting with Teta and Edu.


Oh. So you were there then? Don’t tell me, is your name Stan?

😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂


You’re gonna look a right prick if he turns out to be a good signing.




Well let’s hope for your sake that your mate Mr Tumnus comes up trumps.

Charles Charlie Charles

Which is to say that you are going to look incredibly foolish if he doesn’t turn out to be a good signing. I know what my money’s on.


No, but I’m not the one acting like I know everything. The way you are speaking about the club over this potential transfer shows your arrogance and is wildly off the mark considering where we are right now. Healthy skepticism is fine, but you are taking way beyond that.


We should back off from Caicedo and move on. Save the money for Rice or Bellingham on the summer. Jorginho is a well decorated veteran who can bring us good during for the remainder of the season. Half a year loan should be a good business for both parties. This is definitely not a Kallstromian type of deal, much much better.


If we can’t sign Mudryk or Caicedo, what makes you think Edu will sign Rice….?

😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂

Charles Charlie Charles

The very same thought had occurred to me.


A loan I’d be on board with. It does feel Caicedo is way overpriced. Any thoughts on Sander Berge? From my memory he was one of Sheffields best players when in EPL. Maybe a better age for long term. I do think Jorginhio could do well if the mentality is right, and he wants to prove his worth. Casemiro is only a few months younger and performing very well.


It’s not a loan.

We’re getting the useless bearded tortoise for 18 months, with an option of a further year.

My cup overfloweth….😴


I think they were half heartedly in the market for a DM expecting that the duo of Elneny and Lokonga could cover for Partey. The injury to Elneny clearly has changed that as Lokonga can’t carry the burden, and especially not alone. If Jorginho is coming in as a loan option then sure. But not as a permanent signing. I’d rather play Ben White as DM if push comes to shove. I don’t even know how good this Caicedo kid is tbh.


i don’t think there was a serious plan for a DM this Jan until Elneny’s injury. so we were kinda playing catch up

Cannon and ball and arse’n’all

I don’t normally disagree with your takes or hot takes, but for £10/£12m I think this is a superb signing. Sky have shown an infographic on partey vs Jorg – Jorg outperforms partey all but one stat (overall completed passes, which was the one stat I’d expect TP to be lower). Jorg better stats in terms of total tackles (2.95 vs 2.32), interceptions (1.48 vs 1.23), ball recoveries (8.36 vs 8.01), forward passing % (30.97 vs 28.98), partey wins only on passes completed (58.24 vs 52.48), and Partey is prone to a misplaced pass. Add to this the experience and… Read more »


Many fans lose their minds over this. First of all it may be a lie or it can be a negotiation tactic.
Even if it true I think he is better than Lokonga Elneny if it is only for 6 months I wouldn’t be so wind up.


Mate, our title hopes are in the balance of Partey picks up an injury.

Wake up FFS.

Alan Sunderland

our title hopes hang in the balance with a partey injury because elneny or lokonga are the alternatives, 2 very average players. jorginho is a good player, no problem to him coming on or starting in a big game. he has no problem showing for the ball facing his own goal with a man on him. he’s a very good player with both feet playing out of pressure, I think he’s a good player, he’s also got a bit of mongrel in him, he has no problem being a bit of a cunt.


Jorginho is a busted flush, slow and past it. He will bring NOTHING to this team. I warned you all about Willian and I’m warning you all again about this latest Chelsea waster. The sad thing for many of you on here is that it’s going to take lots of possible dropped points and probably a failed title bid before you all wake up to the reality of the situation. We are leaving ourselves woefully short of adequate quality cover for Thomas Partey. That’s not good enough for Arsenal in general. For a season chasing down our first title in… Read more »


Sorry, did you just describe Edu as, “criminally negligent”?! Get a bloody grip man – you seem utterly, utterly unhinged. How on earth can you be so angry about this?!


I wonder how much It’ll cost us to buy out his contract in the summer.

Probably as much, if not more than the difference between our failed second bid and Brighton’s asking price for Caicedo.

As it is, we might just as well build a bonfiire today and throw £13m (plus add ons) on it.

Daylight fucking robbery.

Chelsea fans are pissing themselves – and with good reason.


Hmmm. So if any of the likes of Ramsdale Saka MØ Martinelli Xhaka Ben White Saliba Gabriel are injured what is our back up?
So we buy replacement for each one those that costs 100 mil each and is also young and willing to bench warm.
Am I awake now?


It’s called building a squad to compete properly.


well, as you may recall, the squad building work was not meant to be concluded this Jan. we were rumoured to be in for Camavinga as a loan option but it fell through. Also Zubimendi, but he doesn’t want to move just yet. Now Caicedo. Going by fans’ judgements we should have gone in for Bissouma who can’t even get regular game time in an average Spurs’ team. I personally don’t rate Tielemanns that highly. What about him do people think will massively improve us? Even the Caicedo guy, it’s a gamble. Many once thought Lokonga was the next big… Read more »


Caicedo is better than Jorginho. End of.


Nobody would argue that. But only one them is available in this window.

Also, please just calm down a little man. Nobody’s mad for this deal, but you don’t have to reply to every single post on this subject.

Santi’s Thigh Grab

Context. It’s a wonderful thing.

Charles Charlie Charles

Scroll down a little further on this thread Andrew, and you’ll see that someone has called Qwaliteee a whiney ‘cunt.’ Correct me if I’m wrong, but isn’t that abuse and in conflict with the rules for this site?


Yeah, we don’t allow that but then we can’t monitor every single comment so sometimes people need to make us aware.

Santi’s Thigh Grab

Brighton won’t sell despite your insistence that we just need to offer them more money. Not getting anyone in for cover is more embarrassing for the club and would be the stick you beat them with if we don’t finish well. So while not a transfer to get excited about, the team of Edu and Arteta have managed the best start in club history, eclipsing the Invincible’s and yet you call them embarrassing. That’s embarrassing.

Charles Charlie Charles

I think you will find that he was referring to Edu’s transfer business acumen as embarrassing, not our current status in the Premiership. You good folk do love to twist things round to suit your own agenda.

Emi Rates


Emi Rates

Sorry, one more thing to add. Fuck Chelsea!


is it bad that I chuckled at this before realising I am older than him?!

Mayor McCheese

Welcome, Tumnus!

Cygans Parting



Fuck off back to Narnia, Tumnus, you cunt.


Hahahaha no more old cunts from Chelsea. Whilst i whole heartedly agree with the sentiment I think in the circumstances we find ourselves in, it could be our best option.


willian no 2 🤮


Exactly. 👍🍺



Brady’s bunch

Fuck No please 🙏


Maybe we can buy Mudryk from them….





It’ll take Edu sixty years to get a half decent bid on the table.


Mudryk will still be under contract there


yes please, no more!

Funsho Patrick

Better than nothing on the bench and that way we can keep the Powder keg dry for the summer….70m territory for unproven talent spooks me…. jorginho is painfully slow though…better in a double pivot….


It does seem it may be a choice between this and nothing, lets face it Sambi cannot play that position

Does strike me as a bit of a Giroud type figure, nobody rates him but he’s won loads of stuff


I was looking at the Guardian’s top 100 footballers from last year and he was number 5, only behind Lewandowski, Messi, Salah, and Benzema!


Won everything didn’t he

A Different George

Yeah, that seemed far too high. But if he really belonged even in the 50, he would make our bench a little better, wouldn’t he?

Boy Bastin

Is he really better than nothing be though? We’ve got the shit*y be end of the transfer stick with Chelsea so many times now.

Overall though, I fear it’s a sign of some desperation given the clock has almost run out. A warning for the future possibly – don’t put your eggs into one basket, Ukrainian or otherwise, because you never know what may happen until the deal is done.


tbh probably is, he’s only just turned 31 so surely can’t be that far gone

backup as well

it’s true we’ve been burned many times before


That utter crap.

If we had bid the £5m more than our top bid – PROPERLY in the first place by paying Shakhtar what they were asking for – we’d have got Mudryk. And at first glance in a Chelsea shirt, he looks a fucking world beater.

Similarly, if we’d cough up what Brighton are asking for, we’d get ourselves a talented already proven Premiership player with his whole career in front of him.

For the sake of an extra £10m this title could be going down the pan.


Don’t be ignorant. 1) if we bid more for Mudryk Chelsea would have beat it. That is how a bidding war works when you are not the one who is as desperate or willing to throw silly money out. Also 2) had we bought Mudryk, there’d be No funds remaining to possibly find the CM you are freaking out that we needed to buy ASAP. Forgetting that for much of the time we did have a healthy Partey, Mo, AND Sambi. Also forgetting that Arsenal’s bigger long term play was Rice in the summer. So it’s not like they have… Read more »


Oh my days. Some of you really are hard work. Look, IF we had actually fucking paid Shakhtar what they were fucking asking for BEFORE Chelsea got involved, we’d have got Mudryk. Can’t you understand that…..? As it was, we pissed about with insignificantly daft bids that anyone with half a brain could have known would be immediately rejected. That’s not ‘strategic planning’ – that’s woefully naive time wasting incompetence. The very same thing could play out today, with Chelsea reportedly considering an 11th hour bid for Caicedo. Had we coughed up £80m (Brighton’s evaluation of the player) this time… Read more »

A Different George

FFS, Ramsdale, White, Tomiyasu, Odegaard one year, then Gabriel Jesus, Zinchenko, and bringing back Saliba the next. Does that track record not give you a bit of pause before denouncing Arsenal’s incompetence?


What’s the point of having all the ingredients if you’ve not got any cooking utensils?


Seriously, I would rather risk Lokonga than paying a single penny for that Mr Tumnus cunt.

It’s fucking embarrassing.


After watching him against City I don’t feel the same way. Out of his depth playing that position, leaves us wide open.

Mayor McCheese

Yeah, Lokonga is done.


And Jorginho isn’t….? 😂

The Beast

Genuine question, why do you care so much about the short-term signing of an experienced squad player?

We know he’s not gonna start in the priority matches if Partey & Xhaka are fit & we know that he’s much more consistent than our current alternative.

We also know that our ambition is to sign younger, better quality in that position this summer as we couldn’t do it in Jan. Besides it making sense (to me) I think our track record in signings over the last few windows have earned the club just a bit more trust.


We said the same for Xhaka. Maybe he needs a loan or play a Xhaka role instead of Partey.
Don’t write him off please. Not yet.


No, you are.

Santi’s Thigh Grab

This statement is why no one respects your opinion. Jorginho is clear of Sambi. For you to say otherwise shows an unwillingness to live in reality.

Charles Charlie Charles

A good many people respect Q’s opinions, myself included. There isn’t much, if anything, between a currently developing Sambi and a Jorginho who has clearly lost at least a yard or two of pace since hitting 30+ and poses a real liability threat with one-on-one situations with pacey opposition attackers.


If he costs under £10m it could make sense. Otherwise I hope this is just a smokescreen for that amazing sol campbellesque signing we make tomorrow.

Cool Jones LC

Ffs stop buying and loaning these cunts from Chelsea – he’s over the hill and past it….. hope this isn’t true .


I would say he’s better than noone … but in this case I’m not sure he is

Death by 300,000 Passes

Like Willian, that dude was worse than noone.


6 months loan, sure. Better than nobody but really hooe this isn’t a permanent move being made.

Eric Blair

If it’s him or nothing, I guess a 6 month loan can just about be stomached. But absolutely no to a permanent deal.


Trust you to back it.


I’m with you with this. 6 mths loan with no option to buy.


He’s too fucking slow!

Maybe that’s why Edu likes him…..


He’s out of contract in the summer so there would be no fee if he does well. Hard to see what Chelsea gain from loaning him aside from a book balancing exercise, though they do absolutely love one of those. Might be able to spread the loan fee over 500 years or something.

Emi Rates

Six month loan with no option but to fuck off at the end of it.


You realise an option is always good for the side getting the option


Absolutely no chance of him going anywhere for only 6 months without securing a longer contract first. Why would he risk long term injury without protection? either he’ll run his contract down and sign a juicy last deal with someone or secure a middle term contract now.

Anyway, I know needs must but colour me snooty


i bet is is given like three years or something so we have to see him in an arsenal shirt for the next three years.

Welsh Gooner

Too slow for our system. This would be a bad investment, even as a stop gap. PL experience is all well and good but only if that player can suit how we play. Jorginho doesn’t fit our bill.


I think this is probably the best summation here. Jorginho is a good player & he’s not THAT old………
but his lack of mobility means I can’t see how he is a fit for this Arsenal team.


Pace isn’t everything, he’s more than made up his lack of it in his career with defensive awareness, smart positioning etc., enough to win pretty much everything. If he doesn’t fit our system, Arteta wouldn’t sanction the move.


You can have all the defensive awareness in the world – but if you don’t have pace against Premiership attackers, you are fucked.


Partey Xhaka and MØ are not exactly sprinters, are they?


Rather play Sambi. Willian 2.0 I thought we learned

Alan Sunderland

sambi didn’t get a kick against oxford mate.


I’d rather he got none that Jorginho get any

Alan Sunderland

he’s a passenger when he plays, I don’t know what to tell you if you think he’s a better player than jorginho. if we had already made a signing he would be at Monaco now for an 7 million transfer fee.


Neither will this Chelsea prick.

Alan Sunderland

I don’t mind this as a loan, he’s a good player who is ready to go right away similar to troussard. there’s no guarantee of paying way over the odds for caicedo and him settling in and playing any part this season. if it was the summer I would much prefer mudryk over troussard and caicedo over jorginho, I think it would be madness to end up paying 85 or 90 million for a player who is worth half that amount who is not going to start while partey’s here.


This club will NEVER learn.


Take a deep breath, sir.
You’re really worked up.


We’re potentially screwing up this title bid. Hello….?

Mayor McCheese

I bet zero Gooners will say “rather play Sambi” when Partey gets his inevitable injury. Guaranteed. If you had Jorginho and Sambi on the bench, I know who I’d pick, and no, Jorginho’s not perfect. But he’s better than Sambi.

I guess what I’m saying is, I wish Brighton would sell us Caicedo.


Oh god no


Please, no!

Alberto Balsam Mendez Rodriguez

I can’t think of a worse option,
I would prefer we get George Graham to come out of retirement.


Utter dross. I will be very angry indeed if we help Chelsea this way because that’s what we’re doing.

Eric Blair

If we buy him we’d be helping fund their purchase of a cm in the summer, who are also our targets.


Fuck off


Couldn’t put it better myself. 👏🍺


Give me fucking strength


Why make life easier for Chelsea by taking any high earners off their ridiculous wage bill?

hans andersson

Jorginho? Better than nobody? HE IS NOBODY! Or rather, a hopeless clown. Shall Arsenal start collect Chelsea corpse again? Then Bye-bye EPL dream. Haven’t they learned anything from misfits like Willian and David Luiz? Guys good enough to sell programs and hot dogs. Fire Edu. Sell the club, Kronks! There’s a new riot coming…

Thierry Bergkamp (non negotiable)

Don’t forget Cech

hans andersson

But I want to forget him. The Europe League final 2019. Maybe he want to do come back. Sell Ramsdale and Turner!


and gallas

Eric Blair

Has a player from those wankers ever worked out for us?


George Graham.

Alan Sunderland

John Hollins? although I think he might have been at QPR in between


Alan Hudson.

Emi Rates

Willian when he fucked off back to Brazil.


Colin Pates?


Pates was shit.

Alan Sunderland

think we signed him from Charlton mate.


Well said.

If we can’t get Mudryk or Caicedo over the line, we sure as hell aren’t going to get Rice in the summer.

I like Edu and I want him to stay, but his current transfer strategy leaves a lot to be desired.

To fuck about like he is doing, when we have the title in our sights and desperately need top drawer reinforcements – is criminally negligent.




There’s got to be a better option than signing the guy with the most punchable face in world football.

House of goons

You forgot about Lamela.


Bruno Fernandes would like a word…


*Richarlison waves his arms


To highlight himself or pointing at Kane ? 😀

Emi Rates

Darwin Nunez via his agent demands he be added to the shortlist!


Gordon waves from Newcastle

Pat Fried Rice with Egg

Nunez tried to make the list.

Missed it completely.


Kyle Walker

Billy bob

No one has mentioned Ronaldo, seriously guys, why? He is such a bleep!!!

Emi Rates

Somewhere out there sits Mudrack all forlorn and pining to join the un-noble line of Punchables. I say he’s earned his place already.


Arnautovic comes to mind, for that push on Debuchy. And that Joey Barton c*nt.

Emi Rates

Arnautovic is in one the other categories down the corridor. Last door on the left with the sign that says “Biggest Cunts In Football Ever”.


The most detestable club in world football at the moment with yet another funny money signing on the horizon.

It would be quite amusing to pick up a reject on the cheap and possibly go on to the title while they fail to make the top four.


You’d better pray Partey stays fit thanbecause there is no way in this world that we are winning the title with that decrepit Chelsea pensioner wasting a shirt.


“decrepit pensioner” he’s just turned 31 mate. Have a word with yourself.

Santi’s Thigh Grab

The great Oz, all seeing, all knowing. Give it a rest mate. You were wrong on Arteta so your opinion isn’t worth much for those that remember you made the same predictions about him and you were wrong then.

Charles Charlie Charles

Whilst you knew all along that this season would happen just like it has? Hindsight is an easy but not particularly intelligent stick to beat someone with.


No no no.. I just can’t get on board with this.. it’s opening up old wounds not to mention chelsea bidding on every target we go for, mudryk!!!
Even though it probably makes sense


A poor man’s Mo Elneny


That’s an insult to Mo.




Is Alex Song still available? Anyone but this joker.

Eric Blair

Denilson? Malz? Morrow? Jensen? There must surely be other options.

No foot Norbert

N’Zonzi is lacing his boots


Yaya Toure is in if we agree to give him a big cake on his birthday

Boy Bastin

Another day, another target? If it means we’ve finally given up on the grossly overpriced Caicedo than that’s probably no bad thing in my opinion. Things have been a tad chaotic (desperate?) since the long worked on deal for our former Ukrainian friend fell flat. I haven’t read of anyone who really thinks Caicedo is remotely worth the money we were apparently prepared to pay Brighton. Now we appear to be reduced to bargaining with a major rival over a 31 year old with no sell-on value – not to mention another player who breaks the age profile for signings… Read more »



Shame we just couldn’t stump up the £5m extra for Mudryk and the £10m extra for Caicedo.

Still, pride intact eh?

Oh. Wait…….

Obviously a backup plan. If it was to happen I wonder if we’ll pay a small fee and pay his wages until the end of the season.

I don’t see him with us long term.


Do you honestly believe Chelsea will let him go on the cheap?

Do you honestly believe he will expect anything other than a fat salary?

Whatever we pay in this shit show, it’s too much.

1 penny is too much.


Wouldn’t want this if there was no fee and Chelsea paid 100% of his wages.


Todd Boehly: I understand that Arsenal is interested in Jorginho.
Underling: Yes, that is correct boss.
Boehly: Well, let’s get a large bid in and see if we can beat them to this player like we did with Mudryk.
Underling: One problem with that sir…

Harry Sun

It wouldn’t be popular with fans but I’d trust Arteta and Edu in bringing in whoever they think can improve the squad. And with the great chance of winning the league, with 1 injury would we prefer Sambi or a proven Premier League player and Champions League winner? I think it makes sense, just a shame it’s Jorginho as he’s a twat


He’s too slow; over the hill; finished.


Words fail me.

This has got to be some kind of sick joke, right?

I’m sorry, but this is an absolute bottom of the barrel scraping sack of shit.

Pathetic, Arsenal, pathetic.


Calm down dude


Are you actually speaking because of his quality or because we made a mistake with Willian?
Leftovers are not always bad fx Ziny and Jesus.


Zinny and Gabi Jesus were never leftovers, this is dross.

hans andersson

Arteta is slowly beginning to win over the critics to his side… And now this! Atleast we get a player to blame if the spring become disastrous. Plus Edu, and the Kronks. We have had all the XXX winter window to get a new number six, a back up DM – and end up with Jorginho! I’m trying to laugh, but get tears in my eyes. What a joke this club is.

A Different George

“What a joke this club is.” We are top of the league, we have lost one match all season, we are miles ahead of where even the optimistic supporter thought we would be, we play exciting, creative football, we have a bunch of exceptionally likeable players.

If you think that is a joke, allow me to quote Zinchenko: “no one is laughing now.”


This makes me fucking angry, no more bloody Chel$ea rejects for God’s sake. Not to mention that it’s quoted that the Chel$ea cunts would want “an important fee” for their dross. No, Edu, just fucking no. I’d rather have nobody than this shit.

Thierry Bergkamp (non negotiable)

Couldn’t care less about what he won.
I’ve never rated him.
I do not want him at Arsenal.

Alan Sunderland

did you not used to have xhaka out in the brackets? maybe jorginho will work out ok if you don’t rate him.


Oh please mate.

Xhaka was stinking the place out a year or so ago. You can’t blame people for wanting him out then.

Who could have seen Xhaka’s redemption? Answer, no one, not you, not me, not even the player himself.

What, you’re asking us to put our faith in an over the hill Chelsea has been? Yeah, we did that in August 2020 (well I didn’t, I knew Willian was utter shite).

Jorginho is not the answer. End of.

Mass Gooner

Like no one saw Xhaka’s redemption coming.. maybe you don’t see Jorginho performing well for us right now? There is absolutely no comparison to any past transfer to justify this a sure shot fail as every situation is different.. that said I personally don’t rate him as a player either. Better than what we have but nothing spectacular.


I wouldn’t give Chelsea a dirty ol’ sock from behind the washer for this bum bc we’re never gonna hear them stop laughing if we do


Let me pretend like I did not see this news

Islamabad Gooner

Why didn’t we bid for someone like Ounahi when he left for Marseille for a pretty penny?


Damn, if we were gonna sign aging midfielders from Chelsea whose contracts are up – presumably as cover for Partey? – too bad it’s not Kante instead of the guy who seems more like a Xhaka option than a Partey sub. This doesn’t seem to do much for the DM issue.


I see how he might take GX’s position while GX covers for Partey. No one wants that. However imperfect, it adds flexibility to the squad. Who knows if ESR will ever be fit this season. With Trossard and Jorgihno, we would have proven quality cover all over the left side and CM.
We still need competition for Partey. I don’t think this deal would change plans in that respect. But would add to the squad, which MA has said is necessary.


What? Jorginho is a DM, plays strictly in front of the defence.


true, he only moves to take penalties


There are different ways to play “DM” and he often plays in a double-pivot system at Chelsea. Also, you forget that until this season you could have said the same about Granit Xhaka.

I don’t care what you call Jorginho’s position, I stand by the fact it doesn’t change summer plans. I seriously doubt Edu/Arteta will think we have no need for Declan Rice because we now have Jorginho in the squad.


Players at this stage of their careers would like a long-term lucrative contracts as it will be their last one.
This is the last thing Arsenal needs now.

hans andersson

Forget Caicedo. Forget football. Forget the spring, forget everything that makes life worth the struggle. As long as we can buy Chelsea misfits. Let’s buy all those guys that lost 1-4 vs Brighton, 0-4 vs Man City etc. Maybe we even can get Mudryk? Why can’t we change place in the table? Chelsea at the top, and good old Gunners in an honorable tenth position.We’re proud to say your name…


I don’t like him.


What are they smoking over there at the Emirates? Pay the fvcking 80m and get caicedo in. We would ve sorted our DM position for the next 5 years atleast. The dude is top 3 in every top stat involving DMS in Europe . Pay the money edu and forget the jorginho nonsense. If partey gets injured, we re done! If we wait for the summer, we will get outbid by oil money clubs for the best talentss and then we will scrape the ground. In the summer Rice, caicedo, zubimendi will all be out of our reach. Better pay… Read more »



If we can bid £70m, then we can fucking bid £80m and just get the fucking deal done.

This club is as tight as two coats of fucking paint. Always has been, always will be.

The players – and subsequent trophies – we have missed out on through penny pinching does my fucking head in.

2023 – and we’re STILL doing it.

Fucking pathetic.

Santi’s Thigh Grab

They won’t sell.


I thought we moved pass the period of signing washed up has been players from Chelsea.
I would rather we save our money for the summer and hope we have enough in that area to get us through.


Screams desperation, would be a real kick in the teeth to Arteta to give him this player, when he’s said publicly on numerous occasions that he wants a new MF.

Alan Sunderland

he wanted this player 2 years ago.


Zinchenko can play midfield – he does so for his country as a roaming midfielder.
I would trust him much more than Jorginho – I have seen continents move faster than him..

hans andersson

You mean incontinents…

Alan Sunderland

he’s quicker than zinchenko, zinchenko is playing exactly were he should be.

hans andersson

I have an unpleasant feeling that old Kronk want an americanization of Arsenal. Buying up second rates from MLS to make the sport and the club more pop in the US. It’s an awful thought to have in mind. And I was so happy when Leeds got McKennie, not Arsenal FC. But Jorginho! That’s even worse than MLS trash.

A Different George

How do you feel about Gabriel Jesus? Odegaard? White? Ramsdale? As far as I know, we have one ex-MLS player, our backup keeper, who looked pretty good against Man City. This is just nuts.

hans andersson

For information: Major Soccer League (USA/ Canada).

hans andersson

Major League Soccer – rather. Still shit.


Most Americans I know care much more for European rather than MLS teams, and I can assure you that buying MLS players will absolutely not make Arsenal more popular with US fans. Your whole premise makes little sense.

hans andersson

Hope you’re right. Like Turner though. Best US player in WC 2022.

hans andersson

The US Team did it very well in Qatar, under the circumstances. But soccer isn’t a major US sport, and I want Arsenal FC to attract the best talents on this planet. I thought the table situation this winter window would be perfect for top additions to the team – and we get Jorginho! What the h*ll must happen to make Arsenal attractive?


Sometimes when I have an unpleasant feeling it turns out to be a bit of indigestion. However, I generally refrain from sharing this information with teh internet


Hopefully this is just a case of showing Brighton we have some plausible other option so they accept the next offer.


I actually had to go look it up, fully expecting to see that his agent was Kia Joorabchian….surprisingly its not. hmmm.

Death by 300,000 Passes

Better call back Charlie from Blackpool than another Chelsea brick.


Underwhelming and really cant see him as a Partey replacement, but could be handy to sub on when Arteta wants to kill a game with a million passes.


I don’t want him anywhere near the pitch in an Arsenal shirt.

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