Saturday, July 27, 2024

Sevilla 1-2 Arsenal – player ratings

Two moments of magic from Gabriel Jesus helped Arsenal to a 2-1 win over Sevilla in the Champions League this evening.

The Brazilian fed fellow Gabriel (Martinelli) after controlling a pass from another fellow Gabriel (Magalhaes), and scored a brilliant goal himself in the second half. The home side got one back from a corner, and it was a hard defensive effort to hang on, but three points return to North London this evening.

Here’s how the players rated this evening.

Read the Sevilla 1-2 Arsenal match report and see the goals here 

Sevilla 1-2 Arsenal – Player Ratings

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The bonus rating is spot on tonight Blogs.


Yep, that’s two bonus ratings in a row!


Yep, I particularly enjoyed that too.

I don’t comment so much these days. I prefer to sit back, observe and, in the words of John Lennon. “watch the wheels go round and round.”

Much better on the old blood pressure. 😉


I’ve missed you matey – takes a lot to keep these young lads under control on here!

Brazilian Gooner

Raya is getting away BIG TIME with his mistakes, we can’t act like we’re surprised when it cost us something

Nick J

I understand competition for places is a positive but what sort of a message is it sending to Ramsdale that Arteta is unwilling to pick him ahead of a keeper who is producing a handful of brown pants moments in almost every game? Raya is a decent keeper but no player should be undroppable.


I expected Ramsdale to start this game, but maybe he got a rest since having a baby so recently

Exit the Lemming

Thank God Raya isn’t a midwife….


I think the message arteta sent out was this: make mistakes, but only mistakes trying to implement MY PLAN.

I think ramsdale would shy away from these mistakes (understandably considering the cost of these mistakes) and thats why raya has been picked despite the mistakes

Exit the Lemming

There is a vestige of truth in this but it’s not just distribution that has let Raya down this season. His handling, positioning and command of his penalty box has also been lacking on several occasions

Nick J

That’s actually an interesting take on it.


It’s the Willian situation all over again. Raya was given his chance, but he’s fumbled away his opportunity. Let’s hope Arteta isn’t as stubborn as he was with Willian.


Arteta has messed up our keepers by trying to do something different and cutting edge as a manager.

Exit the Lemming

Have to agree with this. Arteta is in danger of turning two excellent keepers into two anxious and manacled ones terrified of being unable to play out from the back every single time. Both are more than capable of using their experience and judgement when it’s NOT worth the risk of playing out from the back. Arteta needs to trust his keepers decision making more.

Cool Papa Bellerin

Agree with all of this. The goalkeeper management really bothers me. In isolation I totally get being patient with Raya if he’s our #1. But given the circumstances it feels wildly unfair to Ramsdale that he can’t even get a game in the CL. He made a handful of mistakes over the last few months of last season and Raya has basically made all of those mistakes over the course of a few games. Raya has very clearly been installed as the #1 without earning it, and it makes Arteta look dishonest given how he presented the goalkeeping situation after… Read more »


Yes. Raya is not an upgrade on Rambo, when everything’s taken into account. If Arteta needed Ramsdale to distribute the ball better, couldn’t that have been worked on by staff? Raya’s understandably nervous now and wasn’t as good a shot stopper to start with. If the offense starts clicking the way it should, there won’t be as much pressure on the GK. But as it stands, Raya is going to cost us points this season.


I read that statistically he was a better shot stopper than Ramsdale last season. Saved a greater % of shots on goal. But there is the intangible, immeasurable side of the game that’s about confidence, communication with the defence in front, etc. that I think Ramsdale is so great for.
Despite positive stats I just don’t feel as confident with Raya. I wonder how the team feels.


Thank You Matey ! This is my downvoted point entirely !!!

Man Manny

It’s amazing how suddenly, Ramsdale can do no wrong. Have we all forgotten the heart-in-the-mouth moments of last season? Raya may not be an upgrade on Ramsdale, but he is not worse either.
If Arteta has settled for Raya, he deserves our support. Where has all the support-the-team mantra gone, for Christ’ sake!
I can bet my bottom dollar all this noise is because an English man has been benched for a Spaniard – and all this coming from some who openly rejected Ramsdale at the beginning.


one possible answer that i start to think is, maybe Ramsdale has a disciplinary issue? or something like a big mistake behind the door?


I am genuinely conflicted and aware that I will be hated for this. I want my team to win but secretly hoping Raya flops. Not a secret any more. I don’t mind competition between players, what bothers is the cruelty that comes with it. Here’s a player that helped us get into CL after years out and voted the leagues best and gets dumped without so much as a fair shout in my view to redeem himself. MA spoke about some goalkeeper mistakes last season but he won’t be engaged on the topic now. Fair it’s all on merit but… Read more »

Norwegian Wood

Your behavior is not surprising. Many Arsenal fans prayed for Arsenal to lose and drop points because Arteta benched and released their favorite, Ozil. You are plastic.


Some supporter you are if you want your team to lose UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES .


He’s been flappy and caught out on the things Arteta brought him in to upgrade on Ramsdale for. It is genuinely bizarre.


Behave, his high claims are excellent.


Interesting observation regarding Eddie

Brazilian Gooner

He coudn’t care less for the game, he was like “I didn’t start so fuck it, I will jog around and make some late fouls to show I’m not happy”

The problem is he does that quite often, and in my opinion it just shows how he is not Arsenal quality, the contrast with Trossard is blatant


I commented on his pressing on here after the Chelsea game – it’s like he’s pretending to press. I don’t believe Arteta would somehow miss it but then again I can’t believe it’s something he tolerates.

I miss santi cazorla

And if you criticize him, you get massively downvoted.

Public Elneny

Not by as much as when you criticise the vox populi of Arseblog.

The absolute melts!

Never Happen

thanks, I laughed happily as I downvoted your nonsense

Public Elneny

Ahh come on I was joking

Should’ve gone with the 😉 rather than the !


“…it’s like he’s pretending to press.”

Ha ha, he watched Alexis too much.


Lose the ‘is’ – more like Alex (Iwobi)


Iwobi all over again…


His lack of effort really stood out tonight. Letting people that have played the entire game run past him with ease. He should have a look at Trossards effort/contribution as a good example of how to help his team.


Couldn’t outrun, outmuscle, outjump players whove already played 80 minutes more than him. Also does this thing where he jumps 2 meters behind of where the ball actually lands after a clearance or long pass to him. He’s either too scared to go near a CB or seeing 2 balls and trying to head the wrong one. Will get a start at the weekend.


More and more, he’s shuffling around waiting for his moment in the limelight is a concern – he’s starting to remind me of Iwobi in that regard.

Really feels like we sold the wrong Hale End striker!


Agree with the Nketiah rating, such a frustrating player. I’ve tried to give him the benefit of the doubt & just blame it on manager instruction but I’m not sure anymore. He lost a couple of foot races too against tired legs when he should be as fresh as a daisy. Definitely one of the weaker links in this current squad

Bleeding gums murphy

The weakest link


13 matches – 710 minutes – 2 goals – this season

I miss santi cazorla

How many assists?


1 assist


Flo – 8 matches – 3 goals plus 1 assist.
And his latest is everything we’re looking for – runs into space, great first touch to wrong-foot the defender and then absolutely lashes it into the top corner.


I was one of the believers after his good spell last season and the first couple of games this season, but I’m starting to get ready to admit defeat on that front :/ for a moment it seemed like he was getting better, but now the trend has reversed


Yooooo i told you we should’ve held on to balogun


I don’t think many people wanted us to sell him, he just wasn’t happy to compete for his place and would’ve run out his contract, not much you can do about that


we sold him to offset the incomings. the fact he wasn’t happy to compete is just a narrative people latched on to, because Arteta wasn’t playing him knowing that we’d have to sell him.


Pretty sure it was the other way around, first there were rumours that Balogun was asking to be guaranteed first choice, then when Arteta couldn’t convince him to stay and fight for his place he stopped playing him while the sale was getting negotiated. I think Mikel really wants homegrown players to break through at Arsenal and wouldn’t have sold him if Balogun was “on the boat” to use Arteta-jargon


how can you even believe a RUMOR that Balogun would ask to be guaranteed first choice? that doesn’t even make sense. there are interviews with balogun where he said he just wants to be given a chance to prove himself. I think its either 1) Arteta has developed a loyalty towards eddie because he’s been around the squad the entire time and has had more time to coach Eddie on how he wants a forward to play vs Balagoun 2) Arteta is holidng out for a top top striker to round out the team so he cashed in on Balogun… Read more »


He wanted to be given a chance = he wanted a guaranteed run in the team, at the very least ahead of Eddie in the pecking order, and from what I understood he wouldn’t sign a contract extension until he saw that he was going to play regularly. So having him stay would’ve been a big risk of losing him for nothing the following offseason.


It’s definitely a shame, because I’m pretty sure he would’ve beaten Eddie for second in the pecking order, and with Jesus’ tendency to pick up knocks and niggles Flo would’ve gotten a lot of opportunity and I think done well. But there’s just no way to guarantee that before the season starts. If Jesus stays healthy the full season, or if Flo picked up an injury or if Eddie impresses you’ve lost 30-40 million bucks…


Point 3 holds weight. And I’m starting to think there should be a third option between upvotes and downvotes because the downs are not making sense for your comment. Maybe people mean “hmmm” ?


Love Mik but we have to admit he backed the wrong Hale End striker this time around.


people commenting about Balogun clearly missed the interview he gave, where he said the move was out of both his and Arteta’s hands. He was the most valuable sellable asset and the shillings needed to make sense. Of course his mentality and attitude made it easy for the other narrative to stick and people prefer that kind of drama.


I think what he meaht, or what he wasnt saying aloud, was that it was out of his hands once he (or his agent) had told the club he wasn’t going to extend his contract. At that point the club had to decide whether they were willing to take that huge financial risk which they would’ve had to be pretty stupid to take.

Crash Fistfight

I don’t even think it was necessarily that they had explicitly said that he wouldn’t be signing a contract unless X condition was met. It was more that there were no signs of him signing a new contract. Now, it’s possible that his people would do the same thing they did previously to get him a new contract (i.e. act like he wanted to leave so he could get a better pay-packet), but he could equally have left for free (as you point out). The decision-makers (rightly in my opinion) decided it was too big a risk to take. I… Read more »


nope – I didn’t really have any opinion on AMN. I just really liked how Balogun played for Reims and the numbers he put up there.


And continues to put up at Monaco – 3 goals and 1 assist in just 8 games. Eddie is on less than half that.


He has stated he would have welcomed the chance to be given a chance. There was plenty we could have done by playing him.


The lad came back to us have ended the season only 2 goals behind Mbappe, ffs! He just wanted to know that he’d get some starts this season – entirely reasonable and, in my view, exactly the kind of hunger and ambition you need in a striker.
Otherwise you get someone who jogs around ‘press-tending’….


Eddie is too feeble but Balogun isn’t the answer. The club were sensible selling him. There has to be somebody better, who’s not a gobshite gambling addict.


We’re the club sensible selling him and holding onto nketiah?


I got slated on here for suggesting Eddie has run out of second chances where Flo had never been given a first one!


Well, he’s here now. Odegaard’s had a few poor games recently but he’ll be given the chance to play through it. So will Eddie, though he won’t get as many minutes. If he rounds into form again, great. If not, we’ll be stuck with his wages for years while he warms the bench. No use giving up before the verdict’s in.


verdicts in. eddie is holding us back. he is the player you pass to kill momentum. he averages a goal contribution every five appearances. eddie should have been sold last summer instead of wasting a bench/squad spot.


I’ve not given up yet, i love him and his character and will continue to support him and hope he gets better, honestly even if he leaves Arsenal. But honestly at this point I think he basically has until the next transfer window to show what he can do, and if it doesn’t get significantly better than the last month or so I think the club would have to be blind to not pursue a striker in that window.


His ‘character’ is most certainly not in evidence on the pitch? He just shuffles around pretending to press… Eddie The Great Press-tender


Nketiah is so, so poor. Not at the level at all. Sell him.


the sad thing is after Jesus, he is the best we have.


I’d rather play Trossard, Havertz, Martinelli or even Smith Rowe ahead of him. It’s not even the lack of technical quality at this point, the guy’s just not putting in the effort.


Nketia stinks. He’s a few divisions out of his depth. Not physically imposing, clinical or clever enough for this level.
Saka needs a rest. Didn’t we just pay ~$75m for Havertz? Trossard can’t get a few runs? Viera, Nelson, ESR…plenty of quality for Arteta.


Trossard is far, far better – works way harder, lethal with both feet and has real ‘striker smarts’.


Sell him! Who wants to buy him??? another failed loan spell then pay him off I expect, if Arteta has any sense, which the Raya, Balogun situations show he hasn’t.

Man Manny

Tomiyasu is the most underrated player in this Arsenal side. Immense tonight.
Ødegaard was muted again; I hope all is well. Sheffield United on Saturday is a good platform for our captain to row back to life…or get a rest.

Man Manny

An edit capability wouldn’t be a bad idea here.

Public Elneny

Love Tomiyasu. He’s come on massively this season at inverted left back too.

You can play him anywhere in the backline and know he’ll basically guarantee you a 7, with frequent 8s

Greg in Seattle

Odegaard looks like someone suffering from heavy workload from the interlull. That loss to Spain to get Norway eliminated was intense. Using him as a sub against Chelsea would have been prudent. He plays full gas every time out and frankly he looks like he need a recovery period.


Genuinely so impressed by him. He was all over the place tonight — across the back 4 + DM.
A couple of games in a row he’s been on fire.


Raya must have a four leaf clover, a horse shoe and a rabbit’s foot in his shorts with the luck he has not getting punished for his big mistakes. If you have two keepers to compete for a place, Ramsdale must be chucking it in his own net in training not to be selected right now. Runarsson must be wondering if his loan will get cut short.


“a four leaf clover, a horse shoe and a rabbit’s foot in his shorts”

aha, maybe that’s what Arteta saw when he said he’s got big ones!


“is that a horse shoe and rabbit’s foot in your shorts David or are you just really happy to see my lego hair?”


Can we not just give Rice 9 every game ? What a player he is ! Tomi was excellent tonight Jesus looked back to his best ! Great win good all round team effort ! …But ??? …Wait for it wait for it ??? Raya wtf ? I see more poor than good in his keeping! Time to sit it out now but hey here come the down votes statistically speaking of course ! Declan Rice Wow !!!


Weird to me that Ode is in a slump yet Saka isn’t when apart from the cross on Saturday, Saka has been just as quiet.


they both have played almost every single game so far this season. barely any rotation at the moment.

Arteta seems to be a walking contradiction:

– Wants squad depth. Gets it. Doesn’t utilise it.

– Wants 2 GKs of top quality so he can rotate. Doesn’t rotate EVEN when the keeper is clearly nervous.

Oh well.

A Different George

He pretty clearly is using squad depth (I’m ignoring the keeper part, because that was never serious). Partey is injured (or something), and his absence changes the way we play to an extent, but having Jorginho and Rice means our midfield remains strong. Tomiyasu is different from Zinchenko and forces a change in style–but he is not some enormous downgrade. I think that’s now true for every player except Odegaard, Gabriel Jesus, and Saka.


Can’t compare the two really, when Saka gets the ball in space he’s still able to make things happen. But Odegaard, as much as I love him, has been invisible the last couple of games and unable to affect the game at all.


Got to start Saka, can replace with Nelsen for impact .
Martin needs a rest and give Kai or Vieira a start against Sheffield


Sheffield would be a good chance for some rotation in general.


I pity those second tier players that put their trust in Arteta. It is already coming November and some have not played 90 minutes in totality. You have to salute Balogun making the decisive move.

Crash Fistfight

I think he’s been consistently wasting possession in dangerous areas the last few games. Yesterday his decision-making was atrocious. He put in one good cross against Chelsea, so fair enough you can understand why he gets kept on, but there’s not an awful lot of difference in the impact the two of them have been having across games as a whole.


Personally disagree, but as James said on the podcast, Saka has set such high expectations for himself that anything dropping below that can appear to be a stinker. Even in this game he should have won a penalty with his dribbling. 5 goals and 5 assists in 11 games; if that’s his return from ‘being consistently wasteful and having atrocious decision making”, that’s fine by me! And as per my original point, while a seemingly sub par Saka can still turn a game, that doesn’t appear to be the case of Odegaard at the moment. He’s still working hard off… Read more »

Crash Fistfight

By “last few games” I’m talking 3/4.

Your statement above refers to Odegaard being below-par for “the last couple of games” and that the two can’t be compared. I think their lack of form is pretty similar.

Most people I’ve spoken to thought Saka was poor against Chelsea and were surprised Martinelli was substituted, but he put in a cross so apparently that means he played well?


I’m only referring to the last two games after the international break. As for Saka’s performance against Chelsea, it obviously wasn’t his best. Especially in the first half when he struggled with a high Chelsea press, as did the rest of the team. But he improved second half when we started going more direct and we were finding him higher up the pitch, in more space and 1-on-1 with Cucurella. With Odegaard it’s probably that I have a different level of expectation for the position. Forwards are meant to take risks with the ball, but midfielders are meant to make… Read more »


So important! Great performances from our back four, the engine room + our brazilian strikers. Ødegaard and Raya below par. Saka as well to an extent.
Agree with blogs’ comments on Eddie. Just see the difference in how Trossard applied himself, and the effort he put in when he came in.


watching nketiah play is the same as getting waterboarded

Exit the Lemming

Were you bullied at school?


Lamela is a cunt

Mick Malthouse

Beyond a cunt. Cunt is in the rear view mirror.


I don’t think it’s said often enough (if at all) these days, as was the day-to-day routine on here years ago:
John Terry is a cunt!


A level of cuntery that other cunts merely aspire to.

Exit the Lemming

Monsieur Terry was certainly the cunt’s cunt but learned all he knew from Cuntmaster Generale Mourinho


Maybe the dawning moment for Raya but hard not to think it’s time to get Rambo back in.
Tomi nailed on, Rice is everything we could hope for, jorgi is solid but need option of Tom Parti, kai for Martin at the weekend, mart needs a breather .
Saka Jesus and marti went well but can’t risk loosing one of them. Nelsen and Leo are good options to rest any of them


You might say it was as a dodgy punch, but that is exactly why I love Raya – he got there and if a Sevilla player gets a touch that is flying in with a less proactive goalkeeper stranded.


This is a take… There’s def a player stooping to put that in just behind


I thought Gabriel was really good tonight and deserving at least the same mark as Saliba, perhaps 0.5 more.


I thought Raya played well today. I’ve seen Ramsdale make the same mistakes. What I like about Raya is that he was able to recover from his mistakes vs Chelsea plus he is more confident aerially. Also, he is being asked by Arteta to put himself under more pressure and risk, something Arteta was not being able to get Ramsdale to commit to. There is an interview with Ramsdale where he talks about how he came to a compromise with Arteta on how much risk he was willing to take on. Clearly that level of compromise is not enough for… Read more »


Are you being serious? Raya is a disaster in the air and is a panic merchant. If we continue with him we can say goodbye to any trophies. Ramsdale is superior in every way.


bro you’re a panic merchant. raya is not a disaster in the air. his stats even today is better than ramsdales. he plays the way arteta wants us to play. you’re just seeing what you want to see.


are you watching the same match as us? in 4 consecutive matches Raya pass directly yo the opponent


not saying he didn’t make mistakes. i’m saying even with the mistakes he’s probably at the same level as ramsdale (ramsdale also made mistakes that cost us). and ramsdale was not even playing under the same pressure as raya is right now when he made his mistakes – with the fans and media against him.


Funny we’re doing this to create chances and yet our overall chance creation this season is beyond abysmal.


to create space. we’ve had more possession and control in games as a result of that space. chance creation is down to midfielders and forwards. odegaard hasn’t created enough this season and nketiah has a unique ability to ruin a sequence of play, and not having partey also impact chance creation. jorginho is a lot more conservative than partey.


Possession & slow possession at the back is statistically not worth a jot ! Watch the forward lads make runs but not get the ball coz we’re stroking it around at the back. As a forward that created frustration it’s tiring & ultimately you stop putting the runs in coz the ball isn’t coming ! So possession is good but possession with a purpose is what we are lacking. Did you see the Rice driving run ? How many players did he commit ? That is what I’d call risk & rewarded Oh & exciting too !!! We can’t rely… Read more »

Exit the Lemming

The best thing about Raya at the moment is the woodwork behind him


We finished 2nd last season to what is a super team, and probably would have won if saliba didn’t get injured and we were stuck with Rob holding. Ramsdale is great at bouncing back. He’s great in the air and is an excellent shot stopper. Voted by his peers into the team of the season. Raya isn’t good in the air. He lacks presence. He’s made 2 to 3 major blunders in each match this season, some leading to goals others we got lucky. And thus far he doesn’t seem all that good at playing out from the back. Any… Read more »


Ramsdale is an excellent shot stopper but he made major mistakes during the business end of our title run leading to goals (vs southampton). Raya’s been making mistakes – but he is playing under more pressure than Ramsdale and he’s willing to take more risks to create space for players ahead of him. Ramsdale wasn’t ever under the microscope like Raya has been. Raya is definitely good in the air. He’s caught more crosses in the short time he’s been between the sticks than ramsdale has all of last season. Saliba and Gabriel are a lot more comfortable passing back… Read more »


Not last night. Last night he repeatedly flapped under pressure and eventually resorted to just booting the thing long, ceding possession, to make it somebody else’s problem.


Except that all season long I have not really seen that space for the offense.


Should be Tomi’s place to lose now.


Agree, he’s staked a real claim for this LB spot. The Tierney loan doesn’t look that bad now, even though Timber’s injury still leaves us pretty stretched at the back.

Exit the Lemming

I still rate Tierney as the best defensive left back at the club

A Different George

I really like Tierney for the usual reasons. And he is not a bad player; he has the quality to start at fullback for many good teams. Could he start for Man City or Liverpool? Could he start for Madrid or Bayern? Because, that is the level we need now. That is really what people are complaining about Eddie: a good player who, at least so far, hasn’t proven he will reach that (now required) level.

Exit the Lemming

Good points raised. He’s a better full back than Alexander-Arnold or Gvardiol IMO but who else in this Arsenal squad would get a start for Man City, Bayern or Real Madrid? Best case scenario for this season is last 8 of the Champions League, a domestic cup and top 4. It will take several more transfer windows and significant investment (not remotely guaranteed) before we can jettison the likes of Tierney as surplus to requirements.


Off topic, but why the hell is Ramsdale nit getting a chance? He deserves a CL debut. Arteta can act so stubborn at times that it doesn’t make sense




I have grown weary of The Inevitable Eddie Nketiah.

Nice result-onward!


Was that not a penalty on Saka? no one seemed to fussed about it but the defender never got the ball and it was from behind?

Besides that I thought the ref was very uneven , i.e. biased on the smaller fouls too.


Ya, some of the thuggery, they got away with was unbelievable. I remember Saka repeatedly being pulled over, with the ref giving nothing and the assailant going: “what, I did nothing.” And got away with it.

Exit the Lemming

I thought the ref was fine. He even booked Lamela for diving. If our eventual fate rests upon the decisions of match officials then we’re clearly not good enough to win anything this season

A Different George

I thought the ref was, as is normal, influenced by the crowd. He let a lot go, but I’d be happy to see him in England instead of some of the referees in the Premier League.

Exit the Lemming

If that’s true (and I don’t believe it is for the majority of refs) then surely things would even themselves up via our home matches?


Trossard worth way more than an 6.

T dog

What a turn.


Rice reads the danger and arrives there like nobody ever has, ever in football imo.


Best complement is he’s a modern day Roy keane , he will lead this team to a final


… but without being a cunt.


If you take the Man United connection out of it (which quite rightly makes you an automatic cunt) I actually like Roy, at least he’s genuine and himself. Not an abundant quality in the modern world

Exit the Lemming

He’s a disingenuous attention seeker and a disgrace to both his club and country

Exit the Lemming

Without the propensity for gratuitous and unprovoked violence of course

Exit the Lemming

My old soccer coach used to say that the only difference between playing well and playing badly was that the former is anticipating what’s going to happen and the latter is reacting to what has already happened

Baichung Bhutia

When you think of a typical Spurs player, Lamela embodies it. Also bang on about Nketiah.


Blogs is so biased against Raya, it’s not even funny. Didn’t Rice make one wrong pass? Didn’t he lose one header? Why is he not taking a 5 then? How about Raya’s long ball that lead to the second goal? How about his contribution as we were playing from the back? Ramsdale was the worst keeper in the league in the first 4 games, objective fact, according to his stats. He couldn’t keep a clean sheet when we were losing the league last season, but it was never his fault. Never his fault. “He did nothing wrong.” While now Raya… Read more »


Agree fully


are you aware that Raya in 4 consecutive matches makes a direct pass to the opponent? lucky for us, in the last 3 matches the opponent could not that that chance, even man city could not finish the chance


ramsdale’s made direct passes to the opponent that lead to goals last season and this season. i think raya’s done well to recover after passing it to the opponent. also raya is being asked to take more risks than ramsdale is comfortable with. ramsdale will usually hoof the ball under pressure. give raya a break. I find it funny that raya gets called out for errors that don’t lead to goals. Has any arsenal fan called out ramsdale for errors that didn’t lead to goals last season? and for the mudryk fluke goal that was a cross, everyone is policing… Read more »


I tend to agree. There’s a focus on Raya by fans and the media. The other players are making mistakes too but you don’t see it highlighted with the same emphasis and emotion.Every mistake he makes is magnified whereas any contribution he makes is barely mentioned.I suppose human nature is playing a part-Ramsdale is a massive fan favourite and it doesn’t sit well with most fans that he is not starting. For instance there’s a fan here who commented that Ramsdale is better than Raya in the air. That is just not true based on the eye test or the… Read more »


same thing happened when Arteta dropped Tierney last season.

Exit the Lemming

It seems self evident that the closer you are to goal, the less margin for error you have. Mistakes made by keepers usually result in goals being conceded compared to say, Odegaard missing a sitter against Sevilla. The former will always attract mores scrutiny than the latter.


why does it only attract scruitny when it’s raya?

Exit the Lemming

Doesn’t matter who the goalie is. Any mistakes goalies make are usually consequentially more damaging than those from an outfield player

El Mintero

Dude, you do the exact same with ramsdale.

Thierry Bergkamp (non negotiable)

I believe Raya is suffering from Ramsdale’s English allowance.
People choose to forget that Ramsdale has had many dodgy moments (near post goals, poor passes, not claiming crosses etc), and the medias Arsenal hate, which Arsenal fans are now taking the bait


0/10 Bonus rating for the Ref. You expect a dodgy home ref in Europe but he was something else tonight.

Exit the Lemming

He booked an ex Spud for diving and booked twice as many Sevilla players as Arsenal ones. What a homer

Solomon Grover

Arteta out of 10: Rice can’t left. It has to be natural, not enforced. White can be good attacking but was reluctant to track runs given how deep he sat and was dodgy defensively. Am I the only one seeing Ødegaard RAM sliding one in for Martinelli first timed finish with Rice CDM and Jorge LCM. Everything looked unbalanced as is. Jorge can do the same from LCM. He has the deftness of touch that would free Martin on the right, whom could then backspin one for Saka to meet first time. Magalhães and Saliba were great but I marked… Read more »

Exit the Lemming

I thought White was fine both in attack and defence. Saka had a poor night in front of him


i’m starting to think that, maybe, Rasmdale made behind the door error, something like disciplinary? or something similar, i think that’s one possibility why arseta keeps giving more error-prone Raya as starting eleven… in this match Raya again made 2 errors that if the opposition have a better player it might be a goal for them

Greg in Seattle

You have rose tinted lenses re Ramsdale not making many similar errors and putting his “my bad” hand up after a brain fart moment. Long forgotten with decent team results over the last year, but to say he is somehow infallible is just selective memory. Keep looking for conspiracy theories.
Raya is willing to play the risk/reward game that Arteta wants, even if it means taking crap from fans. He’s a good keeper willing to be a part of pushing the limits of keeper tactics for his manager. We will see if it pays off.

Naked Cygan

I think Arteta needs to wake up. Raya is too shaky and nervous. Ramsdale is our number one goalkeeper. Raya has to earn sending Ramsdale to the bench. Time pull the bandaid with Eddie. We need a quality striker teams will fear. Good result.

El Mintero

I’m tired of the Ramsdale – Raya saga. Sell both and buy someone else. While we’re at it, sell Havertz and Eddie too. Then invest in some decent forwards to support Jesus. You’re welcome.

Crash Fistfight

Yep, my main issue with the whole thing is that I don’t think Raya is enough of an upgrade to justify spending £33m on him (the Edu masterstroke, apparently), when we’ve already spent £30m on Ramsdale. If Ramsdale gets sold, we a) then need to buy yet another keeper to replace him and b) probably won’t get anywhere near that money back for him; unless you want to sell him to Chelsea, or if Bayern would be that desperate that they would buy him at that price rather than just signing someone else from the Bundesliga like they usually do.


This Raya decision is not looking too solid and Jesus is made of glass.
I would love to see Ramsdale back Smith-Rowe (rest odegarrd), and Trossard.

I have a feeling that we all don’t trust Eddie, pity.

Jim Carnegie

When Eddie comes on as sub he invariably gives away silly fouls which enable the opposition to punt free kicks into our box and doesn’t work hard enough off the ball to get open or put pressure on the ball. For me, he is not of premier league standard offensively or defensively.


Tomiyasu was immense today, his best performance this season.



Crash Fistfight

Not on long enough to rate.

Fixed it for them.

Bill Hall

Raya won’t get dropped, what will happen is Arteta will announce before a match he is mysteriously *injured*

Bill Hall

It needs to happen asap as only a matter of time before he costs us points, he looks a bag of nerves when he plays.


nketiah has 2 goals in his last 28 appearances. 2 goals – 1280 minutes – 28 appearances.

28 divided by 2 is 14.

nketiah has scored 2 goals since jan 27 2022 after having played 1280 minutes.

our offence is in trouble and y’all said he’s better than balogun. i have receipts.

Crash Fistfight

Who said that?

Like Ebo pointed out above, the decision was not to do with the relative abilities of the two players. Balogun wasn’t going to sign a contract, so regardless of why that was, it was too big a risk to potentially lose £35m if he were to walk next season.


Well if Arteta hadn’t wasted yes wasted 65-70? million on the German giraffe we may have bought a decent Striker. Ans dumped no goal Eddie.

Crash Fistfight

Or signed an actual central midfielder to play left 8.

People are now acting like Xhaka was some kind of unicorn, when in reality we have no central midfielders of the correct profile to play that role. How about sign someone better than Xhaka, rather than sign a false 9/number 10/walking lamppost?


„You can take the twat out of Sp*rs but you can’t take the Sp*rs out of the twat.“
12/10 for blogs


Just wonder if the Raya thing is upsetting the group and some performance’s are being affected?


Ahum ahum cough cough I kind of predicted this early on as now we have Rambo rightly in a mood Raya low on confidence Those in front of the keeper taking short passes not game changer incisive passes but short passes which are being closed down & turnovers happening in the most dangerous areas ! Why has Arteta gone down this route ? Said it before but here we go again ! How many times in a season is a keeper with the ball at his feet going to create incisive game changing passes ? It’s not a keepers remit… Read more »


A good result but another poor performance from Raya. He simply isn’t up to it. Time to give Ramsdale his Number One jersey back.

Exit the Lemming

I thought Raya, Odegaard and Saka were well below the required standard at this level. That said, the whole was thankfully greater than the sum of its parts. Had Barca, PSG, Bayern or Real scored our two goals the media would have had them on loop mode on every channel.

Exit the Lemming

Nice to see that cheating ex Spuds cunt Lamela getting booked for diving

Richard Davies

You’ve got these player ratings spot on Andrew.


When Raya almost knocked it into his own net I got a touch of the Almunias. I hope he gets out of this panicky period because I feel much calmer with Ramsdale in goal.


What to do about Eddie… he’s starting to remind me of Alex Iwobi with his shuffle-jogging with no real intent to actually close down any opponent!

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