Saturday, July 27, 2024

Bayern Munich 1-0 Arsenal – player ratings

A second half goal from Joshua Kimmich was enough to send Bayern Munich through to the semi-finals of the Champions League at Arsenal’s expense.

It was a tactical game, with Mikel Arteta’s side mostly hold their own, but in need of a goal there was not enough attacking threat in the second half in particular – a reminder that this team is a work in progress and lacks the kind of quality you need for big games like this.

A disappointing exit, not least because you can’t help think of how we might have made more of the first leg.

Here’s how the players rated this evening.

Read the Bayern Munich 1-0 Arsenal match report and see the goal here.

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Bayern Munich 1-0 Arsenal – Player Ratings

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If only there was a button like that for our squad. Click “refresh” and they’re good to go again, zero fatigue, like you’ve just cleared all your cookies and cache.


As is our season.


Chances are $ity will drop points somewhere, so 6 wins should be enough for the league


They’ll probably win all their games and you know it


They’ll probably lose points, but I doubt we will win all our games


are you that delusional that city will be losing more points than us to the season end?


why not?




Feels disappointing but technically, mentally and physically they were better than us in both games. Fair play to them.

Tactically maybe Arteta could have make changes earlier and push for more, but above all I wish we were as good as them on transitions.

Overall, we just lack a bit more to be at this level yet (Porto was also a big struggle) but we learned and we will be great next year. Now onto the PL!!!


The last few matches have shown exactly why we need to rotate better earlier in the season. We are tired and not brilliant in the heads which is where it matters the most. That’s where we have to improve to be able to perform at “the level”.

Ashburton Patriot

we don’t rotate because our squad isn’t good enough all round. this window we need at least 2 world class offensive players, so that we can rotate and play at a title winning level. I hope that EdTeta will do that, please, no more experiments go out and get what we need.

El Mintero



Another top class midfielder and a top class centre forward to allow rotation across the forward line. The attackers just didn’t front tonight. Really disappointing.


The rotation issue has nothing to do with the bench. manager likes certain players that will play no matter what. We saw this last season and here we are. Our midfiled is very weak all they do is sideways, back to the defenders who will take 3 or 4 touches before moving it to another defender then it goes to Saka who will try something passes to Odegaard. Occasional the ball will be moved to Martinelli. if those 3 players I mentioned struggle then we will have plenty possession with no proper offensive movement. It wont matter which striker we… Read more »


i thought last year showed it. and 2 years before that

Exit the Lemming

Yet we still have mediocrities like Soares, Elneny, ESR, Vieira, Nelson and Nketiah sitting on the bench drawing huge salaries. We need to thin the herd.


i agree with all of those except ESR. Saying that, if he’s not going to be trusted we should sell him. Think he’d fetch a few sheckles…


In champions league, away from home, you defend deep and counter. That was how we got to the finals in 06, that was how Bayern got points off us in the first leg, and that’s how Porto almost defeated us.


arsenal or next year FC?








Actually, not sure I expressed myself clearly for the younger folks


Similar to the Villa second half, nobody sensed that the latter stages of the match could define our season and took the game by the scruff of the neck. We just looked meek, almost to a man.


Yeah, so disappointing. Two games or a row we just fizzled out, particularly up front. Season on the line and we didn’t step up. We just keep feeding the mental fragility narrative until we can finally get it done at the business end of the season. Notch this one up as another that we didn’t deliver… These last two meek second halves are majorly disappointing displays.


it will repeat again


Learning experience but are we ahead of the curve! First time back in eons and feeling bad losing out to Bayern in the quarters. 20/10 to Arteta and coaching staff for fast tracking us


Yes brother. Feeling terrible currently. But better feeling terrible for going out by the odd goal in Munich in the CL quarter final than feeling terrible watching Mustaphi gullump us into another 8th place.

Chin up Gooners.


Thank you, both. I needed to hear that.

Ashburton Patriot

we have to purge the mustafi days from memory… yes, compared to those days we’re flying, but we’re now a new team, with new expectations. I’m glad we’ve sustained 2 title challenges in a row but it’s time to start winning stuff or we’re gonna lose momentum. I want to see some real ambition for. the club now. we’re on the cusp of being a great team let’s not take that for granted…


Mustafi team was not built on back to back 200 million pounds transfers


probably also fair to say that this Bayern is not at the same level as the Bayern of old

Exit the Lemming

I have two friends who watch every Bayern game and they say this is the worst Bayern Munich side they’ve seen in > 30 years. Both expected Arsenal to win the tie. Yes, there is individual flair in abundance, but as a collective unit, their Bundesliga campaign tells you all you need to know. Here’s the cold shower reality check: we made Eric Dier look good.


Exactly, and then to read here some people being quite okay about going out to this Bayern feels strange. If this performance was against City, Real, PSG I completely understand, but Arsenal is stronger than this Bayern


As we only recently showed, away to Citeh. That steel on defence would have seen us through both in the home and away legs vs Bayern.


Could have saved a lot of time on ratings. Saka, Martinelli, Havertz, Jesus, Trossard were invisible and don’t deserve a ranking.

Exit the Lemming

I’d spare Martinelli from that appraisal. Yes, he wasn’t great but at least exhibited some drive, passion and heart.


On the contrary, I believe the player to disappoint the most has been Marti this year, not bad but no way near the same level as last.


Martinelli was invisible. Kimmich didn’t even see him as he breezed in for his header.


Whatever the weather, these streets are our own. City will draw, we will go on an unbeaten run and goodly morning all over again


Just taking a look at the City game, they are bringing in John Stones for Manuel Akanji in extra time! When a tram has such a stacked bench, aided by dirty cheating, it’s hard to compete. Liverpool fans said this for years and we all laughed at them.

The truth is, until Guardiola f*cks off, this league is cooked.


..and yet they went out


And couldn’t score against us, in their own manor.

Exit the Lemming

When it comes to cooking the books, Real make City look like complete beginners. A 15 hectare training ground in the heart of fashionable Madrid can be yours for as little as $290 Million (at 2001 prices) Only toadying Madrid city authorities and Spanish regional government need apply.

SLC Gooner

Seen some criticism for Raya…there was not much he could have done about that goal. It was a superb header, would have taken a miracle save to keep it out.


They should criticize Martinelli and Saka, if they must criticize someone.


I don’t mind him for the goal, but when they came close in the first half I thought he was incredibly slow to get back up for the rebound that Saliba deflected out. I don’t have strong feelings about Raya, but some small doubts are starting to creep in.

Kevin Richardson / Jorginho

I prefer Raya to Ramsdale BUT also, we could do better than Raya

El Mintero

I’ve also come round to this thinking recently…we could do with an upgrade on both of them.

Crash Fistfight

We’re about to spend an extra £27m on Raya. Enough with the new goalkeepers, already! Let’s use our budget on someone in a different area of the pitch who might influence the results more.

Then if we’re able to, look to upgrade Raya.


Looked like Tomi, Rice and Odegaard all had a chance to attempt to clear the cross and all stood ball watching. Left Raya out to dry. It was a nice cross and nice header, but can’t stand still there and give the guy a free shot at goal.


Yep – defence (and Marti) went to sleep, starting with White’s half-hearted block attempt on their cross. Small moments change games at the highest level, lads.


So many of them look exhausted, no squad depth means no squad rotation and this type of lacklustre performance is the inevitable result.


I don’t understand why people are saying we don’t have squad depth. Vieira returned from jnjury since, have we seen him get game time?

There’s Reiss, ESR and eveb Tomi who I believe are all decent squad options, but they hardly get a look in. We have used Saka, Odegaard, Saliba, and Rice heavily over the course of the season… is it a surprise that they are now exhausted and the team suffers?


We always play the same 9 players, the rotation at left back and striker positions because are all that we get. Only time we rotated was against Luton.



Lion layan

While we might have sentimental attachments to players like Reiss Nelson, ESR, Partey, Eddie Nketiah, Martineli, it seems like the right to let go and get more reliable upgrades. Basically players who will come in and not drop the level


When most of those depth players do get a chance, they don’t look like they’re at the same level as our starters, or even close. Maybe Vieira will get better, or ESR get back to his former self, but they aren’t there now and using them to give Odegaard or Saka a rest would probably have cost us points. Nelson may never get to that level. I was hoping for more from Eddie this season. Yes, I do wish Arteta would manage our main men’s minutes better, but it’s not easy. We’re actually lucky we haven’t had more injury absences,… Read more »


Agreed. I think the bench look off the pace all season long…a combination of resignation and maybe it’s Arteta not playing them.

But the question remained: have they shown enough on training to be a match day starter?
Probably not.

I use to get excited about our pipeline youth development in past..
But at the moment is just so so


Yeah, I also don’t get the reluctance to play Partey.


I feel we really missed Partey last night – number of comments above about our midfield just recycling it back and square. Thomas has that rare ability to just step past or turn an opposition player and 3 secs later, he’s 10m down-field. We really needed that to beat their press…


That’s the problem – we hardly know what he is now… been a while!

Exit the Lemming

Spoiler alert: Fabio Vieira and Reiss Nelson aren’t very good.


Reiss, ESR, Nketiah, Partey, have all been either invisible or plain useless when they’ve come on. We would’ve dropped plenty of points by now if Mikel had played them. The team are exhausted because the squad never steps up. We strengthened in the summer with Rice and Havertz and then Partey and Jesus are out for basically the whole season so we’re back to square one. The injury to Jurrien Timber was a cruel one. Vieira was just getting up to speed when he was injured again. It’s life, there are always spanners in the works, it takes time and… Read more »


That’s an entirely false premise. Firstly, I don’t feel they have been ‘useless’ (as you hyper-emotively claim)… no, they haven’t been at the level of the starters, but how on earth could they be, with so little game time?? So it’s a swings and roundabouts thing – surely they could/should have had minutes when we hit 2-0 or even 3 or 4-0 up in a number of games? It’s crazily unreasonable to expect players to come out of months’ long hibernation and rip it up! I do feel Mik, with hindsight, may feel he should have managed the rotations better,… Read more »


Love all the replies stating the bench players are not good enough. The entire squad was signed or re-signed by Arteta. There’s a fundamental endorsement of these players and yet they are given 1 or 2 minutes. No one is asking these guys to be world beaters, just let them play 30 minutes vs the dross of the league home and away.


I agree and thought they looked tired against a superb effort by AV. Not sure how they recover between now and the weekend.

Alan Sunderland

It’s not an excuse, Villa played Thursday and have a few players missing. They had a good game plan and played better.

Exit the Lemming

Neither Villa or Bayern peppered our goal with chances. They just retained possession miles better than we did.


So many times our forwards just don’t take chances. Low risk football gets you exactly this. Tedious. Flaccid. Failure.


Is it mental or physical fatigue? Or both.
If we don’t beat Wolves, we have to accept the B word being bandied about once more 🙁


Both. Nearly impossible to at the style we do, while playing so many minutes. MA treating our players like robots..



Exit the Lemming

Banter FC?


Bitterly disappointing, we lacked energy and cutting edge, especially in the 2nd half. Players looked out on their feet and it had a really similar feel to the 2nd half of the Villa game.

Football leads you on an amazing journey for three quarters of a season and it can unravel in the space of eight days, fucking gut punch.

Kevin Richardson / Jorginho

Yeah it’s tough


but why does it repeat so often?


It’s happened twice (arguably) – that is not ‘so often’… hardly!
And, against the background of those ‘repeats’ – growth has been evident: better performances, for longer; quality players brought in; more maturity shown at key moments…
This is a very young team by PL – and most certainly! – by CL standards. But they moving consistently in the right direction. Maybe not as fast as some would want… but this is possibly the toughest league on the planet, and the CL possibly that toughest knock-out competition. Deep breaths, lads – we are moving forward.

Support. Support. Support.


We should be proud of the team. We obviously need a proper back up to saka and also this will serve a lesson to the coaching team that we can’t be so ‘academic’ in every single aspect o the game. Sometimes we need to be brave and take risks!

Season is not over no matter what the haters say!

Exit the Lemming

Sunday 19 May 2024 can’t come soon enough for me. (the day Everton win at the Emirates to stay up)


So those who say the season is over are haters? I think they are just being realistic, offcourse miracles happen but comparing the last 6 games of all 3 teams Arsenal have by far the toughest bout. Just don’t see it happening, would welcome it though!!


No one stepped up. Felt like a tired performance and we look bereft of ideas in final third. If we can’t beat a Bayern side with a dead man walking as their manager, we prob don’t deserve to be in the semifinals of the UCL. A year too soon, is the feeling I got.


Can’t argue. From what I saw of the City-Real game, I think either of those teams would have dismissed us without much trouble.




Like Citeh managed to do on their own patch, just a few weeks back…

Oh no, wait…


I’m also a bit sick of the tired excuse. When you play at the top level, your best players are expected to play basically twice a week for the last few months. The best teams are those that can handle it. Can we handle it? The answer remains no.


Agreed the congested schedule applies to everyone. Still think Arteta can do a bit better at rotating regularly. I know the flip side is we need to build momentum with an 11 that’s familiar with one another, but is Kai really better at left 8 than ESR? For those games we need someone who Arteta trusts to come in and it seems he just doesn’t trust more than 13 players in a season. So let’s make that more like 18 or even 22. Not an original observation, I know.

North for short

It was a gutsy performance however we ever seem to test goalkeepers these days

Exit the Lemming

‘Gutsy’ in the sense that a kitten explores a combine harvester?

David C

That quick free kick at the end should lower Sala’s rating. Take your time and let our big defenders get up to win a header.

Too much sideways and backwards passing. A new striker is not going to change anything if we can’t speed it up and generate some chances quicker.

David C



Saka choked in extra time. As he often does in the pressure games. People just say he’s injured or tired but he rarely steps up in the run in.

Brazilian Gooner

Saka was being bailed out of bad performances with his g/a numbers, but he has been bellow par for some time now. He goes missing way to much for a “franchise player”. I do think he would thrive being the second/third man but as the main threat he has showed he crumbles… Get Arsenal a proper star striker and let the boys (Saka and Nelli) have more freedom and less attention from defenders. Ode is assisting for fun but no one is taking his passes

Henri Like-a-new-signingsbury

He’s been off colour all season.


I keep on saying this. Any striker will streuggle to get 15 goals a season with the way we play.

Henri Like-a-new-signingsbury

Will they? With Saka’s crosses and Odegaard’s through balls? Why?

The Proctologist

How can Jesus be tired?

El Mintero

He’s still injured.

Exit the Lemming

I read an article recently where he said he can’t remember playing without pain. Neither can we Gab, neither can we.


It’s just what we say when the pressure gets to us. Rarely do we call it how it really is..


Too many chances needed, Martinelli has to bury that first half opening. Sorry but that’s how you win big games, bury your chances.

Exit the Lemming

Can’t understand why he went with his left foot?


Our wingers aren’t as good as we think. I don’t think Martinelli is a definite starter anymore. Saka on £300,000 or something should definitely be doing way better. Pretty criminal no competition has been signed for him. Watching City and Madrid now and they don’t look cooked like we do.


That’s because both teams have a hundred world class squads. City actually have 115

Lion layan

We surely need a more intelligent left winger. Saka is awesome. Just needs competition


Arsenal need to sign an upgrade on Martinelli. He’s a good athlete but, his decision-making is not great sometimes and the margins are small in the UCL.
We definitely need to sign a proper back up who can provide real competition to Saka. A left-footed player who can play on the right wing. Try low-balling Chelsea for Mudryk and Arteta can turn him into a player.


I think Saka and Martinelli have peaked. Martinelli can be upgraded on and Saka needs competition/rest.

Exit the Lemming

Mudryk makes Reiss Nelson look like George Best


really? i see them dead standing!


Rice indeed looks tired. You know how we say a player like Odegaard is a “magician”? Rice is like that defensively. If you think back to the first half of the season, how many times did he somehow just pop up and get a ball he had no business getting, and you couldn’t figure out quite how he did it? Just occurred to me seeing Blogs’ comment that it’s been a while since I remember seeing him do that, and we really miss it. Offensively too he was giving us some goals and assists for a while there and it… Read more »


Yup, Rice and odegaard need help. We need an upgrade on jorginho. He’s too old and slow. A luxury player that can dismantle weak teams, but he can’t handle this level this often anymore and we need far more speed to allow us to switch styles within the same unit


We didn’t die with our boots on.. who knows maybe if city go through this night will be a blessing in disguise.. doubt it though


CITEH going out is such a bad result for us, we needed them competing on all fronts I fear 😨

Chuck Felsea

Yep, indeed. I hate them as much as the next guy, but we would have needed them through.


I totally disagree. They can win every game, but now they’re out. They wanted a double treble / back to back CL big time. They’re humans too. I was desperate for them to go out. Let’s win our games and pile on the pressure. I want them to lose against Chelscum too.


Well, they did have to play 120 minutes. All we absolutely need is for Brighton and/or Spuds to take some points off ’em.


Citeh is not exactly the team that struggles competing on all fronts as they displayed last season, so I actually feel fine 115 crash out!


2 seasons in a row we peeter out from mental and physical fatigue. Will MA ever learn to properly rotate and rest key players?

Ode to Saka

Rice and Ødegaard have been completely exhausted.


No. He signed “rotation” players in Viera, Nketiah and Nelson and won’t use them for some reason Add Partey and ESR to that list and it’s a recipe for the last 2 second halves.



Exit the Lemming

I really don’t think that’s the whole story. Yes, some of the better players are probably fatigued from playing a lot of games (especially the internationalists) and not getting a breather but we simply don’t have sufficient quality from the bench to rotate the likes of Odegaard, Rice and Saka. Even if we did rest those three more regularly I’m not convinced we’d have as many league points as we do now. The deputies we do have available are clearly a huge step down in quality e.g Nelson, ESR, Vieira etc


rotate with whom? which games would you be happy to give away?


I sure as hell remember games where the team as up 1 or 2 goals and yet saka stayed till the final minute, this could have been avoided


English teams are at a disadvantage because our league is so much more competitive and physically demanding. By the time we hit CL knockouts we’re exhausted. Compare this team with January after our Dubai trip.


Or the team 1 week ago at Brighton? We never look as tired when the pressure is off, wonder why?

Exit the Lemming

Bayern are 16 points shy of Leverkusen at the top of the table and might even finish 3rd in their own harrowing Lederhosen Sunday Pub League?


bundesliga isn‘t competitif, 11 titles in a row says it all…

Exit the Lemming

Yet both Dortmund and Bayern made it to the CL semi finals?


I think the point is that there is not as much pressure to compete in the Bundesliga, from fans, or the teams themselves. This leads to Bundesliga teams having greater energy to expend in Europe. While I’m sure Bayern fans are upset about losing a title they feel entitled to, they can brush it off as a single year blip.

Exit the Lemming

Bayern, Leverkusen, Dortmund, Eintracht Frankfurt, Stuttgart and RB Leipzig would all survive the Premier League (the most overrated and overhyped league in world non pareil)


Third season in a row out on our feet at the business end of the season.

Arteta needs to learn and properly rotate.

Hard to play with urgency when fatigued.

Ode to Saka

Should have brought on ESR at least.


I think we should shake things up abit for our next game. Play Nelson, Martinelli, Havertz, Viera, Partey and Rowe. Keep the others from this game., And play a tight game – if we don’t score we shouldn’t concede.
Then roll out the big guns in the second half. They’ll be rested and would be able to maintain their energy for just the second half.
I trust that we can get a good result this way.

Matt P

It’s not rocket science – we need a world class forward

Ode to Saka

We need a proper striker. Not someone who “can also play as a 9”

Lord Bendnter

I don’t understand the point of Eddie as a sub. It has NEVER worked


Ask Arteta. He was so hot to resign him.

Exit the Lemming

Yep, he always floats to the surface.


If we had beaten villa the weekend I’d absolutely be fine with this result but just the two losses in a row feels defining .
Chelsea will be up to beat us and could be a long season yet .
No doubt city115 will be hurting but think they will power on home to another title

Crash Fistfight

Chelsea have just run into a patch of good form, and are good on the counter (wish we were 😢).

I have a bad feeling about that game.


NORTH LONDON FOREVER! Let’s all remember how far we’ve come over the last couple of years.


Our season has pretty much ended within a week. Too many tough games left compared to City


Gabriel Jesus was extremely disappointing for a veteran player/squad leader. 4 goals ALL season

Crash Fistfight

He’s not good enough. Now it’s alright to say so, though. At the time he signed you weren’t allowed to say he doesn’t score enough goals for a CF.

Exit the Lemming

He doesn’t score enough goals for a GK


We need a bit of perspective here. Blogs and James have been saying for years that they’d be happy if we were in the mix for the league and champions league. Well we are. Yes it’s disappointing when we are not quite at the top level yet but the progress is fantastic since Arteta took over. The team has done really well this season we just lack the squad depth of city. Let’s be proud of the players and not get after them. We are still in with a shot at the league too. A small chance but it’s there.… Read more »


I absolutely love this comment!

El Mintero

I have no problem with losing to Bayern in the CL 1/4’s. They were/are a better team and realistically we are not at the level of a CL semi-final team. Not yet anyway.




Really feel White should have closed down the cross which led to the goal. He basically stood off, no pressure on the ball.


Havertz should have been subbed in the second half for ESR. We needed to bring on Jesus earlier maybe even started Jesus.
Rice might not be great as an 8 in Europe because he’s not a natural attacker plus Havertz was largely ineffective.
It would have been positive and brave to start Rice as a 6, ESR as an 8 and Jesus as a 9. ESR is such a goal threat he should have at least come on as a sub.

Ode to Saka

Great points, I fully agree with you!


I don’t know where you get the idea ESR is our knight in shinning armour. He’s done very little in the few chances he’s had in recent games. And Jesus does what he always does, runs around, looks busy, but doesn’t offer enough goal threat.

Crash Fistfight

ESR might do more if he played out wide. At least we might have someone who might dribble effectively on the counter, instead of taking an eternity to get the ball upfield.

Maybe we should have signed a proper midfielder in the summer instead of a makeshift striker.


Arteta will not sub Havertz. We all know he is rubbish in the middle but when we chasing a goal he moves him there. Did it during the weekend.


The bench isn’t good enough, and those players haven’t contributed enough.
Quite a few of the first 11 are knackered now and it shows.

This team is going places, but we definitely have quite a few deadwood players.


We are obviously spent; Like a flaccid boner after long action, there’s nothing to be done. It must rest. The energy from Dubai warm weather camp is all spent. You can see the strength in the squad Is not able to last a campaign. We’ve oveclocked this young squad. Even if the mind is willing, you can obviously see that the legs are gone. Where are the exciting/fearless youth stepping up.. The maino, the Bob, the Bradley the Rico lewis,( what’s going on with the academy?) Where’s the match winner from the bench? Again we lack the strength in depth… Read more »

Arsenal man

They are not tired, they were flying along and got the result against city but against Porto the signs were there Arteta has a lot to learn if he is to be a good manager. First thing he should do is get rid of most of his coaching team no good and get people in who can improve players physically and mentally. How can they be tired they do very little at the end of the day

Mesut O’Neill


Didn’t these guys have a 13 & 10 day break in January and a 19 day break in March.

No excuses. Just not good enough unfortunately.


My comments have been negative since the Villa result. Lots of people don’t want to hear it but I do not mean to be morose for the sake of it. The manner of the defeat to Villa at home made it clear to me that the squad is tired and with the demands of the remaining fixtures I see this only going one way. The boys put up a competent performance at the Allianz but I suspect Real Madrid will show Bayern how good they really are; it is hard to judge with us. As for the EPL, sorry but… Read more »


spot on


all the talk about players being drained. what is recurrent is that arteta has not properly rotated players throughout the season, and most importantly from the dubai trip, bar the luton game. arteta is a weak tactician (compared to the top top managers). he doesnt use players according to their strength but instead forces a player to try to adapt to his system. what’s the point of having tomiyasu play the zinchenko role? our wingers always play the same way. and that’s why esr never starts and martinelli is undermined. as is the team. it is so predictable, especially since… Read more »


We are in the top half of CL and in the top 3 at home. Heads up and believe! Next year we are going to improve this outstanding result in Europe. (it’s outstanding after those years)
Best wishes
Captain Obvious


I understand the optimism and hope for the best too, but outstanding achievement?

Master Floda

0/10 making Eric Dier look like a world class defender.


There seems to be a lack of “toughness” and game savvy mentality, They play the game well, but lack occasional physicality and that nouse you get from players in some other clubs. Time and again a tactical foul or just plain stubborn get in the way wasn’t there. Better a free kick and card than just being nice and letting your man go


I actually thought Tomiyasu did really well. Only once, did Sane get the better of him. And he also contributed going forward. He should start way more opften in my opinion.


Saka was awful and he’s been poisoned with the arsenal wave your hands around and whinge bug! he used to be happy playing.

Dennis Asiimwe

I can actually feel Blog’s deflation…we will try again….

Henri Like-a-new-signingsbury

Arteta: 3/10

Solid first half, shite team talk (presumably), awful subs.

Why would you take off our midfield controller (Jorgi) and put Havertz into midfield without bringing on Zinchenko to add control?

What exactly did he expect would happen here?

El Mintero

Bring on Zinchenko….lol.


Zinchenko is one of the problems, not one of the solutions.


I’ve now read this entire thread and feel moved to write the following… I may ramble a bit so indulge me if you will (or skip this entirely!). This Bayern/Villa aftermath comes down to two words for me: perspective and support. And having ‘supported’ this club since 1970, I can claim to have seen more than a bit… and, perhaps, learned a little along the way. PERSPECTIVE: this tie wasn’t lost last night… it was lost at the Emirates a week ago – with the 1 (or even 2) goals we should have added and, most certainly, the 2 very… Read more »


Apologies – hit enter to soon and then Blogs decide to ‘approve’ the post… ‘With a young Manager… and a team who’d just ‘bottled’ (that word!) the league title in the last game of the season vs Bolton. So here’s the thing lads – SUPPORT our club now… now, when they need it most. Now, when yes, they’re a bit knacker and/or shell-shocked or nervy at the prospect of facing off against City in the final month’s showdown. SUPPORT them and who knows, they may just surprise us all! It’s likely they won’t if we just write ’em off now.… Read more »

Would love your thoughts, please comment.x