Sunday, February 9, 2025

Rosicky urges Arsenal to forget ‘hammering’

Tomas Rosicky says the Arsenal need to put the 8-2 defeat behind them and look forward to the rest of the season.

Speaking ahead of Czech Republic’s international game with Scotland, Rosicky said, “We are at the very beginning of the season and there is still plenty of time to turn things around completely.

“Up until now we always had good starts and finished badly. Maybe it will turn around and we will have a successful season. We must shake it off and respond in the next game.”

And while the experienced midfielder admits to being taken aback at last Sunday’s result, he says it’s important not to dwell on it. “I thought I had experienced everything in football but I was wrong”, he said. “It was the worst hammering I have experienced in football.

“There is probably no sense in commenting on the game after such a hammering. The best you can do is to forget and start from the scratch. We will definitely discuss it when everyone returns from international duty but there is no point about speaking about it now.”

On return from Interlull actitivies, Rosicky will find a squad bolstered by five new signings, and with a home game against newly promoted Swansea to re-start the season, the Gunners will be looking to get their season back on track.

It is also being reported today that $amir Na$ri is a cunt.

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onwards and upwards!!!!

Gallas's Penis

“It is also being reported today that $amir Na$ri is a cunt.” …cracks me up!!


Love my daily news on Nasri being a cunt but Rosicky should stfu and do the talk on the pitch.


Is he not one of the reasons we always fall short? Crocked for two seasons, came back and has offered nothing. Wrong passes, wayward shooting and yet wearing the shirt and collecting 60k a week same as Diaby.

Almunia is still around, not bothering to find a club and pocketing 50k a week willing to run down his contract.

Fed up of Barca

Wait… Almunia’s on 50K a week?

I knew about Diaby being on 60k and it isn’t right that he is but Almunia on 60K!


Wow. Almunia’s pay just went up 10K in the space of a sentence!
I wonder what he’s on now.


Na$ri is a cunt.

Am well up for the Swansea game, Arteta to score 8 goals on his debut.





na$ri is a cunt

Savage is a Dave

Forget about the hammering? What should we do, walk away like you did when Rooney was about to take a freekick? Fucking one eyed pleb. It’s players like you that has helped fester this level of mediocrity at the club. Do one.


“It is also being reported today that $amir Na$ri is a cunt.”

ha ha ha ha i have a pain in my spine from laughin


But i will say we should in no way forget about that game. Everything thats wrong with our squad and coaching was in that game. We should never forget that game and make sure it never happens again. August 28 should be our September 11 ….well not quite but you get my drift

Arsenal Bystander

I happened to name 28-08-11 as Traore-is-a-dickhead Day.


To quote Tony Cascarino about Traore “He had a holocaust of a game” classic!

Arsenal Bystander

An holocaust would be an understatement of sorts.

[…] to impact us! Echoing my view is Rosicky, who I might had, had a decent start to the season so far. He believes we too should forget about the mauling by Manchester United and […]


It’s time to drop the “Nasri is a cunt”-thread. It’s well overdue. We got £24m for him, made a profit that is, at least for us, unprecedented for a player going into his last year. Face it, he could have stayed, played like shit (or not at all), cost us a fortune in wages, and would still have been able to sign an even better contract next summer (with Utd). He’s 24 and being offered to tripple his wages. Why blame the player? Blame Darren Dein, who turned his head and talked him into leaving, or blame the board who… Read more »


I don’t think Dein was Na$ri’s agent – Blogs?


I think people are pissed with the way he presented himself during this saga. He could have done what Clichy did and just said i’m not signing a new contract left it at that and off he goes. But he decided that he wasn’t happy with the salary being offered to him then he said he wanted to then see what players were going to be bought in before signing and at the end of the day everything he said was a smokescreen as he knew he was leaving but wanted to cover his arse. Then i guess the icing… Read more »



Reasoned argument, but fuck that …. Na$ri is a cunt


I happen to agree with you. To say any more on the subject though is to tilt at windmills.


Rosicky is a load of balls. I’m glad he has realised that dwelling on the thrashing we received is pointless, but quite frankly he is shit. When was the last time you saw him have an above average performance for the gunners? He loses possession, has a wank and then loses possession again. He should be fucking worried for his place in the team after we signed arteta and benayoun. I see him as a well paid back up player for the rest of the season. Anyway, Swansea is a great fixture for us to let out some frustration and… Read more »


Udinese away 2 weeks ago

Hell No

Fair dos he had a good half BUT it was only half a game! Surely that is all he is good for now. Unfortunately it seems many of our current squad only play half a game.

The only Sam is Nelson

only half a game that could have cost us CL football

so not important at all in terms of revenues or attracting half decent transfer targets.

“only half a game”


I’ve watched him now for three years and before he got cancer of the muscles or whatever injuries he had he was better than nasri. He could shoot from outside the box, go past players and thread a bakll through. After the injuries these skills seemed to hve disappereared. Against Udinese he looked like his old self so maybe we should hold our comment till a few more games into the campaign to see if this is the old Rosicky or the New shit one!!


“He could shoot from outside the box . . . ” So can I. It’s the value is in [i]scoring[/i]. He never did that. He’s downright Hlebian, except I don’t recall Hleb giving the ball away so much.


samir is a cunt!





taio cruz

Who is samir?

Oh wait…you mean $amir? yeah…he’s a cunt.


I’d imagine what Rossers really wants us to forget is him wandering off without a care in the world as Rooney’s free kick flew in.

I guess ‘forget it’ makes a change from ‘we will learn from this’ at least.

The BearMan

Absolutely rubbish Rosicky! Forget? Not at all, you must keep this in the front of your mind in training so that you work a little harder. It should cause you to want to stay back and practice harder on your specialist skills. The team should use that defeat to cause them to raise their game and make certain they are ready mentally and physically for each and every game. Defeat can be a good tool to end compliancy and lack of preparedness. Oh well it happened lets move on, is the wrong attitude. Arsenal has to go back to basics… Read more »


Bendtner is a cunt!!!!!


Breaking news Bendtner is a cunt!

$amir Na$ri

a piss poor cunt


No, he is Almost like a new cunt or ALANC

The BearMan

I will dearly love for Arsenal players to shut up and get down to the serious business of playing football. Our squad speaks to much and do very little. I would welcome a system where players give back a third of their weekly salary after a poor performance.


haha this is completely unrelated to anything on this article, but blogs did you know van persie is a fan of phil collins? 😛


Bendtner is the nu cunt!!!!

Stan Kranky

I like two kinds of music

Country AND western

taio cruz



Don’t forget it, USE it. Anger and revenge my friends are a great driving force. Forget about it, and it’s likely to happen again.

Uncle Pats Rice

How will we cope if Bendtner never comes back ….

Runs off waving hands and screaming

The only Sam is Nelson

there must be clips of david price on youtube to keep us going through those long winter nights without niiiklaas


Who can blame Bendtner? He needs game-time, he’s been played on the wing for the last two seasons. The arrivals of Ju & Gervinho hasn’t done wonders for his confidence either so yeah, the best thing he should do is to leave. Otherwise he won’t further his career.

He’s still a massive cunt though.


A cunt that would probably be a better player for us than Chamakh at the moment!


in other news, park chu young scores a hat trick against lebanon in a 6-0 win. heres to him replicating that form against a prem team!! (deluded hoping is not a crime)


Afraid that Bendtner is one of those we’ll regret we let go. He’s only 23 and I suspect he’ll end up as a recognised striker in Italy. Sure – he sounds bitter towards Arsenal, but to be fair to him, he hasn’t been given a proper chance to show what he can do for a long time. When he did get a rare run of games as a striker, during one of RvP:s injury spells, he did pretty ok – surely better than Chamack. Suspects that AW sees it as a personal failure if he sent Chamack away and let… Read more »


How many youngsters have we let go and regretted it? I’m not talking about Flamini, Hleb and Diarra. I mean ‘unproven’ youngsters that failed to shine while at the Arsenal for whatever reason. Who would you want to bring back? Not attacking, just cannot think of any off the top of my head at the moment.


Agree, but I still got a feeling Bendtner will turn out to be a proper player. He’s been the first choice striker for his country for 2 or 3 years, and still is only 23. Had he been at an other club, I’m sure we’d be delighted to sign him for less than £10m.


Er, I don’t get it.

Tomas is looking good this season. Why would supporters turn on him so early in the season? Are you really supporting the arsenal or just trying to make out you know better when it comes to football. Tomas was great against udinese. Do you want to blame 8-2 on him alone?

Has bendtner said something that is making you call him a cunt?

Ivan Itchianus

I agree.

I think Diaby is a cunt tho.


Wtf are you talking about. Enough with the “cunt”-stuff! Diaby is an Arsenal player. Rosicky is an Arsenal player. Shut the fuck up and start supporting our team. God knows they’ll need any help thay can get.

Ivan Itchianus

*was joking 🙂

Ivan Itchianus



Rosicky was trying to forget about the game about twenty minutes in. He gave up long before the final whistle. I’m sorry to say this, but he does not deserve to play in an Arsenal shirt after that woeful performance.


He was. There was a distinct absence of senior leadership on his part, from what I could tell. Our young full-backs were getting pasted and he lacked the professionalism to tough it out and try to keep the team from getting embarrassed like it did. Why should Traore care about getting thoroughly tooled for 90 minutes if a senior player like Rosicky is packing it in with a half-hour yet to play? You only get 8-2 scorelines when players stop taking it seriously. That never-say-die attitude went out the window at 4-1 following two Arsenal chances to make it a… Read more »


Not sure what bentner said to make him a cunt but hey who gives a fuck he don’t play for us no more the cunt


We all saw the goal against man u where rosicky didn’t even turn round to see where the shot went. It did infact hit the back of the net and no change in his facial expression. We’ll forget when you start playing the football your paid to play. Oh and I heard on the grape vine and it’s been confirmed, na$ri is definately a cunt!


the incident where rocky walked away from rooney’s fk is blown out of proportions, imo. It’s easy to criticize him for the fact that he seemed uninterested in the outcome of the freekick, but i’ve watch it a couple of times and i don’t think it is that black and white: as the fk is taken, the wall moves/jumps and gives rocky a little push to his left. at the point where he appears to walk away, the ball is basically in the net. rocky, already moving away from the wall because of the push, can hear the crowd celebrating,… Read more »


Whoever say Rosicky is shit quite literally haven’t watched him play the past few weeks, especially at Udinese. He has been lively, always being ambitions, making great passes, and most importantly, giving his all and going box to box. He is really showing some heart. I have been extremely pleased with his output so far this year, can’t believe so many people can’t see he’s been superb so far this year.


Like he forgot about the game, the moment Wayne Rooney’s first goal went in wasn’t it?


Tried to not read comments, first one started off well, the second made me chuckle but then the third madde me realise why I stopped in the first place. I have to question whether half of you have watched any of the games this season.


$amir na$ri is a cunt !…..*exhales* ….ok that felt good. Rosicky’s way past his prime….i’m glad bendtner’s gone…can’t wait for chamakh to leave….yeah and diaby and the little ruskie need to find new clubs….because the arsenal i know is way bigger than these average players…my two cents….sorry kobos

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