Saturday, July 27, 2024

Sagna keeping all options open

Bacary Sagna is heading into the final year of his Arsenal contract, and while there’s been intense speculation about his future and a possible move away, he says he’s not ruling anything out at the moment.

Arseblog News understands that there’s serious interest from PSG, and to a lesser extent Monaco, but the right back could see out the last year of his Arsenal contract too.

And with two games left to play this season, he’s determined to give his all.

“I’ve always worked hard for the club in which I have to play,” he told “Right now though, I do not know what will happen.

“Personally, PSG has never contacted me, but I do not close any doors. I could very well continue at Arsenal or go elsewhere.

“Nobody knows what will happen in the future. Monaco? I read about that too, but I have no news. I will finish the season and then we’ll see. I don’t close the door or PSG, or to Monaco or Arsenal.”

The former Auxerre man has played 234 times for the Gunners since joining in 2006, and while this season has seen him fall a bit short of the high standards he’s set, his consistency has been a feature of his Arsenal career.

Arsene Wenger has to decide if two leg breaks in the last 18 months have taken their toll, and whether or not he feels Carl Jenkinson is ready to become a first team regular, perhaps understudied by young Spaniard Hector Bellerin next season.

That the club handed Jenkinson a new long-term contract at the same time as the likes of Jack Wilshere and Aaron Ramsey suggests they’re confident in his potential, and bar a signing would be the obvious choice to take over should Sagna decide to move on.

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Mongolian Gooner

keep him as a backup player for CB and RB positions, we don’t need to sell him. But if we can actually find a younger competitor for Jenks that would probably be better in the long run. I like the competition between Monreal and Gibbs at LB and for RB that would be good too.


Hector Bellerin is that young competitor, definitely one of the stars coming through from the youth team. Sagna should be kept for the next season, but this time rotate him and Jenks more so that each get approximately half of the total games. As pointed out by others, Jenks is not ready for 1st team. Also, we should give Sagna another season. Not only has he been a constant in the team, but also has a few years in him (look at Evra at Man U). Finally it would be doing a disservice to him on a purely human level… Read more »


I actually reckon that Jenks *is* ready for 1st team and has proved himself capable of handling it.

However, having said that, having two 1st team capable players for the position is a “must have”, not an optional thing. Having one and a make-do-and-mend backup is asking for trouble from the injury fairies.

Sue My Chin

Jenks isn’t ready to be our first choice yet. He looks like he could be a good player but he’s got a lot to learn yet.

He wasn’t very good and got himself sent off, with two schoolboy tackles against Sunderland but somehow he seems to get better and better with each game he misses on here. That Bac is still in the team, playing suggests he’s still a better player than Jenks, at least in the manager’s eyes.

Unless PSG offer upward of £8m for Bac, I would keep him for at least the last year of his contract.

Bould's Eyeliner

Bac is certainly the better RB atm… Jenkinson is young though and if the measure of improvement from last season to this season is anything to note.. maybe next season he can securely win the #1 spot… hoping for the best to both. Would love Sagna to stay, but if he wants 1st team time… can’t blame him.

Dr. Silent

I agree that we should hold Sagna to the final year of his contract. More learning experience for Jenkinson.

Seeing as Jenks, although talented, could do with another season as understudy (albeit with more appearances this time around), it’s the best solution. This summer we need to be hunting for attackers and creative players, as well as a goalkeeper. We can’t be looking for a new right back as well, and Bellerin as Jenks’ understudy is not a good idea, at least in terms of next season.


I think keeping him is a must, I know his level hasvn’t been as consistent as it used to be, but anybody with 2 broken legs in 2 years won’t I imagine, look how long it took Eduardo and Ramsey to recover. Bellerin is looking good but I think hes going to go through the standard playing league cup matches until hes 19 then being loaned out at some mid-table, relegation team, then hopefully he could be up for it, but thats not for another 2-3 years. Jenks I wouldn’t throw into the deep end yet, hes still got a… Read more »

Dr Baptiste

So wouldn’t you then use a fullback that has got the youth to run up and down the pitch while also being able to cross.

While I think Sagna is a very good player, his mistakes are now creeping in while Jenkinson has got time on his side to get rid of his. Maybe have them rotate to give Jenkinson a lot more game time or make Sagna the backup and allow Jenkinson to claim the first team spot and work on those mistakes.


I’m not sure about making him a first teamer yet, we made szcz this year no.1 and his form dropped abit before he got benched. But I do think rotating more when Sagna has bad games or subbing him maybe cus he hasn’t got the legs he used to. I don’t think Sagna mistakes this year have all been him, its not a coincidence that as soon as Walcott wants to be a central striker Sagna can be seen on the right all by himself. But anyway theres no point getting worked up over it, I think were ok in… Read more »


Unfortunately, I think Sagna will be the only first team player to leave this summer. Simply because this is his last chance to make a fairly big move and being French, he may deem it time to return to his home country and settle in early. With the drop in form Arsenal may decide to let him go and get someone new in. The system of football we pare playing now needs a lot of attacking play from the full backs and Sagna has lacked that pretty much all season. That said, I would love him to stay as he… Read more »

Zim Gooner

Why don’t our señior players see out their deals? We need people like Giggs to mentor the young stars!


We need people like Giggs to mentor the young stars and to teach them how to fuck people in their own family….yay!

Sagna should not be sold unless it is a quality replacement that is coming in, and if he can cross a ball that will be a bonus.

Parisian Weetabix

Keep him, but as a Centre-back. He was immense there against Sunderland. Give Jenkinson a chance at the first team next season, with Sagna, Mert, Kos and Verm as CBs. Bellerin looks talented, so if we lose two CBs and Jenko we have sufficient cover.

Sagna is adaptable enough to be valuable. He is also lovely. We should keep him.


Agree completely. We could also try Giroud out at left back if Sagna is off.


I wouldn’t be so quick to judge off one game,but I agree that game showed very clearly how well his attributes are suited to that position. Quick, technically and positionally sound, good in the air and good clearances too.

Have the utmost respect for Bacary, if he decides to leave then so be it. My only regret is that he never won something with us. I also love Jenkinson, he’s got an engine and he’ll play for the team he loves 100%. But he may be thrown in the deep end if he is promoted to first team.

Teri maa dhi

I feel the same. I love Bacary and if we were to leave then it woul be understandable but I would keep this guy around out of pure sentiment alone! Let alone the fact that he is one of te best RBs in the league and when he is on his game one of the best in the world!!! If we want anyone to keep Jenks on his toes it will be Bacary. Though if he feels he wants to go elswhere, he has my best wishes. Not just the ‘FUCK YOU’ header against Spurs but just 99% of games… Read more »


Love it. The “FUCK YOU” header against Spurs. I remember those cunts. Since then I hear a new club called Gareth Bale FC has formed.


Not that different from last year watching Arvapal at the Emirates to be fair.


This is where we need to stay strong and keep one of our leaders around, even if they are on the decline a little. Arteta, Tomas, and Sagna are three great professionals that will help develop our youth players and still attract top talent to play with them.

Only player that might be shopped around is TV and as long as we get someone in, I am not too down about that.

LHR Dispatch

Exactly! We need Arteta to show Ramsey the way (as it is the two together are so solid), Rosicky to show Wilshere how its done, and Sagna to show Jenks how to handle pressure – our young British core have so much in them, they just need that little bit of help from the seasoned professionals to get them on the right track. Love the lot of them.


I love Sagna.

But I feel maybe his head is somewhere else, or maybe he’s just starting to decline a little and his best days are behind him.

Doubt he’d stay as option when Jenkinson time will come next season, but one thing is sure: if he leaves he’ll do it in a good way because we know he gave everything every game, and he just didn’t left the ship when things went wrong like some of his old teammates.

North Bank Gooner

He has been a great servant to the club, and a superb full back. Hope he stays, we have been without defensive cover too often in recent seasons, but I would love to see a bit more Jenks.

If he goes, I will always see him as a Gooner, bullet header moment will be with me forever!


Best paid servant I ever did see.


yeah I hate when people call players servants like they’re slaves or something

Dr Baptiste

Servant: One who is privately employed to perform domestic services. So no, nothing like a slave who had not choice in whether they worked or not.

North Bank Gooner

Yeah, I hate it when people finish their point ” or something ” , thus rendering their statement as total gibberish.

Unless of course the ” something ” was well paid professional football player, which is nothing like a slave, as eloquently defined by the good Dr.

or something……


What strikes me is his inconsistency this season. Probably forced by his recent record of injuries, but still. A player with such experience should’nt make mistakes like the one against Man. Utd.

Defensively, he is solid. Offensively, not so much. He seems to lack imagination, confidence and creativity in the last third and don’t get me started on his crossing ‘skills’.

I would’nt mind if we let him go in the summer, replacing him with a more offensively proven player of course.

'desi'gner gooner

Agree with you about his offensive skills being not the best. In practically every game that we play, he finds himself in plenty of space down the right flank with only the opposition left back to beat – who is often 10 yards infield trying to mark theo….yet he never chooses to dribble his way into the box and keeps on the flank trying insane crosses or the simpler backward pass to the midfielder behind in the central area. This annoys me a lot about him. Of course theo drifting infield often leaves him all alone and maybe that leaves… Read more »


Well at least he is sincere with us no bs like the others

Gutbukkit Deffrolla

We’ve had a pretty good run with Right Backs over the years. Jenkinson could certainly be the next. If we don’t plan to use him as our first choice pick I can’t see Sagna staying if he gets a decent offer from another good club. He has had a relatively hard season this year, as people have already said, and perhaps, just perhaps, the speed of the Premier League is becoming too much for him. He seems to have lost a yard, and some confidence as a result, so perhaps a different (slower?) league might be the best thing for… Read more »

Master Bates

He’s gone 🙁 , why won’t these players just stay . Can we get atleast one FUCKING season without replacing top players .You know build on top instead of replacing like other big teams and have continuity and shit

Rad Carrot

Because – and this pains me to say it – he’s not world class anymore.

He’s still immense, but he’s got his head in the clouds. In 2009 he was the most underratted player we had; in 2010 & 2011, the best RB in the league. But his pace and crossing skills have deserted him, not because of his age, but injuries have taken their toll.

Would love to keep hm, but goes, if hehrs goes


Against Man U he failed to contain himself but he needs to stayed its time Arsenal stopped selling players the trend has to end seriously!!!


What “trend”? *Every* club has always bought *and sold* players and while its frustrating to see our favorites leave, of course it is, anyone who seems to think this is unique to Arsenal somehow needs to have a large refreshing cup of “get your head out of your arse” tea.

Gutbukkit Deffrolla

Are you basing your decision on how he played this season, or on the way he has played in all the other seasons with us? There is always a right time to go. His may be here now. Wenger will leave it up to him because he respects him.

You’ll start to truly understand this on the day that you realise that you can no longer successfully make love four times in a night and still get to work on time the next morning.


The proposed suggestion above of using him as a CB makes some sense to me. He is down on pace after the broken legs (funny, that) and wouldn’t require such mobility in the CB position. He was phenomenal against Sunderland when he played there so not a bad option at all. Can cover RB when needed too.

Worth a crack, Nige.

Jasper Littman

Get rid I say.
His mind is obviously elsewhere, he’s had a very poor season by his standards.
Take the opportunity to get someone in who would run through walls for the club and is better going forward than Sagna.
Basically a right-sided version of Gibbs.


Better going forward? Would run through walls for the club? I think that fits in on Jenk quite well…

Jasper Littman

Yeah I agree.
We’d still need two right-backs though.
Ideally I’d like someone with a bit more experience than Jenks who can teach him a thing or two whilst competing with him for that RB spot.

Dr Baptiste

Like Sagna?

Gutbukkit Deffrolla

Sagna won’t stay just to train Jenkinson, and Wenger won’t ask him to. He’ll want to be a regular player or very well reimbursed if not. If Wenger can’t offer him first choice, and won’t offer him a big payrise then it would be sensible for him to move on. That is life and doesn’t reflect badly on the club, Wenger or Sagna. If Sagna does leave it will be done the Arsenal way (Not the Nasri/RVP/Cole/Adebayor/Anelka way) and we will hopefully accept it in the same spirit.

Merlin's Panini

I think we should keep him to his final year. If he goes after that then I hope it’s abroad. I think Jenkinson
will be ready to step up either later next season or the season after, and then Bellerin or Yennaris would be a decent option from the bench. I think both are capable of playing in the first team in the future from what I have seen of them, so no need to buy in that position, unless maybe we lose him this summer.


That’s the rational succession, and those timings seem realistic. The only question for me is how much Sagna’s less frequent (and already poor) crossing will cost us? If I had to guess i’d say his performances will improve a bit next season.

Although probably not a popular sentiment, I wouldn’t be surprised to see Bellerin get ahead of Corps pretty quickly and stay there. The kid looks class to me.


On relection my comment about less frequent crossing was lazy. Increasingly Sagna’s only viable option is to chuck a hopeful one in. Perhaps I should have said ‘his decreased ability to get up and down’.

67 + 6 = 73pts = CL spot = Jovetic coming?

I got ‘Sagna 3’ on the back of my Arsenal shirt but even I have to admit he’s not the world-class player he once was. IF Sagna goes: I hope Jenkinson is elevated to 1st-choice and Hector Bellerin promoted to the first-team as his back-up. We shouldn’t be spending money on a RB in the market when we got more-pressing needs elsewhere. We all know Jenks can handle it. And if you watch footage of the U-21’s I think it’s safe to say Bellerin (along with Gnabry) can contribute to the first-team immediately. IF Sagna stays: I hope he and… Read more »


Can we also have the number 3 assigned to a left back. Arsenal’s odd numbering of players irks me. Meh.. I grew up with Winterburn and Cole wearing 3 so it disorientates me seeing the right back wearing 3. Diaby should give up number 2 too

eric lombardi

I like Bellerin but did he not get eaten alive against Liverpool the other night?


I personally want Sagna to stay.

every mans arsenal

don’t fucking know what people see in psg. Maybe it appeals more to the french players coz it’s in their homeland or something. Giroud and now sagna. I just wish we had drawn them in the UCL, i’m confident we would have bested them both home/away(draw). Then see these players talk then! Sagna’s had a chequered season. But for pure experience he has had to play infront of jenks who just signed a 5 year deal and will rep us for a long long time. So i really dounderstand sagna playing every time even when he’s below per. I’ve always… Read more »

Merlin's Panini

what they see in PSG is big flashing $ signs! Nothing more. This is PSGs first title in something like 16 years and it’s only because they are “nouveau riche”.


“don’t fucking know what people see in psg.”

Same thing they see in Citeh, only the money goes even further as the booze is cheaper in the local supermarket.

RC Motors

Hopefully Sagna will stay next season and there can be a lot of rotation between him and Jenko, who can continue his learning. Having 4 high quality full backs to choose between is a luxury that we have not been afforded much over the past few seasons. Keep Sagna, he still has much to offer.


Sagna has been quality and could have sought trophies and better pay elsewhere but stayed loyal. Last year Van Persie said “I’m outa here because I wanna win something” and the money was way better too. Cliche, Toure, Nasri and Adebayor went to City for a better pay cheque and also won a Premiership. Even Song is part of a winning set up and way better pay. At the start of the season Sagna was told off for saying publically that Arsenal keeps losing its best players and fails to win anything. He has been proven right not that it… Read more »

Con Fucius

Stay or go, we’re in good shape for next season in terms of not having any critical imminent departures. Sagna can be replaced, though it’d be good if he stayed so we can skip the learning curve for the new RB. Him aside, whoever we end up getting will be an addition to a solid foundation, unlike the past couple of years. Wenger knows (is a man allowed to say that in here these days?)

pak gooner

I don’t want Sagna to go. He’s always been consistent and frankly very underrated, and I LOVE his bad ass, no-bullshit attitude. I dont care if hes declining a little. Everyone has bad patches, and if Bac is going through one currently after years of top notch form, he cant be blamed. A lot of sentiment resides between the Arsenal fans and the full back, and I’d do anything to keep him. Give him the incentive, which he truly deserves, and let him play a few more years. Because this guy, my friends, is a club legend and also one… Read more »

Arsenal Rising

Spot on


Sagna’s chest pump post Sunderland this year after his performance as CB. Monreal, Cazorla and Arteta all mouthing to each other “joder” at the end of that game. Ramsey and Sagna hugging at the final whistle, looking relieved as fuck. Those are the type of players I want to see at Arsenal. I hope he stays.

pak gooner

Just reminding everyone that John Terry is quite righteously a cunt 🙂

Merlin's Panini

oh yeh, I nearly forgot. Thanks. 🙂


There is actually nothing righteous about John Terry, it’s just abject cuntery in disguise.


We shouild sign John Terry, he’s a bloody good player.

Gutbukkit Deffrolla


but played for West Ham and Chelsea

and is, was, and always will be a cunt.


Personally, I would be really sad to see Sagna leave. He has been an epitome of professionalism considering the cunts who have been leaving for reasons best known to them over the past few years.

As most of the people are pointing out, he maybe a good CB option as well as teach few tricks of the trade to Corporal Jenks who is the future as is evident to all.


Sagna is very loyal. He wont speak to RVP or Adebayor and hes stayed with us through out, i guess this is how the club award loyalty no wonder why so many players have left.

Arsenal Rising

Top comment!

Yankee Gooner

Sagna has one year left, right? If he doesn’t want the one-year extension in favor of a longer term deal elsewhere, it’s totally understandable for him to leave. I’d neither begrudge him that nor feel the same as I have the past few seasons when players in or near their prime have left. He has been a great, probably has some decent years in him, but unlike losing Cesc or RVP, we have his replacement ready to go–if he wants a longer deal, sell him.

Gutbukkit Deffrolla

Well, yes, but I don’t think it will be a case of “Sell him”. It will be a case of Arsene allowing him to leave if he gets a great offer. This one will be done with respect on all sides, like we saw with Thierry Henry.


Is it just me or did any one see Monreal get skinnier than he was when he came in. It’s not just him There is also Vermaelen who is skinnier than last season. Now that i think about it other than The Ox no one is the same as last season.Now the only reasons i can see for this is is maybe bould or the two players on their own are doing some intense work outs. If this is the case then it must be stopped. A friend of mine explained to me that it is simple Sport Science that… Read more »


I’d love him to stay, and like many have mentioned it would be cool to see if he could transition to CB. Of course, we only have one game to judge him from but he’s been the dedicated sort so if Wenger saw it and Sagna believed in the idea (the same way Arteta realised the tranisition to DM would be best for him in the long run) I can Imagine Sagna owning the role. Besides, it would be great to keep him around for his vast array of qualities and experience. Regardless, I can’t think of a realistic and… Read more »

Arsenal Rising

I agree with everything you said! Top comment!

Arsenal Rising

Hope he doesn’t go our we’re fucked! Jenkinson is shit n hit no confidence in him and his backwards passing. But he could develop into something. Those that dont agree with this because he’s a.Gooner will soon see when and if it happens. He just isn’t ready yet for 1st team.. Like Bellerin tho!


Like most of us I love Sagna too. His offensive capabilities have really been lacking recently. He puts in way too many whimsical crosses to nobody. It really messes up the attack.

But I’d only want him to leave if there is someone to buy. Jenkinson is good but not ready to be a regular starter yet.

mach iii

Bacary, I remember when you walked on the field in the group stages of the champions league. You were on fire, firing at the goals. You pitched up to win and your commitment helped get us close to winning trophies.

It was a pity that that great team you had together has fallen apart, but now you have a new foundation of a great team. If the team improves on this season, and brings in a superstar or 2. Then please stay, and get a statue made out of you!


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Arsenal should hold him to his contract next season…..after two leg breaks, we’d only get peanuts for him anyway. Ease Jenks in…he’s not quite ready for Champions League football…..err, oh hang on….


People wonder why our stars don’t show enough loyalty and seem ready to leave when a richer club shows any hint of interest but rarely connect it with the cold professionalism the club displays towards older players irrespectively of their contribution. Liverpool kept Carragher long past his best and didn’t rush to cash-in on Gerrard when he approached 30. ManU kept Garry Neville until he could barely run and still sticks with 30+ Evra despite his performance standards dropping the last 2 years. Too many examples from other clubs to mention. On the other hand, Arsenal has shown loyalty to… Read more »


Vieira? Yes, great player but you forgot he seemed to whored himself to Madrid most summers. Campbell? The one who got a free transfer out of goodwill after promising to go abroad but suddenly popped up in Portsmouth?


Vieira, despite “whoring himself to Madrid” didn’t join Madrid, though at the time they were spending like crazy. Instead, he joined Juventus and this is what a man who probably knows better than both of us said about the transfer: “In a later interview with the Daily Mail, Wenger explained the departure of Vieira was to server Cesc Fàbregas’ career: “When Cesc Fàbregas was 18, 19, I would play him in a 4–4–2 with Patrick Vieira and I saw it did not work. Then I had the decision to make about letting Patrick go, because Gilberto Silva and Vieira worked,… Read more »

Lord theo

Has covered theo really well in the last three years and theo should him 4 playing his position while his away scoring goals in the middle.


BAC! Whether he goes or not, Sagna’s one who will REALLY always be a Gooner. Hope he stays, but my hunch is he won’t. We might only get peanuts for him, but Kroenke will take peanuts over a player leaving for free any day of the week. I’m wondering, when was the last time Arsenal held anyone to a contract? I’m not counting all the players who don’t want to leave, or all the players we have out on loan at the moment whom we can’t get off the books (anyone see the “loan report” currently up on the site?… Read more »


The ideal situation would be to hold Bac to his contract and let him and Jenks hold down RB next year and ease him into being the full-time man, also buying time for Bellerin who looks like he’d be a decent back-up after next year (if he keeps progressing). Basically keeping Sagna next year would allow Jenkinson & Bellerin an extra year of development before being thrown into the wolves.

Also, 1 more year of Ludivine please.


If the interest from PSG is serious I can see Sagna leaving. Though the best option from our perspective is to hold him to the last year of his contract, AW is too ‘father figurely’ to stand in the way of the ‘last big contract’ of player. AW didn’t hold an important player like RVP to his last year, don’t think he would hold Sagna more important. Ofcourse the desire to leave, will be the biggest factor either for trophies or more importantly money. We are almost certainly not going to offer the kind PSG would or for that matter… Read more »

Red Cannon

Would love to keep him. But if he doesn’t want to sign another contract, I’d be fine with selling him to the highest bidder. Bacary, you’ve been great, but you’ve definitely lost a step since your two injuries, so you can’t hold us to ransome. Either sign or move on. Either way, Carl is ready to take over first team action.

easy tiger

Does anybody have any idea/theory if arsenal play home or away for the openeing fixture next season. I am in london the opening weekend of the PL? Anyone?


Fixture list isn’t out yet. You won’t know till about July.


I love Sagna and want us to keep for til he retires. He definitely has 2 more quality seasons left in him. We need him for next season to blood in Jenkinson, after that he can be the experienced guy we can rely on for 20-25 appearances a season.


Did anyone else notice that Sagna’s form only started to drop after he started complaining of not being handed a new contract? Hand him a new contract and get his performance level back up!

Martin Murray

I honestly think we should look at Seamus Coleman off everton, looks quility, great going forward, can cross, good defender and young

[…] the manager will face. As for Sagna, I think he’ll move on this summer. He’s been linked with PSG and Monaco, and while he hasn’t ruled out staying with us for the final year of his contract, I […]

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