Saturday, July 27, 2024

Arsenal 2-1 Liverpool: player ratings

FA Cup revenge for the Gunners as we put the 5-1 behind us and went through to the 6th round at the expense of the Mugsmashers.

Here’s how the players rated.

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Trapped in Wenger's basement

How many times did they open up our defence today? Seriously, last week I was wondering why they call our defensive duo one of the best in the league, but today, this same question popped up in my head once again. Koscielny made some awful mistakes and Sturridge could’ve scored like 3 times after coming 1 on 1 with Fabianski. Our goalie made 2 very important saves. 1 Time he saved with his foot after Suarez left Koscielny hanging out to dry and the other was a clever hand when Sturridge came 1 on 1 once again. Although I’m very… Read more »

A Yank in King Arsene's West Stand

Jesus. First comment on a post that’s been up 2 minutes and it’s frickin Ulysses. Go check the stats on Koscielny over the past year and maybe have a think and then decide if you really want him swapped out for someone else.


“Jesus. First comment on a post that’s been up 2 minutes and it’s frickin Ulysses”
That itself is pure literature
A Yank in King Arsene’s West Stand
February 16, 2014 at 8:07 pm


That’s a paddlin’


Why not just enjoy the win for today and we’ll cross the Bayern bridge when we come to it. They’re probably the best team in the world at the moment, so it’s hardly worth shitting it about whether or not they’re going to beat us. Also worth mentioning that the game against them is probably going to be decided in midfield and out on the wings- can’t see Mandzukic giving Kos and Per too many problems.


So Fabianski makes brilliant saves, and Sturridge has shots from poor angles must mean that he was unlucky, and our defense was shite. Right? Quite the logic there. If you think a good defense is one that is not going to concede any shots on goals, then you are deluded. Suarez is one of the best in the world on current form, he is bound to create chances. Fab was my motm, funny how we can now argue that Szczesny is one of the best keepers in the PL, and Fabianski is one of the best back ups. Who would… Read more »

non-flying dutchman

I think it did, i’d take the paddilin if it then prompts us to sort our shit out sufficiently to get in the quarters of the FA cup…..

Lets all remember that at this stage last year, at the same venue … we went out to a Blackburn side that were struggling in the Championship – now thats a paddalin.

Toby C

Kos is outstanding! One of the top two defenders in the Prem! (along with Kompany)

2013-2014 = 2003=2004

(along with BFG)

Julio Baptista's humble alter ego

I think you meant along with Mertesacker

Toby C

Per is a very, very close third IMHO but as a partnership Mertescienly is the best in Europe!


We have played Suarez thrice in the season and he has scored 0.

Ways to deal with Suarez.

step1. buy defender from ligue 2
step2. Name defender koscienly
Step3. Put koscienly alongside “too slow for epl” defender.
Step4. Allow combination to gel for 1 year.
Step. Unleash two man combo on suarez…

Gunner From Another Mother

Repeat as necessary


Normally I wouldn’t pay attention but you made the same mistake twice. 🙂

Also: Skrtel.

I’m glad Koscielny and Mertesacker’s partnership has work out so well. It’s a shame that we are going to lose Vermaelen because of that.


You deserve better; to be trapped in Sam Allardyce’s basement. Shame on you for such a mood denting comment. U couldn’t even enjoy the win first?! Shii!


Sometimes when you play against good sides, who have world class players, the opposition will create chances to score. It’s called football.

Enjoy the moment man.


Flappyhansky Now known as Stoppyhansky is my man of the Day!


Enough of the “if sturridge had converted his earlier chances” whats the chance of he getting a second chance if he had scored the first one? Huh! Will arsenal have allowed a second chance if he had scored the first? No body knows, probably we could have been in possession of the ball, and seriously “If” Giroud had converted all his chances from start of the season then we would have won 3-nil at the emirates when we faced liverpool earlier in the season. Sturridge wasn’t clinical enough and thats it, So enough of the if he had scored cus… Read more »


You mean the Koscielny that repeatedly man-mark arguably the most in form world striker out of the game? Perhaps you are doing something wrong in your argument.


You do realise they’ve got one of the best attacks in Europe don’t you?! It just so happens that we also have one of the best defense’s in Europe on their day.


Monreal 6,5
Arteta 5,5
Flamini 7
Podolski 6,5
Sanogo 6,5


You do realise that you put those scores in above? Just in case you weren’t aware, no one actually gives a toss what scores you hand out.


Who the fuck are you? Post a video of a football match you played in and we can all judge it.


It’s so sad when cousins marry.

Jack's Right Foot

I’m quite drunk and that was funny.


Fabianski has improved so much over the last 3/4 years. He’ll be tricky to replace – no doubt his ability helps spur the Szcz on.


I think we should buy Viviano when his loan runs out…

Worked in Fifa?


Wenger spot on with everything today, deserves 10/10 for me. Great team selection, substitutions and classy post-game interview re: Mou(thy)

Monkey knees

Got me a good feeling about Sanogo…

Raekwon The Chef

It’s funny how we have all been crying out for a mobile, pacy striker while we have one in our ranks. I was impressed with Sanogo tonight, however he clearly has a lot to improve on. We have to consider that this was his first full game in 6 months and against a team like Liverpool though. I’m sure if he is eased in against lower league clubs and gets his minutes he can be something special. He still offers the physical presence that we get with Giroud, but he is far more mobile and quick on his feet. He… Read more »


Top talent! Can’t stop thinking of that line in our thrift shop parody.

On an unrelated note, Raekwon, love your work.

Captain's Armband

Same. The Chef and Golden Arms, the two most underrated members of the Clan.


Could be a season-defining win. Lose this and wheels could have come off. Tremendous spirit. Grit. Love this team.


Indeed. Not a great performance — we were sliced open way too easily — but the intensity was so heartening. Keep that up and the football will improve, and will remain in the mix for the title.


Oooh how sweet! Well done lads. Great ‘Debut’ from Sanogo.
Take that! Bayern here we come.


Our season is in complete turmoil. A gigantic point off the top in the league, have to play at home in the FA cup quarter finals and a boring last 16 champions league tie against some German team.




It won’t be boring for sure. If we play like we did today, there’ll be at least four goals scored.
Provided we don’t score any, that is 😉


Committed effort and what a game for the neutrals. Heavy rotation maybe a factor in a difficult start, could easily have been down 2 if Sturridge had been more clinical. Ozil’s composure made a real difference and Arsene, more of The Ox please! Has imposed himself in the starting line-up for me in the rest of the games that matter. Ahead of Jack now and giving us what Rambo did earlier this season. Same engine and fearlessness. Nacho so much better than least weekend and Jenks acquitted himself well, but still makes me a bit uneasy. Two-footed lunges aside, Flamini’s… Read more »


Exercised demons, imagine that!!


Great victory! Must admit though (and have no mistake, I do love that tactic) that I think we switched on the ‘let’s close ’em down’ a bit too soon today in the second half. My legs got tired of standing up :-).


The fans deserve some credit today also. Last 20 minutes they were as noisy at any game this season at the emirates.
Podolski needs to start more. The movement up front was so much better than in recent games.
He was fired up, hungry and fresh. Loved his performance.

Petit's Handbag

A night on Kos’s couch….would ya stop.
He’ll be banging Alex Curran tonight… would be a sin to be that handsome and faithful


HAHA this is the best comment on the internet.

Alex Curran is Stevie G’s wife for those who thumbed down…


Just read about Giroud and his tweeted apology. Pretty shameful stuff to be honest. I always prided our players on not being cunts like Gerrard, Rooney etc etc. Would explain why hes looked off. Rooney was same at world cup. Nikky b and sanogo might have to share the burden. Giroud….sort your shit mate

Swede Goon

I agree with you, Rossi88, but it really has nothing to do with us or the public, just Giroud and his family. I like him a lot and while you never want to hear stuff like that, I for one will leave his justice to Kos’s comfortable sofa. Achtung, Munchen!

Swede Goon

Saw that Sanogo is listed at 1.91m, he looks taller. Reminds a little of a young Adebayor (technically and physically, not anything else!).


He is a big lad, pity none of his chances came off. I’ll admit it, I really wanted to see him score one today, it might have given Arsene some food for thought, and another option down the road.

2013-2014 = 2003=2004

Yaya Sanogo max bench-press August’2013 = 80kg
Yaya Sanogo max bench-press February’2014 = 320kg

Hit the gym until the gym hates you young man!

Free transfer / Arsene’s bargains / Ligue 2 / too liteweight / injury-prone / blah blah blah

Ox’s goal came from a Gerrard deflection of a Sanogo shot-on-target which was lightning-quick = Thierry Henry-quick. Am I wrong to think maybe our ‘striker shortage’ has been resolved?

Jack's Right Foot

320? Where did you get that stat from? If that’s true that’s fucking disgusting, he should be a wrestler.


@Trapped in Wenger’s Basement, clearly as dis-illusioned as all the morons that thought that Mertesacker was rubbish, and that Sanogo was a joke signing by Wenger. Try and cheer up a bit, life isn’t as bad as you think it is.


Haha, the comment for Girouds rating sums up why I love this blog.


Sanogo is a beast of a man. Pretty sure he could have bench pressed Daniel Agger tonight if he wanted to

super gunners

Well done boys.
sent the scousers home crying.
love it.
Great result,
Same again Wednesday night please!


Flamini was bossing everyone on the team. Perhaps the TV cams don’t show it, but in the few minutes where Chamberlain was subbed off before a corner, he:
-shouted at Fabianski to get out of his box.
-gave Chamberlain a thumbs-up
-walked up to Sanogo for a pep-talk

After last weekends loss u would have thought the world was going 2 end…we back nw #COYG#

m a gunner

Liverpool are on top form and playing the best they have for years , they will beat a lot of teams this season so to knock them out of the cup is a v good result ! We defended well and were dangerous on the attack ,was a good warm up for Wednesday I can’t see bayern playing with as much pace as Liverpool !

non-flying dutchman

tru dat… Liverpool playing with a Premier League honed intensity that I speculate Bayarn, unmatched in the bundaliga this year, will not have about them.


Absolutely fantastic win given the circumstances, and a massive boost to the morale. Looking forward to seeing what Wednesday has in store for us, knowing that we have the FA Cup and league yet to play for.

Arteta's hair

Wake me up, Yaya Sanogo
you’re definitely better than that c*nt from Togo

Swede Goon

Call him a whiner, somebody who lacks loyalty and commitment or maturity, but don’t call him a cunt. He has had only bad things and sorrow in his life since he left Arsenal, watching his teammates murdered, the death of his brother, calling him a cunt because he screwed us over is lame and bitter, he’s gone now, it was embarrassing to travel all the way from Sweden to watch north London derby and hear at least a dozen guys singing songs about that shooting. I was as mad as anybody when he pulled that crap with Man City but… Read more »

Dial square

1, we are not all Christians
2, he’s a cunt

Swede Goon

1. It’s a reference towards character, applicable to Muslims, Jews or anything, just a phrase.
2. Call people what you please, just don’t assume because he ruined your Sat morning in 2009 that everybody else wants to call him offensive sexist shit.


For the record, I gave you a thumbs up, and this really isn’t the place for a debate about religion, but I thought “it’s just not Christian” was a weird way to end an otherwise excellent comment.

Swede Goon

Apologies, English is not my first language, I meant ‘Christian’ as in passive, kind, not religious, that wasn’t at all what I meant. Thank you for pointing that out.


I have a lot of sympathy for Adebayor because he’s been through a fair bit. But shit happens to cunts too. He doesn’t deserve some of the stuff he’s been through. I think it’s okay to call him a cunt (taking it as it is – just talk between fans), but it’s not okay to sing songs about his troubles. Fair middle ground?

Arteta's hair

I know it’s wrong to use the word cunt, which is why i wrote c*nt…

Jokes aside, i totally get your point. Nobody deserves to go through those things you mentioned. That being said, he has been remarkably disrespectful towards the club and its supporters since leaving, so i think it’s fair to say that we fans are allowed to call him unpleasant names, without taking his traumatic experiences into account.

Swede Goon

Thanks, I wasn’t trying to be lecturing, just to brighten things up a little.


But John Terry is still a c*nt right?

Phew, at least the world hasn’t spun off its axis yet…

61 NeverAgain

Asking English football fans not to call people cunts,is like asking swedes not to use cheap flat pack furniture…

never going to happen

Swede Goon

I was wondering where the Ikea jokes were all this time : )


Ineed it is not Christ-like. Why should anyone take offence even if you meant it in the religious sense? Prime example of intolerance

Me So Hornsey

“Wake me up, Yaya Sanogo
you’re definitely better than that c*nt from Togo”

Can I tick this twice?


Very happy with the win! Don’t get me wrong I love Podolski – he’s got a finish thats crisper than a strip of freshly cooked bacon, but I thought his lack of movement was concerning tonight. He was gasping for breath in the 35th minute and there were a couple instances where Arteta and Flamini won the ball in midfield and we set off on the counter and the left flank was completely empty. It was just Ozil, Sanogo and the Ox darting forward all down the right. Maybe I am being overly critical and Podolski is legitimately short on… Read more »


I noticed that too – he was bent over with his hands on his knees at one point in the first half by the looks of it. Would go some way to explain why Wenger doesn’t start him regularly. If he works on his fitness he can definitely get into the first team, and we need him and his finishing especially in March.


“Sympathy 7 as he prepares for a night on Kos’s couch.”

Hahahahaha. Well played.


I also like the way he rushes out to collect the ball (szcz too) all about timing and communication. Nothing Lloris can say. he likes to be the saviour rushing in on most occasions with no brain trying to save his dire team only to end up being lobbed, give away a penalty etc. Long may it continue


why does your comment have a low rating? do ppl not get that you’re slagging off the goalie for our biggest rivals the sp*rs


Great win, great team effort, and is Flanagan not the ugliest player in the Premiership? Or am I being harsh?


Theres a fair few ORCS in the mickeys side but ill agree Flanagan is the king orc


Jeez Sanogo looks promising. He bullied Agger and Skrtel today.


Don’t get the high ratings for the defense. Cut through much, much too easily.

Giroud's 3am Romp

Just when we thought the Gibbs-or-Monreal conundrum was over, Nacho played a blinder!
Sanogo looked great.
What a player Kos is.
Even Ozil almost made a full tackle.
Not saying perfect performance, but we did well to contain an in-form attacking side after a couple of hairy games. Bring on the rest of the Death run!!

Ninad Kuchekar

Don’t want to be the one to kill the mood, however, did anyone realise that the defensive positions, in the ratings image above, are swapped?


Loved the way Fabianski made Sturridge his bitch tonight. “Tie my laces bitch!”

Lol me

Too funny with giroud sleeping on kos’s couch

Super top quality

Not the greatest performance but a morale-boosting win nonetheless. Fabianski was my MOTM by a mile today. Outstanding. Sanogo did a really good job holding the fort by himself up front and Chamberlain and Monreal had good games. Kos and Mert weren’t at their best but a win is a win. I’m just glad our torrid week is over

non-flying dutchman

how much of a torrid week was it?? Personally I view it that our players were resting themselves in the League last week with ensuring a place in the quarters of the FA cup in mind


I thought Webb made a strong case for being included more in the starting XI today- tireless running, good physical presence, and great mental strength to prevent Suarez from getting a second penalty.


Hahahaha……BRILLIANT!! # aha

Andy Mack

What really lets Webb (AKA BellEnd) down is that the second penalty thing was a mistake whereas the persistent refusal to give Sanogo a free kick and to favour the Poo wherever possible was just his ‘anti-arsenal’ showing through.


Sanogo had a good showing. I like how he troubled their centre-backs thorughout the game. Just needs to keep his head down when he takes a shot. But still a good showing. His cantering style of running is almost Kanu-esque (here’s to hoping). COYG!


We were lucky to win this match. Liverpool would have punished us on another day. Well Giroud let all this “hfb” talk get to his head. Maybe he needs wenger to remind him of how increasingly average he is compared to his predecessors. Fabianski hands down was the man of the match…he won this game for us. Ozil had a great game, Ox too…Kos shows why he’s prob the best cb in the league. Sanogo nothing impressive. Poldi got a goal, was kinda invisible though. We still need much more than this to beat bayern

the man who would be bling

Yeah, if the manager reminds you how average you are compared to your predecessors, that’s bound to get the best out of you.


Funny thing is that every sentence is correct.

Andy Mack

We’ve had many many matches that we were unlucky to lose. It’s the way football goes.
Bearing in mind that the Poo do have exceptional strikers who are in form at the moment, plus a very quick winger and a couple of creative MFs, they will get chances against every team.
We played well and could have scored more (as well as conceding some).


Why does everyone ignore Skrtel’s head-high studs through Santi’s ankle in 81st minute? Just as bad as Ox’s foul on Suarez.


There’ve been several comments about how that should have been a yellow card and a penalty, along with several other comments about how Gerrard should have been shown a second yellow for the foul that was worse than the one that got him his first yellow. Trust me, it hasn’t been ignored.


i think webb has shrugged off his inner fergies-assistant to become the best ref in England. He did not give oxs foul as he dimed it non-malicous and unintentional. just that suarez knicked the ball ahead of ox who coud not stop himself due to momentum.

Top ref

Andy Mack

No, Webb is a BellEnd.
He didn’t give it as he made a mistake.
He’d forgotten for that moment that the Poo weren’t wearing red.

Shit Ref.


Nacho was a beast today and Ozil was outstanding. Brining on Kieran was a master stroke by Wenger, he brought so much energy for those final few minutes, defending well and creating opportunities. Sanogo has very long legs and is much quicker than I thought, I think he’s about 60% leg. Feel so sorry for Lukas getting subbed off so early and generally his lack of minutes this season, but he was all smiles at the end of the game which was great to see, just hope Wenger is communicating with him and he understands he’s a vital part of… Read more »


Sanogo looks to be about the same shape as Diaby, doesn’t he? They’re both a pair of daddy long legs. I tlooks like they’re walking because their legs are moving so slowly, but the strides are so big they just run away! Sanogo’s a strong boy, too. I think Wenger’s unearthed another gem here.


agreed just hope he’s not brittle like Abou. can’t wait to see Sanogo sliding in on the edge of the 6 yard box, the extra leg length just making the difference!

also he’s pretty good on pro evo, good touch for a big man.

non-flying dutchman

kept wondering everytime we got a corner whether he is any good in the air – would be nice to count on someone other then our centre backs to head the ball in the back of the net

non-flying dutchman

whats so exciting about this squad is how individuals keep stepping up to the plate when its needed… Fabianski was an utter sensation today and has hopefully put in an important contribution towards making sure he ends his long Arsenal career with a winners medal

Neil #2

Totally agree with Dutchman — Fabianski played today for the club (and no doubt is career as well). Hopefully this was the last “blip” in Arsenal’s season. Chelsea and Man City are going to push this right up until the end.


So incoming reports suggest Cazorlas shot has just landed. Poldi went over to him fulltime and asked “what was that my good man?”

Cazorla said he was ill.

2013-2014 = 2003=2004

Bring on ze Germans! We got the Biggest Fucking German out of all you lot!


We played well :). Thought Arteta-Flamini invited a bit of pressure because none of them pressurized Gerrard or forced him or Coutinho back with runs but overall they played well as a unite. Ozil was excellent, no surprise he thrived with Ox, Podolski and Sanogo as realistic attacking targets. Ox in particular might have ended the recent love-in with Stirling by outshining him. Finally Sanogo looked incredibly promising. Very raw, but promising. A physicality we haven’t had up front for a while, with pace to match.


Good win, very lucky today, but then we were unlucky with Liverpool goals before, so about time we got some.
On the side Giroud did a Rooney, not classy.

Neil #2

Hopefully the lad can get his head right and sort out the situation with family and club.


It says a lot about Andy Grey (or says a lot about my personal opinion of Andy Grey) that I was sitting there thinking “I wish Michael Owen was commenting today!”

Andy Mack

I turned the sound off as they both talk drivel.
Had to flick the sound on & off every few minutes to listen to the crowd.

Block 98
Clock End Mike

Why do people keep posting links without any hint as to what they may be?
I never click on them, just like spam in my mailbox.


Very entertaining game and big morale-boosting win… Wednesday will be tough, I consider Bayern’s attacking threat even greater than Liverpool’s. Probably looking at an attacking group of Ribery, Gotze, Muller, and Mandzukic


Ribery is out bro and I dont see muller posing the same threat like sterling with his dribbles nd speed and likewise dont see manzukic becoming a suarez nd goetze wont be coutinho either. they might probably be relying on ruben then a few cross nd nod for muller nd manzukic. all I knw is that arsenal will beat them.


Muller is their most dangerous player IMO just ghosts around looking harmless only for him to stick the ball in the net. kos and BFG shd be careful not to leave spaces for him to run into. Great win against those filthy Scousers though.

Swede Goon

I have to say personally I think Muller is deadly, not the greatest one on one dribbler, but his off the ball movement and intelligence is superb, just check him out against Barcelona last season, plus his ‘moving screen’ against Jordi Alba was really smart, Great player.


There were many heroes out there, yesterday. While he wasn’t a MOTM by any means, I’ve got to say: Sanogo has personality in his play. You can see it already. I think I might like this kid.


Great game, really enjoyed it. On Giroud, I’m not here to judge his personal life. If he was banging his bother’s wife or a team mate’s wife then I would worry more about his character. To be honest, I’m more concerned that he was organising a massive jugged model to visit the team hotel in the early hours before a match. He looked a bit off against Palace. He was unprofessional and luckily we won 2-0. Big fine and two game ‘benching’ should suffice. And bleating about it on twitter is a bit ridiculous. What is it with people nowadays… Read more »

Impressive Failage

Can anyone tell me why “Angling Times” resides on the top shelf of my local newsagent?


Was really curious to see this sonago fellow.. Have to say he impressed me greatly.. pace power movement.. needs to mature a little but brilliant raw potential.. i know will get many thumb downs for this.. but if only Giroud had the movement of sonago.. I really liked the kid’s performance.. I’m sure if groomed properly he could be the next big thing unearthed by Wenger!

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