Saturday, July 27, 2024

Arsenal 2-0 FC Basel – player ratings

It was a fully deserved, comprehensive 2-0 win over FC Basel in the Champions League tonight, but in truth we could have won by about 7 or 8.

We missed some chances but their keeper had an outstanding night as well. Here’s how the players rated.

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He played Ox………


To all those getting on Ox’s back, yes he’s been poor, yes he’s clearly lacking in confidence and of course he’s been frustrating to watch blah blah blah… But expecting him or anyone for that matter to come on with 15-20 mins left and have an impact on a game when the team is slowing the game down, controlling and winding down time, conserving energy for the next game is plain silly! In those circumstances it’s very difficult to “shine”. You’ve been brought on for continuity, fresh legs and to give someone a rest, not to change the game. Rant… Read more »

igbo Amadi-Obi

Hahahahaha…yes he did!


Mustafi… me lovey very much sir

Putney S.

I think you’re a bit hard on Ox.


He may well be “kicking himself” he didn’t score/assist, but he definitely wasn’t a full point worse than every other player. Harsh.


Theo 2.0, what a player!


Humble pie merchant!!




I defended Theo for a long time, but would have been happy to see him sold this summer.

Have to say I am really surprised, he’s doing better than I thought him capable of.

Reality Check

TW14 seems to be finally out of the TH14’s shadow.


10/10 Arsene Wenger

Instead of resting Alexis, which is what many called for, he endured. I liked that. Alexis is growing into this role and momentum is building.

He chooses one of two options; either to come deep and receive the ball, allowing Theo to fill that space behind the displaced CB; or, he runs in behind. It’s fascinating to watch him and Theo interchange, with Mesut and Iwobi as the link between Santi and Xhaka. Suddenly all the jigsaw pieces seem to fit nicely.

Thanks Arsene.


It certainly is! The link up play, the speed of thought and passing, the control, the intelligent movement… all amazing. Some of the passages of play are comparable to some the greatest of football teams. Iwobi and Theo are really imposing themselves in this more energized and proactive Arsenal team. Alexis is showing the way at CF – pulling the entire team to pressure the opposition into errors. It is an intimidating system that relies on concentration, organisation, energy and belief. It seems Wenger is confident again to deploy a more proactive approach with Alexis or Perez leading the line.… Read more »


That felt a little tight score wise, it was such a great all round performance. I can’t remember the last time I felt so comfortable watching us and so confident we’d get the points. Oh yeah, Chelsea. Like many of us I am happily eating my words regarding Wenger and Walcott.


I’ve been one of the ones who have been harsh with Walcott in the past, but i have to say, really liking what i’m seeing of him so far this season! best way to be proven wrong as well. Lets hope he can keep it up and because he has been outstanding so far, and so different from last season


Theo’s been great this season. Credit three things. 1. He’s healthy. He deserved to go to Euros, not on form or games played, but talent. Players form smaller teams who often get over looked showed why they should be over looked. Hodgson gave the lesser lights a run out and they were poor. Kieran Gibbs is better than both left backs Hodgson took, but he’s stuck behind a really good Nacho Monreal. Similarly, Theo is stuck on a team where there were a lot of options in the wide areas for Arsenal last season; The Ox, Campbell, Ramsey, Wilshire, Iwobi,… Read more »

Godfrey Twatschloch

Regardless of how shit the rest of them were, and Sterling and Kane were particularly shocking, Walcott at that time did not deserve a place in the England team.


Pretty sure this is Theo 11.0

If whatever version of him keeps it up, we’ll all be happy


May it continue Theo.
I think Jack’s loan and increased comp for places has bucked up the whole team not just Theo..I can still see much improvement to come and that’s the ominous thing for other teams..When everyone’s fit we are going to be a force.


Indeed. To think that we’re yet to have Ramsey and Welbz rejoin the group is really exciting. Not to mention Coquelin who’ll be back in three weeks. So many options and possibilities everyone is chopping at bits to get involved.


Was really hoping Ox would give Wenger something to think about when he came on but he unfortunately did very little indeed


The only thing I pray for my arsenal is injury free season. We have a nice squad and I think it will take us far this season. Above all thank you Walcott for securing 3 points and hope to score more this coming Saturday


Or Sunday, when we play Burnley.

Crash Fistfight

You’re really living up to your name there.


Theo Walcott? Never doubted him. I feel like the team has now really clicked with Alexis as a striker, Theos role is really important in the system cause Alexis drops so often to receive so we need Theo running in behind and the CB’s find it hard to pick up those runs, and he’s reaping the rewards

Evang. Femi

This is the team we have being waiting for


No bonus rating 🙁


Alexis really has evolved into what we’ve needed at striker with great movement and equally adept at going for goal and setting up teammates. However, what I like most about him playing striker is that his desire to press high and force the defense into mistakes and turnovers which makes us a more aggressive team as we get the ball too. Really like what Mustafi has been doing, I do think he was a great buy from what I’ve seen so far and he’ll only get better with experience in the PL. Finally, some great saves by Ospina, still gives… Read more »

Ozil's Chewing Gum

Ja Gunners Ja!!!!


Finally, we are consistent and have a good shot at going all the way on all competitions. This is the Arsenal we have all been waiting for.


The big mystery to me is why it has taken so long for Arsene to put Alexis up front. Anyone who has seen him play for Barca and Chile knows that he is wonderful in a fantasy role where he can do whatever he likes without responsibilities (tracking back, etc etc). Also very much like the fact that he got a striker (Perez) who can slot into the same role as an understudy. Thank you, thank you, thank you Jamie Vardy for turning down Arsenal.


Personally, I think this is largely due to their being a concern about moving Alexis up top with no suitable replacement on the wing – which suggests to me why Wenger used Theo through the middle with Alexis and Ramsey as support – which, worked for a while until Theo’s injury last year. I do think though, after having a run up top Theo has realised he is much more effective cutting in and overlapping the striker from the wing. The main area which Wenger wanted him to improve on was the defensive side – if you recall from last… Read more »


Nice one Freddo – but most people on here don’t do irony.


You should take a point off Alexis for kicking the hoardings. I hate seeing strikers kick the hoardings.


Theo. Actually LANS!!


Something about winning and then looking back and saying “it could’ve been 5 or 6 nil” is something so comforting and exciting as it is rare for this team in recent times. So much individual skill that we know the lads have has started to really click collectively as a team and man is it a joy to watch!

Keep the faith

Great performance from the team! Starting to really enjoy our performances again! Lets not be to harsh on ox, he surely knows he has his work cut out for him and lets just try and back him this season to find some form. How great would it be to have him finaly realise his outstanding potential!


Yes to this. Now we are getting results, I think we, the fans, can start to be a bit less hypercritical & be a bit more supportive!! Ox looks shorn of confidence and tearing him out after every performance won’t help with that. Especially when he shows some promise, he came close last night but no cigar…


I second that. Ox needs to desperately regain some confidence. There is no better time than now in this free flowing and high pressing Arsenal.

Time for all supporters to leave opinions of team selections, player abilities, and the manager aside and get behind the team. They have shown the promise, so lets create a real atmosphere at the Emirates and give us a great chance of something special this season.

Not all games will be likes this! (I suspect!), so when the going gets tough our support will be essential.



That was savage. This feels like Ronnie O Sullivan finally deciding toss this I can beat anyone and why am I not doing just that. You could see it all over the team. That team could destroy almost anyone. They can definitely beat anyone.


10’s all round! 10’s for everyone! i’m happy. i’m very happy. i’m gonna have a beer for lunch.


Good to see Theo do well, let’s hope he can keep this up. I’d like to see Lucas get a run out when we are winning if just to give him some confidence.


Every team needs squad players. Players capable of stepping into a starting role in the even of injury, of playing in the cups and winning trophies, and of giving the manager the luxury of rotating his team without significantly lowering the quality of the team. Arsenal, in the years of austerity, struggled with this. For the first time in a decade Arsenal have bench players who would not look out of place playing for another top four team. Alex Oxlade Chamberlain, Ospina, Gibbs, Mathieu Debuchy, Gabriel, Elneny; all of these players could play for almost any team in England. When… Read more »


Theo aside, how wonderful is it to have a very settled back 4 + whichever keeper we use?
Also to have very dynamic central midfielders who can pick passes from deep and run around a bit when needed…

Cliff Bastin

The more our performances improve, the better and better that point at PSG looks.


The speed on the right side.
The technical ability on the left.
Alexis pulling them all over the place.
What the fuck do you try to stop?!

Oh my.
Just no way they could cope.


Victoria Concordia Crescit


Very impressed with the team. No weaknesses. Speed, technique, desire, steel, discipline. We also have depth, variety, and, I hope, cohesion!


I can’t praise Walcott enough. I felt he was a foot out of the door in the summer but quite obviously AKB. Wenger let Campbell out on loan for a reason. Theo’s aptitude and maturity has been examplary. He truly is leading now. Defensive work rate but also sticking to his strength cutting in from right side where he plundered goals before. His confidence is on the up and that is great news for us. Forget “world Class” striker. We have Alexis (MOTM) and Walcott in an odd couple pairing up top and its working. Mustafi (aggressively) covers right side… Read more »


Oh Theo. I remember when Alan Hanson blasted him on Motd and said he had no footballing brain. He responded by producing his best spell in an Arsenal shirt. I have to admit I was Alan Hansens side then and man did he prove me wrong. However, unlike 90% of the Arsenal faithful last season – I did not make the same mistake twice.

Lone Star Gunner

Dear Arsenal,

I love you guys! Keep this awesomeness up. That is all.


At the start of the season Wenger said “we’d see a different Walcott this season” and I thought he was just being protective. Wow!! He’s unrecognisable from last Season. He’s turned into a goal scoring winger I thought only a new signing would provide.




Credit to the manager, he has taken loads of stick for playing Alexis as striker and giving Theo an opportunity when few thought he deserved it (me included). We are quick to jump on his back as we did after the first week of the season, but we look good right now and a few of us armchair experts are eating humble pie.


That point in the game when cazorla and ozil tried to double nutmeg the basel player.. Lool

Rohith J

I really wanted Theo out after last season. But bloody hell, please continue!

Senator Clay Davis


Full Metal Gooner

Bonus rating: 10/10 still sad Costa (hahaha)


Arseblog gives 9.5 for Theo – we are in the twilight zone (and I like it)


I think we should all eat humble pie about Walcott. What a difference, props to him and Wenger.

gunnerfan ov crystal palace

Nice to see arsenal fc getting them goals first half with good build ups and stylish defending most teams have a different defensive pattern theo’s headed goal was cool nice to see him go for them headers brilliant first half could av been 5 or 6 goals you see the key players who read ball good game arsenal fc


No bonus rating? I want a refund for my subscription on this site.

Francis Angrey

The team did great last night. But they need some more composure in front of goal. The score could easily have been 5-0 if they had it.


We’re looking very good ATM(but wasteful).. until Ramsey returns and Wenger tries to squeeze him into the starting 11
Where’s my coat??

Nevermind… found it!


What a game..It was Arsenal of early 2000’s taking our breath away and making opponent shitting every time we come forward with the ball. Few observations though: 1. Wenger is no mortal, when people and Alexis had doubt on being able to play as centre forward, Wenger did stick with it and now our front line looks menacing and may be not good as BBC or MSN but pretty darn good. 2. In big games, I still believe Coq is needed. Although Granit is awesome ball playing CM but the robustness Coq brings and the quick tackle to break opponents… Read more »

Frankie boy

Theo I stated you were a waste of space…. I’m so happy you have made me look like a complete mug…. And eat my own words…..

Keep it up theo and smash the defenders in the leage and ruin those useless pundits.


Really loving the chemistry between Sanchez and Theo now. Look at both goals.

No coincidence this has come since Alexis started playing in the centre?


Xhakazorla and Pliers

(Sorry, i couldnt resist)

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