Saturday, July 27, 2024

Video: Arsenal 1-5 Bayern Munich ‘On the whistle’

A second successive 5-1 defeat to Bayern Munich saw us exit the Champions League in humiliating fashion.

The red card may have been harsh, and weird, but there’s no excuse to fall apart the way we did.

Here are the ‘on the whistle’ thoughts of @gunnerblog – join me on tomorrow morning for a more in-depth look at what went on.

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That match was a bit shit.


It’s a third successive 5-1 defeat to Bayern Munich, not a second.


I am so tired of watching this squad fall apart as they do in matches against top teams whether’s it is the PL or the CL, it’s the same old story. For once I’d like to see our manager be the one winning the tactical battle, but it seems Wenger can never do that against equal or better competition. You look at us when we have so many players bombing forward into the box (I think four were within 10 yards of each other around the 40 minute mark) and of course we all run behind the defenders instead of… Read more »


Give it up James. Blooooo mooooon, you saw me standing aloooone…


You’ll always wank alone.


James pretty much summed up how I feel: a bit sick. The wheels have well and truly come off. Wenger needs to announce his departure now to salvage what’s left of the season.


Not sure why this is getting thumbed down. Are there really many people who think that Wenger is going to do something different if Arsenal give him another contract?! He’s been doing exactly the same thing for years, hard to imagine a sudden reformation. Likewise, our best players are obviously planning to leave and the club is suffering from the atmosphere of decline and uncertainty. IMO, the best thing Wenger could do is announce now that this season will be his last at Arsenal and create a space for the fans to give him the kind of respectful farewell he… Read more »


Too many Arsenal fans thinking that Wenger has the right to decide himself when he wants to leave us, that’s why an opinion that suggest Wenger should leave this summer get downvoted here. I know they love Wenger but at least put Arsenal first before him, this club clearly needs a fresh idea and directions and Wenger is not the man to do that, this year we are not going forward but backward, it happens after we spend 90M last summer. Respect the man for what he did for us, but he can’t bring us further anymore.


Once again we are the laughing stock of English football. Getting used to it now, but I won’t lie.

It destroys my soul.

Enough is enough. Time for change. Wenger out asap.

Stuck on repeat...

Fully agree with everything that James said. It’s good to hear that there are now calls for “Kronke out” within the grounds. Regardless of any other changes that may transpire, change also HAS to happen at ownership & board level. Not saying that they necessairly all have to go, BUT they HAVE to at least acknowledge that they MUST now change their ways. The owner & board need to be reminded that Arsenal does not exist either because of them or just for them. THEY exist purely because of Arsenal. Everyone is ultimately replaceable…the club however is not. Kronke for… Read more »

Nasri's missing chinbone

Disagree. Board needs a huge overhaul. Too many comfortable old men that know little to nothing about football and care more about returning on their investment in the club rather than delivering to the fans. Let’s be clear, football is now big business, that’s just they way it is in this day and age, however other clubs have shown that good financial results and success on the pitch are not mutually exclusive. Wenger has his failings and no one can deny that, but it is ultimately the fault of the board that they don’t put any pressure on him or… Read more »


from the first have I watched James. The Arsenal played well except the Ref killing the game and some decisions on part of the players intead of going for glory. James please go for coaching badge so that one day you can manage the ARSENAL one day. COYG


And this why I resent Wenger I’m not a football expert or anything, but ask all my friends I’ve said it since 3 years ago that OX is best in the center. He shat on Milan in that position plus he had two other great games there and what does Wenger do. NEVER play him there until now. In a meaningless game. He could have played there against Liverpool but no Wenger had other ideas. It got to the point where people were saying Ox is not a good player but the kids been out of position for God’s sake.… Read more »

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