Saturday, July 27, 2024

Eintracht Frankfurt 0-3 Arsenal – player ratings

Arsenal began their European campaign with an fun 3-0 win over Eintracht Frankfurt in Germany this evening.

The scoreline was perhaps a bit flattering – the home side had 24 attempts on goal – but the focus should be on Bukayo Saka and Joe Willock, two young players who scored to help us on our way to victory. Emi Martinez deserves a mention too for keeping that rarest of things, a clean sheet.

Read the Frankfurt 0-3 Arsenal report and see the goals here

Here’s how the players rated this evening.


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Emi impressive

SB Still

Can we have a rating for the manager as well for all the games please?


Been reading here for years and folks continue to ask after nearly every match. I’m thinking not gonna happen.

For me that’s a-ok.?

Plenty of bellyache about the manager everywhere else. I like this just focused on the players.




I thought blogs was tight with an 8.5 rating.

Eboue's Stepover

I am still hugely concerned by the sheer amount of shots on goal we concede. Luckily Emi was fantastic tonight.

That being said, a team that young going to Frankfurt and doing the business is delightful stuff.


We started the game with: Saka 18 Willock 20 Smith-Rowe 19 That’s a lot of inexperience, there’s a reason why managers like Mourinho and Allegri rarely give youth a chance, and have throughout their careers punted on experienced players with tactical nous. There seemed to be an acceptance at the start of the season that we’d suffer with a younger squad, but 6 games in and Arsenal fan base are already in typical meltdown. There’s been a lot of change, we don’t have any structure, because we haven’t got a structure, and are currently in the process of moulding a… Read more »


I totally agree with that

Wilsheres Middle Finger

Ceballos 23 to add to that too.

Frank Bascombe

Thank you Richard.


Dont foget about Holding as well!

Martinellis belly

All the complaints have been about the old unreliable players though and the way they’re being set up and instructed to play. No ones been criticising the young players

santi's thigh grab

This comment is too rational and logical for an Arsenal supporters blog. Where’s the knee jerk outrage, the pointed fickle finger of fate, the dragging of the manager through the streets? Where am I…


Yes but, conceding 55 goal attempts in the last 2 games, one of which was against the side at the bottom of the premier league is mind boggling and probably record breaking.


Good points.

My only worry is all these changes (on and off the pitch) are perhaps making us go backwards. Last night’s victory aside, we seem to be be worse off the ball compared to the middle of last season. Our failure during the run in last season didn’t have that many youngsters come in but yet we lost the ability to impose ourselves. Hopefully this is the case where we have go backwards to go forward. Time will tell.


To be fair, of the 96 shots we’ve faced so far this season, 72 were penalties. And 28 of those were Harry Kane dives.

Lucas Sam

They should have built an Olympic pool instead of a football stadium


There’s a reason it’s shaped like a toilet bowl, mate.


Dives into shit cause he’s shit?


Mouth open, of course.


Returned to his family.

Martinellis belly

Are there any songs about him diving? 50,000 fans singing it might remind the ref to watch out for it and make him think twice before trying it.


Pretty much agree with all of this. At times our tactics seem to be let them shoot and then work our version of the counter from the restart.

Love seeing those youngsters!


Let them shoot then hoof the ball up to them… I miss when Leno came and would do lovely clipped passes to the wing backs or midfielders. Now it’s either a 2 yard pass or a hoof.


Someone really needs to have a word with Pepe now. As Arsene used to say, when things are not working out, the best thing you can do is get the basics right.


He did set up Saka for his goal.


My nan would have made that pass.


Your nan SHOULD have made that pass, but she fluffed her lines, didn’t she?

… couldn’t get her feet sorted out and tripped over herself … quite the embarrassing cameo as it turned out.


Set up? He made an obvious pass….


He looks rustier than a fork in a drainpipe. On for 10 minutes and their fullback was already beating him for pace. What’s going on?
Seems to be lacking intensity and confidence. Even shown up by Saka a bit as that cut inside and finish should be his go-to. Strange start but it took Pires and Henry a long time to adjust from Ligue 1 and that didn’t turn out too badly.


Totally agreed, it seems our current lot would do alot better under Wenger. Wenger was great when he had David Dein to take care of transfers and he was focused on football. Emery was the biggest winner today because whatever the opposition was sending towards didn’t work otherwise the number of chances and shots taken was pretty high. It could easily have been a loss on another day. Putting on the kids help to relieve the pressure from many players and also from Emery because the question about Ozil not playing would have been put and he would have replied… Read more »


Emery is at his best a clueless manager. Does a lot of tinkering and prays that it works. Pep can get best out of Sterling and Unai can’t handle Özil who has second best assist record in the league actually tells a lot about Unai as a manager. He is small, naive and insecure. This type of manager never makes it big. At best he can get us back to CL spot which AW did with Lord Bendtner and Chamakh.

Martinellis belly

I saw him knock it past a defender twice beat them for pace and them having to foul him to stop him? Don’t remember him being beaten for pace?


People just love making stuff up. He goes past people for fun, he’s created loads of chances for us too… There’s definitely more to come from him but I’m in disagreement with a lot of people’s analysis of him so far.


Spend a lot of time peering into drainpipes do we?… 😉


I think he did fine. The biggest miss of the day was Auba`s off that peach of a pick out from Chambers, he and Willock could have each had a hat-trick today.


He really frustrated me too. Not any lack of offensive output, the talent is pretty obviously there and it’ll come soon enough. But, as he did at Watford, he just camped out on the right side of attack after coming on. He’s either tactically inept, which is something that can be helped (he’s young and a forward), or that’s what the coach is instructing him to do, which would be insane.

Two yellow cards down the right side of defense after he came on.

Martinellis belly

Its fine. He’s probably just overthinking things. Once he gets a few and relaxes he’ll be good. Also saka and Auba both could have slipped him in for their goals and then people wouldn’t be worried


This is just mental, I thought Pepe looked bright when he came on.

How many times have we seen players take time to settle? Lacazette was lightweight in his first season, People were writing Fabinho+Kieta off at Liverpool over Xmas + new Yr last season.

£72 million doesn’t buy you the finished article, give the lad some time to settle ffs


While i agree that all players need some time to integrate and settle in… seems insane to me that 72M doesn’t buy a finished article. Crazy days.

Jean Ralphio

He didn’t have a preseason. That said, if Emery is consistent with what style we play, he should get into the groove. At least he can beat his man. He’ll do well.


Emery. Consistent. Hahahahah. Ha.


If Saka is keeping Pepe out the team by the end of this season I’m going to be so happy / distraught.

Martinellis belly

If Saka came with a 72m price tag I reckon hed be shitting himself a bit too. It’ll come


If it doesn’t we might have to make him captain…

Parlour’s Pay Packet

Lovely evening for the young lads but it does concern me that the same old deficiencies are present. We can’t allow that many shots consistently and expect to win games with the regularity we need to in order to secure top 4 / a cup. Don’t mean to be negative. Willock looks like such a player!

Tankard Gooner

Was thinking the same thing mate. In the end they had 8 more shots than us, 1 more on target. Somehow we’re not closing down opposition before they let one loose. If we give away this number of chances against clinical teams, I don’t have too high hopes for the season. But good win nonetheless, even though the scoreline is a tad flattering.


The defence is stationed WAY too close to the goal – Emery scared of getting done by long balls but it’s inviting pressure because once their midfield/forwards pass our midfield they’ve got empty space to play in before they reach our defence.

Bai Blagoi

“Torreira should be pronounced Tor-ray-ra, but then called Bukayo Saka ‘Buyako’ for the duration of the game.”

I have already given up expecting the commentators to call Arsenal players correctly. And Ko-la-she-nats should change his name Ko-la-see-natch to make them happy.

Crash Fistfight

Yes, but Torreira should be pronounced Tor-ray-ra.

I think you can also give people a pass on Kolasinac, seeing as how there have been about three different “official” versions given. I’ve gone for your pronunciation, but I’ve still not got a clue if that’s right!


I would go for Toe-ray-ee-ra, personally.


Hoping the front 3 that finished the game start on Sunday.

Good performance going forward, still conceded a lot of shots on goal.

Norfolk gooner

Jake Humphrey, during the analysis saying shit, 10/10


Surely that would be 0/10 son


Mustafi is better than Sokratis. I’m not even being funny. You put VVD in that system he’ll be exposed.

If he plays like he did tonight, he’ll might just be our best CB lol


Everybody knows Mustafi can be a capable defender, but he’s not someone to depends on as he well self-destruct at various moments, generally when we need it the least.

A Different George

Although many Arsenal fans blame him for everything, an objective analysis of almost all of Mustafi’s matches yields one of two descriptions:

(1) Mustafi played quite well.

(2) Mustafi played quite well, except for that horrible mistake that cost us the match.


The whole of last season says otherwise. Sok was far better and anchored our defence. Mustafi’s errors indirectly/directly cost us fourth place.

Martinellis belly

Wish Chambers had got the chance to stake his claim at cb. Hes definitely miles better than Sokratis at playing it out. Defensing wise not enough to judge yet.


I will do the unhealthy thing in regards to Mustafi’s errors.

Never forgive, never forget.

(And never @ the player on Twitter or Instagram either, that’s just uncivil.)


Revisionism at its finest. Please rewatch the Palace game last year and see if you still think Mustafi is the best at the club!


I think everyone has known for a long time that Mustafi is generally a good defender most of the time but that he averages at least one Mustafi a game and you don’t want that from a central defender.

Upamecano but downalego

Saka, Martinez and Willock, probably in that order, made the game special. ESR getting back into it after injury was a nice bonus. Felt Hartson was a bit harsh on Chambers given how long it’s been since he’s played at RB (or even in the starting 11…). Slightly worried about Aubameyang being tired at the weekend, and feel his hard work setting others up went a little unnoticed, even if he did miss a couple of good chances (fatigue?). Pepe still looks rather lost unfortunately, it’s too early to worry but it’d be nice to see him show us some… Read more »


Buyako Saka isnt even a mispronunciation, thats just straight up dyslexia.


your font is dyslexia


Youre just jealous your font is weak while mine is jazzy as fuck



Kranky Kroenke

How about Mustafi, eh…I would’ve played him at right back like Germany did at the 2014 WC. Still need better organization to stop all the attempts at goal. Overall, decent performance. Nothing to shout from the rooftops about.


Chambers is NOT a RB, proven once again today.


Remember the penalty against Sp*rs last season at Wembley? Mustafi at RB.

A Different George

Yes, I also remember a penalty at Spurs this season at home, a penalty at Watford last week, a horrible giveaway at Watford, and a penalty at Liverpool. Luiz, who gave away one penalty every 55 or so matches for Chelsea, has given 2 away so far for Arsenal. Maybe it’s not Mustafi.

Naked Cygan

If you forget about transfer fee, Saka should start ahead of Pepe based on performance. Pepe seems off, needs time to settle. Martinez was amazing, but if both teams took their chances this game would finish 7-7. We were awful defensively again, don’t let the clean sheet fool you.


Saka is a LW, Pepe is a RW? You want Pepe benched for Saka so what, Nelson can play on the left? Nah rather Saka – Auba – Pepe


100% agree mate the best way to get the most out of your new 72m signing is by dropping them.


Martinez wasn’t kidding when he said he believed he is just as good or better than Leno. One cup keeper I am fully ready to get behind. And Saka.. The man’s crosses are the most consistent I have seen from an Arsenal player in a decade. What an excellent all-round game. If getting a man of the match performance on your first start gets you dropped, and having howlers and giving away penalties gives you starts. I don’t know what message would that send to the players, youth and senior. If Saka doesn’t feature next match as a sub at… Read more »


Definately. Between Chambers getting dropped for Luiz, Bielik not getting a look in, and Willock and Toreirra pretty much getting dropped in the prem, it’s hard to say Emery is happy to give youth a chance, though Douzi has been a bright exception (though he was signed, not developed internally). I hope Saka gets the left wing for Sunday, he’s def earned it, and it’s a chance for Emery to show the young players that if you play that well you will be relied on for important games and get real chances.


I don’t think Guendouzi does anything special that Saka and/or Willock cannot do. Fine, they play different positions but what I mean is that Guendouzi hasn’t really shown me he can do anything SUPER bar that one game against Spurs for 20 minutes. So, why not give the other youngsters a go if you give Guendouzi? I don’t get it.


I can’t get over how accurate the AMN drawing is.


Hats off to saka….proper proper proper winger performance. Saka should be ahead of Nelson right now. Seems much more assured, confident and technically secure player. Pepe seems lost. Was really hoping auba would tee him up for third to kick start his career. Even if he gets goal..his passing his tactical awareness still need working. Just like I told my mate he would come to live in second of season .Hoping he gets on score sheet soon or else he would feel the wrath of English media. Just like blog mentioned scoreline is paper over cracks. Considering we scored couple… Read more »


Why has Ceballos got yellow skin in the ratings? I know he’s Spanish but… lol


I don’t want to heap unnecessary pressure on Willock but boy he’s a joy to watch. He glides through midfield with graceful strides reminiscent of Diaby before the injuries took their toll. And then he has a knack for late runs in the box like Ramsey. We have a good one on our hands.


We lack this player so long, like Yaya you’re or diaby. They are rare. Willock has a similar mold. Great talent.


Yup I see that. Willock has the goody goods to set himself up in our midfield for the long term. Just need him to work on consistency which will come with more gametime


Said it before and I’ll say it again Saka is one to watch, Arsenal should def invest in that kid


Good job they couldn’t finish their dinner.

Decent enough performance.


Emi massive


More of Saka please

Bodie CI5

Well that game just made me eat my words, but i don’t mind being proven wrong when it goes Wright, big well done to the youngsters

Monkey knees

Tonight shows that when his head is on straight, and he has clear instructions, we DO have a player in Xhaka! He has that almost Poldi-esque air of not being able to “fit” into a standard position..!? When he can play his own game, with support and the right players/plan around him, he shows his class… Bit, whether that will happen at this club is questionable. Still, Mustafi looked decent, too!


I think it’s more to do with a staggered pace of the game in Europe. The Premiership is relentless and I feel he’s suited for the Bundesliga. Bayern should really be in for him since Javi Martinez is slowing down. Id say 55 mil and they can have him


I know it was his first senior game time in ages, but Smith Rowe got held in check tonight. Hopefully that’s just youth and rust and won’t matter long term.

Richie b

Well i think we played a desent enough game, but i agree we are allowing to much chances at our goal we need to develope the habit of closing down our oponents quickly. I think the goalkeeper martinez looks more assure right now more than leno and should be given a chance in the epl and the young lads should be use more often in the epl, chelsea is a perfect example in youth so far because they did not have a choice, and they look like a better team than us so far,our coach is not a coach that… Read more »


Martinez looked very commanding, didn’t handle every shot cleanly, but was up quickly to recover the ball. Great with his quick distribution too, maybe Leno can take some pointers from that. Xhaka tried his best early to gift them a goal with a very bad pass right outside of the 18, but luckily didn’t cost us. Saka and Willock (who continues to impress) both eased into the game and really were strong at points, need to get more consistency of course, but they are so young that will come. Auba got a nice goal, but missed a real sitter in… Read more »

The Far Post

Believe Auba stayed on because we were only 0-1 up deep into the 2nd half until Saka scored the 2nd at 85 min. By then, we had already used up the third sub to take out Kola (perhaps because of injury) at the 80 min.


To be fair, Xhaka was far better from Torreira tonight, more than 0.5 points. Like the Sofascore ratings where they got him as our 3rd best player (after Saka and Martinez) at 8.1, whereas Torreira is 6.8. Sounds about right. Credit where it’s due.


Can’t believe Santori hasn’t deluged us with 1000 words of I told you so’s on Xhaka and Mustafi – who, in fairness, both looked decent tonight.


And I was correct.

See my nicely composed view of the players. Its about 1000.;)

Peter Story Teller

Patience he’s still typing!

just another fan

I think Chambers should be given more opportunity for playing time. Doesn’t seem to do much wrong back there, and just looks more coordinated than some of our other defenders.


I thought he struggled half way through first half.

He’s a Rback by natural position.

I don’t think Unai is convinced with him at Cback. It may be to do with positioning and strength in the air.

He did OK second half nothing too wrong, tidy feet going forward.

BUT mentioning him without mentioning our clean sheet courtesy of Mustafi-Luiz would be quite obtuse.

It seems they brought the best out of each other.


Chamber is NOT a RB. Just because a player has played their previously doesn’t mean they are a RB.

Diaby was developed on the wing by Wenger, was a he a winger?

Cultured Determination

i can see why we sold iwobi. we have saka, nielson and rowe, though all are not as good as iwobi yet, i’m confident at least 1 of them will surpass him by next season. saka looks really great. shall we play a front 3 of saka auba and pepe this weekend?


Totally agreed that with Saka, it means selling Iwobi seems negligible. Though i always rated him and hope he can play to his max potential..


All hail the Faceless Saka.


I, for one, welcome our new faceless overlord.


A bit of perspective : 1) Martinez – I think we’ve taken in some lessons from Watford chastening. He played the ball out very well IMO finding players around the half way line quickly. Came out strong to smother some dangerous crosses too. 2) Chambers – Started well in his “natural position’, tidy feet. Struggled half way through the first half positionally and we let some of them in. BUT also had not as much support from the wide forward Smith-Rowe. That said a good option to have at Rback beyond Bellerin and AMN. I feel there are still some… Read more »


Santori, I’ve always wondered, do you write your comments on MS Word first?



thar she blows!


Saka! What a game!!

Willock – outstanding. Again. Must start every game for us rest of season.

Martinez – yes please. Great performance. Looked better than Leno. Start him at the weekend.

Mustafi – credit when credits due…decent alongside Sideshow.

Well done lads, great team display tonight.


Was abit worried when i saw the Mustafi + Luiz combo. But they did alright tonight (Mustafi > Luiz)
Maybe , just maybe for once that negative + negative = positive….?


How good was Emi? Blimey. Leno will need to stay on his toes, which is good for us.

Saka looks a bit special. Great to see Smith Rowe back. And that run from Willock!

PS Saka is 77, not 87. I think he has his eye on that number 7…
PPS Darke is always a knob-end, but I really like Hartson.


Ian Darke commentating and the sound goes to zero.

Gavin Binding

Martinez and Saka were brilliant. Fortunately, that was enough.

Patient goner

Blogs, I thought Saka wore the No 77 Jersey.


Emi is impressive. Not sure if its a change of tactics or pure determination, he never plays it short.
Maybe we should plays it long for a change

Master Floda

Saka wears 77, not 87

Malaysian gunner

No doubt Arsenal have won but the way they allow opposing teams to
shoot is cause for concern.If y ou want to win games its the defence
that must be tight. The Watford game is a good example.


Ian Darke is a tool. Sako & Willock did great & really showed how well our Hale End academy graduates are doing making the step up to the first team.


Ratings too low for Luiz/Mustafi – both very good.
Inconvenient truth.


‘Did nothing wrong’ 6/10. Hmm.


Buyako Saka could be the next Santi Carzola


People complaining about Pepe will be the same people praising him when he scores a brace on Sunday! Give him time…


People criticising our defensive performance need to take a deep breath and look at the back four we put out last night. Chambers playing his first game at RB in a year, Mustafi who is now 4th choice CB at best and Kolasinac who we know struggles in that formation. Only Luiz could be said to be part of our first 11 and even that’s debatable with Sokratis and Holding in the squad. With everyone fit, it’s very possible that none of those four make it into the side. Yes we conceded 24 shots last night, but how many of… Read more »


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