Saturday, July 27, 2024

Ornstein: Arsenal board 100% behind Emery

According to David Ornstein, Arsenal have no intention of sacking Unai Emery before next summer with Josh Kroenke, Raul Sanllehi and Edu all 100 per cent behind their head coach.

The Spaniard has a huge mountain to climb if he is to achieve his stated aim of returning the Gunners to the Champions League with his side eight points adrift of the Premier League top four following yesterday’s 2-0 defeat to Leicester.

Having labelled the game at the King Power a ‘must-win’, supporters were surprised to see Emery speaking so calmly about the need for patience given the ground being lost. It now appears his confidence is rooted in the trust of those above him.

Despite being the bookies favourite to become the league’s next managerial casualty, Ornstein, writing in The Athletic, says the 49-year-old will likely be given until the summer and will definitely be in charge when Southampton visit after the Interlull.

He writes: “With 26 games to be played, Arsenal’s powerbrokers feel there is plenty of time for their fortunes to be reversed and a run of positive results to transform the atmosphere. They are preaching qualities such as patience, confidence, belief, focus, resilience, togetherness and consistency.”

While it’s true that Arsenal do have time to turn things around this season, it remains to be seen whether Emery is the right man to do it. After a positive start to life in charge at the Emirates, he’s overseen a steady downward spiral which has seen us collect just 24 points in our last 19 games.

Yesterday, reports surfaced that Luis Enrique, former Spain and Barcelona coach, had been contacted about taking over. This has also been vigorously denied.

Time will tell if this is a dreaded ‘vote of confidence’ or if the guys who run the club really do trust Emery to get us back to the top of the game.

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See ye next season lads. This one is officially over.

High gooner

but i dont wanna play in the europa league next season again…… 🙁

Viva La Prof

I wouldn’t worry about it bud, we are unlikely to qualify for the Europa league at this rate.

high gooner

hahaha yea you guys are right, i dont know what i was thinking “playing europa league next season” hahaha.. i must have been so high


We won’t.


High Gooner, don’t worry about the Europa League. At this rate we will finish above the relegation zone.

If we can’t beat Crystal Palace, Watford, Sheffield United, piss poor United or Scum…..future’s bright but it’s not red and white!

Chipper 49

The way we’re going that’s not going to be a problem High Gooner…


Look at our fixture list for December and rate where we will be Jan 2 2020. I say 3pts above drop zone GD-8

Naked Cygan

Looooooool omg hahaha you think we will qualify for Europa League next season? ?????????? YOU made my day.


And I don’t want to play in the Championship next year. From the last ten matches we have 11 points, Villa has 11, Soton and Watford has 8 each. We are just nine points over the relegation zone.


What fucks me off more than anything is the fact they’re saying that we the fans need to show ‘patience, confidence, belief, focus, resilience, togetherness and consistency.” But ultimately this just boils down to money — again. They don’t want to have to pay Emery off by firing him before the end of the season. Otherwise they have to pay off him and his whole back room team. Then go out and spend money getting another management team in. That’s what this is about – it has nothing to do with anything else. It’s certainly not about giving Emery ‘time’… Read more »


Yeah what you said!


Completely on point bud this is such a sad state of affairs football has become a business especially at the emirates!! We the fans are just a byproduct!! Such a shame but gunner for life so hope things eventually start looking up 🙁


Love the headline, keep it copied so it can be pasted for future articles.
1)Arsenal board 100% behind ….maximal income generation for the Kronke’s.
2)Arsenal board 100% behind banning laxative sponsorship as they like being full of shit.
3)Arsenal board 100% behind letting top stars leave for free.
4)Arsenal board 100% behind everything and nothing.
5)Arsenal board 100% behind Raul because if he drops into his arse North London will be decimated by the earthquake.


Arsenal board behind freezing ozil ‘strategy’??


When James Maddison scored last night, after my initial moment or two of annoyance, I was quietly chuffed as he was in my fantasy football team. I couldn’t believe I’ve become so utterly indifferent to this Arsenal side and its performances, I care as much about my stupid fantasy football team as this lacklustre, tepid, spineless Emery team. I also kind of assumed that we were going to make some changes so there was light at the end of the tunnel. This mornings news might as well read “Arsenal out of the champions league for the foreseeable future” because if… Read more »


And while the gloves are off, I think it’s time we start looking a little closer at Raul and his summer of wonderful transfer dealings. Pepe has yet to show us anything like the money we’ve paid. Luiz has been exactly what Luiz is. Ceballos has been inconsistent at best. Tierney was injured and is now deemed a lesser player than the league 2 standard of Kolasinac. And Saliba we gave back to his old club. Not one of his signings has had a positive impact on the squad and if he’s going to fuck around with our club, walking… Read more »

Maul Person

You’re writing off a player who has come to a different league which is a step below the EPL and has returned from a long term injury? If understand if you’d said the jury is out on Tierney but come on!

Similarly with Pepe, he needs time and has started showing the improvement we’ve been calling for. Not sure he should be written off just yet.


I’m not writing him off. I believe he’ll come good. Not great, but good. I do think we really overpaid and funds could have been directed differently. It was clear our defence needed a makeover and our attack was pretty well equipped.

But we broke our transfer record to bring in an attacker and bought a bargain basement CB. While that was exciting from a supporters point of view, it did little to paper over the huge deficiencies in our squad.

Drogheda Gunner

It’s down to the manager to get the best out of the players. Most sopporters were happy with the business done in the summer me included. The only one I wasn’t happy with was luiz, who can only play in a back 3.the players don’t get terrible over night. He’s either not getting his point across or he’s just not good enough. I think fans would give him time if we were playing entertaining football but the team looks like it has no direction or they don’t understand the tactics. All in all we have got worse in all departments.… Read more »


Always one who has to mention politics. Tragic…


Sorry. The rant took over. If it’s any consolation it made me feel better. Kinda.

Kartik Iyer

The laxative one was pretty good.

The Spoon

I only hope next season is any better. Can r imagine we’ll be able to keep the few decent players we have, and europa or no euro football will make replacing them impossible. Especially if this clown is still in charge. You’d think with the state of scum and United we’d do whatever we could to push on, but seems as usual this board is content with mediocrity.

Magic City Gooner

Amazing to go from where we were in early August to where we are now. This is a legendary collapse.


Yep that’s me done


Agreed. Brief highlights for me now until something changes.

Other than $$$ i see no other metric for keeping him on. Not one.


Astounding that this is going to continue for the foreseeable future. I thought we had footballing men in charge. I haven’t been able to stomach watching Emeryball any longer, so this is pretty much the end of the season for me. I’ve been one on here to preach and preach about being a good fan and a diehard supporter, especially at the end of Wenger’s reign, but I finally understand what all those banners and marching feet meant back then. If Emery has the unconditional backing of the board, and if 24 points from 19 PL games is “good work”… Read more »


Meaning, for the next defeats, the Board is 100% culpable.

Nicolas Pepe

Arsenal board 100% behind emery. Emery 100% behind Arsenal downfall. Let’s see how bad it gets before they sack him.


If this is indeed the case and based on past behaviour from the top, I wouldn’t be at all surprised, this is definitely the end for me. I can’t bear to watch my team currently and find absolutely nothing to be positive about at the moment. I can’t even stomach another second of an emery interview let alone the dismal non-system that he puts on display. As much as it was Arsene’s time to go I miss him terribly when compared to this drivel from emery. So til next season I wish my fellow Gooners the best of health particularly… Read more »


If we should win the next ten games, what would be your route of retreat?

backflips n bevs, unlikely..

Tony Hall

Don’t give up on the ladies as well 🙂


Well, our board have just proved they’re not better then the “coach”.
I’ve already decided not to watch our matches until there’s a change , but hopefully there will be some kind of an organized boycott as well and people are going to stop attending games as a protest.




He is way worse than Wenger was at his worst and has none of his achievements or goodwill. I guess we need to go more toxic than Arsenes last days for them to understand, nobody wants that but they are forcing our hand.


That is some sorry excuse to not take responsibility for anything. You know two wrongs don’t make a right. Just be indifferent to the whole thing. Why waste your time and energy being an arse about it and then wanting to feel justified after?

I’ve given up much like the rest of you especially after reading the board backs Emery for whatever the f*ck reason. But that only means I can focus more on other things in life besides Arsenal.


Agreed. Don’t like the product? Move on. That’s what you would do with everything else, so why not football?


So we know the official line. David Ornstein is mainly good for positive news, not negative in that plenty happens behind his back, but if he reports something as happening it is.

Arse City Blues

Rarely doubt the Orn. But I am really hoping he’s got this one wrong.

If he’s right.. WHAT THE FUCK??!!


Terrible news if true, bet they had a vote on it too?

Harish P

Xhaka planned it to ‘return the favour’ to Emery and the fans.

Dr Dre

I really don’t want us to lose Auba as a result of this


He’s near the end of his best years anyway, let’s just enjoy him while he’s on fire

Julio Baptista's humble alter ego

Hard to enjoy when he ain’t getting any service 😉


The worrying thing is that they could be looking at things financially- if they thing they cost of a lower position in the league is less than the cost of paying Emery compensation plus a new contract for a new manager they may just accept we’re going to fall short of targets

Not a nice thought at all

Boom Saka Laca

I don’t really understand their reticence to pay Emery’s compensation, if that is the issue. Sure it won’t be negligible, but the contract only runs to the end of this season – surely that’s affordable for Arsenal if needs must? It’s not like we’re in David ‘7 years’ Moyes territory here.


I don’t know what his payout would be but a few million or more maybe while the loss of a CL spot is missing out on another 90 million for a fourth consecutive season. If the decision is purely financial then sacking Emery is the cheaper option.


It could be that they have no confidence that the team under any manager would make top four in the league. So paying out Emery’s contract would be on top of not qualifying through league position.


Ornstein said the contract was for three years without a break clause, I wouldn’t put it past our useless board to do that. Apparently some of them wanted to reward him for losing the Europa final and failing to reach top four with a nice new contract in the summer. Thank god for whoever stopped that, but it proves we have some absolute idiots in charge of this club.


I think I’m done with this club. The club itself don’t seem to care about the damage this coach is doing to its image, so why should we care? They are all arrogant bastards who think fans are irrelevant. All of them are cancers. Raul seems to be a power hungry fraud which is what people warned us about from Barca, I don’t know what Edu does.. Emery said in an interview that he likes it at Arsenal as theres no pressure to succeed like at other clubs and endless time given. They’re all cancers, all in it for the… Read more »


The fact this even gets dislikes tells us why this club is gone. Fans are the only thing stopping Arsenal from freefalling down the table, but the fans who accept this bullshit are part of the problem.


The fact that the board invested heavily in to the team this summer, shows (to me) that they do in fact care about how our team performs. Which means that i disagree with your comment, and therefore disliking it.


Fair enough fella


We invested in the wrong players. Pepe is probably bought to be resold.

Gutbukkit Deffrolla

If that was the plan then he’d be playing in every game so that he gets noticed.


If it all goes really wrong I wouldn’t be surprised if we sell half the squad.

Public Elneny

When everyone is playing badly, there shouldn’t be any judgement on the players, new or old

It’s 100% down to the coaching team

Olivije Žirod

I may not agree with everything but what he said about Sanllehi is in my opinion entirely true. He is a power hungry fraud, he is getting in the bed with the worst people in football and at the end of the day he doesn’t care about Arsenal. He also wasn’t that good at Barca.

We invested around 50 millions pounds which is not that much tbh.


Many so called fans think it’s alright to harass players online and boo them off the pitch. Of course they are a problem. Not the only problem but they are doing their bit to poison things.

Jenovel j Elisha

Arsenal board at it once again. A board that is only responsible for hurting fans, they don’t care about the feelings of their fans. God have mercy.

Another Paul

Inappropriate use of the word cancer might be a clue..


Thank you!


I neither liked or disliked the comment, but I’ll tell you what I don’t like…someone using the word “cancer” in a throwaway fashion. My husband has cancer and I’ve had friends die of cancer. Choose your words wisely. We all love this club but it’s a game when all is said and done.

Dave M

I’m gonna follow an arsenal team with pride and passion and not full of over paid primadonas and money hungry greedy management. I’m taking a break from the arsenal mens team, I’m going to Support THE ARSENAL

The Unai Bomber

You are not a fan. Goodbye and good luck somewhere in the North West of England.


You are out of order saying he is not a fan. He said he’s going to support Arsenal women. Don’t think they play in North West of England!


Applause! Perfect summary. Nice one Jai.

Tony Hall

We do care, we all agree we need a new manager, it is up to the board now to do something about it and I don’t rate any of them much to be honest. Long gone are the days when we had people like Danny Fiszman and David Dein around. I am not saying they were whiter than white but they were *Arsenal men* through and through. We can only hope the board act sooner rather than later over this. In the mean time just no point us continuing to get upset on here because it doesn’t solve anything. Hit… Read more »


I bought a shirt this season and my dad said I was a fool for giving KSE any more of my money. I’m beginning to think he was right.


The shirts look great. Its a shame about the team


All three of the shirts are things of absolute beauty. Shirts you win trophies in. It’s November and the shirt designs is still the highlight of our season.


For me one highlight was signing Pepe. Seeing how some of the youngsters are playing has been another. The only thing standing in the way of more highlights is our inept manager.

Tony Hall

And inept board for their total inaction


I’m not that keen on the Away shirt and neither are the players if the performances are anything to go by!


I bought a counter fit one from China. Looks like the exact same thing. Came with prints and I bought a Pepe one. Wore it yesterday while sitting on my sofa. Cost 17 quid with shipping. They’re on ebay.

Ordnance Dave

We’re fucked for the next 3 seasons at least now. Auba, gone. Laca, gone. A generation of young football fans, gone. Mid table mediocrity here we come.


The thought of that makes my heart bleed. 🙁 The only thing we, as fans, can do is try to make our voices heard as loud as possible, or, alternatively, boycott going to games until this issue is resolved. Now, I’d like to also say that neither of the two points listed above fills me with any joy. I love this club, and I want to support it with all of my heart, but it is just making it so difficult these days. Arsenal are, or at least WERE, known for playing beautiful football. It was one of the things… Read more »


Oh dear, it means the banter, “Let’s laugh at United / Spurs” can’t be used anymore under any circumstance.


Nah, fortunes can change quickly. Look at Leicester and Chelsea now.

Gutbukkit Deffrolla

And exactly why have Chelsea’s fortunes just changed so quickly?
And Leicester?

Clue: They both got rid of underperforming managers and got new ones in.

Glen Helders left foot

If this is true it’s time for the fans to turn on him and get him out, not a good thing to do but needed as Emery is clueless at arsenal


Get the pitchforks and the burning torches lads!!!


Turning on the club doesn’t have the effect you think it does. Look at how successful it’s been at Newcastle…

This is a time to get behind the team and give them confidence.


umm no

Trash Blaster

Confidence? Do you see how they play? They have no motivation and no idea what they are supposed to be doing. Arsenal play defensive against teams they should be hammering based on individual talent.

We should get behind that? No thank you.


Empty stadium it is then.

Will be fun to see them pull out the 60.000 + attendance numbers when only arsenal staff can be seen in Arena.

Ordnance Dave

This is only way things could change. Let Josh see how quickly his cash cow can empty.


EES – Emery’s Empty Stadium!


Yep. Empty the stadium. Much better than making it a toxic atmosphere where nobody wants to be, including our decent players

Press Box Gooner

It’s been done before. From a feature on Highbury in forthcoming January 2020 issue of Backpass, the retro football magazine: Arsenal 0 Leeds United 3 May 5, 1966 Never mind England’s World Cup triumph, 1966 was a year to forget for Arsenal supporters. Billy Wright, the manager, alienated many of them by selling England international and fans’ favourite Joe Baker to Nottingham Forest and putting George Eastham, a member of Alf Ramsey’s triumphant squad on the transfer list. That, plus Arsenal heading to finish in the club’s lowest league position for more than 30 years, was reflected in the attendance… Read more »

Scandinavian tourist

Arsenal fans 100% not.

Colin J

Absolutely right, the “fans” seem to be missing the point – there is no divine right to win for Arsenal. All those here shouting about being “done” with the club, excellent go and “support” somewhere else. I have followed the team since 1967 and seen truly poor performance and excellence over the year and know which I prefer to see. I also know I am not seeing the early Wenger teams but never fail to support my team rain or shine. Unhappy …..YES, slagging off my players all the time from my armchair….NO because it really isn’t all that helpful… Read more »


We are slagging off Emery. Not all the players.

Ben Edwards

Sigh… so depressing to hear. The board are total bottlers

John C

Of course they’re 100% behind him because he inherited a absolute mess and needs time to fix it, luckily we seem to have a new footballing structure that know and appreciate that.

I honestly don’t know what people expect considering the disaster Wenger left the club in.


Can’t tell if this is the perfect troll, or if you’ve ever watched a football match.

John C

Wenger’s sides started breaking all the wrong records as far as I can tell as far back as April 2010 when we lost 3-2 to Wigan after being 2-0 up with 10 minutes to go. We then threw away a 4 goal lead to Newcastle in February 2011 and then lost to United 8-2 in August 2011 at which point he should have been sacked. Instead we had 7 more years of hammering and humiliations culminating with a 10-2 record beating to Bayern, why do people thing that’ll be fixed in 18 months?! It’s taken Liverpool 30 years to regain… Read more »


What are you on about this is our worst start in 37 years we have invested heavily in in players and performance is way below the sum of our parts. And Arsene is to blame? Some really are blinded by hate for the old man.

John C

No it isn’t, we’re sixth, grow up.


John C, Yes it is. Did you not read today’s blog?


It’s John Terry trolling us; don’t pay any attention to him.

Martin Dufosse

No. It’s fact . All John C has done is present the facts. Club has been in decline for ten years and Wenger oversaw that. There is a virus of accepting mediocrity running through the Club and it WILL take year’s before it’s rectified.


You might be new here. John C is one of the eternal moaners of the Arseblog BTL crowd. we could be managed excellently by God almighty himself and winning every game and he’d still find something to whinge about.

John C

Not at all, I’ve just seen the club suffering a decline by a thousand cuts for the last 10-15 years and feel it necessary to educate the readership here, many of whom appear to be suffering from some form of Stockholm syndrome, of the facts.

The truth is I don’t feel the club has been run in good faith during that time and find it particularly upsetting given the circumstances.

dr Strange

Stockholm syndrome? Do you even know what that is?

John C

I do, it appears so many where held hostage by Wenger’s Arsenal that is seems they love him

Tony Hall

Why would we not love him ? He was a great manager who revolutionised football. Sure he stayed on too long and sure the last few years were underwhelming but even then we were still doing better than we are doing now.



Ordnance Dave

Time? He’s had 18 months. An ice age in football.


Does the ‘C’ stand for ‘Clueless’?


It stands for a lot of things but the one thing you can guarantee is that is moans relentlessly.


I think we all know what the C really stands for mate….


Like, honestly?


John C back talking bullshyte again…


I think that he thinks he can moan all bad things to death and he goes for it with gusto. He means well.


Wenger left a mess but the thing is, 18 months down the line, we were actually better with Wenger in charge. Statistically our last 50 with Wenger were better than our first 50 with Emery. This is our worst league start since 82/83, we finished 10th that season and we look on course to do similar this season. I’m all for giving people time to take the team forwards but there’s no apparent vision to do that, and we’re actually going backwards. I’m quite cold on Allegri personally, but if Enrique is available then he’s an obvious upgrade and we’d… Read more »

John C

The direction of travel under Wenger was down and as Tony Adams said last night the fact that Emery got us 5th and with 7 more points than the previous season was a miracle.

Instead of abuse, can someone please be mature enough to tell me where they think Wenger left us and what their expectations for the last 18 months have been?

Magnus C

Wenger left you with a new stadium, Aubameyang, Lacazette, Leno, Bellerin, Ozil, Koscielny, Iwobi (who was transformed in 40 million), Sokratis, and every youngster who is playing these days like Saka and Wilock and AMN. That doesn’t look like a mess to me. Oh, and he also left you with a bunch of FA cups during his “years of decline”.

Could he have done better? Probably. But to my eyes he left the club in better shape than Ferguson left United or the Portuguese man-o-wanker left Chelsea.


Both Ferguson & Wenger left squads that weren’t remotely competitive for anything other than 4th. Ferguson was a much better manager however so the contrast of what he was able to accomplish with that squad vs what others did was pretty stark.

Maureen left a pretty solid squad – they won the title as soon as they got conte.


John, it’s true that overall things aren’t great but good things still happen but I never see you celebrate them. All I see from you is fault finding and moaning even at the few moments of joy we get.

Tony Hall

I would be happy with Enrique

Trash Blaster

Wrong, wrong and wrong. What an odd take on this whole situation.

Explain how playing scared against mid table teams is in any way a good idea? Look where his system has taken the team. It’s a mess because he has no idea what he is doing.

Good news for you is you might be able to get a cheap ticket to go watch the burning trash fire that is Arsenal right now.

oleg pascal senderos

Guys please dont pay attention to this troll. he’s always here bashing old man wenger every chance he gets. somehow i think he has a dart board at home with arsenes face on it.


If this is true. This is our time to mobilise. The fans need to start being more vocal at the ground and in front of the cameras. By calling for change we can force the hand of what seems to be a spineless board.


Hit Kroenke were it hurts him the most, his wallet! I think the fans going to the stadium should take a peaceful non-violent protest.


with thus type of football, Arsenal soon will be fight for relegation.


Nope, we’re miles from relegation


9 points from 4th place (if city takes 1 point today) and 9 points from relagation.

Red Arrow

Well if this is true – I think it’s even more depressing than our results! Oh well I guess I can detach my emotions till next season.


This is what happens when you put a club that was built on passion, values and pride in the hands of people who are just doing a job and would’t care if they were doing it at Arsenal or any other team. After a year and a half what is left? The shirt and the logo. Enough for me to want Arsenal to win, but at the same time, the dislike I feel for the manager, the board and the owners is really taking a toll. As for what the future will look like, we can all see it, can’t… Read more »

Ya Gooner

Noooo. I suspect there’s a low performance clause in his contract they’re waiting to activate or something where they don’t have to pay him out. I don’t know..

Licor de Avellanas

Looks like wishful thinking mate

gooner jay

Not good news.
I’ve got a ticket to the chelski game in December and was hoping to see a refreshed Arsenal team with a renewed sense of hope for the future.
Unfortunately, if Ornstein is correct I’ll be watching the same turgid tripe this manager has been serving up since last season.
I’m now firmly in the #EmeryOut camp.


I don’t know about most of the fans, but if it’s coming from the club I think it’s ill advised to release such statements cause it’s obvious unless the board members are deaf and blind they can see fan discontent building.
It’s better to just keep quiet especially since it’s the international break and with not much news concerning arsenal this will be the major talking point among fans and I see toxicity and frustration increasing due to this

Viva La Prof

Drat and double drat


Whoa there. That’s a bit strong .


Kudos for the Dick Dastardly reference sir


I’ll raise you a “Yikes” from Shaggy! 🙂




hmm I rate Ornstein but is he really gonna get anything like “yeah we’re worried and checking out other candidates and when they’re available. Emery’s obviously a dead-man walking but sshhhh – don’t tell anyone as the squad would be demoralised”

You’re always publicly backed until the moment you’re out.


Worried that this is just wishful thinking.

The right thing to do was to sack him right this morning. Instead, they provided Ornstein with this ‘exclusive.’ And even if they’d like to buy themselves more time, then they could just have said ‘we’re 100 % behind him.”

But no, they went on to point out that Leicester are a top side, that the performance improved and even hinted out at the fans as the problem as they won’t be influenced in theirs decisions by ‘noise.’

And even if they really gonna sack him, this is bad PR from them.


Leicester are a top team, Vitoria are very well organised and Crystal Palace are also…better than us. And anyway it’s the fault of the fans.

Sounds fair. Give that man a longer contract immediately!


I think this is spot on. Gotta get everything secured with a new manager, his coaching team and all the redundancies. If anything falls through then the team is in an even worse position if the current manager isn’t fully publicly backed.


well atleast i wont be torn next season between preston and arsenal, playing in different leagues the way things are going….


and i dont mean their current ones.


Preston were class against Man U in that FA cup game a couple of years ago.


had a good start this season, 2 points off top with a better GD. 3 game winning run right now. but the championship is a long old slug and i doubt P-town will be in the top 3 come the final furlong.
maybe playoff win though so there is hope.

also, they are playing better football than the arsenal, but at the moment that isnt hard.


Zero tactics
Zero substitutions
Zero decision making
Almost 2 years zero selections of starting 11


They actually said they feel the club is on the right path. The right path.


The right path go relegation that is haha

Tasmanian Jesus

We’re not even on the wrong path!!


Patient for how long enough is enough

Xhaka Demus, no Pliers

How can they have been encouraged by yesterday??? There is a very simple way to quantify Emery at Arsenal. He makes good footballers play badly. What the fuck was going on with Auba and Laca on the wings and Ozil playing through the centre with Torreira as an auxiliary no 10?!?! How low is the bar for the board? What hope does Emery offer that he can right things? At a loss with the fact that they have put out a communication saying they are 100% behind him. Perhaps hes a nice man but hes a shitty shitty Arsenal manager.

Ray Smuckles

Oh ffs, I can’t watch any more of this. 20 years of supporting arsenal and I don’t enjoy it anymore.


What an utterly depressing story which unfortunately comes from a decent source. So in the summer when we’ve fended off relegation ( no joke on current form ), our two strikers will leave as they’re in their last year ( why would they sign their extensions) and our board may have woken up. Man alive , what have we become.


I am old enough to remember Billy Wright this is almost as bad


In the early 1970s, Billy Wright used to work as a pundit for the Norwegian tv. He was soon nicknamed Billy Wrong.

Raymond Mcdonald

Hi whats Our manager puzzels up to with out arsenal fc? Why cant he see his best formation, tactics and best players in those positions? Just in case he might read this, its a 4-2-3-1, tactics are high pressure win the ball back ASAP and gain possession high in the oppositions half, in possession, just watch Livepool. Best team in the right positions Leno bellarine ternney sokretees, holding, def mids Luiz tirinho, front 4 Abamayang Ozil pepe and lacazet….. That took me 5 mins, its not rocket science puzzels


I guess the board still think he may win the EL and get in the CL through the backdoor, because they must now realise the top four is getting away from us. Which makes me despise them even more.

The Spoon

Because that worked so well last season…


Anyone else has had enough of the club sort of talking through David? If that is the official line, at least have the balls to come out with an official club statement… and face the reaction.


I have no idea why Emery should be given more time. He takes us further and further down each passing week. He has made so many bad decisions, it almost looks like he dont want us to succeed. Our players surely must have lost most of their respect for him. Why did he play Holding yesterday? he has shown in the matches before that he clearly needs more time to get back to his best. He had a terrible game, and i felt just sorry for him when he was taken off. Earlier he has tried to destroy Willocks confidence… Read more »


“They are preaching qualities such as patience, confidence, belief, focus, resilience, togetherness and consistency.”

The team lacks confidence, belief, focus, resilience, togetherness and consistency. They’re talking about patience? I hear Auba and Laca have had enough patience playing in the Europa League.



an AVN nominee of the best parody

Pépé Le Pew

Irresponsible. The football is just dreadful


I really don’t agree with the comments saying fans should be more vocal calling for “Emery out” at the Emirates. I think we overestimate what fan unrest actually achieves with the board. We also underestimate how harmful a toxic atmosphere is. It definitely affects the team’s performance, and it hurts our standing as a club – I hated us being the but of jokes at the height of all the Wenger in/out acrimony. Plus, once the atmosphere has soured, it’s hard to drain the posion. The level of discontent now is a hangover from the Wenger era. It’s totally understandable… Read more »


Well, that’s it then. Goodbye Arsenal. I have loved you but this just hurts too much now. Call me a coward if you like. I hope there are fans stronger than me who can organise some protests and stuff.


Well well well. I´ve cancelled my football subscription and reverted to Netflix binging – any pro tips?


„Sunderland; till I die“ ???


Geez man, get a grip. Its a football team. If arsenal is the most important thing in your life, go find some more important things to put in your life.

This team sucks. They’ve sucked for years. They will continue to suck.


Ok guys, I’m taking sabbatical leave until whenever the board decides to remove Anal Emery. For now, have a good season ahead. Cheers.


First of all, ultmately it won’t be their decision, the fans will decide with their feet.

Secondly, how can a board promise backing of a coach to stay for a whole season, regardless of performance, that’s absurd, if results and form carry on in the way they’ve gone from the start of 2019 we’ll be in the relegation zone by February.


Not using my season ticket again this season….my time is going to be used on living my life

#bored #itsjustshit #wengerin #emeryout

Tijay Hullia

No body have balls in Arsenal hierarchy to take and make executive decisions and future of the club and the fans demands are not heard the fans pay huge amounts of ticket money for what too see what’s happening to the downfall of the club and the style of football Arsenal is famous for are disappearing in dissatisfaction and disappointment Gazidis was worse in the setup for Arsenal’s better future and Raul Sanllehi and Vinai Venkatesham is getting worse and what else to see in coming days


If this is 100% accurate then this season is a total write off already and we can kiss goodbye our strike force aswell. Thank you board for killing this fucking club we love. Strap in people, its gonna be a long ass season!


We are not a big club


Havent been since chelsea got rich, really.


We are a big club, just poorly run. From today’s news, it seems even less ambitious than yesterday.

Cyprus The Immortal Gooner

Hope they are prepared for the empty seats in the games until the end of the season…


I can’t watch Arsenal under Emery anymore , waste of time.

The board can go fuck themselves. “Noise” indeed.


Expect anything else?

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