Saturday, July 27, 2024

Report: Guendouzi future in doubt as Arteta disciplines midfielder

According to The Athletic, Matteo Guendouzi has spent the last two weeks training alone and Arsenal are open to moving him on when the transfer window opens.

The France under-21 international, who hasn’t made a matchday squad since the 2-1 defeat to Brighton, has earned the wrath of Mikel Arteta following a series of bust-ups since the turn of the year.

Guendouzi was signed from Lorient in the summer of 2018 on a tip from Sven Mislintat and new boss Unai Emery surprised everyone by thrusting him straight into first team action.

The midfielder thrived initially and went on to make 48 appearances in his debut season.

He continued to be a mainstay in the starting lineup right up until December and earned two call-ups to the France senior squad along the way. Things have gone dramatically downhill since Emery’s sacking.

Under Arteta, the 21-year-old has completed 90 minutes on just three occasions. A big argument in Dubai at the club’s training camp and his behaviour at training have been cited as reasons.

It remains to be seen whether Guendouzi is given a final chance to save his Arsenal career. If he can prove to the boss that he’s capable of the standards expected, then maybe he can. Is that likely? It would appear unlikely.

Moreover, given our financial situation, the temptation to cash in on a young player, for whom there will definitely be suitors, is going to be tough to resist.

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Seems that I’ve spent last few months under a rock – what happened? A Wonder Boy nearly, now a bust? What did I miss?

Johnny 4 Hats

I had this french exchange when I was 14 called Clovis. He seemed ok in France and we hung out and he smoked like a chimney and listened to weird French hip hop. He used to tell his parents to fuck off right to their face. When he came over to England he started stealing my shit and refused to eat any of the food my mum cooked. He got really angry and basically had a public tantrum because I pressed the button on the traffic lights before he could get to it. He also refused to play tennis. This… Read more »

Laurence Phillips





Did you try swapping him with a Spanish family for a number 8?
or selling him back to france for 50 mill?

Johnny 4 Hats

Weirdly enough, we later found out that his mother was actually an eminent French child psychologist. Which explained a lot.

My parents were super polite and sent a card saying how much we’d enjoyed having Clovis with us. They immediately responded, asking if he could come again next year. My parents politely declined.

Still to this day if anyone mentions Clovis around the dinner table we spend a good half hour replaying all his “eccentricities”. Maybe one day Arteta will do the same.


Its funny how you can actually laugh about stuff later – have you ever facebook stalked him to see how he turned out?

I remember a guy in school called Robin* who told everyone his name was Robert – he way 18 but held back several times – he used to be a really sadistic bastard when we were 15 – he played all these psychological torments on people.
I met him one day 20 years later sleeping rough – felt good and bad for him all at the same time.

Robin van Wankie


Love this


Henceforth Guendouzi MUST be referred to as Clovis in all blogs. Surely.


This is IT. One Clovis for sale. Get your very own Clovis. He even does tricks – run towards him and he acts like a fainting goat.


I don’t next any other explanation, cheers! 😀


Being French myself I could have told you that a guy named Clovis is definitely a NO GO.
I’ve never met anyone in my life called this way, it is the name of the first french king, back in the early middle age.

DB’s first touch

Can’t tell if this is for real or a Rambling Pete type of yarn. Great stuff either way.


What did you do to Rambling Pete?

Cultured Determination

Let’s convince a club to part with 50 mil for him. Dortmund? Before selling him off for 100 mil after sanchonizing or haalandizing him?
His potential looks to me to be more grimandi than vieira level.


You have to have the right to attitude to even get close to their levels


Why clashing with your manager means you are low quality? There are many examples that prove otherwise. Can you recall Zlatan arguing with Pep at Barcelona? Does it say something about the quality of either? The reaction to criticism and your development will be concluded in the long term me thinks


You named 1 good example.. ill give you another Samir Nasri. Incredible talent. Incredible idiot. Mario Balloteli. Yes, attitude can get in the way of talent.


True, there is normally some good somewhere beneath Clovis people

Laca new signing

More like Samir Nasri to me

Peter Green

A young managers inability to deal with people who stand up to them, is straight out of the how not to do it book of management. Many Arsenal players talk a good story, and this seems to be valued over their match day performances. Lets all hope the side Arteta builds has some flair and passion, not the easiest to manage, but good on match day.


But he’s in the middle of showing that he does have a way to deal with it, isn’t he? I hope he’s being firm and fair, and waiting for the lad to come round and apologise and re-join the squad. If the player won’t do that, then he’s got to go. Simples.


Footballers are not commodities, sometimes, I suppose based on the fact that they get paid good money to play football, people tend to set certain unrealistic standards for them. These people are human beings, with normal life relationships. Arteta is Guendouzi’s boss, and anyone of us who has found themselves in any long-term social set up, formal or informal, is aware that you will always have those ups and downs, good times and bad times, days when people sometimes don’t get along or find themselves sharply opposed to one another’s opinions at a given time. That does not mean instantly… Read more »


Guendozi’s attitude has been a problem since Arteta arrived. This decision isn’t based on one incident. If you have worked in any organized setup, then you should know that there’s only so much buffoonery that people can accept from any one individual.


Right. You are on the training pitch, in the locker room, talking to both MA and MG daily. So you know about his “attitude.”
Dude, WTF?

MG has got bite, attitude, and there is a player in there. He’s not as good as he thinks, and he’s not as bad as many of the FIFA managers on here are posturing.

Its a shame. Arsenal “supporters” these days. A bit like the douchebags from Manchester.


I gave you a thumbs up for this: MG has got bite, attitude, and there is a player in there. He’s not as good as he thinks, and he’s not as bad as many of the FIFA managers on here are posturing.

Bashing Arsenal “supporters” is like getting made at everyone because they’re always in your way. Its a you problem not a them problem.


Footballers are human, that is true (for the most part), but they are also very much commodities. A commodity is a physical good that is bought and sold, or exchanged for other commodities. Footballers have price tags and are bought and sold in the open market where the physical goods are exchanged for money or other goods (ie other players). This is the very definition of a commodity. I should know – I’m a commodities trader! The product that is the player has a finite life cycle and if not performing over an extended period, then it is prudent to… Read more »


It’s a very fair point. However, in team sport, if you want to be competitive, you can’t afford to have one clown drag everyone else down with them. The team is always bigger than one player. For too long Arsenal has been a haven for players coasting along. Looks to me like Arteta is changing that mentality.

Mustafi’s sense of impending doom

I’m not sure I agree with most of what you’ve written here. Footballers are people but they are treated way better than 99% of society. They are supposed to represent the best of us, the most talented, the most athletic the most dedicated and the most professional. it’s why they have such great financial rewards and all the trappings that adulation of the masses brings. As such they should be held to higher standards. They shouldn’t be caught cheating on their spouses. They shouldn’t be getting pissed and dry humping a taxi and they shouldn’t be acting a petulant fuzzy… Read more »

A Different George

I don’t know the story with Guendouzi. But I know that quite recently many people were absolutely sure there was no way back for Xhaka. There was.


Would people who fancy him please let me know what aspects of his game that they find extremely talented. Because besides running a lot and be quite good running with the ball I can’t see the uniqueness. Especially for the type of player that suits the Arsenal way of playing at midfield. So what is it we are so afraid to loose. Besides the potential of development that will clearly be closely connected with his future attitude towards training and managerial instructions


I don’t get it. The boy cannot tackle, he cannot shoot, he cannot head the ball, his dribbling ability is markedly average (how many times has he lost the ball around our D trying that shimmy of his, he doesn’t get a foul and we concede?), his passing isn’t anything to write home about, he cannot head the ball, he has no upper body strength or sense of balance and is often on the floor after a duel, he has poor positional sense reflected in his woeful interception rate, he’s not got any pace to speak of. His greatest qualities… Read more »


You forgot to mention his naff haircut in there. Other than that – totally agree.

Artetas Assistant

I think he should find his place at a Stoke playing rampant chaotic attacking midfield , or stay and become a squad tool for Mikel

Uba Ngenegbo

Could not agree more. I will gladly take £20 million for him this summer.


Damn bro! You went off!!!
But you’re fucking spot on!!!


Also, are you on Twitter? Wanna crédit you for this!


Nah I’m not, you can do what you like with it mate!

Dave cee

You did forget to mention no left foot to speak of. How many times have I seen him dribble to the left hand side of the box and then do absolutely nothing.


I still think there is a decent to good player in there. Good enough for Arsenal, perhaps yes, perhaps not. I think his strengths (not saying the finished article) are his composure, passing and ball retention when in our half. The position he plays carries a lot of responsibility due to the danger from mistakes, and on these aspects I think he has mostly done well. The big problem (aside from any character issues) is his positioning + shepherding of opponents and given this, lack of recovery speed. This is crucial for the position he plays when we don’t have… Read more »

Mustafi’s sense of impending doom

We’re invested in youth coming though. Look at Bellerin. Hugely popular despite mediocre performances since his injury. It’s romantic to grow your own talent, to have players who feel like one of us. Which ready-made stars are taken to heart in the same way those that grew up in our culture, with our ethos, with our DNA? Fuck, even Henry, Vieira and Bergkamp really only exploded Into the stratosphere once they signed for us, once they became one of us. I see everything you’re saying. He is so raw and hasn’t yet pushed on like we hoped and expected. But… Read more »


Absolutely spot on. I think because he comes deep to collect the ball people somehow see a “midfield general” in him. He is a completely unremarkable player. Elneny if he had a worse attitude. And that thing players do when they’re on the ball and throw their hands up in frustration at a lack of options…I’ve always hated that. Messi, Modric, De Bruyne could do something like that, but Guendouzi?

Lucas Sam

Absolutely spot on, bar his age. I’d even rate Elneny higher than Guendouzi. I dont see why we have to keep Guendouzi if he has a rotten attitude.


Of all the players we had in that Ramsey, Wilshere, Song era of midfielders coming through the ones Guendouzi reminds the most of are the ability of Denilson coupled with the attitude of Nasri. Basically the worst elements of both players.

Heavenly Chapecoense

Ironically, what we will lose is his attitude. He is the only warrior in the team.


Did u notice he is a slow speed wise. If he runs with opponents he never seems to catch them even if the opponent has the ball. I don’t think he is that talented

Nacho de Montreal is tasty

It reminds me of the sale of Adebayor. We needed the money and Adebayor had some discipline issues but he left because we needed the money badly. Wenger called him and said: “Look, we are in the red. We have to sell you.”


Guendouzi is a very good player on our books. If we get good money for him or better, a more athletic MF, it makes perfect sense to move him on,


Get rid. Guendouzi is defensively passive, positionally OK but an average passer, temperamentally suspect and contributes hardly anything in the final third by way of assists or goals. I have never understood what people see in him apart from potential profit in the transfer market as his stock rises due to age and experience.


What I “saw” in him was a young player with an impressive work rate. At least compared to where we were under Emery. I didn’t see a new defining midfielder – I saw someone who worked, applied himself, and got “stuck in” – something we’ve sorely missed in recent years. I fully admit that it didn’t take much to impress me – it wasn’t like the team was clicking, and had it been 15 years ago, I probably wouldn’t have taken much notice. A bit of savagery looked appealing. But now, with a bunch of our own boys in midfield… Read more »

Artetas Assistant

From a distance He has a tyrant energy about him, he’ll undermine authority, he’ll disrupt squad unity, try and control others, have an ego. If he gets realistic, those traits can be managed dangerously because it’s about how he sees himself, but he’s young and very full of himself and will go mad even with the mgt so he needs to learn through sojourning through life’s adversities.


I like this. I don’t think Clovis is the type of player Arteta is looking for. If we’re to learn anything from the way he played, and the coach he coached under.. Arteta seems to like team players that are controlled and disciplined and work hard for one another. Clovis just needs to shift his mentality and he could fit in. I for one, as much as Ive enjoyed his bravery, always felt he was loose with the ball, neglectful of his defensive tracking back and too arrogant for where he is in his career. He’s still a kid that… Read more »

Robert H

I really don’t get these kind of replies. You can count on *one hand* the amount of teenagers starting for top European clubs in midfield. A player of this quality, at this age is *extremely* rare. Now, that doesn’t mean that at 25 he will be world class or that he doesn’t have a lot of deficiencies now. But, he is among the best 10 or so central midfielders in Europe for his age. That is incredibly valuable, be it for us for playing him or getting a good fee.


He’s young, cheeky and maybe a bit big for his boots… But I like him and want him to stay.
He has great tenacity and heart in the way he plays.

Jenny Redman

Is he also desruptive in the team? Has he got too big for his boots? We don’t know what’s going on but we know that Arteta is trying to build a good strong relationship with the players therefore inspiring everyone of them to give their all on the pitch, perhaps he thinks his better than he actually is???


Yeah, not sure what’s going on in the inside. But from the outside it looks like he could learn aot from older team mates to keep a cool head. At his age, skill level and passion, it would be a shame to lose him I feel. But also a shame if he can’t behave and see the bigger picture. I think he adds depth to the squad overall. Maybe more for the future. Look at our keeper we lost, he behaved badly at times, but now he’s rocking it at juventus… Matteo is very young. Give him a few years… Read more »

Artetas Assistant

Woj was a generally nice nasty dude who smoked a cigar, did he ever throw a tantrum (talkless of two) at Arsene ?


Yeah I agree, Woj and Matteo are different examples, but really reffering to the fact we let a good player go before his time for various reasons. Matteo for me represents a wild talent. Tame him a bit, but don’t squash his expressive self totally. I don’t know what he has said or done, but from the games I watch, I can forgive his attitude. Maybe if I knew more I would also want to sell him haha As for what good I see in him: Very smart mind, good learner Positional sense and vision Good one touch reactions and… Read more »

Gunner J

I might not be privy to all the facts but it’s crazy that Matteo can’t see the opportunity in front of him, You play for Arsenal, coached by a very fine young manager who used to play the same position as yourself, surrounded by talented young players (am looking at you Saka, Gabi, Willock) earning about 40k per week while he’s at it and you honesty let attitude get in the way of that? It’s unbelievable! Unbelievable!! Attitude never takes you far in football just look at Balotteli, Frimpong, Robinho, Nasri etc, compare that with humble down to earth players… Read more »

Robert H

He’s 20. A lot of us did some very dumb things at that age and we weren’t also making 40k a week to let us facilitate our wildest dreams.

Harut Madatovian

I can already see the nasty things he’s going to say when he’s not playing for us anymore. Gonna be below the likes of rvp gallas and crew.

Artetas Assistant

You know the guys energy ?
Big Tupac energy

Maul Person

Tupac? Explain please…

Artetas Assistant

Disruptive , troublesome , mutinous to authority

Jenny Redman

If Arteta is going to steady the ship he needs to be shown respect, you cannot have arrogance in a team, get rid and get players that want to give 100% to the arsenal it’s the only way forward
I love Arteta he has no time for idiots


Arteta has made it clear there are non-negotiable’s. GwenDog is clearly trying to negotiate. This is non-negotiable. He has to go or he will completely undermine Arteta. And I’m happy to see him gone. He adds little, he’s too slow, hangs on to the ball too long, doesn’t release it and then looses the ball. On top of that, for all his running, he’s often found wanting when it comes to tracking back.

Sell this immobile child


I dare say this – He’s 21 and probably a 30 something year old boss is not the best to resolve the ‘hotheadedness’ in these situations. He can be moved on but I don’t think he deserves most of the criticism he’s getting on here. …considering the kind of football we play these days.
Go on and prove some of us wrong Mateo!

Maul Person

Bit that’s exactly the point. HE has to change. Arteta has laid out what’s expected and Guendouzi’s continued absence is down to his own inability to step up.

What Arteta’s age has to do with it (38 btw not 30) is irrelevant. Look at what the young manager has done with the rest of the team, as individuals and collectively. Look at him build a team spirit without the highest earner. What makes Guendouzi so special? If he (Guendouzi) is willing to let his own hotheadedness get in the way of his career, that’s on him and him alone.


To be honest, I’m glad. He has failed to impress me in any of his games.


I like him and I truly believe that if he focus his energy in the correct direction he will be an amazing midfielder.
On the other hand, if he is making issues in the dressing room and challenges Artetas authority then let’s make some profit out of it.
If he is ever to be world class, he should apologize now, lower the head, train hard and, focus.


An interesting watch (also by The Athletic, Ornstein one of the writers).

Arteta looks more like a LSD-induced raver without sunglasses than our handsome young manager

Artetas Assistant

Nice share buddy

Timorous Me

Thanks for the share–and the warning. You weren’t wrong about how they made Arteta look!

Thierry Bergkamp (non negotiable)

The first casualty of the “non negotiables”


He has jumped off the boat.

I have been a big defender of him but no longer. I am actually very happy we have an asset worth trading or selling that will help Arteta get his own players in.

We have a few, and I’m ready for the cull to be honest. I have faith in Arteta and for all I care he can do what he wants, he has earned the chance.

Once a gunner

From the beginning of the year this team has played 19 games won 12, drew 4, lost 3 kept 10 clean sheets if any player does not play according to instruction or being insubordite I think he should go. This team is growing under this coaching crew

Merlin's Panini

I find Guendouzi such a weird guy. Clearly very talented, with great intensity, but seems like an utter plonker. He appears to be alienating himself with his attitude and he needs to show maturity first if he’s to get anywhere in his career. He should be listening to Arteta very carefully otherwise, if he’s moved on, he’ll just have the same problems again and again.
I hope he can turn things around here because he could be a great player if he wants to be.

Brian Jackson

There was a time at Arsenal when for his own good, established, respected and talented players would have a word in his ear and try and put him straight. If this didn’t work I would think a few of the more vocal, forthright and “old school” characters would have taken him behind the training ground bike sheds and imposed a more physical discipline on him! He just needs putting straight and sold.

Vincent O'Rourke

I think recent results completly justify moving a talented but troublesome player on. If you can’t row you have no place on the boat.


When he first arrived and played for us I thought he was great, Emery loved him and he was a fixture in the team, he was a big part in the unbeaten run Emery enjoyed early in his time in charge and in reaching Baku. But he’s not really progressed or adapted his game since then and as opponents have worked him out he isn’t as effective and he seemingly won’t listen to anyone who wants him to change his style for the benefit of the team and maybe for his own. It’s a shame, but if he won’t do… Read more »


Does make me laugh that fans got onto Emery And Wenger for being weak and allowing the likes of Ozil to do what they want but now criticise Arteta for trying to instil discipline.
I like Guendouzi but he’s not so good that he can do whatever he wants and at the end of the day if he’s not on board with the manager he has to go.


Seems like we have a lot of midfield talent–Willock, Nelson, ESR, AMN, Saka, Torreira–that we don’t need Guendouzi at all. I’d much rather see ESR in the squad in his place.

Robert H

They don’t play the same position. Guendouzi plays as a 6, everyone you posted except Torreirra is an attacker.


0 goals and 1 assist in 57 premier league games and money needed to sign Partey, who would be a massive upgrade. See ya Matteo!


I can only see a change in Artetas mind if he sees improvement in output from the player in terms of one v ones. Or of course goals and assists.


Those are glaring development issues, which too Ramsey a few seasons to work out.

Wenger was patient with Ramsey, because he was a model professional and obviously was willing to listen.


Hey Johnny 4 Hats, this Clovis character you portray in here made my week. I read it so many times but can’t stop laughing. I mean imagine a guy getting so worked up at a traffic light!

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