Saturday, July 27, 2024

Arsenal 1-0 West Ham – player ratings

Arsenal are through the semi-finals of the Carabao Cup after Danny Welbeck’s incredible first half strike gave us a 1-0 win over West Ham.

It was the England man’s fourth goal of the season, and it’s one that will shin long in the memory.

Here’s how the players rated tonight.

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Arsenal Pakistan!

Really impressed by chambers and holding. Looked so calm and composed. Specially chambers. Debuchy has also looked sharp second game running. Time for him to come in for bellerin to give hector a wake-up call? I think so.


Honestly think that isn’t far off our best back four, the partnership between Holding and Chambers looks like it could really develop in to something special.


Park Chu Youngs deserves 8, Kalstrom 9.


Shit haired wankwaffle…..pure genius hahaha


In my day job as an English teacher, I frequently tell my young charges to read widely to expand their vocabulary. It is my sincere regret that they are too young for me to share the beauty of the word ‘wankwaffle’ with them. I love Arseblog.




Shithousery also! Nicely played sir.

Wengers Zip

on a positive note, if any of your students give you the shits you can call them a “wankwaffle” and not even their parents can complain because nobody knows what the fuck it means.

Arsene McLovin

It means Andy Carroll


Have to say. Some serious shithousery by the team tonight. Good to know it’s in the locker


I like Kolasinac but other than the natural use of his left foot Kola does not look any better than Niles even though it his position…Same with Bellerin..I think Debuchy is also pushing for a first team appearance at least.
Holding looked good and im a big critic of Chambers but he looked alot fitter today..He should learn from Per about playing around his slowness.


Slowness? Chambers is pretty quick and fast for a CB.


I can’t agree that Sead Kolasinac deserved such plaudits tonight. I was shouting at him to do something most of the time, when he seemed to think his job, every time someone passed him the ball, was to pass it straight back to the player who gave it to him. Did he make a forward pass at any time during the game? Or take it up the wing and cross it? I can’t remember one. There was one time Chambers (I think it was) passsed him the ball, and there was an acre of open space upfield for him to… Read more »


May be he was instructed to be non-expressive to say the least.
Let’s be honest, he has been poor for a month and a half and a no nonsense performance will build his confidence than an all-action shit-filled one.

The Far Post

You forget that beautiful cross to Walcott. Not his fault that it wasn’t an assist. Otherwise, I kinda agree he was more restrained.


Totally agree with you.
I’m a bit surprised about the rating.
Even if he himself is relatively young and new to the club, I somehow expected more of him to lead this team, so the others could take some confidence from it.
Maybe he was instructed to play it safe but that was very boring and a bit unnecessary against this toothless West Ham.
Strange all in all. Would like to know what’s up with him…


I think he played that way because there is no safety of the back 3. In a back 4, there will be no cover if he goes o those adventourous run. In all, he had a solid game.


Sounds like he played safe on that play action . Playing like a left back rather than a wing back in a back 5. Not bombing on and leaving acres in behind him


A question for the proletariat

Do you think (not just based on today) we should keep Walcott in the squad or move him on in the summer?

Merlin\'s Panini

Move him on. He’s so hit and miss. He doesn’t really look that up for it this season and it seems like he’s never really had the complete trust from the boss despite the length of his tenure at the club. He’s great on his day but I think we need someone who offers more, more often.

Faisal Narrage

Rather the time goes to Nelson.
I know everyone loves Welbz as Dat Guy, and happy he scored, but I’ve been pretty resolute in my thoughts of him from United to here and remain unconvinced


He’s grown afraid of the ball. He literally hides from it during the game. Definitely agree that Nelson would be better in these second-string situations, especially in a lineup like today’s which was crying out for any sort of creative player.


I thought we should have shopped him around five years ago. He has great skill and still has pace, but his game is less than the sum of its parts. Maybe he’d be a legend at another club, but here he’s just not good enough to feature often.


Move him on.

It’s past due and he’s just a reminder of bad times.

And he can’t play football, so there’s that too.

Santi\'s Thigh Grab

Move him in January and give Nelson or Eddie the game time to see what develops. Theo isn’t providing value and is holding back squad development. No excuse for that header not being on frame.


Weirdly I quite enjoyed that. Maybe because watching us be not threatened in the slightest and our defence seem totally calm and assured was a nice change. Chambers particularly was impressive, good to see some of the confidence he gained having a relatively decent season on loan.


How the fuck does Walnut get 5??? Was anyone watching the useless fat bummed spaffwidget?


Look at what happens to the defence when you play players in their actual position


Bit weird you’d say that. Aml has not looked out of place there in fairness.

Giroud\'s scorpion kick

No. More. Theo. Please.


Welbeck is seriously good at scoring goals like today. Nevertheless, a goal is a goal.

Walcott on the other hand…

Wengers Zip

Welbeck scores ugly goals, Walcott is lucky to score…


I’d sooner see the back of both.

Neither can play football and that will never change.


That’s going tibia goal of the season contender


There’s no kneed for that


Ugh. It’s groin tibia long night at this rate.


Enough with these shinnanigens!

Lord Bendnter

10/10 for “Chill out David!”

– anyone else heard that??

A Different George

Yeah, Moyes was upset about the time it was taking to bring on a substitute–which was caused by the difficulty the replacement fourth official was having with the board, not by Arsenal time-wasting.


10/10 for Welbeck reaching Peak Welbz by giving himself an accidental assist.

A Different George

I actually thought Ospina got punched by Carrol, and wasn’t pretending (okay, maybe exaggerating a bit). I think Ospina touched the ball 3 times (literally 3 times) in the first half. The first time was after about twenty minutes, when he came far out to play a ball that the defenders could have played and there were no West Ham players in our half of the pitch. I think he was lonely.


I agree…Carroll may have kicked Ospina in the ribs from behind. Maybe Ospina made a meal of it, but I think he took a shot.


Blogs – despite the fact this is none of my nevermind, I move that in honor of Kim Kjallstrom’s pending retirement he replace Park Chu Young in the source code.

Could there be a more fitting custodian of the uninitiated we are most likely to see in the ratings for cup matches?


Walcott was especially gash today. How is it that he is still at Arsenal? I’d much rather have seen Nelson, The Jeff or Nketiah from the start.


Best match for chambers in arsenal shirt..FA should ban walcott from playing football because he is shit


I think it’s unfair that Alexis challenging for the header which led to the Ozil goal is a good thing while Welbeck showing desire to win the header which created the goal for himself is slapstick

Vfb Talheim

Debut definitely deserve a go , he can pass better and more aggressive than Bellerin (who can run just fast ,nothing more)

Vfb Talheim

And why Kolasinac motm ,Blog? Holding , Chambers , Coquelin , Debuchy ???


Strange choice from Blogs I have to say. Thought he was quite pedestrian for the most part. One good run and cross should have lead to an assist the only notable involvement I can recall from Kolasinac. I thought Willock and Chambers were consistently good throughout, both stood out to me. Willock for his clever turns and drop of the shoulder to do something different in a rather rigid game. Chambers was solid on every challenge, won most aerial duels, and his passing was sharp. Most the team were too casual in possession, but I felt these 2 demonstrated higher… Read more »


Elneny was energetic and creative and man of the first half. Fell a little off in the second, though, but definately not a wankwaffle.


Love Welbeck but honestly cannot remember when he scored a goal he looked like he meant to score.


Whats a wankwaffle, sounds painful

Bai Blagoi

I don’t agree with the rating for Walcott. He wasn’t his usual self yesterday – he was quick and active, down the flank and through the middle. And not a single offside.

Santi\'s Thigh Grab

He was offside. He missed a sitting header. He lost the ball because he couldn’t shield it. He did nothing through the center. He occupies space where a younger player could get experience. He’s reached his sell by date.


Carroll the “near-bankrupt strip-club owner” – love it! Where do you get them from?

James Atkinson

“He came, he Eld, he Nennied” ?

Eye of the Öwl

Blogs strikes again. Really want to know what Ospina and Elneny has to to get at least a 7. Gets a clean sheet commands area plucks ball from air saves shots distributes well waste time wisely. Guess the rating factor is not being Cech. Elneny was every where and will continue to say it, he is a proper midfielder. Efficient keeps the ball moving is intelligent with his movement and distribution in view of his teammates positioning. Late on when Giroud is gone presses the center backS on his own. Debuchy makes the whole defense look better. Great job by… Read more »


Joe Willock might be my favorite Arsenal player to watch at the moment. So calm and collected on the ball, love his playing style. Debuchy was very impressive as well. Winning headers, and being smart with the ball.

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