Saturday, July 27, 2024

Arsenal 1-4 Chelsea – Europa League final player ratings

The season ended on a horrible, heartbreaking note with a 4-1 defeat to Chelsea in the Europa League final.

Of course Olivier Giroud came back to haunt us, scoring the first goal, after which Pedro and two from Eden Hazard sealed the deal for Maurizio Sarri’s side despite Alex Iwobi’s cracking finish to give us a 43 second glimmer of hope.

Read the Arsenal 1-4 Chelsea match report and see the goals here

Here’s how the players rated this evening.


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There is no way Ozil was 3 points worse than Laca or particularly Auba. Whole team bottled as in the league


True. But despite what happened on the pitch he deserved zero for his reaction to getting subbed. Torreira sprinted off in tears, knowing time was obviously against us but still believing we had a chance. Ozil walked off at one mile an hour – given up.


I love Ozil as a player but I am afraid I totally agree. He is done with us; if we can give him away we should – but that won’t be easy


Oh pls with the “I love Ozil as a player” qualifier before any even slightly negative comment. Can we all just agree he’s been between average and quite shit for the last 18 months?


Yes I can agree 100% with that, but the context is that I absolutely love(d) watching him before he came to us and when he first did – – and that just makes it worse. for me it’s been like watching Wenger’s decline all over again

Peter Story Teller

Was Ozil playing?
If we cannot give him away this summer send him on gardening leave at half salary or something and play some of the U23 guys since we cannot afford to bolster the squad. At least Willock wanted to play in the game!


I’m afraid Mesut Ozil’s performance was like that of a man attempting to bang one out while thinking of Vanessa Feltz.


You’re speaking from experience here?


I’ve just checked Ozil’s (PL)stats at
He has 0.5 tackles / game and 0.2 interceptions.
That means we have to wait 2 games to see a single tacke from him and 5 games to see an interception.


To be honest – I like him as a person, and of course it wasn’t only his fault today – but come on…


Flash, I don’t like Ozils person almost as much as I dislike Mustafis person

Disgusted Gooner

Nothing to like as a person either. Plays the nice guy but is an utter diva/petulant child. Good riddance. I say this as some one who this he’s the most elegant player arsenal have had since bergkamp and overmars.


I like a lot of people, as people, but I don’t want to see any of them playing for Arsenal.

Rectum Spectrum

I don’t know him personally but was a big fan when we signed him. wish we never did now. whoever offered him 350/week should be sacked, maybe he already was :/

Jeremy U

Ozil was terrible. Like he has been all year. I’m so done with him.

Bob's Mexican Cousin

Emery’s rating blogs?


Absolute shite. .. For a master tactician he really is a very good linguist.

Lunzhy skills

A World Cup winner being replaced by a youngster. More worrying is the fact that it should have happened sooner


Have to say I thought that was harsh on Kolasinac but otherwise fair on the rest.

So Kronke never showed. I suppose he doesn’t need the air miles. But that’s the most damning fact of a damnable evening. And as others have said, whilst he remains this might be as good as it gets. Emery and co are going to have to work some miracles to get this bunch into shape to challenge for anything, beyond a tilt at the League Cup.


Sixth richest club in the world and the owner can’t be bothered. But tbh if he was bothered he would have funded a defender two years ago. Instead of relying on bare bones and hope as usual.


Ozil’s last game for AFC….absolutely awful again

David Hilliers Arm Cast

Laca was battling the whole game, Auba was tracking back and pressing. Ozil just stood there and watched the game go on around him. I am convinced he cannot pass further than 20 feet.


ever since Germany started to decline Øzil has been the most overestimated and overpaid player next to Sanchez.

Øzil has two glimpses of genius every year and thats it, and we tend to get blinded by those glimpses and get our hopes up, but the reality is that itll never happen on a consistant basis


Don’t be so dramatic. Ozil had multiple years of being the most productive playmaker in the PL prior to this year. This year with Emery he was poor. And he has never been much of a high press from the front player. These are all things that we should have known and expected prior to his arrival. So it is of no surprise that he will perform poorly when he is playing for a coach that asks that from him. The club has committed to Emery, so they need to do their best to sell Ozil and get the players… Read more »

Drogheda Gunner

Yeah I agree it was the tactics from emery, if we had won a trophy this year you’d say it was a good year for him, but now what? We get europa league we lose are best player in rambo. The formation last night was awful, no ambition and I just feel sorry for aubu and Láca.

Faisal Narrage

Ozil has been poor since his contract renewal. Barely registered an assist second half of last season under Wenger.
Is that Emery’s fault too?


Yes. But what is Emery’s system though?

Drogheda Gunner

Ózll needs bodies around him to create when the centre backs have the stickers covered and all you have rely on is kolasonic your going to have a bad night. It’s time for ozil to go he doesn’t suit our play unless we get two proper wingers. Rambo is the big loss for me our best player this year when he’s played and I think could of been the difference in this game, we need that midfielder coming from deep.


More to the point – we kept a player who contributes less than half as much for more than taice the wage



A Different George

In fact, having both Ramsey and Ozil on the pitch–something that many said could not work–made both of them far more effective.

subhra sankar roy

for me ozil should be given negative marking..less than option for that so i gave 0.5..

Ozil's briefs



So what should we do now? Nothing seems to work in the last 2 months for us. As for the next season, no UCL, not much money to spend, we are pretty much in the dark……

Faisal Narrage

Project Youth 2.0.
And it Emery doesn’t want to be part of that project, then promote Freddie.

Peter Story Teller

Agreed. Let’s play the U23 team. If we lose we are training the youth so what can we expect? We lose anyway with world cup winners in the team who don’t give a toss because they are building up their pension pot without having to do anything!
At least the young lads who come in show some drive and pride to be on the pitch!
It worked for Manure 20 years ago… Remember Giggs, Beckham etc. etc?

A Fleeting Glimpse

It’s such a shame for me that emery has Ozil man marking Jorginho rather than the other way round. It means that we don’t utilise space left when he drifts forward. Instead Ozil has been instructed to go with him. Maitland niles was good in moments but ultimately was at fault for two goals. Aubameyang has a nightmare and was at fault for their fourth. We only started playing at 3 nil down because using wengers gem, we took the handbrake off. Emery should be sacked


I thought I was the only one noticing it, he was trying to follow Jorginho throughout his stay there. This means selecting the wrong player to do this job, it would have been better to use Iwobi to do this job. Ozil does not fit Emery style of play and should better leave. Emery’s team does not attack enough and does not create enough chances, they score at a better rate which is not something you can rely on for long. Situation with Mikhtariyan didn’t help as it focused most of the fans to put pressure on Baku and not… Read more »

Peter Story Teller

Actually I don’t think we played badly 1st half but that was probably because Chelsea didn’t turn up until midnight rather than any of our players having a good game.
Once the opposition started to play we could not handle them and that simply highlights the fact that we already know; the core of this Arsenal team is not good enough to compete at this level.


Terrible ratings from start to finish. Usual biases too.


Oh well, could be worse I suppose…


Liverpool lost the final last year, they got over their disappointment and made the final again this year – we should take a leaf from their book, in my opinion !

And it could all be oh so much worse … because (as far as I’m concerned) we’ve won two trophies these last two years: last year the ‘Wagner ahht trophy’, and this year the ‘Wagner remains ahht’ trophy. We could all be sitting here today still discussing whether Wagner was “in” or “ahht”!


Spuds winning the CL anyone??


Yes, well, it could be worse and might very well be worse by the time the week is out. I for one will be praying to the footballing god’s to spare us.


If you were given only two choices, both Arsenal and Tottenham win, or they both lose, which would you have chosen? Thumbs up for winning, thumbs down for losing…


It doesn’t matter about that lot, we all wanted to win last night . End of.

'L' incoming

Afraid so, all the signs point that way for me. Hell of a wake up call that would be, IF this wasn’t.


Utter poo. I have nothing further to say.


Silent shit Stan?

Wilsheres Middle Finger

Can we start a Gov petition to get Ozil out, they’ll have to debate it in Parliment if we get 10,000 signatures.


It’ll destroy his inflated esteem.

Faisal Narrage


Peter Story Teller

Does that apply to Mustafi too?

Heavenly Chapecoense

A “GoFundMe” from fans in his favor so that he leaves the club and get the 350K anyways will be more effective with him, I am sure.


I wouldn’t trust your your Parliament , or our Congress, to come to a conclusion before Oil was retired.


Bercow (the Speaker) is a Gooner and even slipped in an Arsenal reference into a debate, so we have friends there…

The lawyer

I agree the ozil situation is unsustainable but cmon he was better than both auba and laca tonight.

Jim Reeves

Did he supply them as our creative midfielder?

Olivije Žirod

How can he supply him if the game doesn’t include him. How many times it happened that he passed to Aubameyang whos only choice was then Lacazette sorrounded by Chelsea players. You can’t play with 3 players in the final 3rd. The only two months when we played great was when Ramsey played B2B. Why? Because we had another player upfront to play with. Aubameyang and Lacazette together most times doesn’t work if there is only one attacking midfielder beside them.


Ozil is a big name on a huge contract but isn’t remotely close to a top player at this point. The truly top players (Hazard, Messi, Ronaldo etc.) have the ability to take over a game. Ozil needs everything to be just right around him for him to play well. He’s not worth the contract, especially for a team that’s self sustaining. He’s on the wrong side of 30 as well so at this point it’s time to just move on.


Actually an important change is in his game style under Emery: ** chances created per 90 minutes (Wenger) 3.5 ** chances created per 90 minutes (Emery) 2.1 ** passing accuracy (Wenger) 86.5% ** passing accuracy (Emery) 87.3% ** successful dribbles per 90 minutes (Wenger) 1.5 ** successful dribbles per 90 minutes (Emery) 1 ** successful tackles per 90 minutes (Wenger) 0.8 ** successful tackles per 90 minutes (Emery) 0.7 The only change visible is he is playing with less confidence which is concluded from dribbling and chance creation. Also it can be attributed to not playing enough with Ramsey (only… Read more »


Some quick perspective here:
Two no 10s on the pitch last night with arguably ‘equivalent’ reputations and salaries….
Which would you rather have had in the red shirt?
(Apart from being a diving snot head, he showed up! And to boot – ouch – he was playing under the shadow of contract issues/discontent/leaving the club)


And thats the problem everyone seems to be ignoring. kolasinac didn’t get his assists this season because he is some creative genius, its because the coach set us up to play that way. The coach has no other creative solutions other than cut backs and players doing something out of the ordinary. And the number 10 role is a decoy role this season. see the lack of creativity from anyone who played there, including everyones favorite son, Ramsey. Wenger’s tactics will remain underrated but our attack was not as free-form as people thought and Ozil will never be good or… Read more »



Yes, this is amazing that nobody is seeing that. Our only tactics is going wide and make a cross. There is nothing else. I miss the beatiful game of the Wenger era.
Maybe the #wengerout thing was the stupied thing we did as supporter. I wonder what he would have done with a fully adapted aubameyang and an in form lacazette.


Ramsey was not going wide and crossing. If you have the players y’all like to hate managed by superagents (ppl who request their value for premium work they put in) eg even Joao Moutjnho and Neves, you won’t play on the wings. A manger had to make do with what he has, y’all saw he didn’t get a bag but we’re sad so out goes the toys ??‍♂️??‍♂️

Yankee Gooner

This is also exactly what Bellerin was doing too before his injury.

Dave Cee

No he wasn.t. I agree Auba was fairly shit. But Ozil brings nothing to the team anymore. No snappy one twos, no intricate through balls, no energy, no goal threat, no runs ahead of the forwards. Just receive the ball and play it safe. He slows down our attacks. Willock looked 10 times more dangerous just by being willing to run at the defense with and without the ball. Ozil is a complete millstone around Arsenal’s neck now. If Micki had been available I would have expected him to come on at half time. Iwobi, wow, I wish he played… Read more »


And why you thought like Ozil was better than any kinda legions there?

Lord Bendnter

Wonder how Arsenal media team will respond to this result. There was so much Arsenal propaganda lately by them.
We we’re shit, and you can’t hide shit by placing a newspaper over it, you need to bring out a hose and wash away all that shit.
(Literally and figuratively)

andrey arse shaving

“Arsenal propaganda”? By the Arsenal media team? ?

Faisal Narrage

They shouldn’t be so biased.
Maybe some Hazard insta posts would’ve been fair.

Papa Large, big shot in North London

Dust off the old war chest and leak some stories about signings we have no hope of making then panic buy a lightweight central midfielder unsuited to the league and loan for a 43 year old who was good in 2004.

Pat Rice and Beans

Totally agree with you.
I’m sick to see the good of days videos and then get a reality check seeing the actual shit show. It’s depressing.

I know the media team’s job revolves around ‘selling’ the club to its fan base, but enough with sugar-coating the giant pile of crap.


Ozil was sooooo poor. Rip up his contract and move him on. Terrible result.


I m sick of the ozil scapegoating thing. This is going too far. There s a few match were maybe you can single him out but this game was not one of them. He did good. Make tackles, tracking, conserving the ball very well when sometimes we needed to put our feet on the ball. He drove the game well before those awful ten minutes. Going forward nicely, making good passes. This is what personaly i want from him. Of course he need to score goals or make that final touch that create the goals, but this is the job… Read more »

Faisal Narrage

Guendouzi is 20 and came on.
Auba was bad but has scored 30 goals this season.

What has Ozil done this season? Oh yeah, he conserves the ball very well.

And ofcourse, as our most talented and most well-paid player, it’s not his fault that he doesn’t provide enough goals and assists, it’s the coach not getting the best out of him.

If you’re happy with Ozil just making nice, forward passes, then I’m guessing you’re not allowed to ever really complain about Xhaka, cuz that’s pretty much all he does too.


Because what you dont see is how ozil create space with is nice forward passes. He is a master at “pre assist”. Do me a favor and rewatch the game, you ll see that ozil was in a lot of our action, à lot of them were he drive the ball for 40 meter and make good passes And yes this is emery fault if he dont perform as good as he could. How is he supposed to make an assist if the only opportunities of passing he has are on the wide ? Is big default are the fact… Read more »

Papa Large, big shot in North London

Ozil did fuck all. How anybody can be surprised that he had yet another non-entity of a game is beyond me. Willock came on and showed him up massively. If a 19 year old can create something Mesut Ozil should be able to offer more than a sulk when he’s dragged.


He has 2 goals and 2 assists this season, he shouldn’t be mad a scapegoat, he should just realise he’s in the wrong league and go.

Faisal Narrage

Yeah he’s in the wrong league. Seems more suited to the MLS or China now.


He’d probably do well here in the MLS. Rooney has resurrected the fag end of his career in DC. Of course I don’t know if any teams here can afford Ozil’s wage packet.

Faisal Narrage

“You don’t need your no. 10 to make tackles”
And yet, no top team even plays with a dedicated non-tackling, non-pressing 10 anymore, who drifts away from the action to make space, rather than be involved in the action and make opportunities from it.
Heck we beat Chelsea with Ramsey as a no 10 doing exactly what you don’t like 10s to do.

It’s nice Ozil plays your 10 role the way you like, but no top 10 plays like that anymore. But I guess we’re not a top team anymore anyways


Oh do fuck off.

“Make tackles, tracking, conserving the ball”
“Going forward nicely, making good passes”

He did fuck all. Particularly this

“Of course he need to score goals or make that final touch that create the goals”


Now the Ozil fans are creating new stats he supposedly is the master of since he is at the bottom of the stats he used to be good at. Sheesh.

Yankee Gooner

The list of players who did fuck all is pretty long, tbh. Torreira did even less than fuck all but he’s a folk hero because he cried.

Cyprus The Immortal Gooner

The expectations are much different and for good reasons…

Faisal Narrage

Well at least he knew he didn’t play well Elliot and came off the pitch.
For whatever reason Ozil maybe felt he played well so decided to stroll to the bench and delay our sub.

Oh and at least I can remember Torreira having a great game away from home, against a top 6 opponent.


Oh arsenal I wish i didn’t care so much


I don’t anymore. at least not for next season


Well naff off then and don’t comment. No one cares about what you say if you don’t care. Thing is – you do care don’t you


Sucks…I do care and I really wish I didn’t right now. Our team stinks, got an owner that only cares about his investment with no sporting ambition and a backroom that may or may not know what the fuck they are doing. Man, I wish I didn’t care right about now. Time to go say hi to my best bud Smirnoff. He will make me not care anymore tonight.


The worst part is we are inevitably going to get our hopes up when next season rolls around and inevitably going to be left disappointed again… Oh to be a Gooner 🙁


Is there any way we can find hope for this mess to be cleared soon? It just seems so hopeless.


Only hope would be to find an arab state to fund us.

Football is dead


Goddamn that’s depressing yet seems so spot on..time will indeed tell but we need to move quickly and sell the lot deemed excess promptly..even for cut rates..I fear for us an extent emery as well…I don’t know I’m thinking out loud but I think we need to get micki and ozil out quickly and see about laca..he wants a bump in salary and I mean I think we have to cater to that..ffs please no more long switches to saed and have I’m hammering the crosses with no touch…please keep the young talent in house at least for the… Read more »

Lunzhy skills

Have you not checked out next seasons kit!


Not really. The most positive spin I can think of is that this will facilitate a ruthless clear out of older players, and there is hope that our youngsters, and those bought in the transfer market, will be hungry at least. We certainly won’t be attracting established stars this transfer window.

Parlour’s Pay Packet

Unpopular opinion but… I thought Emery threw in the towel by taking Ozil off for Willock. Ozil wasn’t playing well but he can give you a moment of class that few others can. When you’re chasing a game you need moments that change the game.

With Willock it felt like Emery thought ‘ah the games up go on and have a go’.

John C

No, that sub was the ultimate indignity Emery could show Ozil and signalled exactly what he thought of Ozil’s performance.


I understand where you are coming from but….I think Emery knew the game was up and was making a point about the future. And he was right – the game was up


To be honest, it was the only positive I took from that game so I’m glad he made it. We’ve got a great crop of youth so let’s give them a chance and rebuild. Ozil was turgid and walking off was a disgrace. Willock and Iwobi showed him up.


I’ve stood up for Ozil before but sitting in the dugout sulking instead of going round the players was awful. Very much a Gallas moment.


It showed where his thoughts were in that moment. He was thinking about his own status and not about the team being in a final. It reminded me of that too, the bridge is burned.

Santi's Flip Flop

There wasn’t a single in his time on the pitch of any moments of class. He is dreadful.

Faisal Narrage

And how many “moments of class” has he given us since he signed his new contract?


Funny that…I thought he threw in the towel when he started Ozil.

Faisal Narrage

I agree with this. It’s my biggest disappointment with Emery, in times of pressure, he seems to not show bravery and sticks with what he’s knows.

Everyone knows Ozil isn’t the one to stop Jorginho and hasn’t had a good game away from home against top 6 opponents in….well, never.

All evidence showed he wouldn’t expect much, but rather than maybe use say Iwobi in that role, who has the strength, workrate and direct dribbling to cause them problems in the moments, he played it safe.

Dave Cee

So what if he did?. Ozil had provided no evidence to suggest he would be the one to soark a turn around


We needed four of those moments. How many assists has ozil made the past season???


AMN young???? Blogs…he’s fucking 22…I can count 20players of same age better than him….if you say not his natural position,fair enough…. But there’s something wrong with this Arsenal form head to bottom…..sad,really sad….this feeling is even worse than 2006…

John C

Apart from pace I honestly don’t know what AMN excels at, I’d sell him

alex alexsson

Thought Ainsley was probably our best player until the team’s 2nd half collapse

John C

And then 4 goals came down his side


Which happens to be the side Hazard was on.

Along with Papa and Torreira they did a good job of shutting down Hazard first half. 2nd half, not so much.

John C

It doesn’t matter if he did his job well for half the match if he didn’t for the other half, and I’d dispute he did have a good first half as I thought Chelsea did put much into it.

The question still stands though, apart from pace I can’t see any particular strengths, his passing is pretty average, he has low concentration levels, can’t really defend and doesn’t offer much going forward.


Absolutely, he is not a full back which means he can’t be a wing back either. You need to be a lot harder in that role.

Liverpool did well bringing in Trent-Alexander and Robertson but used midfield players to cover their runs forward (not usually made at same time). The modern midfielder needs to be adaptable both back and forward, ours are one dimensional.

I’d take next season to really try out our youth players alongside a core of proven winners.


And it’s all Ozils fault


I agree with Alex y’all are a bit harsh amn was far from the problem tonight/ this season…I do agree with bellerin back early to mid season next season we need to see what Ainsley can do in midfield because his lapses aren’t helpful at all in the back and in a four (which god I hope we get back to) he’s not good enough..the anger is palpable but it needs to be directed in a constructive way…how the owner of our club doesn’t even show up to this game yet many fans with way less in monetary value find… Read more »

Cyprus The Immortal Gooner

Match was finished at 2-0 after Niles losing the ball with an unneeded mistake…


Exactly. It’s funny because Iwobi doesn’t receive the same support when he doesn’t play well.
Ironically, on average Iwobi is way better than Niles.

Faisal Narrage

And though there’s calls for AMN in midfield, I’d much rather see Iwobi there first.


Yeah, no shit, in 2006 we could at least claim to be the second best team in Europe. Fuck.

Toure Motors

Emery gets a 2/10. Poor game management, think the rating for xhaka and torreira are high


Has anyone figured out how we’re planning to score goals since Emery joined the club? We know he loves to play from the back which always scares the shit out of us. We play plenty of crosses too and never score. You can’t build a team hoping someone has a brilliant moment (unless it’s Messi).


Easy to defend against as Chelski showed. Allow wide men space but concentrate defenders in the box to handle crosses.

Not enough threat from midfielders to get to the box and pick up pieces. Xhaka, using right foot, showed it can be done, Iwobi just did it. Mind you, I’m sure if that had been first half Iwobi would have looked for a pass instead.

Danger Mouse

Can’t believe the c*nt who owns the club couldn’t even be arsed to show up to a European final… Oh hang on a minute, what am I saying, of course I can believe it. I would expect nothing more from our moustachioed owner. Not one f**k does he give.


F**k Kroenke. Ozil and everyone else were shambolic tonight but really Silent shit Stan can go to hell and burn


At this stage I’d welcome a sheikh taking over from Kroenke. Unbelievable that he was not in baku tonight. Could he not get a direct flight? We are not in a good place. Emery is not the main issue. It starts at the very top and it doesn’t look like that will change any time soon. Sad days indeed.


You need money to run a business especially in this age. Not emotion


“Could he not get a direct flight? ”

You think he flies scheduled? Or could maybe have borrowed a Walmart jet from Mrs K?


Here’s the thing….1st half ,You were ok…2nd half, you all sucked ass and fucking blew it. Anyone who sees it different is blind as fuck. Period.


Excellent detailed analysis there, really identifies the nuances of the game and the systemic issues involved in rectifying them?. Now go back to the Toilet Seat ground and wait for Saturday.


How many Ozils is Hazard worth?


Won’t matter next season.

Papa Large, big shot in North London

It will matter next season. Either we have to write off 350k or week or we take a massive and humiliating hit flogging Ozil off. Either way it’s going to be a circus all summer and the embarrassing end to the season is followed by yet another dismal off season.

Chelsea will be flush with funds, Spuds are ahead of us, Shitty will no doubt flout FFP and buy whoever’s they want, Liverpool will hopefully have a CL trophy and a team you’d want to join, and Stan will barely remember he owns our club.


Papa, Chelski have transfer ban for two windows I believe so will have to use cash to bring back their 90 loan players and pay them. Hazard cannot be replaced.


Multiply by zero, it remains zero

Peter Story Teller

Ozil is worth nothing and if you multiply nothing by infinity it is still nothing!


How anyone got more than 0.5 is beyond me. We were so so bad.


Who did the pep talk in half time? Theresa May?

Pissed Gunner

I think Theresa May has done the talks in the training ALLLLL season…

Giroud's scorpion kick

Emery. The one who had no clue on how to get players focused and motivated. The one who didn’t go and get the players up after the final whistle because he was thinking about his own image. A Gallas kind of leader.


If the players can’t motivate themselves for a European final they are in the wrong fucking game. Who the fuck needs motivating for that sort of occasion? Emery shouldn’t have even needed to say anything for them to be fired up and determined

Giroud's scorpion kick

He clearly couldn’t get them focused after half time. He left Iwobi in the bench for 60 minutes. He never corrected the “run along the sidelines and throw crosses at no one” seeing how useful it was.

Giroud's scorpion kick

Also: Same coach who couldn’t get them to fight to get into the UCL. The effect of Emery in the group’s mood is zero. It’s not about “hey, pump up” but also “stay focus, concentrate on the plan”. Anyway, with him it seeems there’s barely a plan so there you go. Choose your poison.


My three kids got up at 4am to watch that (in Japan). I really couldn’t explain to them what they saw. Hopefully that didn’t turn them off for life. Woeful second half. Embarrassing.

Roll on the changes.

There’ll be changes … right?

Deep down I know they will probably move two players and bring two in. None of those will be who we wanted to go or come. Same same.


A little harsh on the defence, which wasn’t that bad, particularly not in the first half. Pedro’s 2-0 was a typical Arsenal lack of organization and communication in the back four job (but saving it was within the realm of the possible for a good goal keeper). The defence wasn’t sufficiently alert on 4-1 either. But Giroud’s goal was really good, and very hard to prevent. The penalty should not have been given.


Sooooo without the defending fuckups we’d have been 1-2 after Iwobis goal.. that would have made all the difference in the world.

The defense WAS that bad.

Giroud's scorpion kick

Torreira walked back in Pedro’s goal


Who in their right mind would take Ozil off our hands? paying him £30 million + over the next 2 years? I genuinely think we couldn’t give him away….. Getting shot of Mkhitaryan+ Ozil has to be top of our list of things to do this summer, I just don’t know how anyone can still standup for Ozil? He’s finished as a top level player Thought Niles was good in the first half, but fell apart in the second, Iwobi and Willock looked bright when they came on, the rest we’re awful. £40 million to fix this mess? And how… Read more »

Jim Reeves

Lacazette was so isolated, Auba was utter rubbish today (if he ain’t in the box his use is really dismal), Ozil aka the creator/assist king/world class but in reality waste of time (you saw him walking off that pitch) space and money. For many years i have said Arsenal’s problem is not so much the defenders but more so the midfield. They do not protect the defense and the do not create for the offense. A stronger midfield will make our whole team better. Yes add defenders still but let us not forget while Holding was playing is when we… Read more »


3 at the back gives us no midfield. Maybe toreria just isn’t very good. Ozil has been crap since Sanchez left. Our defense is awful and has been all season. And next season we will buy a few new average players who won’t add anything to the team.

We’ve been absolutely crap the past 2 months. Crap the past two seasons but I don’t expect anything different next season other than for club officials to say we don’t have any money to spend despite our owner being a billionaire.

John C

We have little option but to play 3 at the back because neither Maitland-Niles nor Kolasinac can defend

Dave Cee

Playing 3 at the back AND Ozil means we habmve no midfield. It worked quite well with Ramsey

Paul Smith

Got Ng to have to lean on the academy players heavily next year. So many players need moving on…Ozil, Mhki, Xhaka, Mustafa, Monreal etc…but I guess not all do them will move for one reason or another. Once the dust settles the truth is we haven’t improves overall this year. The defence is as bad as ever, can’t play away from home and as soon as we go a goal down we are done for. Give the kids a go…they will likely show more fight than most of the current first team.

Dave Cee

Think Kos should maybe join that list.

Santi's Flip Flop

In the immortal words of Will, from the Inbetweeners, “well that… was fucking dreadful”.

I really worry that we are on the side of a very steep hill and are too busy wondering how we might scramble up to the top, without realising that the stones have given way underneath our feet and we’re sliding quite quickly down it.


Emery is proud

I think that says it all


What he says to us and to the players I imagine will be very different things. He took Ozil off for Willock, ffs, you think he’ll be patting mesut on the back and saying “well you tried”


Jai is sad


Change 20 managers.
Unless we drive Kronke out. With his 0 ambition and lack of investment won’t make a difference. The rest of the teams will get better with investment and we’ll move backwards.
He has to be driven out! No future until Kronke is still in charge.


Another bottom line. Cheers mate!


He has to be driven out somehow. Anyone knows an Arsenal fan richer than Usmanov?



Just a name I’ve heard before linked to Arsenal…

Giroud's scorpion kick

Piers Morgan?
Heh! First time I manage to smile while reading or writing in arseblog in a while


Tanked the cups, threw the league away and got arguably one of the worst results in the club’s history. There just comes a point where it becomes unforgivable. We’ll shamble on clearly, but it’s become obvious this isn’t progress as anyone wants to see it.


Özil was very decent in the 2nd half. People overlooking the fact our midfield and whole team went to shit in the 2nd half.

Santi's Flip Flop

No he wasn’t. Take your blinkers off.


Özil Özil Özil , nö other problems to discuss about? Almost every Team can do tikitaka against us and most of Arsenals Players cant do that. Losing the fuckn ball in crucial situations is embarassing. Give up scapegoating single Players and see the abysmal team performance once again.


the first*


This loss would be easier to take if we had a great owner who took interest in his club and wanted to fix things. Instead we have silent stan and his team of tall tale telling, dream selling acolytes.

I do not believe in the new leadership anymore than I did in Gazidis when he would come with his “this summer you will see our true intentions” type speeches at the end of every season.

Goonerooni 48

Blogs rates the players and Stan Kroenke. But he does not mark Unai Emery. So I will do it. 1/10 for Emery.


Go on then, pick a better starting eleven.


Picked our best 11, they didn’t turn up. Had chances and dominated in the first half. Collapsed when the opposition scored. We’ve seen this before.


There is one thing still cruelly missing in this team and it is ruthlessness. You don’t play your best keeper, you’re exposing yourself, you play a passenger who’s collecting his earning instead of a brilliant steady Nigerian, you get exposed. Professional mistake from Emery who said this week in a Spanish interview: “thing are nice at Arsenal” yes they are too bloody nice !! I gave him the benefit of the doubt but bottling a healthy position in the League AND now the final. I gave him the benefit of the doubt but After a year I sincerely doubt he… Read more »


Tbf I kind of agree, I don’t see anyone better out there right now though.

And the players bottled it too.. 1 goal from 90 mins


Where now are those who say Iwobi is the most undeserving player in an Arsenal shirt? He was the only one I saw on that pitch.

Man Manny

What’s the point in individual ratings? These guys failed as a team. It’s time for some soul searching by Kroenke and his co-adventurers.
If Newcastle’s take over pulls through, in a season or two, we might be talking about the top 7.
This team needs investment CL or no CL.
FFP, the toothless bulldog, is not an excuse. If PSG and City are still walking free, then we have nothing to fear.
Splaaaash the cash Kroenke or GET OUT.
There is somebody somewhere who’s ready to.
You can’t turn the greatest club in London to a laughing stock.


Biggest game in years and our fucking manager starts a player who is retiring tomorrow and joining the very club we are playing, total joke. Sums the club up down to a tee.

Spanish Gooner

People will say that Cech wasn’t bad, and I can see their point, but the whole issue is the complete lack of ruthlessness in the team. We should have played our best goalkeeper, Chelsea did. They will also sack their coach if they find a better option this summer, and they will win a trophy before we do.


Feel like crying. Not cried about Arsenal since 2011 Birmingham

John C

You must have been numb to the constant humiliations Wenger inflicted upon the club since then then?!


Yeah, the three FA Cups Wenger won despite working for an owner who since 2009 refused to spend so we could keep up with Man City, Man United, Chelsea liverpool and spurs were total humiliation.

John C

8-2, 6-1, 10-2 to aggregate to Bayern, selective memories. Prefer to focus on winning a cup playing against the likes of Sutton United and Lincoln City!! Morons!!


Actually, Cech was beyond awful. Old, slow, and couldn’t get down. Could have done much better.


Ozil had another poor game. He’s not worth the money he’s on. No way around that.

But we lost because we shipped 4 goals. And we’d have been in it still and had at least 3 if our attack finished half as efficiently as they are capable.


This result has more implication than actually meets the eye right now. If the takeover stories are true, Newcastle will have more money to spend than us this summer. Add Wolves, Leicester & Everton and we are f*cked! Kroenke is a cancer and if someone doesn’t save Arsenal NOW he will run this club to the ground and when things are beyond saving he will bolt like thar bald prick, Gazidis. I am just gutted that this should be happening to a decent club like ours. P.S. If Tottenham win on Saturday, then this will go down as the WORST… Read more »

Spanish Gooner

If Tottenham win on Saturday then this will easily be the worst season since before Wenger


If fans want kronke out just stop going to the matches. An empty stadium for an entire season and kronke will go because he only cares about money. Of course that won’t happen because us fans are saps.


My thought exactly. We can’t blame fans for refusing to stay away from the team they love, though.


That was a shocking display Lacazette didn’t look interested the whole back line need clearing out we need two new young centre halfs and a left back and get back playing a back four. On a plus side willock looked really good and begs the question why he has been given such little game time


we must get stan kroenke out of the club, he has been a disaster for our club. he is just a bloodsucking parasite.


Dear Mohammad Bin Salman Al Saud – crown Prince of Saudia Arabia, Please buy Arsenal Football Club. Ok I know what you’re thinking; human rights abuses, extra-judicial murders, freedom of press, persecution of homosexuals, persecution of women, corruption, the War in Yemen, treatment of migrant workers, oil money and what it means for climate change, etc etc. How on Earth could you be considered a suitable owner, it’d be pretty strange right? But what if I told you that no one cares?? Yep that’s right! NO ONE CARES! Just ask Man City, PSG or Chelsea, no one cares! It’s barely… Read more »


Everything is garbage.


Was a fan but this season Özil’s been abysmal. Got torched on here earlier in the season for saying we should move him on in the summer but it’s true. The club has bigger problems, though, starting with KSE and their refusal to invest, the lack of recruitment manager and a coach that doesn’t seem to know what he’s trying to achieve. Add to that a raft of mediocrity in the first team and a lack of determination and we have an almost insurmountable climb to get back to serious contention for the CL. Our destination is mid-table at best.… Read more »


I’m finding it so hard to care. Whats the point?

Jo J

Very disappointed with the result. The manner of the defeat was more disappointing than the defeat itself. I thought we were pretty poorly organised throughout the game. This squad needs overhaul. Such a lack of character in a game of so much importance hard to digest…

I am a big fan of Ozil but after I don’t think Ozil should ever play for us again. Bad game for Torriera and Aubameyang – it’s unfortunate but they had a good season overall…


Granted Ozil was awful but the comparison to Joe is pointless. Yes he had a good impact but he walked in when the game was done and dusted… Or at least Chelsea played like it was. Still, a good run out for a promising young player.


10/10 for your comment on Kroenke. He has to go and we have to do something to force him out.


yes left08 he bought the rest of the club thinking we were loyal no matter what we have to protest like they did in liverpool and manchester.


What do you imagine can be done to force him out?! He owns the club outright. He and his cheap-arse ways are something we have to live with. We can than Arsène and Dein for that legacy.


Somewhat amused by the suggestion by some that the manager who has won more Europa league finals than anyone else has caused to become Europa league bottlers. We’ve seen this all before, this goes way back. This squad is a mess and I don’t believe they’re “underperforming” – this is their level. Monreal is done, koscielny is (sadly) done, Kolasinac should be gone, Xhaka should be gone, Ozil is absolutely fucking done. Ultimately though, Stan can fuck off. Couldn’t even be bothered to turn up. Aaron Ramsey made the trip out… but he’s leaving. Great.

John C

Exactly, this is the level of the squad, our player just aren’t good enough


So he can’t lose ever? Did you not see the capitulation for the top 4 by us?
Stop shielding Emery for the average manager he is. He failed in his first season and he failed to motivate his players

The only sp*rs i like is san antonio

@sam: the thing is, you gotta see it from some perspective with Emery. Aside from that this was his first season, he didnt get enough backing in terms of transfers. And the most important thing is, no matter how good a coach is, it will be hard if you still have some Players like mustafi and Xhaka who have Made several obvious mistakes that cost us points

The only sp*rs i like is san antonio

I will give Emery another season especially if he can get rid mustafi, Xhaka, Ozil and mikhi


That Özil stroll off and sulk – utterly disgraceful. Give us back the shirt.


When my 9 year old son, who owns 4 Ozil shirts and has his poster on the wall, says that it’s time for Arsenal to sell Mesut, then it’s time to sell Mesut.

Matt P

Ozil just has to go. Useless AND extremely expensive. An unsustainable combination.
He’s been taking us for a ride.
Just Go.

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