Saturday, July 27, 2024

Arsenal 5-1 Sunderland – player ratings

An Eddie Nketiah hat-trick, one from Nicolas Pepe and a debut goal for 18 year debutant Charlie Patino gave Arsenal a 5-1 win over Sunderland at the Emirates this evening.

Mikel Arteta’s much changed side went into the break with a 2-1 lead, but turned it on the in second half in particular. Nketiah in particular took his chance to remind the manager of his finishing quality at a time when the striker situation at the club is somewhat up in the air.

Here’s how the players rated this evening.

Read the Arsenal 5-1 Sunderland match report and see the goals here

Arsenal 5-1 Sunderland – Player Ratings

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10/10 for all the players congratulating young Patino like they did. Must have been super exciting for the young man.

Johnny 4 Hats

Oh to be so young you don’t even have an illustrated face yet…


He just has really, really tiny features

GeoffRey Hurstmaker

Yes. Almost indiscernible to the untrained eye.


He looks like a kid out of a TinTin story…

Trixie Popsicle



absolutely loved it, shows some great team spirit


Charlie, Charlie, Charlie’s the king of _______(?)

Give youth a chance

Got to keep the Arsenal traditions up.

Charlie George
Charlie Nicholas
‘Charlie’ Merson (allegedly)
Charlie Pattino


Better learn to spell his name correctly matey… may just be using it a lot in seasons to come!


Patino 10/10 Starboy Ballon d’Or, obviously

Mayor McCheese

Say what you like about Cedric, but he’s got a sweet cross in his locker.

Johnny 4 Hats

Shame he frequently loses the keys…

Trixie Popsicle

Harsh, but fair.

Alan Sunderland

He didn’t lose them, his Mum gives them to xhaka to mind, gets them back after school.


A Christian confectioner

Mayor McCheese

A devout man, that Cedric.

Mayor McCheese

(Just as an aside: many years ago I found myself in Japan over Christmas, and went to a confectioners where they were selling a chocolate crucifix with Santa nailed to it.)

Johnny 4 Hats

“I went to a confectioners where they were selling a chocolate crucifix with Santa nailed to it.”

The last thing Bill Murray said to Scarlett Johansson in Lost in Translation.


Really? I dont remember that…great movie.

Mayor McCheese

Wrong. The last line was, “it’s Suntory time.”

I drank a lot of Suntory in Japan. A lot. But trust me, the chocolate crucified Santa was real.

Zachary R Sullivan

Was it delicious??

kampala gooner

Did you but it. If you did you eat it. How did it taste.sorry you got me curious.

Crash Fistfight

Was the Santa made of chocolate as well?


He had a very decent game – the dithering of Leno/Holding saw him get the ball under real pressure a couple of time but he twisted and turned his way out beautifully!


Patino looks like Jeffers. Goodnight.

Johnny 4 Hats

When he was standing on the touchline ready to come on I thought it’s a bit disrespectful to Sunderland to chuck a ball boy on.


He may have Jeff-ears, but that’s about it.


I thought more Elliot out of ET

Black & Blue

lets win this cup


Rob Holding’s hair 13/10

Mayor McCheese

Beautiful plug job. Makes Rooney’s look amateurish.

A Different George

He’s better than Cannevaro. Actually not–Cannevaro’s hair is Arteta-level spectacular.


Gives him a good inch in height as well


Rooney probably got his on the cheap and spent the rest on pizzas.

Master Floda

And grannies


You mean as in:
He’s thick, he’s red, his pubes are on his head, Wayne Rooney?
It all makes sense now…


I actually laughed out loud

Exit the Lemming

if you shot Wayne Rooney in the head, the only difference would be that he would whistle when it’s windy


Patino ballon d’or contender

Cranky Colin

Really sorry Willian didn’t get a run out🙈🙈🙈


Too soon, bro. We can take Santos jokes.

Mesut O’Neill

Willian didn’t work out but you have to give credit to the man, wasn’t it like £5m that he waived to move.

Wish Ozil could have done the same 👀


Özil actually gave a number of good years to the club. Completely different case studies.


Moving to a double pivot midfield really change the complexion of the game. However talented martin and esr are, they are not yet tactical enough to play together in a midfield three. Particularly esr tends to drift too much towards the left wing in and out of possession leaving big gaps between him and whoever is playing central midfield. He also have a tendency to dribble/run first with the ball everytime he picks it up centrally, which in most cases result in a turnover. Hope with time the both of them will learn how to make that tactical adjustment to… Read more »


Yup, this is it. I, and perhaps many others, really want Martin & ESR to work as a pair in front of a 6. But I think Emile needs growth to pull it off. And we’d need the right 6, to be fair.


Exactly. Elneny is fine but that lone 6 role is a demanding one no matter who you are playing. I think Martin can be an 8 but Emile is less worried about the defensive aspect. I know it brings haunting memories of Villarreal but I think Emile could be an excellent false 9. He has a great touch, is comfortable dropping deep or running in behind, has good pace and is a superb finisher.


I love that ESR turns and runs with the ball when he gets it. He’s so direct and just eats up the ground. It’s one of his assets I think so wouldn’t want to change it. They just need to find a way to work together, or alternate games.

Guns Up

Would argue the exact opposite with respect to ESR. I don’t think his dribbling results in a loss is possession in “most cases,” and I think it’s precisely what this team needs, particularly against more defensive teams. That ability and willingness to beat a defender, draw a second defender and open up a packed line is essential. Saka provides some of the same from wider positions , and we need it from both.

Exit the Lemming

Couldn’t agree more. Players who take on defenders and get past them create overloads which can be exploited. The only down side to dribblers (even the best ones) is that they can be prone to giving up possession. There are times I wish Iwobi was still at Arsenal but who was ever gonna turn down 40 mill?


Pepe had a really strong game. As per usual, he would take on and beat his man. However, his decision making after he beat his man was quick and incisive; something we haven’t seen regularly. Too often in the past, he would win his duel, then dilly-dally as the opposing got back into shape. The off-the-ball movement of our forwards (and the standard of opposition) gave him more final-ball options than usual, but he did well to quickly find and make those passes time and time again.


True, but it’s more the set up of the team. See Saka last few games, always free to drive at his defender when the ball was switched to the right. But yes Pepe would dally or run down a blind alley a lot. I felt Arteta grew tired of this and last few times Pepe played, it was more set up for him to make a run into the box and finish. Something he has been better at. Saka on the other hand is so efficient with it, which keeps pressure off us and puts the other team under pressure.

Give youth a chance

The other thing of note: Pepe seems to have a first touch again.

David C

I actually couldn’t pick between Nketiah or Pepe for man of the match. Pepe’s rating is way too low, he bossed that game.

Exit the Lemming

He played well certainly but all said and done to date, we’ve paid > 70 Million for (at best) a 35 million winger.


Sure it was “only” Sunderland, but you can only beat who you play. Good to keep the winning momentum good, good to see the fringe players doing well, good that none of the first teamers got injured, and great for Patino to get a goal on his debut. Some of the youth that are coming through at the minute look fantastic! Exciting times to be a Gooner!!

Funsho Patrick

Xhaka’s passing from deep has been immaculate lately! Quicker,more through the middle as well..jury is still out on his defending though..


I think it’s because teams are more afraid to press him aggressively now we have serious potential to fill the gaps and holes those pressing players vacate. Gives him that extra yard on the ball to pick out his passes.


I also think it’s because there are targets up front. The way we were playing at the start of the season and some of last season, forward pass equalled lost possession. But now there’s more to aim at.


He was good last night – but NB to keep in mind that the last few matches have been against opposition that don’t pressurise him the way the Top 3 teams will… teams with the players and coaching to really target him, always manage to bring out those errors.


Felt like watching wengerball again in the second half. How I’ve missed that!


10/10 Rob Holding’s hair. He’s got new hair but we don’t care!

A Different George

After what Saka did against West Ham and Pepe did tonight, I think left fullbacks will not be looking forward to playing against Arsenal.


Great display


Is that 14 goals in four games since Auba took that France trip? Wonder what he’s feeling now…

The Arsenal

Worse than any punishment Arteta could give him.


Don’t want to kill the vibe but anyone know what’s up with Maitland Niles? Last time he played got MoM hasn’t been seen since. Unless injured this was an ideal game for him?


He was sick today

Merlin’s Panini

That was fun! I’ve been saying I still see something in Eddie. I know it was only Sunderland but he was excellent. He might not be world class but he’s a great option to have.


Mickey Mouse cup or not, we gonna take it back this year.


I know this is so so subjective as a process and a bit of fun as much as anything else but a lot of these are a bit low for me. For example I feel like Soares is probably about right BUT I think he overperformed to my expectations of him as a player and earned himself an 8 as a result. He provided a good outlet for Pepe. Pepe hasn’t played at all – drops in to score and assist – can you ask for more? If I’m chatting to him after the match that is a solid 10.… Read more »


Agreed. Not sure why Pepe got only 8. Easily between 9 and 10 performance.


Still don’t believe Nketiah has the ability or physicality to perform in the Premiership.


arseblog Xhaka agenda again!, gives Xhaka a 7 and gives Balogun a 6.5, like the two performances are even close lol

Exit the Lemming

Really don’t think there’s any agenda just an acknowledgement that Xhaka is very limited and immobile midfielder who epitomises the clubs regression during Wenger’s latter years. (That’s also true of Arteta the player) He also represents a disciplinary liability that no-one has been able to coach out of his game and at 29, that ain’t gonna happen anytime soon.


Not sure the wisdom of bringing Martinelli in given his injury history and how key he’s been for us lately, but glad he is OK.

Exit the Lemming

If Klopp’s comments about the semi final being reduced to just one game are anything to go by, it will be interesting to see how strong a side he puts out. Either way, anything less than our full strength line up and we’re out.

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