Saturday, July 27, 2024

Sporting 0-1 Arsenal – player ratings

Arsenal won their 11th game in succession thanks to a 77th minute goal from Danny Welbeck which gave Unai Emery’s men a 1-0 victory over Sporting in Lisbon this evening. It means the Gunners now top Group E on 9 points and a win over the Portuguese side at the Emirates next month will ensure we go through to the knock-out stages as group winners.

Read the report and see the goals here.


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Mesut O'Neill

6’s all around except Guendouzi who was easily our best player.


I think it was Welbz, who scored 2 goals and worked his arse off as always. But Guendouzi was really good, too. Also think at least the both center backs deserve better than 6’s. Apart from that Sokratis moment in the first half they were really solid.


Our midfield, from looking sparse as fuck at the start of the season, is starting to look quite tasty. Our summer transfer window is starting to look better and better with every game.


Agreed. Its unbelievable how good our recruitment has been recently. The ability of Torreira and Guendouzi with an average age of 20 and cost of 15million is amazing, Leno cost way less than Kepla, Alisson and Ederson but has (at the very least) not looked inferior to any of them in any respect … Sokratis looking like a steal, but that may be mitigated by his age … Auba and Laca looking the far superior options to the other two recent big money signings in Lukaku and Morata but cost a good 20 – 25 million less. Spectacular business being… Read more »


Sven Mislintat: golden eye


Admittedly not this window but Rob Holding at £2m is looking like a tidy bit of bidness too.


I like me some good bidness

Irrational Gunner

How good are Torreira and Guendouzi going to be in coming years with more league(s) experience? Even Leno has more upside, and the Auba/Laca connection is really just getting starting. One part of the new administration that looks to be hitting on all cylinders.

Reality check

Lukaku and Morata are younger and have resale value.


Morata is 1 year younger than Lacazette and if he resells for the amount chelsea paid for him then hats off


I feel we tend to credit ‘transfer window business’ too much and forget to acknowledge the player development side. You just have to look at Bellerin and Iwobi to see what a difference a coaching staff makes, if they were still under late-era Wenger (who was obviously a brilliant player developer back in his hayday) it could be we’d be saying very different things about our new acquisitions, thankfully Emery and his team seem to be doing superbly on that front.

Don Cazorleone

But never forget, Santori would swap them all for Mahrez because fuck Dortmund ??‍♂️

Nameless gunner

5 goals for welbs this season.. useful fucking player! Worryingly contact situation isn’t being talked ..

Nameless gunner



More then Lukaku and Sanchez combined lol.

Remember that tool leave because he wanted CL games? He cant even get PL minutes nowadays.


The game was pedestrian at times, but good to win nonetheless. Always nice to nick one off a mistake and grind out a 1-0. And Torreira! Love him. Already worried about what happens if he gets injured. Also, wondering about Ramsey. Quite an indifferent performance. His oscillating form persists, I still don’t find him reliable. Quite alright with the contract situation. Lovely goal of course, but like a lot of what he does you never know if it’s going to come off. Part of his appeal I suppose, as Blogs mentioned in the pod, but it’s not worked for me… Read more »

Lucas Sam

Shhh the injury gods may be listening


Ramsey was always at his best when he played regularly in central midfield with a partner he is used to for some time. He’s someone who has to play himself into form and that’s hard if you’re in and out and play in different positions with different partners each time. Have the feeling we won’t find out but I’d like to see him and Torreira in central midfield with Özil in front of them. Probably a bit risky against top 6 sides but against smaller teams -especially at home – I’d really like to see that. I don’t think that… Read more »


My opinion, I think playing Ramsey alongside Torriera won’t work because that will leave the latter with just too much to do, too much space to cover and will therefore stunt his own game. Honestly, in a personal level, considering the goals he’s scored for us, the things he’s won for us, the fact he’s been there since he was so young, that he ditched ManUntd for us, has been loyal, my love for Rambo is so much more than Xhaka. But I think Xhaka needs to be in the team. Ramsey’s strength is his heart (which I love), and… Read more »

A Fleeting Glimpse

Ramsey one killer pass. ?????


Ineffectual or anonymous. I was watching the live blog and maybe I missed something, but apart from the line-ups pre-game, I can’t recall Aaron even being mentioned until something like the 80th minute.


The pass map from the match was interesting. He was one of the most involved players.



Ineffectual it is then.


You didn’t even watch the match, mate. Why are you even commenting?


Iwobi-4(not much time)
Lacazette-4(not much time)

Anne Noyd

thanks Chiza


The website is fixed now. You don’t have to give your ratings in the comments.


^this comment… 8


Guendouzi is looking like the best bit of transfer business I’ve seen from arsenal for quite some time, hopefully he’ll just get better and better as the season goes on


I especially liked the “tackle” Holding made in the first half where he won a 50 50 ball and absolute nailed the Sporting player. It was like the guy hit a brick wall. Glorious.


It was so awesome to see, Holding literally didnt move at all. Like a brick wall


Aaron might have moved around a lot, but it didn’t look very purposeful to me.

And when is he going to stop running into his own players while they’re carrying the ball?? He killed Danny’s run when we had a 4v3, and bumbled the ball right off Mkhi’s foot into a turnover. EVERY MATCH I see this from him.

Once in a while it gets him into a good position, but the rest of the time he’s stifling the space and movement of his teammates.

Romford Pele

Woo woo! Eleven wins!


I wanna like your comment.. But it’s at Eleven likes and I like that!


Infact eleven likes and two dislikes.. Haha! That’s our season so far!


At 12 likes and 2 dislikes now, had to give u a like to make it 13, this subtracts the 2 dislikes to make an 11. There, fixed! ?

Don Cazorleone

Ah it’s the win streak. I thought it was a spinal tap reference.
In fact, Blogs, any chance of making these ratings go to eleven?


I really don’t like Ramsey, constantly gives the ball away and is the epitome of the old Arsenal, needless foul towards the end could have cost us.

Holding was good again, definitely a confidence player, who when given a run in the team shows his quality.

Shout out for Xhaka, playing completely out of position and didn’t put a foot wrong.


To be fair the foul towards the end was probably not a foul, the Sporting player just dived.


Rambo is one of the best players in our squad. I don’t know what the ‘epitome of old Arsenal’ means but people seem to have very short memories when it comes to him. He’s a great player.


Local commentator is local… So we don’t know.
Anyway, glad to see the site works perfectly smooth after a game now.
One minor issue – Leno’s rating does not appear.


If Jenks is fit enough to sit on the bench, he’s fit enough to give him a go at right back. Lichtsteiner is a fine player, but he’s going to cost us some goals through penalties and getting beat, particularly if Mikhi is supposed to be covering for him when he’s upfield. Bellerin is #1 there, but we need a more dependable second option. Carl may not be it, but he deserves a shot. It could be a great thing for him and us if he establishes himself. It’s too early to write him off.


Not been convinced by lichsteiner yet and some his shit housery is a bit annoying. Not sure jenks is the answer but id probably prefer him at the moment.


I don’t get why people rated Guendouzi so highly tonight. I thought he worked hard and tried to make things happen, but with occasional lapses which saw him get dispossessed. I like him, but I just did not think it was his most effective performance. Again it was Torreira who knitted everything together and suddenly we were totally dominant.


I think we’re grading him “on the curve”. For a teenager from Ligue 2, he’s doing spectacularly. The errors are forgivable for someone with his lack of top-flight experience and so far they’ve not cost us a game. When Mavropanos comes back, you’ll see the same thing. It’s natural, and we’ll all be more realistic about Guendouzi’s performances after we’ve seen him a while.


Ramsey’s avatar looks suspiciously like Ozil…
Also, am I the only one who thinks it is unfair that Leno has no comment on his performance at all?


Watched the game on Univision here in the States. Had no idea what they were talking about 95% of the time, but one couldn’t help but be excited. Glad to see Danny get rewarded for staying with it, seeing as how that first goal should have stood.


I wouldn’t brake for Stewart robson at a zebra


But would you brake for a zebra standing on a robson?

Billy Enfield

Yeah, but make sure that he’s on the Zebra Crossing. He’s a sly tosser


the old cock still bitter he was show the door by the Arsenal rightly so , shame they open the door to let him out


Let make it 12 against crystal Palace


really thankful to be forced to listen in spanish in US, rather than listen to Robson’s incredibly boring drone


Ok I expect to be slated for this as we are on a winning streak and the spirits are high. Elneny! I don’t know what good he brings to the team. Never attempting a forward pass. Heck, never even attempting a pass that is longer than 5 feet.
He stalls our play.
He is the sort of guy who as a kid used to play peekaboo for hours and not getting bored of it.


Just get this feeling of safety when Torreira plays.


Eleneny tries his best. BUT he is a mediocre player that you can find in many other teams. Where Granit, Torreira and Guendouzi bring something extra, Elneny is mainly there bc he is content with coming off the bench. We need better. IMO if AMN does not get a shot in the middle of the park, we need someone with a bit more height to cover against teams who can take advantage of Torreira’s dimunitive stature (as good as he is) We are missing that tall Viera/Diaby type player who can eat up ground from defense to attack and can… Read more »


Played one killer pass to Aubameyang? His movement was good at times too? Blogs must be related to Ramsey. There’s no other explanation for such utter nonsense.


His commentating was dreadful all night! I can’t stand him, he literally goes on like he knows more than Fergie and pep put together! Twat!


Surprised we played such a strong line up but I guess Emery doesn’t take chances and wants to wrap up a strong lead in the group stage. Fullback issues if we have to resort to Granit again covering in a very unfamilar role but Lichstiener struggled. Would have preferred we had bought a winger instead of the Swiss but I suppose in hindsight with ineivtable injury crisis, he is a useful temporary solution. hope Monreal, Kolasinac and AMN come back in soon. The other issue was of course midfield. Take on element out and we have a different side altogether.… Read more »

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